Jan 21, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty & Administrators




College of Arts and Sciences


Achilov, Dilshod (2010) Assistant Professor - Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration

B.S., 2000, University of World Economy and Diplomacy;
B.A., 2002, University of Maine;
M.A., 2006  and Ph.D., 2009  University of Arizona.

al-Imad, Leila (1987) Associate Professor - History

B.A., 1970, Beirut College for Women, Beirut, Lebanon;
B.A., 1973, American University of Beirut;
Ph.D., 1986, New York University.

Allen, Michael P. (2006) Associate Professor - Philosophy and Humanities

B.A., 1984, University College of Wales at Aberystwyth;
M.A., 1998, California State University at Los Angeles;
Ph.D., 2005, St. Louis University.

Alsop, Fred J. (1972) Professor - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1964, Austin Peay State University;
M.S., 1968 and Ph.D., 1972, University of Tennessee.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Member, 1976.
College of Arts and Sciences Service Award, 1998, and Research Award, 2002.
ETSU Faculty Senate President 2007-2008.

Anderson, Gordon K. (2004) Professor - Chemistry 
  Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

B.Sc., 1976 and Ph.D., 1979, University of Glasgow, UK.

Andrade, Roy (2010) Assistant Professor - Appalachian Studies
  Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music

B.A., 1993, University of North Carolina, Asheville;
M.A.L.S., 2006, East Tennessee State University.

Antkiewicz, Henry J. (1988) Professor - History

B.A., 1963 and M.A., 1967, University of Michigan;
Ph.D., 1976, The Ohio State University.

Armentrout, Sheila W. (2007) Lecturer - Chemistry

B.S., 1990, Mississippi University for Women;
Ph.D., 1998, University of Southern Mississippi.

Bach, Bert C. (1994) Professor - Literature and Language 
   Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ph.D., 1966, New York University.

Baggett, Paul (2002) Associate Professor - Social Work

B.S.S.W., 1981, Lock Haven University;
M.S.W., 1983, University of Georgia;
Ph.D., 1994, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Baker, Joseph O. (2010) Assistant Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

B.S., 2005, East Tennessee State University;
M.A., 2007 and Ph.D., 2010, Baylor University.

Basconi, Mary Alice (2009) Lecturer - Mass Communication

B.A., 1978, Texas A&M University;
M.A., 2006, East Tennessee State University.

Bates, Cheryl Ann (2011) Assistant Professor - Social Work

A.A., 1982, University of Maryland European Division, Munich, Germany;
B.A., 1984, University of Washington, Seattle;
M.S.W., 2001 and Ph.D., 2008,University of Alabama.

Battista, Andrew C. (1984) Associate Professor - Chair, Political Science, International Affairs, and  Public Administration

B.A., 1973, Miami University;
M.A., 1975 and Ph.D., 1984, Pennsylvania State University.

Baumgartner, Mark D. (2011) Assistant Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1999, Knox College;
M.F.A., 2005, Bowling Green State University;
Ph.D., 2010, University of Nevada-Las Vegas.

Beck, Scott H. (1984) Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

B.A., 1976, Florida International University;
M.S., 1977, Florida State University;
Ph.D., 1981, University of Florida.

Beeler, Robert A. Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 2001 and M.S., 2002, University of Tennessee - Knoxville;
Ph.D., 2007, Clemson University.

Bidgood, Lee (2010) Assistant Professor - Appalachian Studies
   Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music

B.A., 2001, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;
M.A., 2007 and Ph.D., 2010, University of Virginia.

Bidwell, Joe (2014) Professor - Chair, Biological Sciences

                B.S., 1985, Siena College, Loudonville, NY;
                M.S., 1988 and Ph.D., 1993, Virginia Tech.

Blackhart, Ginette C. (2006) Associate Professor - Psychology

B.S., 2001, Eastern Washington University;
M.S., 2003 and Ph.D., 2005, Florida State University.

Blackman, Mary Dave (1997) Professor - Music

B.A., 1978 and M.M.Ed., 1984, University of South Carolina;
Ph.D., 1989, University of Texas-Austin.

Blankenship, Erin Barbara (2009) Lecturer - Communication and Performance

                B.A., 2010  and M.A., 2012, University of Alabama.

Boner, Daniel T. (2007) Associate Professor - Appalachian Studies
  Director, Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music

B.A., 2006, East Tennessee State University.

Brewster, Karen (2000) Professor - Communication and Performance

B.A., 1979, East Tennessee State University;
M.F.A., 1982, Michigan State University.

Briggs, Michael (2008) Lecturer - Literature and Language

B.A., 1983;  M.A., 1986; and Ed.D., 2010; East Tennessee State University.

Briley, John D. (2001) Associate Professor - Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration

B.A., 1978, M.P.A., 1981, and Ph.D., 1994, University of Tennessee -Knoxville.

Brown, Danny Anderson (1984) Professor - Mass Communication 
  Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1969, North Carolina State University;
M.A.E., 1975, Western Carolina University;
Ph.D., 1982, University of Massachusetts.

Brown, Russell W. (2000) Professor - Psychology

B.S., 1992, University of Oklahoma;
M.S., 1995 and Ph.D., 1998, University of Kentucky.

Buck, Patricia G. (2005) Lecturer - Literature and Language

A.B., 1971, Radcliffe College;
M.A., 1988, East Tennessee State University.

Buerkle, C. Wesley (2005) Associate Professor - Communication and Performance

B.A., 1997, Biola University;
M.A., 2000, Arizona State University;
Ph.D., 2004, Louisiana State University.

Burford, Michael L. (2014) Clinical Assistant Professor -Social Work

B.A., 1996,  M.S., 2001, M.S.S.W., 2006, and Ph.D., 2013, University of Tennessee - Knoxville.

Burgess, William Douglas Jr. (1986) Professor - History
  Interim Chair

A.A., 1968, Florida College;
B.A., 1972 and M.A., 1975, University of South Florida;
Ph.D., 1985, University of Wisconsin.

Cantrell, Peggy J. (1982) Professor - Psychology

B.S., 1976, Virginia Commonwealth University;
M.A., 1979 and Ph.D., 1982, University of Southern Mississippi.

Capes, Justin A. (2012) Lecturer - Philosophy and Humanities

B.A., 2002, Kennesaw State University;
M.A., 2004, Biola University;
Ph.D., 2011, Florida State University.

Carter, Daryl A. (2008) Associate Professor - History

B.S., 2004 and M.A., 2006, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 2011, The University of Memphis.

Caton, Benjamin D., III (1972) Professor - Music

B.S.M.E., 1968, East Tennessee State University;
M.A., 1972 and Ph.D., 1982, Ohio State University.

Cavender, Anthony (1988) Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

B.A., 1971, Belmont College;
M.A., 1974 and Ph.D., 1981, University of Tennessee.

Champouillon, David (2000) Professor - Music

A.A.S., 1979, Onondaga Community College;
B.M., 1987, University of Miami;
M.A., 1988, Eastern Illinois University;
D.A., 1998, University of Northern Colorado.

Chen, Catherine (Ke) (2006) Associate Professor - Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration

B.S., 1998, Nanjing University;
M.S., 2001, Beijing Normal University;
Ph.D., 2006, University of Cincinnati.

Cherry, Donna Jean (2010) Assistant Professor - Social Work

B.A., 1984, Oregon State University;
M.S.W., 2003 and Ph.D., 2007, University of Tennessee - Knoxville.

Cintron-Arias, Ariel (2009) Assistant Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1999, University of Puerto Rico Cayey;
M.S., 2004 and Ph.D., 2006, Cornell University.

Clements, Andrea D. (1995) Professor - Psychology

B.S., 1982, M.A., 1984 and Ph.D., 1991, University of Alabama.

Close, David M. (1978) Professor - Physics and Astronomy

A.B., 1964, Franklin and Marshall College;
M.S., 1967, West Virginia University;
Ph.D., 1973, Clark University.
ETSU Foundation Research Award, 1988.

Coates, Allen B. (2005) Associate Professor - Philosophy and Humanities

B.A., 1990 and M.A., 1996, University of New Mexico;
Ph.D., 2004, Vanderbilt University.

Cody, Michael A. (2001) Professor - Literature and Language 

B.A., 1993, University of North Carolina-Asheville;
M.A., 1995, Western Carolina University;
Ph.D., 2000, University of South Carolina.

Cole, Mary E. (Betsie) (2002) Lecturer - Sociology and Anthropology

B.S., 1976, and M.A., 1980, East Tennessee State University.

Collier, Jamie (2008) Lecturer - Communication and Performance

B.S., 2005 University of Tennessee;
M.A., 2007. East Tennessee State University.

Copp, Martha (1993) Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

B.S., 1984, Texas A&M University;
M.A., 1987 and Ph.D., 1993, University of North Carolina.

Corum, Michah Lee (2013) Lecturer - Literature and Language

B.A., 2005, Oklahoma State University;
M.A., 2008, University of Puerto Rico;
Ph.D. 2012, Hamburg University.

Cox, Mary Ellen (2004) Assistant Professor - Social Work

A.S., 1981, Cleveland State Community College;
B.A., 1983, M.S.W., 1996, and Ph.D., 2000, University of Tennessee.

Crittenden, Courtney (2012) Assistant Professor - Criminal Justice and Criminology

B.A., 2007, Tennessee Wesleyan College;
M.S., 2009, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

Crofts, Thomas H. (2004) Associate Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1990, Bard College;
M.Phil., 1992, Trinity College, Dublin;
M.A., 1997 and Ph.D., 2003, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Cronin, Patrick J. (2001) Professor - Communication and Performance
  Director of Theatre

B.A., 1963, LaSalle University;
M.S., 1968, Temple University.

Crooke, William (2008) Associate Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1984, Florida State University;
M.A., 1988 and Ph.D., 2003, University of California, Berkeley.

Crumley, Michele L. (2009) Associate Professor - Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration

B.A., 1989, University of Tennessee;
MPIA, 1992, University of Pittsburg;
Ph.D., 2005, University of Connecticut.

Dalton, Bruce O. (2003) Professor - Social Work

B.A., 1982, University of Michigan-Flint;
M.S.W., 1988, University of Michigan;
Ph.D., 1995, Rutgers University.

Dalton, III, William T. (2007) Associate Professor - Psychology

B.S., 1997, Mississippi State University;
M.A., 1999, Appalachian State University;
Ph.D., 2006, University of Memphis.

Dasgupta, Deepanwita (2013) Lecturer - Philosophy and Humanities

Ph.D., 1996, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India;
M.A., 2005 and Ph.D., 2010, University of Minnesota.

Davidson, Robert (1985) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1970, Valdosta State College;
M.A., 1978, Pembroke State University;
Ed.D., 1984, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Davis, Don R. (2000) Professor - Art and Design

B.F.A., 1972, University of Florida;
M.F.A., 1974, Rhode Island School of Design.

Davison, Pamela J. (2013) Clinical Assistant Professor - Social Work

B.S.W., 1996, Virginia Intermont College;
M.S.W., 2003, Radford University.

Deadman, Alison P. (1998) Associate Professor - Music

B.A., 1986 and M.Phil., 1990, Leeds University;
M.A., 1992, California State University, Fresno;
Ph.D., 1998, University of California, Los Angeles

DeAngelis, Anita M. (1994) Director, Mary B. Martin School of Art,
   Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

B.F.A., 1981, University of Texas-Austin;
M.F.A., 1986, Arizona State University.

Detwiler, Liv Wagstrom Halaas (2012) Lecturer - Literature and Language

B.A., 2004,  Concordia College;
M.A., 2010, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Dhar, Mallika (2010) Lecturer - Physics and Astronomy

B.S., 1998, University of Calcutta;
M.S., 2005 and Ph.D., 2010, University of Southern Mississippi.

Dixon, David (1989) Professor - Art and Design

B.A., 1976 and M.F.A., 1984, University of Tennessee.

Dixon, Jr., Wallace E. (2002) Professor - Chair, Psychology

B.A., 1985, University of Toledo;
M.A., 1987 and Ph.D., 1990, Miami University.

Dobbins, Dorothy (2010) Assistant Professor - Social Work

B.S.W., 1970, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.S.W., 1974, University of Tennessee, Knoxville;
Ph.D., 1987, Case Western Reserve University.

Dorgan, Kelly (2003) Associate Professor - Communication and Performance

B.S., 1990, Appalachian State University;
M.A., 1991, University of Kentucky;
Ph.D., 2001, University of Georgia.

Drinkard-Hawkshawe, Dorothy (1989) Professor - History

B.A., 1960 and M.A., 1963, Howard University;
Ph.D., 1974, Catholic University of America.

Dufort, Nadege (2011) Lecturer - Literature and Language

B.A., 1999, 2000 and M.A., 2001, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (Martinique);
M.A., 2005, University of Delaware;
Ph.D., 2009, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Dula, Christopher S. (2004) Associate Professor - Psychology

B.A., B.S., 1996, University of North Carolina-Charlotte;
M.A., 2000, Appalachian State University;
Ph.D., 2003, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Duncan, William N. (2009) Associate Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

B.A., 1996, Wake Forest University;
M.A., 1998 and Ph.D., 2005, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Dunn, Robert Andrew (2010) Assistant Professor - Mass Communication

B.A., 1998, Auburn University, Montgomery;
M.S., 2004, Florida State University;
Ph.D., 2010, University of Alabama.

Dyer, M. Wayne (1983) Professor - Art and Design

B.S., 1973, Madison College;
M.F.A., 1983, Radford University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award 1999.

Eagle, Cassandra (2010) Professor - Chair, Chemistry

B.S., 1984, Pfeiffer College (now University);
Ph.D., 1986, University of Toledo.

Edwards, Bradley Douglas (2009) Lecturer - Criminal Justice

B.S., 2004 and M.A., 2007, East Tennessee State University.

Elhindi, Yousif A. (1998) Associate Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1975, University of Khartoum;
M.A., 1981, University of Sheffield;
Ph.D., 1995, Oklahoma State University.

Ellis, Jon B. (1989) Professor - Psychology

B.S., 1973, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University;
M.S., 1981, Radford University;
Ph.D., 1989, University of Southern Mississippi.

Ernenwein, Eileen Gloria (2013) Assistant Professor - Geosciences

B.A., 2000 and M.A., 2002, University of Denver;
Ph.D., 2008, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.

Essin, Emmett M. (1967) Professor - History

A.B., 1964, Austin College;
M.A., 1965 and Ph.D., 1968, Texas Christian University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Member, 1976.

Fannon, Megan Short (2011) Lecturer - Mass Communication

B.A., 2006, University of Virginia’s College at Wise;
M.S., 2009, West Virginia University.

Fehskens, Matthew Thomas (2011) Assistant Professor - Literature and Language

B.S., 2004, Indiana University;
M.A., 2006, Bowling Green State University;
Ph.D., 2011, University of Cincinnati.

Felker, Lon S. (1988) Professor - Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration

A.B., 1968, University of South Carolina;
M.A., 1969 and Ph.D., 1975, Michigan State University.

Flanary, Adriane Dishner (2004) Lecturer - Communication and Performance

B.A., 2001 and M.A., 2003, East Tennessee State University.

Foster, Cerrone (2011) Lecturer - Biological Sciences

B.S., 2001, The College of New Jersey;
Ph.D., 2007, East Tennessee State University.

Franklin, Jay D. (2004) Associate Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

B.A., 1992, M.A., 1999, and Ph.D., 2002, University of Tennessee.

Fritz, Stephen G. (1984) Professor - History

B.A., 1971, M.A., 1973, and Ph.D., 1980, University of Illinois.
Distinguished Faculty Award, 1996.

Frye, Stephanie (2013) Lecturer - Music

B.M. and B.A., 2008, Lawrence University;
M.A., 2010 and D.M.A., 2013, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Funk, Robert David (1998) Professor - Communication and Performance

B.S., 1976, Western Carolina University;
M.F.A., 1984, University of North Carolina-Greensboro.

Gardner, Robert B. (1993) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1984, M.S., 1987, M.S., 1992, and Ph.D., 1991, Auburn University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award 1998.

Gerard, Mira (2001) Chair and Associate Professor - Art and Design

B.F.A., 1991, Indiana University;
M.F.A., 2001, University of Georgia.

Giroux, Mark L. (2001) Professor - Physics and Astronomy

Sc.B., 1981, Brown University;
Ph.D., 1992, University of Texas.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2008.

Glennon, Colin Ross (2013) Assistant Professor - Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration

B.A., 2004, University of Missouri;        
Ph.D., 2011, University of Tennessee - Knoxville.

Godbole, Anant (2000) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.Sc., 1975, Bombay University, India;
M.S., 1980 and Ph.D., 1984, Michigan State University.

Gold, Jeffrey B. (1978) Professor - Philosophy and Humanities

B.A., 1973, University of Wisconsin;
M.A., 1975 and Ph.D., 1978, Ohio State University.

Gomez Sobrino, Isabel (2013) Lecturer - Literature and Language

Licenciada in Filología Hispánica, 2006, Universidad Complutense, Madrid;
M.A., 2009 and Ph.D., 2013, University of Cincinnati.

Graves, Jesse (2008) Associate Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1997, University of Tennessee;
M.F.A., 2000, Cornell University;
Ph.D., 2008, University of Tennessee.

Graves, Travis H. (2005) Associate Professor - Art and Design

B.F.A., 1996, Iowa State University;
M.F.A., 2003, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Green, Brandon Reed (2010) Lecturer - Appalachian Studies, Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music

B.A., 2006, Concord University

Green, J. Keith (2002) Associate Professor - Philosophy and Humanities

A.B., 1980, Saint Olaf College;
M.Div., 1984, Yale University;
Ph.D., 1992, Brown University.

Greene, Dorothy Saxon (2014) Clinical Assistant Professor - Social Work

A.A., 2001, Asheville-Buncombe Technical College;
B.S.W., 2002, Western Carolina University;
M.S.W., 2004, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill;
Ph.D., 2014, University of Utah.

Greene, Rachel Renee (2013) Assistant Professor - Chemistry

B.S., 2000, Murray State University;
Ph.D., 2006, Vanderbilt University.

Gregg, Christopher E. (2005) Associate Professor - Geosciences

Sc.B., 1992, Tennessee Technological University;
M.Sc., 1998, University of Canterbury, New Zealand;
Ph.D., 2005, University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Grover, Kathleen H. (1976) Assistant Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1964, Florida State University;
M.A., 1967, Memphis State University.

Grzych, Frank J. (2007) Professor, Music

B.M.E., 1972 and M.A., 1979, Western Illinois University;
D.M.A., 2004, Catholic University of America.

Gunter, Charles R., Jr. (1964) Associate Professor - Geosciences

B.S., 1962, Middle Tennessee State University;
M.A., 1963, University of Tennessee.

Hagelberg, Frank B. (2007) Professor - Physics and Astronomy

B.S., 1977, M.S., 1985, and Ph.D., 1989, University of Bonn, Germany.

Haley, Darryl E. (1999) Associate Professor - Literature and Language 
  Director, Technical Writing Minor

B.A., 1992, University of Arkansas;
M.A., 1994, University of Arkansas-Little Rock;
Ph.D., 1999, University of Alabama.

Hall, Delbert L. (1986) Professor - Communication and Performance

B.S., 1977, Western Carolina University;
M.F.A., 1981, University of North Carolina-Greensboro;
Ph.D., 1986, University of Florida.

Hall, Ken (1999) Professor - Foreign Languages

B.A., 1975, Furman University;
M.A., 1978, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill;
Ph.D., 1986, University of Arizona.

Hamm, Dennis G., Jr. (1998) Instructor - Criminal Justice and Criminology 
  Advisor, College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1967, East Tennessee State University;
M.Div., 1970, Southern Seminary;
M.Ed., 1978, University of Virginia;
D.Mn., 1980, Union Seminary in Virginia.

Hardin, Sherri (1989) Assistant Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1987, M.Ed., 1989, and Ed.D., 1995, East Tennessee State University.

Harker, Cara L. (2007) Associate Professor - Communication and Performance

B.A., 1999, Thomas More College;
M.F.A., 2003, Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University.

Harker, David W. (2006) Associate Professor - Philosophy and Humanities

B.A., 1998 and M.A., 1999, University of Sheffield;
Ph.D., 2006, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Harrington, Karen A. (1986) Associate Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1973 and M.A., 1978, California State University, Northridge;
Ph.D., 1986, University of California, Los Angeles.

Hasegawa, Akio (2012) Lecturer - Literature and Language

B.E., 1999, Ritsumeikan University;         
M.A., 2006 and Ph.D., 2011, University of Buffalo, The State University of New York.

Hayes, Tammy (1994) Assistant Professor - Mass Communication

B.S., 1987, East Tennessee State University;
M.S., 1988, Indiana State University.

Haynes, Teresa (1988) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1975 and M.S., 1984, Eastern Kentucky University;
Ph.D., 1988, University of Central Florida.

Heil, Katrina M. (2007) Associate Professor - Literature and Language
Assistant Chair for Foreign Language

B.A., 1998, Trinity University;
M.A., 2000, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;
Ph.D., 2006, University of Texas at Austin.

Helfgott, Michel (2004) Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1972, Universidad de San Marcos;
M.S., 1994, Northern Arizona University;
Ed.D., 1997, Montana State University.

Henson, Gary D. (1989) Associate Professor - Physics and Astronomy

B.S., 1979, University of Central Arizona;
M.S., 1982, University of New Mexico;
Ph.D., 1989, University of Oregon.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2004.

Herrin, Mindy (2004) Associate Professor - Art and Design

B.F.A., 1998, Texas Tech University;
M.F.A., 2002, Indiana University.

Herrin, Roberta T. (1976) Professor - Chair, Appalachian Studies 
  Director, Center for Appalachian Studies and Services

B.S., 1970 and M.A., 1972, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1986, University of Tennessee.

Herrmann, Andrew F. (2011) Assistant Professor - Communication and Performance

B.A., 1991, Ramapo College of New Jersey;
M.A., 2004, St. Louis University;
Ph.D., 2008, University of South Florida.

Hester, Wendell H. (1975) Associate Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

A.B., 1965, University of Miami;
M.A., 1967 and Ph.D., 1973, Emory University.

Hiatt, Anna Correen (2014) Assistant Professor - Biological Sciences

                B.S., 2007, Presbyterian College;
                Graduate Certificate, 2010 and Ph.D., 2013, Oklahoma State University.

Hicks, Jonathan (2013) Lecturer - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 2005 and M.S., 2008, East Tennessee State University.

Hirsch, Jameson K. (2007) Associate Professor - Psychology

B.A., 1992 and M.A., 1994, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 2003, University of Wyoming.

Holland, Mark (1986) Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1972, Heidelberg College;
M.A., 1977 and Ph.D., 1984, Miami University.

Holmes, Thomas Alan (1996) Professor - Literature and Language 
  Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1981, M.A., 1985 and Ph.D., 1990, University of Alabama.

Honaker, Norma J. (2009) Lecturer - Literature and Language

B.A., 1994, University of Virginia;
M.A., 2004, University of South Carolina.

Honeycutt, Scott Randolph (2013) Assistant Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1998, East Tennessee State University;               
M.A., 2000, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga;
Ph.D., 2012, Georgia State University.

Hosler, Deborah Susan (2002) Instructor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1995 and M.S., 2002, East Tennessee State University.

Hu, Chih-Long (2006) Associate Professor - Music

B.E., 1998, National Taiwan University;
M.A., 2000, Taipei National University;
D.M.A., 2006, University of Michigan.

Hull, Vida J. (1986) Professor - Art and Design

B.A., 1968, Rollins College;
M.A., 1970, Ohio State University;
Ph.D., 1979, Bryn Mawr College.

Ignace, Richard (2003) Professor - Physics and Astronomy

B.S., 1991, Indiana University;
M.S., 1993, M.S., 1994, and Ph.D., 1996, University of Wisconsin.

James, Denetria D. (2010) Clinical Assistant Professor - Social Work

B.S.W., 2004 and M.S.W., 2006, East Tennessee State University.

Jennings, David (2002) Instructor - Geosciences

B.S., 1998 and M.S., 2002, East Tennessee State University.

Jenrette, Thomas S. (1979) Professor - Music

A.B., 1968 and M.M., 1970, University of North Carolina;
D.M.A., 1976, University of Michigan.

Johnson, Donald R. (1983) Professor - Poet in Residence - Literature and Language

B.A., 1964 and M.A., 1966, University of Hawaii;
Ph.D., 1972, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
ETSU Foundation Research Award, 1991.

Jones, Jodi Polaha (2006) Associate Professor - Psychology

M.S., 1996 and Ph.D., 1998, Auburn University.

Jones, Thomas Charles (2006) Associate Professor - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1990 and M.S., 1993, Cleveland State University;
Ph.D., 2000, Ohio State University.

Joplin, Karl H. (1994) Associate Professor - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1973, University of Washington;
M.S., 1982 and Ph.D., 1989, Ohio State University.

Joyner, Michele L. (2010) Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1995, Georgia Institute of Technology;
M.S., 1999 and Ph.D., 2001, North Carolina State University.

Joyner, Timothy Andrew (2013) Assistant Professor - Geosciences

B.S., 2008, Louisiana State University;
M.S., 2010, University of Florida;
Ph.D., 2013, Louisiana State University.

Kady, Ismail (1990) Associate Professor - Chemistry

B.S., 1977 and M.S., 1979, University of Jordan;
Ph.D., 1986, Michigan State University.

Kamolnick, Paul (1991) Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

B.S., 1983, M.S., 1987, and Ph.D., 1990, Florida State University.

Karsai, Istvan (Steve) (2001) Professor - Biological Sciences

M.S., 1987 and Ph.D., 1997, Jozsef Attila University.

Keeler, Rebecca L. (2010) Assistant Professor - Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration

A.A., 1979, Broward Community College;
B.B.A., 1983, Florida Atlantic University;
J.D., 1987, Nova Southeastern University;
Ph.D., 2010, Florida Atlantic University.

Kilaru, Aruna (2011) Assistant Professor - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1991, Andhra University;
M.S., 1993, Maharaja Sayajirao University;
Ph.D., 2005, University of Louisiana.

Killmeyer, Heather Noelle (2012) Assistant Professor - Music

B.M., 2000, University of Cincinnati College - Conservatory of Music;
M.M., 2001, University of Nevada Las Vegas;
D.M.A, 2005, University of Southern California.

King, C. Lindsey (2004) Assistant Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

B.S., 1977, East Tennessee State University;
M.A., 1990, Georgia State University;
Ph.D., 1999, University of Tennessee.

Kinser, Amber E. (1997) Professor - Chair, Communication and Performance

B.A., 1987 and M.A., 1989, University of South Florida;
Ph.D., 1997, Purdue University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2009.

Kirkby, Scott (2003) Associate Professor - Chemistry

B.Sc., 1989, University of Western Ontario
Ph.D., 1996, University of Toronto.

Kirkwood, William (1978) Professor - Communication 
  Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and 
  Executive Director, Office of Planning and Analysis

B.S., 1973, M.A., 1974, and Ph.D., 1978, Northwestern University.

Knisley, Debra (1990) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1976 and M.S., 1979, Tennessee Technological University;
Ph.D., 1989, Memphis State University.

Knisley, Jeff (1990) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.A., 1985, Carson-Newman College;
M.S., 1988 and Ph.D., 1990, Vanderbilt University.

Kornweibel, Karen R. (2007) Associate Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1994, University of California, San Diego;
M.A., 1997, and Ph.D., 2000, University of Texas, Austin.

Koterbay, Scott M. (1998) Associate Professor - Art and Design

MA, 1992 and Ph.D., 1998, University of St. Andrews, Scotland.

Kortum, Richard D. (1999) Associate Professor - Philosophy and Humanities

B.A., 1985, Duke University;
D. Phil., 1995, Oxford University.

Kumar, Dhirendra (2005) Associate Professor - Biological Sciences

B.Sc., 1984, M.Sc., 1987, and Ph.D., 1998, Lucknow University, India.

Lange, Shara (2010) Assistant Professor - Mass Communication

B.A., 1998, Carleton College;
M.F.A., 2007, University of Texas, Austin.

Laughlin, Thomas F. (2003) Associate Professor - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1979, M.A.T., 1985 and, M.S., 1988, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1994, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Lee, Tom (2006) Associate Professor - History

B.A., 1990, East Tennessee State University;
M.A., 1993, Wake Forest University;
Ph.D., 2001, University of Tennessee.

Leech, Paul Christopher (2012) Lecturer -Appalachian Studies, Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music

B.A., 1999, West Virginia University

Leger, Jerry (1973) Professor - Sociology and Anthropology 
  Director of Planning and Development, Community Partnership Center

B.A., 1968, North Georgia College;
M.A., 1971 and Ph.D., 1974, University of Iowa;
J.D., 1990, Harvard Law School.

Leonard, Robin Louise (2011) Lecturer - Psychology

B.S., 2001 and M.A., 2005, East Tennessee State University.

Levy, Foster (1989) Professor - Biological Sciences 
  Director of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities, Honors College

B.A., 1976 and M.A., 1978, City College of New York;
Ph.D., 1989, Duke University.

Lewallen, Jina Phillips (2013) Assistant Professor - Social Work

B.S.W., 1999; M.S.W. and M.A., 2002, University of Arkansas;
Ph.D., 2013, University of North Texas.

Lewis, Nicole Holder (2013) Assistant Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 2006, East Tennessee State University;
M.S., 2008, University of Tennessee;
Ph.D., 2013, University of South Carolina.

Lichtenwalner, Shawna (2005) Associate Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1994, Nebraska Wesleyan University;
M.A., 1996, University of Nebraska;
Ph.D., 2004, Auburn University.

Liu, Yali (2005) Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1996, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China;
M.S., 1999, Peking University, China;
M.S., 2002 and Ph.D., 2005, Purdue University.

Liu, Yusheng (Christopher) (2006) Associate Professor - Biological Sciences

B.Sc., 1986, Sichuan University;
M.Sc., 1989 and Ph.D., 1992, Nanjing Institute of Geology.

Lloyd, Theresa (1996) Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1974, Duke University;
M.A., 1982, Pennsylvania State University;
Ph.D., 1996, University of North Carolina.

Love, Gregory Ray (2013) Lecturer - Chemistry

B.S., 1977, Iowa State University;
Ph.D., Kansas State University.

Luffman, Ingrid E. (2002) Lecturer - Geosciences

B.S., 1993 and M.S., 1997, University of Ottawa, Canada.

Luttermoser, Donald G. (1996) Professor - Chair, Physics and Astronomy

B.S., 1981, University of Michigan;
M.A., 1983, Wayne State University;
M.A., 1985 and Ph.D., 1988, Indiana University.

Maas-Brady, Jane T. (2003) Director of Field Instruction - Social Work

B.S., 1978, Greensboro College;
M.S.W., 1985, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

MacAvoy, Leslie (2000) Associate Professor - Chair, Philosophy and Humanities

B.A., 1988, Swarthmore College;
Ph.D., 1998, McGill University.

MacMorran, Jane Blair Stevenson (2011) Lecturer - Appalachian Studies, Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music

B.M., 1975, University of Tennessee;
M.A., 2008, East Tennessee State University.

Malatino, Hilary J. (2013) Lecturer - Women’s Studies

B.A., 2005, Florida Atlantic University;
M.A., 2008 and Ph.D., 2010, Binghamton University.

Marchioni, Michael P. (1976) Professor Emeritus - Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration

B.A., 1963, Montclair State College;
M.A., 1968, Louisiana State University;
Ph.D., 1971, University of Cincinnati.

Marks, Michael A. (2000) Instructor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.A.. 1988, Flagler College;
M.S., 1991, University of Florida.

Marshall, Stephen W. (2006) Associate Professor - Chair, Mass Communication

B.S., 1995, M.A., 2004, and Ph.D., 2006, University of Florida.

Maxson, Brian Jeffrey (2008) Assistant Professor - History
  Assistant Dean, School of Graduate Studies

B.A., 2002, Michigan State University;
M.A., 2003 and Ph.D., 2008, Northwestern University.

Mayo-Bobee, Dinah (2011) Assistant Professor - History

B.A., 1998, Norwich University;
M.A., 2001 and Ph.D., 2007, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

McBee, Matthew (2011) Assistant Professor - Psychology

B.S., 2002, Tennessee Technological University;
M.Ed., 2004 and Ph.D., 2006, University of Georgia.

McCallister, Leslie (2003) Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

B.A., 1997, M.A., 1998, and Ph.D., 2001, Baylor University.

McDowell, Timothy D. (1998) Professor - Biological Sciences

B.A., 1983, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill;
M.A., 1989 and Ph.D., 1995, Duke University.

McGarry, Theresa (2004) Associate Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1984, Michigan State University;
M.A., 1994, Temple University of Japan, Osaka;
Ph.D., 2004, University of South Carolina-Columbia.

McGill, Jamie (1993) Assistant Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1990 and M.S., 1992, East Tennessee State University.

McIntosh, Cecilia A. (1993) Professor - Biological Sciences 
  Dean, School of Graduate Studies 
  Adjunct Faculty, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

B.A., 1977, M.A., 1981, and Ph.D., 1990, University of South Florida.

McManus, Stanton C. (2013) Assistant Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1997, M.A., 2002, and Ph.D., 2008, University of Michigan.

Mead, Jim I. (2008) Professor - Chair, Geosciences

B.S., 1974, M.S., 1979, and Ph.D., 1982, University of Arizona.

Mei, Hua (2012) Assistant Professor - Chemistry

B.S., 1999, Sichuan Normal University;
Ph.D., 2006, Clemson University.

Messmer, Laughton (2002) Lecturer - Communication

B.A., 1997, Truman State University;
M.A., 1999, Indiana State University.

Michieka, Martha (2006) Associate Professor - Literature and Language
Assistant Chair for Undergraduate Studies;
Director, Linguistics Minor

B.Ed., 1998, Kenyatta University, Kenya:
M.A., 2002 and Ph.D., 2006, Purdue University.

Miller, Hugh A., III (1988) Professor - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1979, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1986, University of Tennessee.

Miller, Larry S. (1984) Professor - Chair, Criminal Justice and Criminology

B.A., 1974, East Tennessee State University;
M.S., 1977, Eastern Kentucky University;
Ph.D., 1981, University of Tennessee.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2004.

Mink, Patricia (2003) Associate Professor - Art and Design

B.A., 1981, Kalamazoo College;
M.F.A., 1996, Eastern Michigan University.

Mohseni, Ray M. (2000) Assistant Professor - Chemistry 
  Laboratory Director

B.S., 1980, Pars College, Iran;
M.S., 1987 and Ph.D., 1990, University of Wyoming.

Moore, Darrell J. (1989) Professor - Biological Sciences

B.A., 1975 and Ph.D., 1983, University of Texas-Austin.

Moore, Joe D. (2014) Assistant Professor, Director of Athletic Bands, Associate Director of Bands - Music

B.A., 1987, East Tennessee State University;
M.M., 1992, University of Miami;
D.M.A., 2013, University of Kentucky.

Mullins, Mary Helen Green (2011) BSW Program Director - Social Work

B.S., 1996, University of Virginia’s College at Wise;
M.S.W., 2001, Radford University;
Ph.D., 2011, Norfolk State University.

Murray, Catherine (1995) Professor - Art and Design

B.A., 1982, Portland State University;
M.F.A., 1987, University of Montana.

Mwinyelle, Jerome (2004) Assistant Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1989, University of Ghana;
M.A., 1995, Temple University;
Ph.D., 2005, University of Texas at Austin.

Nandi, Arpita (2007) Associate Professor - Geosciences

B.Sc., 1995 and M.Sc., 1997, University of Calcutta, India;
M.S., 2001, University of Akron;
Ph.D., 2007, Kent State University.

Nash, Steven (2011) Assistant Professor - History

B.A., 1998, The Pennsylvania State University;
M.A., 2001, Western Carolina University;
Ph.D., 2009, University of Georgia.

Negrisanu, Raluca M. (2009) Lecturer - Literature and Language

B.A., 1997, West University, Romania;
M.A., 1998, University of Bucharest, Romania;
Ph.D., 2008, University of Tennessee.

Nelson, Ardis L. (1994) Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1965, Oberlin College;
M.A., 1972, Middlebury College, Madrid;
Ph.D., 1980, Indiana University.

Nelson, Diane (1968) Professor Emerita - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1966, M.S., 1968, and Ph.D., 1973, University of Tennessee.

Newcomer, Daniel (2005) Associate Professor - History

B.A., 1993 and M.A., 1995, New Mexico State;
Ph.D., 2000, Texas Christian University.

Niederberger, Maria (1999) Professor - Chair, Music

B.S., 1981, University of California, Davis;
Ph.D., 199,1 Brandeis University.

Norwood, Frederick (1987) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.A., 1966 and Ph.D., 1979, University of Southwestern Louisiana;
M.S., 1969, University of California-Riverside.

O’Donnell, Kevin E. (1993) Professor - Literature and Language 
    Director, Environmental Studies Minor

B.A., 1984, Kent State University;
M.A., 1987 and Ph.D., 1993, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Oh, Sunjoo (2005) Associate Professor - Music

B.M., 1992 and M.M., 1994, Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, Korea;
D.M.A., 2005, University of South Carolina, Columbia.

Olson, Charles S. “Ted” (1999) Professor - Appalachian Studies

B.A., 1982, University of Minnesota;
M.A., 1991, University of Kentucky;
Ph.D., 1997, University of Mississippi.

Olson, Nathaniel Jay (2014), Assistant Professor - Appalachian Studies, Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music

B.M., 1999, Brigham Young University;
M.M, 2001, University of Michigan;
M.Ed., 2012 and Ed.D., 2013, Columbia University.

Palmatier, Matthew I. (2012) Assistant Professor - Psychology

B.A., 1998, California State University, Fresno;
M.A., 2001 and Ph.D., 2004, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

Paluzzi, Rebecca (1994) Professor - Music

B.M., 1977 and M.M., 1979, University of Tennessee;
Diploma, 1986, Talent Education Institute.

Parker, Herbert M. (2005) Associate Professor - Communication and Performance

B.F.A., 1977, Stephens College;
M.F.A., 1980, Ohio University.

Pawlowicz, Peter H. (1987) Associate Professor - Art and Design

B.A., 1965, Colby College;
M.A., 1970, West Virginia University;
Ph.D., 1987, Northwestern University.

Pealer, Jennifer A. (2013) Assistant Professor - Criminal Justice and Criminology

B.A., 1997 and M.A., 1997, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 2004, University of Cincinnati.

Phillips, Rick (1997) Lecturer - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1980 and M.S., 1989, East Tennessee State University.

Phillips, Rachelle N. (2013) Lecturer - Communication and Performance

B.A., 2008, Middle Tennessee State University;
M.A., 2010, Western Kentucky University.

Polaha, Jodi (2006) Associate Professor - Psychology

B.S., 1991, University of Pittsburgh;
M.A., 1996 and Ph.D., 1998, Auburn University.

Poole, George D. (1986) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S.E., 1964, Emporia State University;
M.S., 1966, Colorado State University;
Ph.D., 1972, Texas Tech University.

Potterton, Matthew Van (2013) Assistant Professor - Music

B.M., 1993 and M.F.A., 1996, University of California, Irvine;
D.M.A., 2009, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Price, Robert M., Jr. (1997) Professor - Chair, Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1983 and M.S., 1986, Youngstown State University;
M.S., 1989, Ohio State University;
Ph.D., 1996, University of Wyoming.

Prior, Nicole M. (2010) Assistant Professor- Criminal Justice and Criminology

B.S., 1994, University of Georgia;
M.A., 2000, Appalachian State University;
Ph.D., 2010, Florida State University.

Pyles, Rebecca A. (1991) Associate Professor - Biological Sciences   

B.S., 1975, University of Missouri-Kansas City;
M.S., 1979, M.Ph., 1982, and Ph.D., 1988, University of Kansas.

Randall, Elizabeth J. (2010) Professor - Social Work

B.A., Hope College;
M.S.W., 1986 and Ph.D., 1994, University of Georgia.

Rankin, John Michael (2012) Assistant Professor - History

B.A., 2004, McMaster University;
M.A., 2005, University of Western Ontario;
Ph.D., 2010, McMaster University.

Ramey, Alexis Savannah (2010) Lecturer - Communication and Performance

                B.S., 2007 and M.A., 2009, East Tennessee State University.

Razskazovskiy, Yuriy V. (2002) Associate Professor - Physics and Astronomy

B.S., 1980 and Ph.D., 1984, Moscow State University.

Reath, Kelly B. (2011) Associate Professor, MSW Program Director - Social Work

B.A., 1977, University of North Carolina - Asheville;
M.S.W., 1979 and Ph.D., 1989, University of Georgia.

Reed, Delanna Kay (1999) Assistant Professor - Communication and Performance

B.A., 1976, Texas A&M University;
M.A., 1986, University of North Texas;
Ph.D., 2012, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Reid, Joshua Samuel (2012) Lecturer - Literature and Language

B.A., 2000, Virginia Tech;
M.A., 2004 and Ph.D., 2013, University of Kentucky.

Roach, Ronald Ray (2013) Professor - Chair, Appalachian Studies, Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music

B.S., 1987, Mid-Atlantic Christian University;
M.A., 1991, University of North Carolina, Greensboro;
Ph.D., 2001, Regent University.

Robe, Corlis Elisabeth (2011) Lecturer - Mathematics and Statistics

B.A., 1988 and M.S., 1989, Western Kentucky University;                                           
M.A., 1991, Vanderbilt University.

Robertson, Joe Leonard (1976) Professor - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1965, Union University;
M.S., 1967 and Ph.D., 1975, University of Tennessee.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2005.

Rocheleau, Gregory C. (2012) Assistant Professor - Criminal Justice and Criminology

B.A., 2003, University of Michigan - Dearborn;
M.A., 2008, Eastern Michigan University;
Ph.D., 2012, Bowling Green State University.

Roginskaya, Marina Vitalyevna (2011) Assistant Professor - Chemistry

B.S., 1990, Moscow State University;
M.S., 1999 and Ph.D., 2006, University of Rochester.

Ross, Andrew Scott (2011) Assistant Professor - Art and Design

B.F.A., 2003, Atlanta College of Art;
M.F.A., 2006, Art Institute of Chicago.

Ross-Sheehy, Shannon Marie (2014) Assistant Professor - Psychology

B.S., 1996, University of Iowa;
M.S., 1998, University of Wisconsin;
Ph.D., 2005, University of Iowa.

Sanderbeck, Rande P. (1985) Professor - Music

B.M., 1978 and M.M., 1985, West Virginia University;
D.M.A., 1997, University of Kentucky.

Sawyer, Robert E. (2001) Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1979, Stetson University;
M.A., 1987, Western Carolina University;
Ph.D., 1997, University of Georgia.

Schmitt, Dale J. (1969) Professor - Chair, History

B.A., 1965, Yale University;
M.A., 1968 and Ph.D., 1970, University of Kansas.

Schrift, Melissa (2006) Associate Professor - Chair, Sociology and Anthropology

B.A., 1991, Appalachian State University;
M.A., 1992 and Ph.D., 1998, University of Hawaii-Manoa.

Schubert, Blaine W. (2006) Associate Professor - Geosciences 
  Adjunct Faculty, Biological Sciences

B.A., 1994, Central Missouri State University;
M.S., 1997, Northern Arizona University;
Ph.D., 2004, University of Arkansas.

Seier, Edith (1998) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1971, San Marcos University;
M.A., 1973, University of Kansas;
M.S., 1996 and Ph.D, 1998, University of Wyoming.

Sellers, Eric W. (2009) Associate Professor - Psychology

B.A., 1994, M.A., 1999, and Ph.D., 2004, University of South Florida.

Shafer, Melissa (1999) Professor - Communication and Performance

B.A., 1983, Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville;
M.F.A., 1985, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2010.

Sheridan, Rustam (2014) Assistant Professor - Mass Communication

B.A., 2002, University of North Carolina, Charlotte;
M.F.A., 2007, University of North Carolina, Greensboro.

Shilabin, Abbas Gholipour (2014) Assistant Professor - Chemistry

B.S., 1992, M.S., 1997 and Ph.D., 2005, Institut für Organische Chemie der TU Clausthal, Germany.

Slagle, Judith B. (1999) Professor, Literature and Language

B.S., 1983, and M.A., 1985, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1991, University of Tennessee;
Arts and Sciences Distinguished Research Award, 2007-08.

Slap, Andrew L. (2003) Associate Professor - History

B.A., 1994, University of Massachusetts at Amherst;
Ph.D., 2002, Pennsylvania State University.

Slatton, Ralph (1990) Professor - Art and Design

B.F.A., 1981 and M.A., 1986, Arkansas State University;
M.F.A., 1990, University of Iowa.

Smith, Beverly J. (1999) Professor - Physics and Astronomy

A.B., 1983, Brown University;
Ph.D., 1989, University of Massachusetts.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2005.

Smith, Karen Elizabeth (2012) Lecturer - Music

B.M., 1995, Louisiana State University;
M.M., 1997, Cincinnati College - Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati.

Smith, Michael A. (1981) Professor - Art and Design

B.F.A., 1977, Massachusetts College of Art;
M.F.A., 1981, Yale University School of Art.

Smith, Michael L. (2010) Professor - Chair, Social Work

A.B., 1971, Ohio University;
M.S.W., 1973, Ohio State University;
M.S., 1977, University of Southern Mississippi;
Ph.D., 1980 and M.S.P.A., 1981, Florida State University.

Smith, Willie D. (2001) Instructor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1988 and M.A.L.S., 2001, East Tennessee State University.

Stephens, Daryl (1994) Associate Professor - Associate Chair, Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1983 and M.Ed., 1987, University of North Texas;
M.S., 1993, Texas Woman’s University;
Ph.D., 2005, University of Tennessee - Knoxville.

Stevens, Alan E. (2012) Assistant Professor - Music

B.M., 2001, Millikin University;
M.M., 2008, Northern Illinois University;
D.M.A., 2012, University of Arizona.

Stewart, James Ross (2006) Assistant Professor - Biological Sciences

B.A., 1967, Denisen University;
M.S., 1970, University of Missouri;
Ph.D., 1976, University of California.

Stinson, Jill (2012) Assistant Professor - Psychology

B.A., 2000, M.A., 2002, and Ph.D. (dual) 2006, University of Arizona.

Storie, Melanie K. (2012) Lecturer - History

B.S., 1991 and M.A., 1994, East Tennessee State University.

Tezuka-Arnold, Junko (2008) Lecturer - Literature and Language

B.A., 1992, Tamagawa University, Tokyo, Japan;
M.A., 2000, University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Thompson, Phyllis A. (2005) Associate Professor - Literature and Language

B.A., 1983, University of North Carolina at Greensboro;
M.A., 1992, Appalachian State University;
Ph.D., 2003, Louisiana State University.

Trenwith, Colleen Marion (2012), Lecturer - Appalachian Studies Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music

B.A., 2009, Trustforte Corporation

Trogen, Paul C. (1995) Associate Professor - Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration

B.A., 1976, University of St. Thomas;
M.A., 1991, Mankato State University;
Ph.D., 1995, Florida State University.

Tudico, Paul J. (2003) Lecturer - Philosophy and Humanities

B.A., 1989, Siena College;
M.A., 1992, Bowling Green State University.

Vasiliev, Aleksey (2008) Associate Professor - Chemistry

B.S., 1982 and M.S., 1989, Kiev State University, Kiev, Ukraine;
Ph.D., 1991, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.

Waage, Frederick O. (1978) Professor - Literature and Language

A.B., 1965 and Ph.D., 1971, Princeton University.

Wallace, Steven (2001) Professor - Geosciences

B.S., 1995, Bowling Green University;
M.S., 1997, Fort Hays State University;
Ph.D., 2001, University of Iowa.

Walters, Martin (2015) Lecturer - Mass Communication

B.S., 2014, East Tennessee State University.

Washington, Fred (2012) Clinical Assistant Professor, Assistant Director of Field Education - Social Work

B.A., 1983, Union College;         
M.S.W., 1993, Walla Walla University;
Ph.D., 2012, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Waters, Susan (2014) Assistant Professor - Mass Communication

B.A., 1993, Missouri Southern State University;
M.A., 1997, Pittsburg State University;
Ph.D., 2006, University of Kansas.

Watson, Elwood D. (1997) Professor - History

B.A., 1990 and M.A., 1992, University of Delaware;
Ph.D., 1999, University of Maine.
College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Faculty Research Award 2009
College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award 2010

Webb, Jon R. (2005) Associate Professor - Psychology

B.S., 1991, Brigham Young University;
M.A., 1993, Pepperdine University;
Ph.D., 1998, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles.

Weiss, Katherine (2006) Associate Professor - Chair, Literature and Language

M.Phil., 1997, Trinity College, Dublin;
M.A., 1999, California State University;
Ph.D., 2002, University of Reading, UK.

Westover, Daniel K. (2010) Associate Professor - Literature and Language
Assistant Chair for Graduate Studies

B.A., 2000, Brigham Young University;
M.A. and M.F.A., 2003, McNeese State University;
Ph.D., 2008, University of Wales, United Kingdom.

Whitehead, John T. (1987) Professor - Criminal Justice and Criminology

B.A., 1969, St. John Vianney Seminary;
M.A., 1973, University of Notre Dame;
M.A., 1978 and Ph.D., 1983, State University of New York-Albany.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2006.

Whitelaw, Michael (2003) Professor - Geosciences

B.S., 1982 and B.S. Hons., 1983, Monash University, Australia;
Ph.D., 1990, University of Florida.

Wild, Stacey (2008) Lecturer - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1986, Louisiana Tech University;
Ph.D., 1992, Clemson University.

Wilkins, Brittany T. (2011) Assistant Professor - Social Work

B.A., 2003, New College of Florida;
M.S.W., 2006 and Ph.D., 2011, Florida State University.

Williams, Stacey L. (2006) Associate Professor - Psychology

B.A., 1998, Youngstown State University;
M.A., 2001 and Ph.D., 2004, Kent State University.

Wilson, Philip K. (2013) Professor - History

B.G.S., 1983, University of Kansas;
M.A., 1987, John Hopkins University;
Ph.D., 1992, University of London.

Yampolsky, Lev (2001) Professor - Biological Sciences

M.S., 1986, Moscow State University;
Ph.D., 1992, N.I. Vavilov Institute.

Young, Cora Ellen (2012) Lecturer - Communication and Performance

B.A., King College;
M.A., 2010, East Tennessee State University

Zembower, Christian (2007) Associate Professor - Music

B.S., 1990. Frostburg State University;
M.A., 1992, Indiana University of Pennsylvania;
D.M.E., 2000, University of Southern Mississippi.

Zhao, Ningfeng (2008) Assistant Professor - Chemistry

B.S., 2000, University of Science and Technology of China, Heifei, China;
M.S., 2003 and Ph.D., 2005, Wichita State University.

College of Business and Technology Business


Alavi, Jafar (1985) Professor - Economics and Finance

B.S., 1975, Karaj School of Managerial Economics;
M.B.A., 1978, Mississippi State University;
M.A., 1984 and Ph.D., 1986, University of Tennessee.

Anthony, Murray S. (1972) Professor - Accountancy

B.B.A., 1966 and M.B.A., 1967, University of Memphis;
Ph.D., 1975, University of Missouri;
CPA Tennessee.

Baryla, Edward A., Jr. (1995) Associate Professor - Chair, Economics and Finance

B.A., 1982, and M.B.A., 1990, University of Scranton;
M.A., 1994 and Ph.D., 1995, University of Alabama.

Beach, Robert R. (2010) Lecturer - Economics and Finance

B.S., 1971 and Ph.D., 1989 and AACSB Endorsed Post-Grad Bridge-Finance, 2008, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Becker, Lana L. (1991) Assistant Professor - Accountancy

B.M.E., 1976, Central Missouri State University;
B.B.A., 1982 and M.B.A., 1990, East Tennessee State University.

Berg, Gary G. (1987) Associate Professor - Accountancy

B.A., 1973, University of South Florida;
M.B.A., 1981, Florida Atlantic University;
Ph.D., 1987, Texas A&M University; CPA, Florida.

Bhattacharjee, Prasun (2008) Lecturer - Economics and Finance

B.S., 1999, Scottish Church College, India;
M.A., 2000, Delhi School of Economics, India;
M.A., 2004 and Ph.D., 2011, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Burkette, Gary D. (1992) Associate Professor - Chair, Accountancy 
  Coordinator, M.Acc. Program

B.S., 1978, Wake Forest University;
M.Acct., 1986 and Ph.D., 1994, Virginia Tech.

Chu, Ting-Heng (2001) Associate Professor - Economics and Finance

B.A., 1992, National Chung Hsing University, Taipai;
M.B.A., 1995, and Ph.D., 2002, University of Texas-Arlington.

Czuchry, Andrew J. (1992) Professor - Management and Marketing and Technology and Geomatics 
  Chairholder, AFG Industries Chair of Excellence in Business and Technology

B.S.E.E., 1964, M.S.A.E., 1965, and Ph.D., 1969, University of Connecticut.

Dotterweich, Douglas P. (1984) Professor - Economics and Finance

B.A., 1973, University of Tennessee;
M.A., 1975 and Ph.D., 1978, University of Delaware.

Garceau, Linda (2000) Professor - Dean, College of Business and Technology

B.A., 1970 and M.S.P.A., 1976, University of Hartford;
M.B.A., 1983 and D.B.A., 1986, Boston University.

Gregory, Richard P. (2008) Assistant Professor - Economics and Finance

B.A., 1988, Old Dominion University;
M.A., 1990, Indiana University - Bloomington;
Ph.D., 1996, Old Dominion University.

Hayter, Jill K. (2010) Assistant Professor - Economics and Finance

B.S., 2005, Western Kentucky University;
M.S., 2009 and Ph.D., 2010, University of Kentucky.

Hipple, F. Steb (1982) Professor - Economics and Finance

B.A., 1962 and M.A., 1964, Trinity University;
Ph.D., 1972, Southern Methodist University.

Justice, Robert - Director, Small Business Development Center

B.B.A., 1974 and M.B.A., 1981, Morehead State University.

Kaplan, Ricki Ann (2007) Lecturer - Management and Marketing

B.S., 1987, Elmira College;
M.A., 1993 and M.B.A., 1999, East Tennessee State University.

Liang, Beichen (2007) Assistant Professor - Management and Marketing

B.S., 1993, Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry, China:
M.B.A., 2002, University of Louisiana at Lafayette;
Ph.D., 2007, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Loess, Kurt H. (1998) Assistant Professor - Management and Marketing

B.A., 1977, College of Wooster;
M.B.A., 1987 and Ph.D., 1998, Case Western Reserve University.

Mackara, W. Frederick (1975) Associate Professor - Economics and Finance
    Assistant Director, Graduate Business Studies

A.B., 1969, Rutgers University;
Ph.D., 1976, Texas A&M University.

Manahan, Richard A. (1981) Professor - Accountancy/Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis 

B.S., 1965, M.S., 1971 and Ed.D., 1975, Illinois State University;
CPA, Tennessee, Virginia, and Illinois.

McKinney, Michael M. (1994) Associate Professor - Management and Marketing 
   Assistant Dean for External Programs and Relations

B.S., 1980, and M.B.A., 1987, East Tennessee State University;
J.D., 1991, Columbia University.

Miller, Phillip E. (1994) Professor - Chair, Management and Marketing

B.S., 1972, University of Tennessee;
M.S., 1978, Air Force Institute of Technology;
M.S., 1979, University of Southern California;
Ph.D., 1985, University of North Carolina.

Mitchell, Lorianne (2004) Assistant Professor - Management and Marketing

B.A., 1999, City College of New York of the City–University of New York.

Moore, Heather L. (2012) Lecturer - Economics and Finance

B.B.A., 1997 and M.B.A., 1999, University of North Texas;
Ed.D., 2012, East Tennessee State University.

Moore, Tom (2007) Assistant Professor - Management and Marketing
  Assistant Dean for External Programs and Outreach

B.B.A., 1997 and M.B.A., 2002, University of North Texas at Denton;
Ph.D., 2007, University of Texas at Arlington.

Morgan, Robert G. (1985) Professor - Accountancy

B.A., 1968, Piedmont College;
M.Acc., 1971 and Ph.D., 1974, University of Georgia;
CMA, CPA, North Carolina.

Pointer, Martha M. (1991) Professor - Accountancy
     Associate Dean and Director, Graduate Studies, College of Business

B.S., 1972, Tennessee Technological University;
M.A., 1977 and M.B.A., 1981, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1992, University of South Carolina; CPA, Tennessee.

Pollock, Eugenea (2004) Lecturer - Management and Marketing

B.A., 1969 and J.D., 1977, University of Tennessee

Quigley, John V. (1984) Associate Professor - Management and Marketing
Director of Honors in Discipline

B.B.A., 1967, M.B.A., 1970 and Ph.D., 1979, Georgia State University.

Rhea, Kelly B. Price (2006) Assistant Professor - Management and Marketing

B.S., 1995 and M.A., 2001, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 2004, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Roberts, Anna D. (1982) Professor - Management and Marketing

B.S., 1974, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1990, University of North Carolina, Greensboro.

Rochelle, Carolyn F. (2004) Lecturer - Economics and Finance

B.S., 1975, Tennessee Technological University;
M.B.A., 1989, East Tennessee State University.

Ryman, Joel A. (2003) Associate Professor - Management and Marketing

B.A., 1983, Goshen College;
M.S., 1988, Thunderbird;
Ph.D., 1999, University of Tennessee.

Schneider, Kent N. (1984) Professor - Accountancy

B.S.B.A., 1975 and J.D., 1978, University of Missouri-Columbia;
M.Acc., 1984, University of Oklahoma;
CPA, Missouri and Texas.

Shelley, Gary L. (2004) Assistant Professor - Economics and Finance

B.S., 1983 and Ph.D. 1991, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University.

Shemwell, Donald J. (1993) Professor - Management and Marketing

B.S., 1979 and Ph.D., 1993, Florida State University.

Small, Michael A. (2008) Professor - Management and Marketing

B.A., 1981, M.B.A., 1984, and D.B.A., 1993, Cleveland State University.

Smith, Jon L. (1980) Associate Professor - Economics and Finance
  Director, Bureau of Business and Economic Research

B.S., 1968, Mississippi State University;
M.A., 1975 and Ph.D., 1982, University of South Carolina.

Spritzer, Allan D. (1981) Professor - Management and Marketing 
  Chairholder, Allen & Ruth Harris Chair of Excellence in Business

B.A., 1963, City College of New York;
M.A., 1964, University of Illinois;
Ph.D., 1971, Cornell University.

Stead, Jean Garner (1982) Professor - Management and Marketing

B.S., 1971 and M.A., 1973, Auburn University;
M.B.A., 1979, Western Illinois University;
Ph.D., 1983, Louisiana State University.
ETSU Foundation Teaching Award, 1995.

Stead, W. Edward (1982) Professor - Management and Marketing

B.S., 1968 and M.B.A., 1972, Auburn University;
Ph.D., 1976, Louisiana State University.

Steadman, Mark E. (1989) Associate Professor - Accountancy

B.S., 1979, University of Tennessee;
M.Acc., 1982, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1990, University of Tennessee;
CPA, Tennessee.

Stevenson, Taylor P. (2008) Assistant Professor - Economics and Finance

B.B.A., 1998, University of North Alabama;
Ph.D., 2004, University of Mississippi.

Swinehart, Kerry D. (1990) Associate Professor - Management and Marketing

B.A., 1983, University of South Florida;
M.B.A., 1985 and Ph.D., 1989, University of Georgia.

Tarnoff, Karen A. (1994) Associate Professor - Management and Marketing
  Assistant Dean for Assurance of Learning

B.S., 1987, M.S., 1993 and Ph.D., 1999,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Trainor, William (2006) Associate Professor - Economics and Finance

B.S., 1987 and M.A., 1988, University of South Florida;
Ph.D., 2004, Virginia Tech.

Turner, Craig (2002) Associate Professor - Management and Marketing

B.S., 1981, and M.B.A., 1990, University of Central Florida;
Ph.D., 1999, University of Tennessee.

White, Larry (2007) Professor - Economics and Finance 
  John H. Poteat Chair of Banking 
  Director, Center for Banking

B.A., 1969, Mississippi State University;
M.B.A., 1975 and Ph.D., 1985, University of Georgia.

Yasin, Mahmoud M. (1988) Professor - Management and Marketing

B.A., 1981, M.S., 1983 and Ph.D., 1986, Clemson University.
ETSU Foundation Research Award, 1996.

Yavas, Ugur (1987) Professor - Management and Marketing

B.A., 1970, Robert College;
M.B.A., 1972 Florida State University;
M.B.A., 1974 and Ph.D., 1976, Georgia State University.
ETSU Foundation Research Award, 1993.



Bailes, Gordon Lee, Jr. (1972) Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1968, M.S., 1969 and Ph.D., 1972 Clemson University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 1985.

Bailey, Gene (1983) Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1967, Rutgers;
M.S., 1970, University of Minnesota;
Ph.D., 1978, University of Missouri-Rolla.

Barrett, Martin L. (1994) Professor - Assistant Chair, Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1975, Pennsylvania State University;
M.A., 1983, University of Maryland;
M.S., 1986 and Ph.D., 1989, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Blanton, William Hugh (1999) Associate Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.S., 1971, University of Houston;
M.S., 1978 and M.B.A., 1986, West Texas State University;
Ed.D., 1992, East Tennessee State University.

Broome, Hugh W. (1962) Associate Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.S., 1958, University of Tennessee;
M.A., 1962, East Tennessee State University;
M.S., 1969, University of Arizona.

Burke III, Samuel J. (2002) Assistant Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1982 and M.S., 2001, East Tennessee State University.

Coffey, Dennis (1999) Lecturer - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.A., 1972, Berea College;
M.A., 1975 and M.B.A., 1979, University of Alabama;
M.B.C., 1996, Auburn University;
Ph.D., 1988, University of Tennessee;
M.S., 2005, East Carolina University.

Cornett, Cheryl G. (2002) Associate Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.F.A., 1980, University of Georgia;
M.F.A., 1989, Syracuse University.

Countermine, Terry A. (1990) Professor - Chair, Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1965, Alliance College;
D.Ed., 1973, Pennsylvania State University.

Czuchry, Andrew J. (1992) Professor Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media, and Management and Marketing 
  Chairholder, AFG Industries Chair of Excellence in Business and Technology

B.S.E.E., 1964, M.S.A.E., 1965, and Ph.D., 1969, University of Connecticut.

Emma, Todd B. (2007) Assistant Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.A., 1998, University of North Carolina;
M.F.A., 2000, Memphis College of Art.

Fitzgerald, Martin R. (2003) Assistant Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.M., 1984, Indiana University-Bloomington;
M.M., 1986, State University of New York-Stony Brook.

Franklin, Todd (2007) Advisor/Mentor - Computer and Information Services

B.S., 1988 and M.S., 2006, East Tennessee State University;
M.A., 1992, University of Hawaii.

Frazier, David (2007) Lecturer - Computer and Information Services

B.A., 1986, University of Louisville;
M.S., 2004, East Tennessee State University.

Hemphill, William K. (1992) Associate Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media 
  Adjunct Faculty, Obstetrics and Gynecology

B.S.M.E., 1981, University of Tennessee-Knoxville;
M.S., 1992, East Tennessee State University.

Hong, Jinseok (2008) Assistant Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.S., 1998, Keimyung University;
M.S., 2003 and Ph.D., 2009, University of Florida.

Hounshell, Jonathan C. (2007) Assistant Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

A.A., 1995 and B.A., 1997, Virginia Intermont;
M.F.A., 2004, East Tennessee State University.

Hyder, Carroll R. (1967) Associate Professor - Associate Dean, College of Business and Technology

B.S., 1967 and M.S., 1967, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1971, Ohio State University.

Isham, Dean (2011) Associate Professor - Interior Design

B.U.S., 1987, Oklahoma State University;
M.F.A., 1995, Winthrop University.

Johnson, Keith V. (1993) Professor - Chair, Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.S., 1987 and M.S., 1988, North Carolina A&T State University;
Ph.D., 1993, Ohio State University.

Julian, Kristi (2013) Assistant Professor - Interior Design

B.S., 1983, Auburn University;
M.S., 2003, University of Alabama;
Ph.D., 2010, Auburn University.

Kellogg, Kenneth G. (2008) Associate Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.S., 1979, North Dakota State University;
M.S., 1986 and Ph.D., 2002, Utah State University.

Laws, Michaele (2001) Assistant Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.A., 1990 and M.S., 1999, University of Southern Mississippi.

Pfeiffer, Phillip E. , IV (1996) Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1976, Yale University;
M.S., 1986 and Ph.D., 1991, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Pine, Vernon (1999) Assistant Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1967, Roanoke College;
M.S., 1996, East Tennessee State University.

Pittarese, Anthony (2007) Assistant Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1991, Pensacola Christian College;
M.B.A., 1992 and M.S., 1997, University of West Florida;
Ph.D., 2003, Auburn University.

Porter, Kelly Celeste (2014) Assistant Professor - Art & Design

B.A., 2003, University of Southern Mississippi;
M.F.A, 2013, University of Tennessee - Knoxville.

Powell, LT. Robert L. (2001) Assistant Professor - Military Science

B.B.A., 1994, East Tennessee State University.

Price, Kellie (1999) Assistant Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1994 and M.S., 1997, East Tennessee State University.

Price, Robert M., Jr. (1997) Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1983 and M.S., 1986, Youngstown State University;
M.S., 1989, Ohio State University;
Ph.D., 1996, University of Wyoming.

Roach, Jeffrey W. (2002) Assistant Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1995, University of Technology, Jamaica;
M.S., 2000, East Tennessee State University.

Ross, Jeremy (2008) Assistant Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.Arch., 1996, University of Tennessee, Knoxville;
M.S., 2007, East Tennessee State University.

Seek, Michael W. (2009) Assistant Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.S., 1998, M.S., 2004, and Ph.D., 2007, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Sims, Joseph P. (2000) Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.S., 1985 and 1991, Middle Tennessee State University;
M.S., 1989, University of Tennessee;
Ph.D., 1996, University of Wales, UK.

Smith, Jessica (2007) Lecturer - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 2004, East Tennessee State University;
M.S., 2005, Carnegie Mellon University.

Smith, Suzanne (2003) Associate Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1975, Baylor University;
M.A.T., 1979, Vanderbilt University;
M.S., 1984, University of Southwestern Louisiana;
Ph.D., 1991, Florida State University.

Tan, Zhibin (2011) Assistant Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.S., 2001, AnHui University, China;
M.S., 2004, University of Science and Technology, China;
M.S., 2007 and Ph.D., 2011, Wayne State University.

Tarnoff, David (1999) Assistant Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1987 and M.S. 1991, Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Taylor, Jerry (2008) Associate Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

 B.S., 1981, Michigan Technological University;
J.D., 1987, T.M. Cooley Law School.

Uddin, Moin (2011) Assistant Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.S., 2000, Bangladesk University of Engineering and Technology;
M.S., 2003, University of Ryukyus;
Ph.D., 2011, University of Kentucky.

Wallace, Chris (2007) Assistant Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1997 and M.S., 1999, East Tennessee State University;
M.S., 2002, Carnegie Mellon University.

Wronecki, James A. (2002) Assistant Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.A., 1990, State University of New York-Buffalo;
M.I.D., 1998, The University of Arts.

Young, Marian M. (1986) Associate Professor - Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

B.S., 1973 and M.S., 1978, Purdue University;
Ph.D., 1985, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Zucker, Ronald (2007) Assistant Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1973, University of Bridgeport;
M.S.C.I.S., 1984, Troy State University, Montgomery;
Ph.D., 2007, University of South Florida.

College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences


Akin, Faith Wurm (2006) Associate Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.A., 1984, University of Tennessee, Knoxville;
M.S., 1987, University of Texas, Dallas;
Ph.D., 1997, Vanderbilt University.

Arnall, David Alan (2005) Professor - Physical Therapy

Bs.P.T., 1977, University of Utah, Salt Lake City;
Ph.D., 1985, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.

Bailey, Lesley Sherrell (2013) Assistant Professor - Dental Hygiene

A.S., 2001, Roan State Community College;
B.S., 2002, Tennessee Technological University;
B.S.D.H., 2009, East Tennessee State University;
MSDH, 2012 University of Tennessee, Memphis.

Boggs, Teresa L. (1998) Assistant Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.S., 1988 and M.S., 1991, East Tennessee State University.

Boyce, Sarah Marie (2013) Assistant Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.A., 2009, Calvin College;
M.S.. 2011, East Tennessee State University.

Boynewicz, Kara Lynn (2014) Assistant Professor - Physical Therapy

B.S., 1995, Eastern Illinois University;
M.P.T., 2000 and D.P.T., 2013, Governors State University.

Bramlette, Shannon Blevins (2014) Assistant Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.S., 1995, Longwood University;
M.A., 1997, University of Tennessee, Knoxville;
Au.D., 20078, Salus University.

Byington, Randy L. (2006) Associate Professor - Allied Health Sciences

B.S., 1978, University of Virginia;
M.B.A., 1989 and Ed.D., 2003, East Tennessee State University.

Cherry, Shirley C. (2007) Assistant Professor - Imaging Sciences

B.S., 1990, Salem-Teikyo University;
M.B.A., 1995, Kent State University;
Ed.D., 2014, East Tennessee State University.

Clark, W. Andrew (2002) Professor - Nutrition and Foods
  Associate Dean for Research and Clinical Practice

B.S., 1975, Colorado State University;
M.S., 1978, University of Georgia;
Ph.D., 1980, North Carolina State University.

Cress, Eileen M. (2010) Assistant Professor - Nutrition and Foods

B.S., 1980, University of Tennessee;
M.S., 1985 and Ed.D., 2014, East Tennessee State University.

Deshkulkarni, Stacey Q. (2010) Assistant Professor - Imaging Sciences

B.S., 2004 and M.S., 2009, East Tennessee State University.

Dotson, Deborah L. (2003) Associate Professor - Dental Hygiene

A.S., 1978, B.S., 1978, M.A., 1985, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 2011, Walden University.

Elangovan, Saravanan (2005) Associate Professor -Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.Sc., 1995 and M.Sc., 1998, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing;
Ph.D., 2005, East Carolina University.

Epps, Susan B. (2001) Associate Professor - Allied Health Sciences

B.A., 1988, Wake Forest University;
M.A., 1995, Appalachian State University;
Ed.D., 2002, East Tennessee State University.

Fagelson, Marc A. (1996) Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.A., 1986, Columbia University, School of General Studies;
M.S., 1990, Columbia University, Teachers College;
Ph.D., 1995, University of Texas, Austin.

Fair, Tabitha N. (2006) Assistant Professor - Dental Hygiene

B.S.D.H., 2004 and M.P.H., 2006, East Tennessee State University.

Farrow, Jeff R. (1993) Medical Director - Cardiopulmonary Science

B.S., 1981, Baylor University;
M.D., 1985, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.

Faust, Charles C. (1986) Associate Professor - Dental Hygiene

B.S., 1976, University of Southwestern Louisiana;
B.S., 1980, Northeast Louisiana University;
M.Ed., 1985, University of Southwestern Louisiana;
Ed.D., 1997, University of Tennessee.

Ferguson, Neina F. (2013) Assistant Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.A., 1994. University of West Florida;
M.S.Ed., 1999, Old Dominion University;
Ph.D., 2013, University of South Alabama.

Guntupalli, Vijaya Kimar (2007) Associate Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.S., 1999 and M.S., 2001, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, University of Mysore;
Ph.D., 2007, East Carolina University.

Hall, Courtney D. (2011) Associate Professor - Physical Therapy

B.S., 1990, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
M.S., 1996, University of Oregon;
Ph.D., 2000, University of Texas, Austin.

Hopson, Victor W. (1977) Associate Professor - Dental Hygiene

D.D.S., 1973, University of Tennessee Medical Units.

Johnson, Earl E. (2007) Assistant Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.S., 2002, Radford University;
M.S., 2004 and Ph.D., 2007, Vanderbilt University.

Johnson, Krisztina Bucsi (2013) Assistant Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.S., 2008 and Au.D., 2013, East Tennessee State University.

Johnson, Michelle, E. (2011) Assistant Professor - Nutrition and Foods

B.A., 1994, North Carolina State;
M.S., 2002, Winthrop University.

King, Patricia Marie (2014) Professor, Chair - Physical Therapy

B.S., 1978, University of Tennessee, Memphis;
M.A., 1988, University of Memphis;
Ph.D., 2008, University of Florida.

Lee, Michelle L. (2010) Assistant Professor - Nutrition and Foods

B.S., 1989, M.S. 2006, and Ph.D. 2008, Mississippi State University.

Louw, Brenda (2009) Professor - Chair, Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.A., 0975, University of Pretoria, South Africa;
M.Sc., 1977, University of Alabama;
Ph.D., 1986, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Lowe, Elizabeth (1999) Assistant Professor - Nutrition and Foods

B.S., 1974 and M.S., 1982, University of Tennessee.

McHenry, Kristen L. (2013) Assistant Professor - Cardiopulmonary Science
   Director, Cardiopulmonary Science Program

B.S., 2005 and M.S., 2013, East Tennessee State University.

Murnane, Owen D., Jr. (1995) Associate Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.S., 1978 and M.Ed., 1980, James Madison University;
Ph.D., 1995, Syracuse University.

Nanjundeswaran, Chaya (2010) Assistant Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.S., 2001 and M.S., 2003, All Indian Institute:
Ph.D., 2010, University of Pittsburgh

Owens, Beatrice H. (2006) Assistant Professor - Physical Therapy

B.S.P.T., 1989, University of Tennessee - Memphis;
Ph.D., 2004, East Tennessee State University.

Proctor-Williams, Kerry (2002) Associate Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

 B.Sc., 1980 and MCl.Sc., 1984, University of Western Ontario;
Ph.D., 2005, University of Kansas.

Raby, Christian L. (2013) Assistant Professor - Imaging Sciences

A.S.S., 1991, Roane State Community College;
B.S., 2009, East Tennessee State University;
M.Ed., 2012, Concordia University.

Redman, Roy (2009) Assistant Professor - Cardiopulmonary Science

B.S., 1985, Ottawa University;
M.S., 1993, Cardinal Stritch University.

Samples, Donald A. (1990) Professor 
  Dean, College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences

B.B.A., 1980, East Tennessee State University;
M.S., 1993, University of Tennessee-Knoxville;
Ed.D., 1998, East Tennessee State University.

Schairer, Kim S. (2012) Associate Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.S., 1994, Western Michigan University;
M.A., 1996 and Ph.D., 2000, University of Memphis.

Smith-White, Sheri Lyn (2005) Associate Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.S., M.S., Au.D., and Ph.D., University of Florida.

Smurzynski, Jacek (2003) Associate Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.A., 1974, Music School of Warsaw, Poland;
M.Sc., 1976, Technical School of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland;
Ph.D., 1987, Technical School of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland.

Tolbert, James H.(2013) Assistant Professor - Cardiopulmonary Science

B.A., 1998, Bluefield State College;
M.S., 2006, Marshall University.

Verhovsek, Ester L. (2006) Professor and Chair - Allied Health Sciences

B.A., 1985, LaRoche College;
M.Ed., 1990, Frostburg State University;
Ed.D., 2003, West Virginia University.

Wassinger, Craig (2010) Assistant Professor - Physical Therapy

B.S., 2001, Daemen College;
M.S., 2003, and Ph.D. 2007, University of Pittsburgh.

Williams, A. Lynn (1995) Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
  Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

B.S., 1978 and M.S., 1980, West Virginia University;
Ph.D., 1988, Indiana University.

Williams, Duane A. (1994) Associate Professor - Physical Therapy

B.S. and Certificate in Physical Therapy, 1970, Kansas University;
M.A., 1972, University of Iowa
D.Sc., 2009, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions.

Wilson, Richard H. (2006) Professor - Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

B.S., East Tennessee State University;
M.S., Vanderbilt University;
Ph.D., Northwestern University.

School of Continuing Studies and Academic Outreach


Fox-Horton, Julie (2011) Lecturer, Cross-Disciplinary Studies
Advisor, Master of Professional Studies

B.A., 1998, University of North Carolina, Asheville;
M.A., 2002, East Tennessee State University.

Johnson, Amy, (2004) Assistant Professor, Cross-Disciplinary Studies
Assistant Dean, School of Continuing Studies and Academic Outreach

B.A., 1998, The College of William and Mary;
M.A., 2001 and Ed.D., 2010, East Tennessee State University.

Leroy-Frazier, Jill A. (2006) Associate Professor, Cross-Disciplinary Studies

B.A., 1987, University of Louisville;
M.A., 1990, and Ph.D., 1998, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Osborn, Richard E., Dean, School of Continuing Studies and Academic Outreach

B.A., 1976, M.A., 1979, and Ed.S., Western Illinois University;
Ph.D., 1990, University of Iowa.

Warner, Carla Rahn (1985) Assistant Professor, Cross-Disciplinary Studies
   Director, Adult and Commuter Services;

B.A., 1976, Western Illinois University;
M.A., 1980, University of Nebraska, Lincoln;
Ed.D., 1992, East Tennessee State University.

Clemmer College of Education


Ayres, Christopher A. (1973) Associate Professor - Chair, Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation Management

B.S., 1972 and M.S., 1973, Central Missouri State University.

Bailiff, Gina C. (1998) Instructor - University School

B.A., 1994 and M.A.T., 1997, East Tennessee State University.

Barnett, Kelli (2004) Instructor - University School

B.A., 1998, M.A.T., 2003, East Tennessee State University.

Barton, Alison L. (2005) Associate Professor - Teaching and Learning
  Program Coordinator

B.A., 1993, University of Kentucky;
M.A., 1997 and Ph.D., 2001, Northern Illinois University.

Bartoszuk, Karin (2005) Associate Professor - Teaching and Learning 
  Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies

B.S., 1995 and M.S., 1996, Tarleton Central Texas (formerly University of Central Texas);
Ph.D., 2002, Auburn University.

Bevan, Carol A. (1995) Instructor - University School

B.A., 1973, Florida Southern;
M.A., 1989, Nova University.

Bitter, James R. (1995) Professor - Counseling and Human Services

B.A., 1969, Gonzaga University;
M.Ed., 1971 and Ed.D., 1975, Idaho State University.

Blankenship, Cecil N. (1971) Professor - Teaching and Learning

B.S., 1968 and M.A.T., 1970, East Tennessee State University;
Ed.D., 1972, University of Tennessee.

Borden, Joseph E. (1995) Instructor - University School

B.M., 1970, University of Georgia;
M.A., 1977, University of North Colorado;
M.M., 1978, Georgia State University;
D.M.A., 1987, Southern Baptist Seminary.

Borthwick-Johnson, Kristen (2002) Instructor - University School

B.S., 1994, Centre College;
M.Ed., 1996, Milligan College.

Bragg, Jessica (2011) Instructor - University School

B.A., 2007 and M.A., 2009, East Tennessee State University;

Brickell, Noell (2005) Instructor - University School

B.A., 1997 and M.Ed., 1999, East Tennessee State University.

Bridges, Mary Ann (2014)

B.A., 1977, Stetson University;
M.A., 2007, East Tennessee State University.

Broderick, Jane T. (2003) Associate Professor - Teaching and Learning
  Co-coordinator, Ph.D. Program

B.F.A., 1976, Pratt Institute;
M.A., 1996, Vermont College of Norwich;
Ed.D., 2003, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

Byrd, Rebekah (2010) Assistant Professor - Counseling and Human Services

B.A., 2003, University of North Carolina at Asheville;
M.S., 2007 and Ph.D., 2010, Old Dominion University.

Campbell, Heidi (2012) Instructor- University School

B.A., 2003, and M.A.T., 2007 Christopher Newport University.

Chakraborty, Mahua (2008) Assistant Professor - Counseling and Human Services

B.Sc., 1985, M.Sc,. 1988, and B.Ed., 1990, University  of Pune, India

Case, Jennie (2007) Instructor - University School

B.A., 2002 and M.A., 2004, Brigham Young University.

Chambers, Cynthia (2007) Associate Professor - Teaching and Learning
  Graduate Program Coordinator

B.S., 2001, Georgia College and State University;
M.S.Ed., 2002, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University;
Ph.D., 2007, University of Kansas.

Cockerham, J. Steve (1999) Assistant Professor - Counseling and Human Services

B.A., 1975, University of North Carolina;
M.A., 1990, State University of West Georgia.
Ph.D., 2011, Northcentral University.

Cradic, Sharon J. (2002) Instructor - University School

B.S., 1992, Lander College;
M.Ed., 1994, East Tennessee State University;
M.Ed., 1998, Milligan College.

Cromie, Pamela (2008) Instructor - University School

B.S., 1980, West Virginia University;
B.A., 1985, Faimont State University;
M.Ed., 2011, Fischler School of Education.

Daniels, Harold L. (2000) Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

B.A., 1983 and M.A., 1993, Appalachian State University;
Ph.D., 1996, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Davis, T. Jason (2002) Assistant Professor - Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation Management

B.S., 1994, Georgia Southern University;
M.S., 1996, Georgia Southern University;
Ph.D., 2003, Clemson University.

Day, Ariane (2001) Assistant Director - University School

B.A., 1998, East Tennessee State University.

DeWeese, Brad (2013) Assistant Professor - Exercise and sport Science

B.S., 1997, and M.H.S., 2002, Western Carolina University;
Ed.D., 2012, North Carolina State University.

Disque, Ann (2001) Instructor - Teaching and Learning

B.A., 1978, St. Andrews Presbyterian College;
M.Ed., 1997, East Tennessee State University.

Disque, J. Graham (1994) Professor - Counseling and Human Services

B.A., 1980, St. Andrews Presbyterian College;
M.A., 1987, Appalachian State University;
Ph.D., 1992, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Doran, Erin (2011) Instructor - University School

B.A. 2002, and M.Ed., 2003, University of Tennessee

Dotterweich, Andy R. (2008) Associate Professor - Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation Management

B.S., 1996, Clemson University;
M.S.S., 1998, U. S. Sports Academy;
Ph.D., 2005, Clemson University.

Duncan, Joyce (2009) Lecturer - Counseling and Human Services

            B.S, 1985, M.A., 1986, and Ed.D., 2005, East Tennessee State University.

Dwyer, Edward J. (1976) Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

B.S., 1962, Boston College;
M.Ed., 1974, University of Saskatchewan;
Ph.D., 1977, University of Georgia.

Erwin, Timothy A. (1997) Instructor - University School

B.S., 1983, East Tennessee State University;
M.A., 1996, Tusculum College.

Evanshen, Pamela A. (2001) Professor - Chair, Teaching and Learning
  Co-coordinator, Ph.D.  Program

B.A., 1982, Tusculum College;
M.Ed., 1984 and Ed.D., 2001, East Tennessee State University.

Fisher, Stacy (2011) Assistant Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

B.S., 1999, M.A., 2002, Ed.S., 2004, and Ph.D., 2011, Tennessee Technological University.

Flora, Bethany H. (2011) Assistant Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

B.A., 1996, University of Virginia-Wise;
M.A., 1999, Tusculum College;
Ph.D., 2008, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Flora, William F. (2012) Associate Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

B.S., 1984, Ferrum College;
M.S., 1991 and Ed.D., 2001, University of Virginia.

Foley, Virginia (2007) Assistant Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

B.S., 1976 and M.A., 1978, Tennessee Technological University;
Ed.S., 1988, State University of West Georgia, Carrollton;
Ed.D., 1996, University of Alabama.

Fox, James J. (1990) Professor - Teaching and Learning
  Associate Director, Center of Excellence

B.A., 1972, College of William and Mary;
M.A., 1975, University of Richmond;
Ph.D., 1982, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2004.

Galyon-Keramidas, Cathy (2012) Assistant Professor - Teaching and Learning

B.A., 1992, University of Tennessee;
M.A., 1996, Tennessee Technological University;
Ed.D., 2006, University of Kentucky.

Gann, Rosalind R. (2002) Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

B.A., 1970, Brooklyn College, City University of New York;
M.S.W., 1974, Smith College;
Ed.D., 2002, University of Cincinnati.

Garris, Bill (2014) Assistant Professor - Counseling and Human Services

Ph.D., 2002, Iowa State University;
M.A., 1992, Marriage & Family Therapy, Reformed Theological Seminary.

Geiken, Rosemary (2010) Assistant Professor - Teaching and Learning
Coordinator, Undergraduate Program

B.A., 1974, M.A., 1992, and Ed.D, 2010, University of Northern Iowa.

Glascock, Catherine H. (2008) Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

             B.A., 1978, Ohio Dominican College;
             M.B.A., 1987 and Ph.D., 1996, Louisiana State University.

Glover, Eric S. (2004) Associate Professor (Post Retirement) - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

B.S., 1972, M.A., 1985, and Ed.D., 2003, University of New Mexico.

Godbole, Anant (2000) Professor - Director, Center of Excellence in Math and Science Education

B.S. (Honors), 1975, University of Bombay;
M.S., 1980 and Ph.D., 1984, Michigan State University, East Lansing.

Good, Donald W. (2009) Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

            B.S., 1978, Western Carolina University;
            M.A., 1984, Winthrop College;
            Ed.D., 1989, University of South Carolina.

Govett, Aimee L. (2003) Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

B.A., 1988, M.A., 1996, and Ph.D., 2001, West Virginia University.

Greene, Amy E. (2013) Assistant Professor - Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation Management

B.S., 2003, M.A., 2005, and Ph.D., 2011, East Tennessee State University.

Hale, Kimberly (2008) Associate Professor - Teaching and Learning
 Interim Associate Dean, College of Education

B.S., 1987, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University;
M.S., 1991, Ed.S., 1992, Radford University;
Ph.D., 2005, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University.

Hammonds, Evelyn (2009) Instructor - University School

B.S., 1981, East Tennessee State University
M.Ed., 1986, University of Tennessee

Harley-McClaskey, Deborah (2009) Assistant Professor - Teaching and Learning

          B.A., 1975 and M.A., 1977, University of South Florida;
          Ed.D., 1998, East Tennessee State University.

Hayes, Diane (2011) Lecturer - Curriculum and Instruction

          B.S., 1975, Eureka College;
          M.S., 1986, Indiana University.

Hogan, Norma (1987) Professor - Interim Chair,  Curriculum and Instruction

B.A., 1969, M.Ed., 1978 and Ed.D., 1980, University of Kentucky.

Hong, Huili (2012) Assistant Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

          B.A., 2002, Hunan Normal University;
          M.A., 2006, Beijing Language and Culture University
          M.A., 2008, Southeast Missouri State University
          Ph.D., 2012, The Ohio State University.

Horton, Amy B. (2002) Instructor - University School

B.A., 1998, Tusculum College;
M.A., 2001, Union College;
Ed.S., 2003, East Tennessee State University.
National Board Certified Teacher, 2005.

Hudson, Tina (2013) Assistant Professor - Teaching and Learning

          B.A., 2001, Midway College;
          M.A., 2008, Eastern Kentucky University;
          Ph.D., 2013, University of Kentucky.

Hurwitz, Rhona S. (1991) Professor -  Curriculum and Instruction

B.A., 1972, Connecticut College;
M.Ed., 1973, University of North Dakota;
Ed.D., 1988, University of Houston.

Janatis, Jill (2001) Instructor - University School

B.A., 2004, Grove City College;
M.A., 2009, Argosy University.

Jennings, LaShay (2014) Clinical Instructor - Curriculum and Instruction

B.A.S., 2001, Mars Hill University;
M.A., 2009, Western Carolina University.

Kavanaugh, Ashley (2014) Assistant Professor - Exercise and Sports Science

B.S., 2007, University of Dayton;
M.A., 2010, and Ph.D., 2014, East Tennessee State University.

Keith, Karin (2010) Assistant Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

           B.S., 1991, B.B.A., 1992, and M.A.T., 1995, East Tennessee State University;
           Ph.D., 2009, University of South Carolina.

Kim, Min K. (2014) Clinical Instructor - Teaching and Learning

B.A., 2007, and M.A., Seoul National University of Education;
Ph.D., 2014, University of Texas at Austin.

Knight, Terri C. (1988) Media Specialist - University School

B.A., 1973, University of Charleston;
M.S., 1981, Kansas State University;
Ed.S., 2002, East Tennessee State University.
National Board Certified Teacher (2002).

Knight, W. Hal (1986) Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis 

B.A., 1972, Augusta College;
M.P.A., 1977, West Virginia College of Graduate Studies;
Ph.D., 1983, Kansas State University.

Kridler, Jamie Branam (1997) Professor - Counseling and Human Services

B.S., 1976 and M.S., 1977, University of Tennessee;
Ph.D., 1985, The Ohio State University.

Lampley, James H. (2005) Assistant Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

B.S., 1973, Middle Tennessee State University;
M.S., 1974, University of Tennessee;
Ed.D., 1999, East Tennessee State University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2009.

Langenbrunner, Mary (1993) Professor - Counseling and Human Services

B.S., 1974 and M.S., 1976, University of Kentucky;
Ph.D., 1986, University of Tennessee.

Lester, Lindsay (2014) Instructor - University School

B.S., 2008, and M.Ed., 2011, East Tennessee State University.

Lewis, Angela Radford (2004) Professor - Curriculum and Instruction 

B.S., 1984, B.S., 1987, and M.V.T.E., 1996, Middle Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 2003, University of Tennessee.

Lhotsky, Gary J. (2010) Assistant Professor - Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation Management

B.A.. 1993., Edinboro University, PA;
M.S., 1997, Georgia Southern University;
Ed.D., 2006, Florida State University.

Likis-Werle, Elizabeth (2012) Assistant Professor - Counseling and Human Services

         B.S., 1994, Wofford College;
         M.S., 1998, Western Carolina University;
         Ph.D., 2012, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Lowery, Andrea (2012) Instructor - University School

B.A., 2009, and M.Ed., 2009, East Tennessee State University.

Lyons, Renee C. (2012) Assistant Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

          B.A., 1983 and M.L.S., 1998, Appalachian State University;
          M.F.A., 2007, Vermont College of Fine Arts.

Malkus, Amy J. (2000) Associate Professor - Teaching and Learning
Coordinator, Graduate Master’s Program

B.A.. 1988, Washington College;
M.S., 1992 and Ph.D., 1995, Purdue University.

Malone, Amy (2011) Instructor- University School

B.A., 1996 Carson Newman College.

Marks, Lori (1993) Professor - Teaching and Learning
Coordinator, Undergraduate Program

B.A., 1983, Flagler College;
M.Ed., 1987, University of North Florida;
Ph.D., 1993, University of Florida.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2000.

Meade-Lewis, Susan (2006) Master Clinician - Teaching and Learning

            B.S., 1970, M.Ed., 1984, Ed.D., 2005, East Tennessee State University;
            Ed.S., 2003, Lincoln Memorial

Meier, Lori (2008) Associate Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

          B.A., 1999, Milligan College;
          M.A.T., 2000, East Tennessee State University
          Ed.D., 2006, University of Central Florida.

Mims, Pamela J. (2010) Assistant Professor - Teaching and Learning

B.S., 1999, East Tennessee State University;
M.A. Ed., 2004, Western Carolina University;
Ph.D., 2009, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Mitchell, Clifton W. (1992) Professor - Counseling and Human Services

B.A., 1974, Virginia Polytechnic Institute;
M.A., 1976, Western Kentucky University;
Ph.D., 1992, Indiana State University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2002.

Mizuguchi, Satoshi (2012) Assistant Professor - Exercise and Sport Science

          B.S., 2007, Winona State University;
          M.S., 2009, Appalachian State University;
          Ph.D., 2012, East Tennessee State University.

Morrow, Brent (1986) Associate Professor - Counseling and Human Services

B.A., 1969, University of California;
M.A., 1977, Mennonite Brethren Seminary;
Ph.D., 1986, Texas Tech University.

Mozen, Diana M. (2000) Associate Professor - Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation Management

B.S., 1980, M.Ed., 1980 and Ph.D., 1998, Georgia State University.

Myron, Mary C. (1997) Instructor - University School

B.A., 1994 and M.Ed., 1996, East Tennessee State University.
National Board Certified Teacher, 2004.

Nivens, Ryan (2008) Associate Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

             B.S., 1997, Evangel University;
             M.Ed., 2003, Drury University;
             Ph.D., 2009, University of Missouri-Columbia.

Nyarambi, Arnold (2009) Assistant Professor - Teaching and Learning

BA.Ed., 2000, Africa University, Zimbabwe;
M.M.Ed., 2004, Shenandoah University;
Ph.D., 2009, Tennessee Technological University.

O’Neil, Kason (2014) Assistant Professor - teaching and Learning

B.S.Ed., 2004, Physical Education, State University of New York at Cortland;
M.S.S., 2010, Sport Management, United States Sports Academy;
Ph.D., 2014, Kinesiology-Physical Education pedagogy, University of Virginia.

Palmero, Mauro (2010) Assistant Professor - Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation Management

          B.S., 1991, State University of Campinas-Brazil;
          M.S., 2002, Georgia Southern University;
          Ph.D., 2010, Ohio University.

Parrott, Deborah (2011) Assistant Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

          B.S., 1985 and M.A., 1990, University of North Alabama;
          M.L.S., 1995, University of Alabama.

Pensley, Justin (2010) Instructor - University School

B.S., 1997, East Tennessee State University;
M.Ed., 2004, Milligan College.

Petty, Joshua W. (2003) Instructor - University School

B.S., 1999, M.Ed., 2002, East Tennessee State University.

Pitts, Ellen (2010) Instructor - University School

B.A., 1970, Milliken University;
M.S., 1971, Illinois State University.

Powell-Fernandez, Jill (2005) Instructor - University School

B.A., 1999 and M.S., 2000, University of Tennessee.

Preswood, Erica (2013) Instructor - University School

B.S., 2001. Appalachian State University;
M.Ed., 2011 East Tennessee State University.

Price, Rayne (2007) Instructor - University School

B.S., 1999 and M.A.T., 2003, East Tennessee State University.

Ralston, Elizabeth (1993) Professor Emerita - Curriculum and Instruction 
  Senior Associate Dean, College of Education

B.A., 1970, Texas A&I University;
M.Ed., 1973 and Ed.D., 1978-Memphis State University.

Ramsey, Michael (2005) Associate Professor - Chair, Exercise and Sport Science

B.S., 1993 and M.A., 1995, Sam Houston State University;
Ph.D., 2005, Texas A&M University.

Renner, Jasmine (2003) Associate Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

LL.B. Hons., 1993, University of Sierra Leone, Fourah Bay College;
LL.M., 1998, University of Georgia School of Law;
Ed.D., 2002, Bowling Green State University.

Rhoton, Jack (1987) Professor Emeritus- Curriculum and Instruction 

A.A., 1964, Hiwassee College;
B.S., 1966, East Tennessee State University;
M.Ed., 1969, University of Virginia;
M.S., 1974, Old Dominion University;
Ed.D., 1984, University of Tennessee.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 1995.

Rice-Moran, Renee R. (2012) Assistant Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

          B.S., 2001, University of North Carolina;
          M.A., 2004, San Diego State University.

Robertson, Laura (2001) Assistant Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

B.S., 2000 and M.S., 2001, University of Tennessee;
Ph.D., 2010, North Carolina State University

Robertson, Patricia E. (1997) Professor Emerita - Counseling and Human Services

B.A., 1973, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill;
M.A.Ed., 1974, Western Carolina University;
Ed.D., 1990, University of North Carolina-Greensboro.

Rock, Terryl (2013) Clinical Instructor - Curriculum and Instruction

B.A., 1981, Virginia Tech
M.Ed., 1986, East Tennessee State Tennessee

Ross, Terryl (2013) Instructor - University School

B.A., 1987, Rhodes College;
Orff Schulwerk Level II, 1993, and Orff Schulwerk Level I, 1994, University of Memphis;
M.Ms., 1995, University of Memphis.

Sato, Kimitake (2011) Assistant Professor - Exercise and Sport Science

B.A., 2001, Lenoir-Rhyne College;  
M.S., 2007, Barry University;
Ph.D., 2010, University of Northern Colorado.

Scarborough, Janna ( 2006) Professor -  Chair, Counseling and Human Services

B.S., 1991, University of Mary;
M.A.Ed., 1994, Western Carolina University;
Ph.D., 2002, University of Virginia.

Scott, Pamela Howell (2006) Assistant Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

B.S., 1973, M.A., 1977, Ed.S, 1989, and Ed.D., 1977, Appalachian State University.

Sharp, Kathryn (2009) Assistant Professor - Teaching and Learning
Coordinator, Early Childhood Education (Licensure)

B.S., 1998, University of Memphis;
M.S., 2001, Union University;
Ed.D., 2005, University of Memphis.

Shaw, Aleeta (2002) Counselor - University School

B.A., 1990 and M.Ed., 1991, East Tennessee State University.

Sherlin, Erin (2008) Clinical Instructor - Teaching and Learning

B.S., 1993, University of Tennessee;
M.Ed., 1997, Xavier University.

Sims, April (n.d.) Instructor - University School

Associates of Arts, 1997, Florida Atlantic University;
B.A., 2002, University of South Florida.

Smith, Samuel (2012) Instructor - University School

M.A., Tennessee Technological University.

Squibb, Sharon L. (2000) Instructor - University School

B.F.A., 1978, University of Tennessee;
M.F.A., 1983, University of Cincinnati;
M.A., 1988, East Tennessee State University.

Stone, John (1972) Professor - Teaching and Learning

            B.Ed., 1966 and M.Ed., 1968, University of Kentucky;
            Ed.D., 1972, University of Florida.

Stone, Margaret (2005) Director, Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education

           B.A., 1984 and M.A., 2007, University of Arizona.

Stone, Michael H. (2005) Associate Professor - Exercise and Sport Science

B.S., 1970, Florida Technological University;
M.S., 1974, Tennessee Technological University;
Ph.D., 1977, Florida State University.

Summey, Kimberly (2008) Instructor - University School

Tadlock, Daniel (2011) Instructor - University School

Tai, Chih-che (2009) Assistant Professor - Curriculum and Instruction
Assistant Director, Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education

            B.S., 1992, M.S., 1997, National Taiwan University;
            M. Phil., 2006, Ph.D., 2009, Columbia University.

Taylor, Teresa Brooks (2009) Instructor - Counseling and Human Services

           B.A., 1989 and M.A., 1991, University of Tennessee.

Trivette, Carol M. (2014) Associate Professor - Teaching and Learning

B.S., 1977, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill;
M.A., 1982, Appalachian State University;
Ph.D.. 2009, University of North Carolina.

Wheeler, John J. (2012) Professor - Teaching and Learning
Director, Center of Excellence in Early Childhood Learning and Development

          B.S., 1985, M.S., 1986, and Ph.D., 1989, Southern Illinois University.

White, Robert (2013) Assistant Professor - Teaching and Learning

          B.S., 1985 and M.S., 1986, Open University;
          Ph.D., 2010, Durham University.

School of Graduate Studies

McIntosh, Cecilia A. (1993) Associate Professor - Biological Sciences 
  Dean, School of Graduate Studies

B.A., 1977, M.A., 1981, and Ph.D., 1990, University of South Florida.

Honors College

Slagle, Judith B. (1999) Professor, Literature and Language
Interim Dean, Honors College

B.S., 1983, and M.A., 1985, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1991, University of Tennessee;
Arts and Sciences Distinguished Research Award, 2007-08.

College of Medicine


Abdel-Wahab, Ayman M. (2001) Assistant Professor - Pediatrics

M.D., 1988, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt.

Acuff, Robert V. (1995) Professor - Adjunct Faculty, Home Economics/Internal Medicine/Biochemistry 
  Director, Eastman Center for Nutrition Research

B.S., 1974, Louisiana State University;
M.S., 1977 and Ph.D., 1982, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Adler, Christine M. (1991) Assistant Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.S., 1984, University of Santa Clara;
Ph.D., 1989, State University of New York-Albany.

Agrawal, Alok (2002) Associate Professor - Pharmacology

B.S., 1981 and M.S., 1984, Banaras Hindu University, India;
Ph.D., 1989, Visva Bharati University, India.

Airhart, Mark J. (1984) Associate Professor - Anatomy and Cell Biology

B.S., 1966, State University of New York- Cortland;
M.S., 1969, University of Connecticut;
Ph.D., 1981, University of Vermont.

Alison, Juduan (1994) Associate Professor - Surgery

B.A., 1980, University of Tennessee-Knoxville;
B.S.N., 1984, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri;
M.D., 1989, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Anand, Rajani (1991) Assistant Professor - Pediatrics

M.D., 1983, University of Mysore, India.

Aneas, Beth A. (2003) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.S., 1978, and M.P.H.A., 1991, University of Tennessee-Knoxville;
M.D., 1998, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine

Ardell, Jeffrey L. (1998) Professor - Pharmacology

B.A., 1975, Colorado College;
Ph.D., 1980, University of Washington.

Armstrong, Stephen C. (1991) Assistant Professor - Pathology

B.S., 1979, University of Florida;
Ph.D., 1986, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

Assad, Norman (2005) Associate Professor - Obstetrics/Gynecology

M.D., 1996, University of Western Ontario.

Auerbach, John S. (1996) Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.A., 1980, Brown University;
Ph.D., 1988, State University of New York- Buffalo.

Bailey, Beth (2003) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.S., 1988, University of Michigan, Flint;
M.A., 1995, and Ph.D., 2001, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.

Baisden, Ronald H. (1978) Professor - Anatomy and Cell Biology

B.S., 1968 and Ph.D., 1973, University of Florida.

Baltazar, Ulises (2003) Assistant Professor - Surgery

M.D., 1985, La Salle University College of Medicine.

Banks, Jerry B. (2000) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.A., 1985, Wake Forest University;
M.A., 1988, Western Carolina University;
M.D., 1992, Eastern Carolina University School of Medicine.

Bayard, Max (1999) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine
  Program Director, Johnson City

B.A., 1976, Baptist Bible College;
B.S., 1987-Memphis State University;
M.D., 1991, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Bennard, Bruce C. (1990) Associate Professor - Family Medicine

B.A., 1967, University of Massachusetts;
M.Ed., 1972 and Ph.D., 1989, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Bharti, Des R. (1990) Associate Professor - Pediatrics

M.B.B.S., 1972, J.N. Medical College, India.

Blackwelder, Reid B. (1992) Associate Professor - Family Medicine 
  Program Director, Kingsport

B.S., 1980, Haverford College;
M.D., 1984, Emory University School of Medicine.

Bochis, Melania (2002) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

M.D., 1999, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Bonta, Bedford W. (1993) Associate Professor - Pediatrics

A.B., 1965, Wesleyan University;
M.D., 1969, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

Brahmbhatt, Hetal K. (2002) Assistant Professor - Psychiatry/Internal Medicine
  Associate Program Director, Med-Psych Residency

M.B.B.S., 1990, N.H.L. Municipal Medical College, India;
M.D., 1992, Sheth K.M. School.

Breuel, Kevin F. (1992) Associate Professor - Obstetrics/Gynecology 
  Adjunct Faculty, Physiology/Biological Science/Anatomy and Cell Biology

B.S., 1982, Western Illinois University;
M.S., 1985, Clemson University;
Ph.D., 1991, West Virginia University.

Browder, I. William (1990) Professor - Chair, Surgery Associate 
  Dean for Clinical Affairs

B.S., 1967, Tulane University;
M.D., 1971, Tulane University School of Medicine.

Brown, Earl J. (1987) Professor - Pathology

B.S., 1977, McNeese State University;
M.D., 1981, Louisiana State University School of Medicine.

Brown, George (1994) Professor - Associate Chair, Psychiatry and Behavioral Science

M.D., 1983, University of Rochester School of Medicine.

Byrd, Ryland P. Jr. (1995) Professor - Internal Medicine

B.A., 1978, Wake Forest University;
M.D., 1985, University of Louisville.

Cabello, Olga A. (2005) Associate Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

B.S., 1985, University Iberoamericana;
M.S., 1987, Nacional Autonoma;
Ph.D., 1994, Baylor College of Medicine.

Cancellaro, Louis A. (1979) Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences/Anatomy and Cell Biology 
  Adjunct Faculty, Professional Roles/ Mental Health Nursing
  Associate Dean, Veterans Affairs

B.S., 1955, Manhattan College;
Ph.D., 1960, New York University Graduate School of Arts & Science;
M.D., 1965, Duke University School of Medicine.

Castellino, Sharon M. (1998) Associate Professor - Pediatrics

B.A., 1988, Mount Holyoke College;
M.D., 1992, Duke University.

Chamberlin, Marian (1982) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1974 and M.D., 1978, Michigan State University.

Champney, W. Scott (1982) Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
  Adjunct Faculty, Biological Sciences

A.B., 1965, University of Rochester;
Ph.D., 1970, State University of New York- Buffalo.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2000.

Chastain, David O. (2001) Associate Professor - Pediatrics

B.A., 1973, University of Mississippi, Oxford;
M.D., University of Mississippi, Jackson.

Chi, David S. (1980) Professor - Internal Medicine 
  Adjunct Faculty, Microbiology/Pathology/Pharmacology 
  Chief, Division of Biomedical Research

B.S., 1965, National Chung-Hsing University, China;
M.A., 1974 and Ph.D., 1977, University of Texas Medical Branch.

Chua, Balvin H.L. (1994) Professor - Biomedical Science

B.S., 1969, National Taiwan University,
M.S., 1971, and Ph.D., 1975, University of Wisconsin.

Clarity, Gregory E. (1995) Associate Professor - Family Medicine 
  Medical Director, Bristol

B.E., 1982, The Cooper Union;
M.D., 1993, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Clark, Terrence P. (2001) Assistant Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.S., 1968, Saint John’s University;
M.D., 1973, Baylor College of Medicine.

Cobble, Anita Diane (1998) Associate Professor - Surgery

B.S., 1989, East Tennessee State University;
M.D., 1993, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Copeland, Rebecca J. (1993) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1976 and M.A., 1978, East Tennessee State University;
M.D., 1982, University of Tennessee College of Medicine.

Culp, John S. (1986) Associate Professor - Family Medicine 
  Associate Program Director, Bristol

B.S., 1976, East Tennessee State University;
M.D., 1980, University of Alabama School of Medicine.

D’Aprille, Joann W. (2000) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.S., 1980, Molloy College;
M.A., 1986, Stony Brook;
D.O., 1997, Nova-Southeastern University of the Health Sciences.

David, Daniel J. (1985) Professor - Family Medicine
  Adjunct Faculty, Family/Community Nursing/Psychiatry

B.S., 1974, Washington and Lee University;
M.D., 1978, University of Virginia School of Medicine.

Defoe, Dennis M. (1996) Associate Professor - Anatomy and Cell Biology

B.A., 1974, University of Colorado;
Ph.D., 1981, University of California.

DeLucia, Anthony J. (1977) Professor - Surgery 
  Adjunct Faculty, Environmental Health

B.A., 1970, University of California;
Ph.D., 1974, University of California, Davis.
ETSU Foundation Research Award, 1983.

DeMay, Jessica (2004) Assistant Professor - Obstetrics/Gynecology

B.S., 1990 and M.D., 1994, University of Illinois.

DeVoe, William M. (1992) Professor - Vice Chair, Pediatrics

B.A., 1974, Miami University;
M.D., 1977, Ohio State University College of Medicine.

Dessus-Babus, Sophie (2003) Assistant Professor - Microbiology

B.S., 1993, M.S., 1994, and Ph.D., 1998, University of Bordeaux.

Drake, Janet (1999) Associate Professor - Obstetrics/Gynecology

B.S., 1988 and M.D., 1992, University of Florida.

Duffourc, Michelle M. (1998) Assistant Professor - Pharmacology

B.S., 1985 and Ph.D., 1993, University of South Alabama.

Dunn, Julie (1998) Assistant Professor - Surgery

B.S., 1984, University of California, Davis;
M.S., 1987, University of Tennessee-Knoxville;
M.D., 1991, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Dyer, Allen R. (1992) Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

A.B., 1967, and M.M.Sc., 1970, Brown University;
M.D., 1972, Duke University School of Medicine;
Ph.D., 1980, Duke University.

Eason, Martin P. (2003) Assistant Professor - Section of Medical Education

M.D., 1987, University of Arizona;
J.D., 2002 University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law.

Eberhart, Anne (2003) Assistant Professor - Surgery

B.A., 1985, Converse College;
M.D., 1999, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Ecay, Tom W. (1995) Associate Professor - Physiology

B.S., 1980 and Ph.D., 1986, Boston College.

Ernst-Fonberg, M. Lou (1978) Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
  Adjunct Faculty, Biological Sciences

A.B., 1958, Susquehanna University;
M.D., 1962, Temple University School of Medicine;
Ph.D., 1967, Yale University.

Fahrig, Stephen A. (2000) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1983, University of Notre Dame;
M.D., 1987, Ohio State University.

Feierabend, Raymond Jr. (1982) Professor - Family Medicine Program
  Director, Bristol

B.A., 1971, Amherst College;
M.D., 1975, Tulane University School of Medicine.

Ferguson, Donald A. Jr. (1978) Associate Professor - Microbiology

A.B., 1967, Clark University;
Ph.D., 1974, Syracuse University.

Ferslew, Kenneth E. (1982) Professor - Pharmacology

B.S., 1975 and M.S., 1976, University of Florida;
Ph.D., 1982, Louisiana State University School of Medicine.

Fields-Ossorio, Cheryl (1998) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1979, Northern Kentucky University;
M.D., 1984, University of Louisville.

Finger, William W. (1997) Associate Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.A., 1983, University of Virginia;
M.A., 1987 and Ph.D., 1989, University of Missouri-Columbia.

Florence IV, Joseph A. (2002) Associate Professor - Family Medicine

B.A., 1974, Duke University;
M.D., 1980, Medical College of Virginia.

Floresguerra, Carlos A. (1994) Associate Professor - Surgery

B.S., 1975, Colegio Americano, Quiito, Ecuador;
M.D., 1982, Universidad Del Salvador Medical School,Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Floyd, Michael R. (1989) Associate Professor - Family Medicine 
  Adjunct Faculty, Psychiatry

B.S., 1970, University of Georgia;
M.Ed., 1972 and Ed.D., 1982, Auburn University.

Frizzell, Peter G. (2001) Assistant Professor - Psychiatry

B.S., 1977, Milligan College;
M.D., 1991, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Gallemore, Gail H. (1980) Professor - Pediatrics

B.A., 1962, Emory University;
M.A.T., 1966, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill;
M.D., 1977, Duke University School of Medicine.

Ganote, Charles E. (1989) Professor - Pathology

B.S., 1960, University of Cincinnati;
M.D., 1965, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

Gebka, Ann (2004) Assistant Professor - Obstetrics/Gynecology

B.S., 1996 and M.D., 2000, University of Miami.

Ginn, David R. (1982) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.A., 1975, University of Minnesota;
M.D., 1979, University of Minnesota Medical School.

Goulding, Clarence E. Jr. (1990) Associate Professor - Surgery
  Coordinator, Anesthesiology

M.D., 1954, University of Tennessee College of Medicine.

Green, John A. (1981) Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1971, University of Richmond;
M.D., 1975, Medical College of Virginia.

Guha, Bhuvana (1996) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

M.B.B.S., 1989, Taniore Medical College, India.

Haaser, Richard C. (1998) Assistant Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.S., 1980, University of Notre Dame;
M.D., 1984, Tufts University School of Medicine.

Hall, John R. (1996) Professor - Surgery 
  Director of Trauma Service, HVMC

B.S., 1974, Stanford University;
M.D., 1977, University of Arizona College of Medicine.

Han, Zhihua (2003) Assistant Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

B.S., Peking University, China
M.S., 1997, Peking University, China
Ph.D., 1997, University of California, San Diego.

Hancock, John C. (1977) Professor - Pharmacology

B.S., 1962, University of Missouri-Kansas City;
M.S., 1965 and Ph.D., 1967, University of Texas.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2001.

Hanley, Gregory Alan (2005) Assistant Professor - Pharmacology
  Director, DLAR

B.S., 1987, State University of New York;
D.V.M., 1993 and Ph.D., 1998, University of Florida.

Hansen, Dianne (1995) Assistant Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.A., 1981, University of California, L.A.;
M.D., 1986, University of California, San Diego.

Hayman, J. Russell (2002) Assistant Professor - Microbiology

B.S., 1987, Mississippi College;
Ph.D., 1995, University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Haynes, Daniel F. (1994) Associate Professor - Surgery 
  Director, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

B.A., 1981, University of Dallas;
M.D., 1985, Tulane University, New Orleans.

Herrell, Howard (2008) Assistant Professor - Obstetrics/Gynecology

B.S., 2000, University of Tennessee;
M.D., 2004, East Tennessee State University.

Holler, Matthew B. (2003) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1993, University of Memphis;
M.D., 2000, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Holmes, Sheri (2005) Assistant Professor - Obstetrics/Gynecology

B.S.N., 1989 and M.D., 2001, East Tennessee State University.

Holt, James D. (2001) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine 
  Medical Director, Johnson City

A.B., 1978, Princeton University;
M.D., 1982, University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Hooks, Mary A. (1996) Associate Professor - Surgery 
  Director, Division of Surgical Oncology

B.S., 1980, University of Michigan;
M.D., 1989, University of Pennsylvania.

Hoover, Donald B. (1978) Professor - Pharmacology

B.S., 1972, Grove City College;
Ph.D., 1976, West Virginia University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award for Research, 2002.

Hoskere, Girendra V. (2003) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

M.B.B.S., 1993, Kasturba Medical College;
M.D., 1999, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Hossler, Fred E. (1981) Professor - Anatomy and Cell Biology

B.S., 1963, Muhlenberg College;
M.S., 1965, Pennsylvania State University;
Ph.D., 1971, University of Colorado.

Hougland, Margaret W. (1977) Associate Professor - Anatomy and Cell Biology

B.S., 1961, Brigham Young University;
Ph.D., 1977, University of South Dakota.

Hubbs, Doris T. (1991) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1973 and M.S., 1975, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
M.D., 1988, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Hudgins, Larry (1992) Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1968, University of Tennessee-Knoxville;
M.D., 1971, University of Tennessee-Memphis.

Ismail, Hassam M. (2002) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

M.D., 1988, Damascus University Medical School.

Johnson, David A. (1978) Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
    Adjunct Faculty, Biological Sciences

B.S., 1967 and Ph.D., 1973-Memphis State University.
ETSU Foundation Research Award, 1987.

Jordan, Richard M. (1987) Professor - Internal Medicine 
  Chief, Division of Endocrinology 
  Residency Program Director

A.B., 1967, DePauw University;
M.D., 1971, Indiana University School of Medicine.

Joshi, Piyush N. (1985) Professor - Surgery 
  Adjunct Faculty, Obstetrics/Gynecology 
  Director, Division of Urology/Division of Transplant Surgery

M.D., 1975, Medical College, Baroda, India.

Joyner, William L. (1989) Professor - Chair, Physiology 
  Adjunct Faculty, Internal Medicine

B.S., 1965, Davidson College;
M.S.P.H., 1967 and Ph.D., 1971, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Kalbfleisch, John H. (1988) Professor - Medical Education 
  Director, Division of Biometry and Medical Computing

B.S., 1965 and M.A., 1966, Western Michigan University;
Ph.D., 1970, University of Oklahoma.

Kalwinsky, David K. (1990) Professor - Chair, Pediatrics 
  Adjunct Faculty, Internal Medicine

B.A., 1969, Temple University;
M.D., 1973, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

Kao, Race L. (1992) Professor - Surgery 
  Adjunct Faculty, Physiology 
  Chairholder, Carroll H. Long Chair in Surgical Research

B.S., 1965, National Taiwan University, Taiwan;
M.S., 1971 and Ph.D., 1972, University of Illinois.

Kaplon, Michael K. (1992) Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1977, University of the South;
M.D., 1981, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

Karnad, Anand B. (1989) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine 
  Chief, Div. of Hematology/Oncology

M.D., 1980, University of Madras Medical College, India.

Katras, Tony (1996) Professor - Surgery

B.A., 1976, East Tennessee State University;
D.D., 1979, Harding University;
M.D., 1984, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Kauzlarich, Michael P. (2002) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.A., 1991, University of Iowa;
D.O., 1996, University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences.

Kayser, Allen (2001) Associate Professor - Psychiatry 
  Director, Residency Training

B.G.S., 1972, University of Nebraska, Omaha;
M.D., 1979, West Virginia University.

Kelley, Jim (1996) Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1969, Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, Oklahoma;
Ph.D., 1973, University of Oklahoma, Norman.

Kemp, Evelyn C. (2001) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.S., 1995, and Psy.D., 1999, Wright State University.

Khaja, Nizammudin (1998) Assistant Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

M.D., 1986, Siddharatha Medical College, Nagarjuna University, India.

Kimbrough, Barbara O. (1980) Professor - Surgery 
  Director, Division of Ophthalmology

B.S., 1972, Iowa State University;
M.D., 1976, Mayo Medical School.

Kirsche, David (2003) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

M.D., University of Florida, Gainesville.

Knight, T. T. (1997) Professor - Surgery

B.A., 1955, University of Louisville;
M.D., 1959, University of Louisville, College of Medicine.

Kostrzewa, Richard M. (1978) Professor - Pharmacology

B.S., 1965 and M.S., 1967, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science;
Ph.D., 1971, University of Pennsylvania.
ETSU Foundation Award, 1981.

Krishnan, Koyamangalath (1998) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

P.U.C., 1974, St. Joseph’s College, India;
M.B.B.S., 1980, University of Madras, India;
M.D., 1987, Institute of Medical Education, India.

Krishnaswamy, Guha (1992) Professor - Internal Medicine 
  Chief, Division of Allergy 
  Adjunct Faculty, Physiology

M.B.B.S., 1983, University of Madras Medical College, India.

Krozser-Hamati, Agnes K. (1991) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1979, John Carroll University;
M.D., 1986, American University of the Caribbean, West Indies.

Kukulka, Gary (2003) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.S., 1977, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant;
M.A., 1978, Ball State University, Muncie, Illinois;
Ph.D., 1981, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Kumar, P. Lucy (1993) Assistant Professor - Pediatrics

M.D., 1964, Andhra Medical College, India.

Kwasigroch, Thomas E. (1979) Professor - Anatomy and Cell Biology 
  Assistant Dean for Curriculum and 
  Director, Anatomical Gift Program

B.S., 1967, Niagara University;
Ph.D., 1976, University of Virginia.

Laffan, John J. (1992) Associate Professor - Microbiology

B.A., 1982, Hamilton College;
Ph.D., 1988, Wesleyan University.

Laird, Kimberly J. (1992) Assistant Professor - Learning Resources

B.A., 1984, Bethel College;
M.I.L.S., 1987, University of Michigan.

Lang, Forrest (1984) Professor - Family Medicine 
  Adjunct Faculty, Adult Nursing 
  Director, Medical Education

B.A., 1967, University of Pennsylvania;
M.D., 1971, Hahnemann University School of Medicine.

Lee, Prescott P. (2001) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1988, University of California, Los Angeles;
M.D., 1993, Tufts University School of Medicine.

Leicht, Stuart (1984) Professor - Internal Medicine 
  Chief, Division of Dermatology

B.A., 1974, State University of New York;
M.D., 1978, Emory University School of Medicine.

Li, Chuanfu (1996) Associate Professor - Surgery 
  Adjunct Faculty, Pharmacology

M.S., 1986 and M.D., 1978, Nanjing Medical University of China.

Linville, M. David, Jr. (2002) Instructor - Section of Medical Education 
  Adjunct Faculty, Anatomy and Cell Biology
  Acting Associate Vice President/Executive Director for Rural and Community Health

B.S., 1995, University of Tennessee;
M.D., 2000, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Lockett, Mark (2001) Assistant Professor - Surgery

B.A., 1990, Furman University;
M.D., 1994, Medical University of South Carolina.

Lowe, Charles E., III (2003) Instructor - Pediatrics

B.S., 1996, University of Kentucky;
M.D., 2000, University of Louisville, School of Medicine.

Loyd, Stephen D. (2001) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1994, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
M.D., 1998, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

McGowen, K. Ramsey (1985) Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.S., 1975, M.S., 1977 and Ph.D., 1981, Auburn University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2003.

Mehta, Jayantilal B. (1977) Professor - Internal Medicine 
  Chief, Division of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology

M.D., 1969, Government Medical College, India.

Messerschmidt, William H. (1988) Professor - Surgery 
  Director, Division of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

B.S., 1977, The Pennsylvania State University;
M.D., 1979, Jefferson Medical College.

Miller, Barney (1997) Associate Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 
  Adjunct, Anatomy and Cell Biology

B.A., 1975, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga;
Ph.D., 1983, University of Tennessee-Memphis.

Miller, Merry N. (1995) Professor - Chair, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.S., 1975, Southwestern-Memphis;
M.S., 1983, University of Tennessee;
M.D., 1983, Duke University.

Mills, Debra Quarles (2000) Assistant Professor - Pediatrics

B.A.. 1988, University of Tennessee;
M.D., 1993, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Miyamoto, Michael D. (1978) Professor - Pharmacology

B.A., 1966 and Ph.D., 1971, Northwestern University.

Modica, Louis A. (1984) Professor - Surgery 
  Director, Division of Otolaryngology

B.A., 1974, Columbia College;
M.D., 1980, State University of New York Downstate College of Medicine.

Mohon, Ricky T. (1992) Assistant Professor - Pediatrics 
  Adjunct Faculty, Internal Medicine

B.S., 1977, University of Tennessee-Martin;
M.D., 1981, University of Tennessee College of Medicine.

Monaco, Paul J. (1987) Professor - Anatomy and Cell Biology

B.A., 1974, Merrimack College;
M.S., 1977 and Ph.D., 1982, Marquette University.

Moore, Jason B. (2002) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.A., 1995, Miami University of Ohio, Oxford;
M.D., 1999, Ohio State University College of Medicine.

Moorman, Jonathan P. (2000) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1987, Loyola College;
M.D., 1991, University of Virginia School of Medicine.

Morgan, Calvin V. (1996) Professor - Surgery

B.S., 1958, Davidson College;
M.D., 1962, Duke University.

Moser, Michele R. (2002) Assistant Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.A., 1983, Augustana College;
M.A., 1995, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University.

Mullersman, Jerald (2000) Associate Professor - Pathology

M.D., and Ph.D., 1986, University of Florida.

Musich, Phillip R. (1980) Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
  Adjunct Faculty, Biological Science

B.S., 1968, Creighton University;
Ph.D., 1973, University of Chicago.

Myers, James W. (1994) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1981, East Tennessee State University;
M.D., 1985, Wake Forest University.

Newell, Christine L. (2006) Instructor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Science

B.A., 1982, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1994, University of Texas System, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences;
M.Ed., 1999, East Tennessee State University.

Nunley-Gorman, Diana L. (1987) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.A., 1979, Carson-Newman College;
M.D., 1983, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Nwosu, Uchenna C. (2003) Professor - Obstetrics/Gynecology

A.B., 1964, Harvard University;
M.D., 1968, Boston University School of Medicine.

Olive, Kenneth (1989) Professor - Vice Chair, Internal Medicine 
  Associate Chair for Clinical Affairs

B.S., 1977, Duke University;
M.D., 1982, East Carolina University School of Medicine.

Olsen, Martin E. (1992) Professor - Chair, Obstetrics/Gynecology 
  Adjunct Faculty, Pediatrics

B.S., 1981, Muskingum College;
M.D., 1985, Medical School of Ohio.

Ordway, Gregory A. (2005) Professor - Chair, Pharmacology

B.S., 1980, Ohio State University;
Ph.D., 1985, Ohio State University, College of Pharmacy.

Ossorio, Miquel A. (1996) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

M.D., 1979, University Centro Occidential, Venezuela.

Pandian, Shantha (2001) Assistant Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

M.D., 1994, Kasturba Medical College, India.

Panini, Aruna S. (1996) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.S., 1974, University of Bagalore, India;
M.S., 1976, University of Madras, India;
M.S., 1979, University of Cincinnati;
M.D., 1992, University of Colorado.

Panini, Sankhavaram, R. (1996) Associate Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

B.S., 1968, Andhra University, Waltair, India;
M.S., 1970, University of Baroda, India; D.I.I.Sc., 1971;
Ph.D., 1975, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

Peiris, Alan N. (1993) Professor - Internal Medicine

M.B.B.S., 1977 and M.D., 1990, University of London.

Pennington, Glenn (2000) Professor - Surgery

B.A., 1962, University of Mississippi, Jackson;
M.D., 1966, University of Mississippi, Oxford.

Pillinger, Lynn (1981) Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1972, Duke University;
M.D., 1977, Medical University of South Carolina.

Pollitte, Jonathan (2001) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1990, Kentucky Wesleyan College;
M.D., 1999, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Ponnappa, Biddanda (Suresh) P. (1999) Professor - Assistant Dean, Learning Resources, 
  Director of Library and Biomedical Communications

B.Sc., 1970, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India;
M.S.L.S., 1984, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Pop, Anca (2000) Clinical Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1985, St. Save College, Bucharest, Romania;
M.S., 1991, Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Bucharest, Romania.

Powers, Ruby R. (2001) Assistant Professor - Pediatrics

B.S., 1991, Oklahoma City University;
M.D., 1997, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine.

Price, David T. (1997) Assistant Professor - Residency Program Director, Pediatrics

B.S., 1978 and M.D., 1982, University of South Carolina.

Procter, Carol (2003) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

M.D., East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine

Punyasavatsut, Natavut (2003) Assistant Professor - Pediatrics

M.D., 1994, Chulalongkorn University.

Ramu, Vijay (1999) Clinical Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1994, Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore, India;
M.D., 1999, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Rary, Jack M. (1988) Professor - Pediatrics 
  Adjunct Faculty, Obstetrics/Gynecology

B.S., 1962, Western Carolina University;
M.S., 1964 and Ph.D., 1968, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Rice, Peter J. (1986) Associate Professor - Pharmacology

B.S., 1976, Northeastern University;
Ph.D., 1983, Ohio State University College of Pharmacy.

Robinson, Mitchell E. (1985) Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
  Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies 
  Adjunct Faculty, Biological Sciences

B.S., 1976, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill;
M.S., 1978, Western Carolina University;
Ph.D., 1983, Wake Forest University, Bowman Gray School of Medicine.

Rose, Douglas J. (2002) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine 
  Medical Director, Kingsport

B.S., 1990, Saint Francis University
M.D., 1995, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University.

Rowe, Brian P. (1981) Professor - Physiology

B.Sc., 1974 and Ph.D., 1977, University of Southampton, England.

Roy, Thomas M. (1994) Professor - Internal Medicine 
  Chief, Division of Pulmonary Diseases
  Associate Chair for Faculty/ Resident Development and Research

B.A., 1969, University of Louisville;
M.D., 1973, University of Louisville School of Medicine.

Rush, Daniel S. (1997) Professor - Surgery 
  Director, Division of Vascular Surgery

B.A., 1971, Centre College;
M.D., 1976, University of Kentucky College of Medicine.

Rusinol, Antonio E. (1996) Assistant Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

B.Sc., 1983 and Ph.D., 1990, National University of Tucuman, Tucuman, Argentina.

Sarkodie, Olga (2008) Assistant Professor - Obstetrics/Gynecology

M.D., 1990, Minsk State Medical Institute.

Sarubbi, Felix A. (1987) Professor - Internal Medicine 
  Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases 
  Assistant Dean/Director of Medical Education-VAMC

B.S., 1965, Manhattan College;
M.D., 1969, New York University School of Medicine.

Schacht, Thomas E. (1985) Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.A., 1973, Connecticut College;
Psy. D., 1980, Rutgers University.

Schambra, Uta B. (1993) Assistant Professor - Anatomy and Cell Biology

B.S., 1960, Apothekerkammer, Kassel, Germany;
M.S., 1965, Niedersachsischer Sozialminister, Hanover, Germany;
Ph.D., 1988, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Schetzina, Karen E. (2003) Assistant Professor - Pediatrics

B.A., 1993, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill;
M.D., 1997, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill;
M.P.H., 1998, University of North Carolina School of Public Health, Chapel Hill.

Schoborg, Robert V. (1994) Associate Professor - Microbiology

B.S., 1985, Oklahoma State University;
Ph.D., 1991, University of Missouri, Columbia.

Schweitzer, Janice B. (2000) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.A., 1978 and M.D., 1979, University of Missouri, Kansas City.

Schweitzer, John B. (1999) Professor - Chair, Pathology

B.S., 1974, Washington University;
M.D., 1978, Washington University School of Medicine.

Selman, Bruce (2005) Assistant Professor - Obstetrics/Gynecology

B.S., 1969, Cornell University;
M.S., 1972 and Ph.D., 1973, University of Rochester;
M.D., 1995, University of Wisconsin.

Shah, Pramod A. (1985) Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

M.B.B.S., 1971, University of Bombay, India.

Shaikh, Mohammed A. (2003) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

M.B.B.S., 1994, B.J. Medical College;
M.D., 2002, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Shepard, F. Mike (1977) Professor Emeritus - Pediatrics

B.S., 1956, Vanderbilt University;
M.D., 1959, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

Shurbaji, Muhammad S. (1990) Associate Professor - Pathology

B.S., 1979, M.S., 1981 and M.D., 1984,
American University of Beirut, Lebanon.

Singh, Krishna (2002) Associate Professor - Physiology

B.S., 1980, Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India;
M.S., 1983, and Ph.D., 1987, Haryana Agril University, Hisar, India.

Singh, Mahipal (2002) Associate Professor - Physiology

B.S., 1977, Kurukshetra University, India;
Ph.D., 1993, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

Skalko, Richard G. (1977) Professor - Chair, Anatomy and Cell Biology
  Assistant Dean, College of Medicine Graduate Studies

A.B., 1957, Providence College;
M.S., 1959, St. John’s University;
Ph.D., 1963, University of Florida.

Sloan, Patrick (1979) Professor - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

B.A., 1969, Fairmont State College;
M.S., 1976 and Ph.D., 1978, Ohio University.

Sloan, Susan P. (2002) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine 
  Associate Residency Program Director

B.S., 1972, Middle Tennessee State University;
M.D., 1998, University of Minnesota School of Medicine.

Smith, Stephen J. (2002) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1982, Louisiana State University;
M.D., 1986, Louisiana State University Medical College.

Smith, Steven M. (1998) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1980, East Tennessee State University;
M.D., 1985, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Stanton, Paul E. Jr. (1985) Professor - Surgery 
  President Emeritus
  Adjunct Faculty, Adult Nursing

B.A., 1965, Emory University;
M.D., 1969, Medical College of Georgia.

Stephens, Gretel C. (1998) Assistant Professor - Forensic Pathology

M.D., 1974, University of Tennessee-Memphis.

Stephens, Mary M. (2003) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

A.B., 1990, Duke University;
M.D., 1994, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Stern, Patrick (1999) Professor - Pediatrics 
  Adjunct Faculty, Psychiatry

B.S., 1970, University of Notre Dame;
M.D., 1974, Case Western Reserve University.

Stone, William L. (1989) Professor - Pediatrics 
  Adjunct Faculty, Anatomy and Cell Biology/Physiology/Biochemistry

B.S., 1966, State University of New York-Stony Brook;
M.S., 1968, Marshall University;
Ph.D., 1972, State University of New York-Stony Brook.

Stuart, Charles A. (2000) Professor - Chair, Internal Medicine

B.S., 1967 and M.D., 1971, State University of New York.

Summers, Jeffrey A. (2000) Associate Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1979, Hobart College;
M.D., 1982, Ohio State University College of Medicine.

Tarugu, Vikram (2003) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

M.B.B.S., 1995, University of Mysore, India;
M.D., 2003, New York Medical College.

Testerman, George (1999) Associate Professor - Surgery

B.S., 1975, Vanderbilt University;
M.D., 1978, University of Tennessee.

Thewke, Douglas P. (1996) Assistant Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

M.Sc., 1990, Central University of Pondicherry;
M.Phil., 1992 and Ph.D., 1995, Central University of Hyderabad.

Townsend, Thomas (1991) Associate Professor - Family Medicine

B.S., 1969, Hendrix College;
M.D., 1973, University of Arkansas School of Medicine.

Trent, Stephen (2002) Assistant Professor - Microbiology

B.A., 1994, University of Virginia;
Ph.D., 1998, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Tudiver, Fraser G. (2001) Professor - Family Medicine 
  Director of Primary Care Research

B.S., 1968, McGill University;
B.Med.Sc., 1971, and M.D., 1973, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Turner, Barbara B. (1982) Professor - Physiology 
  Adjunct Faculty, Psychiatry

B.A., 1967 and M.A., 1970, Immaculate Heart College;
Ph.D., 1974, University of California, Los Angeles.

Turner, Kevin L. (2003) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

B.S., 1996, Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee;
M.D., 2000, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Votaw, May L. (1978) Professor Emerita - Internal Medicine

A.B., 1952, Hope College;
M.D., 1956, University of Michigan Medical School.

Walker, Elaine (1991) Clinical Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1979 North Dakota State University;
Ph.D., 1988, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Wallace, Richard L. (2000) Professor - Learning Resources 
  Assistant Director

B.Ed., 1980, Graham Bible College;
M.A., 1986, Columbia Graduate School of Bible and Missions;
M.Div., 1990, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary;
M.S.L.S., 1994, University of Tennessee;
M.A.O.M., 1998, Tusculum College;
Ed.D., 2007, and M.P.H., 2004, East Tennessee State University.

Wallen, Ellen B. (1999) Assistant Professor - Forensic Pathology

M.D., 1989, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Walters, David N. (1989) Professor - Surgery

B.S., 1973, University of Wyoming;
M.D., 1977, Medical College of Georgia.

Wattad, Ahmad A. (1990) Professor - Pediatrics

M.D., 1977, Padova University, Italy.

Watkins, Donna J. (1995) Assistant Professor - Assistant Director, Learning Resources

B.S., 1982, University of Wisconsin;
M.Libr., 1989, University of Washington.

Whaley, Martha Garland (2000) Assistant Professor - Learning Resources
Coordinator, Technical Services and History of Medicine

B.S., 1973 and M.L.S., 1973, Emory University.

Whitaker, Jack H. (1995) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1975 and M.S., 1982, East Tennessee State University;
M.D., 1989, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Williams, Carole A. (1980) Professor - Physiology

A.B., 1969, Albertus Magnus College;
Ph.D., 1977, St. Louis University.

Williams, David L. (1991) Professor - Surgery 
  Adjunct Faculty, Pharmacology

B.S., 1974, Kentucky Wesleyan College;
Ph.D., 1985, Tulane University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 1997.

Williams, Marcus G. (1989) Professor - Surgery

B.S., 1974, Harvard University;
M.D., 1979, Howard University College of Medicine.

Wondergem, Robert (1978) Professor - Physiology

B.S., 1972, Calvin College;
Ph.D., 1977, The Medical College of Wisconsin.

Woodside, Jack R. Jr. (1992) Associate Professor - Family Medicine 
   Associate Program Director

B.A., 1973, University of Virginia;
M.D., 1977, Jefferson Medical College.

Wooten, Daniel J. (1995) Professor - Surgery

B.S., Lafayette College, Pennsylvania;
M.D., 1965, Meharry Medical College.

Wu, Tiejian (2002) Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

M.D., 1983, and M.S., 1986, Shandong Medical University, China;
Ph.D., 1999, State University of New York- Buffalo.

Wyrick, Priscilla B. (2000) Professor - Chair, Microbiology

B.S., 1963, M.S., 1967 and Ph.D., 1971, University of North Carolina.

Yin, Deling (2003) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

M.D., 1987, Taishan Medical University, China;
Ph.D., 1995, Shanghai Medical University, China.

York, Jackie R. (2002) Assistant Professor - Pediatrics

B.S., 1992, East Tennessee State University;
M.D., 1996, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Young, Mark F. (1992) Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1981, East Tennessee State University;
M.D., 1985, East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine.

Youngberg, George A. (1980) Professor - Pathology 
  Adjunct Faculty, Internal Medicine

B.A., 1973, Lake Forest College;
M.D., 1977, Northwestern University Medical School.

Zakaria, Wael N. (1994) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

M.D., 1983, University of Jordan School of Medicine, Jordan.

Zou, Yue (2001) Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

B.S., 1982, Chengdu University of Science and Technology, China;
M.S., 1985, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Ph.D., 1991, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2009.

College of Nursing


Alley, Nancy M. (1972) Professor - Nursing
  Executive Associate Dean

B.S.N., 1968, Medical College of Virginia;
M.S., 1972, Virginia Commonwealth University;
Ph.D., 1987, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Anderson, Judith R. (2005) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1971 and M.Ed., 1967, University of Virginia;
M.S.N., 1972, University of Texas at Arlington;
Ph.D., 1988, University of Pennsylvania;
APRN Certificate, 1997, Boston College.

Baharestani, Mona M. (2007) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1984, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.N., 1986, Hunter College;
Ph.D., 1993, Adelphi University.

Barnett, Sherri L. (2008) Instructor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1997 and M.S.N., 2006, East Tennessee State University.

Blowers, Sally S. (1995) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1966, Columbia University;
M.S., 1969, University of Rochester;
Ph.D., 1996, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Bringhurst, Martha H. (2007) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1974, Medical College of Georgia;
M.N., 1986, Louisiana State University.

Brodrick, Rhonda L. (2001) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1986, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.N., 1990, Vanderbilt University.

Calhoun, Sandra K. (2004) Assistant Professor - Nursing

A.D.N., 1979, Mountain Empire Community College;
B.S.N., 2002, and M.S.N., 2003, East Tennessee State University.
M.S., 1980, University of Houston.

Churchill, Sandra D. (2008) Instructor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1991 and M.S.N., 2000, East Tennessee State University.

Crowe, Gayle (2007) Instructor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1986 and M.S.N., 1991, California State University.

Davenport, Lisa A. (2007) Instructor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1990 and M.S.N., 2007, University of Tennessee.

Drummond, Ellen W. (1994) Assistant Professor - Nursing
  Assistant Director, Undergraduate Programs

B.S.N., 1975, Jacksonville State University;
M.S.N., 1986, Whitworth College.

Dunham-Taylor, Janne (1998) Professor - Nursing

B.S., 1968, Michigan State University;
M.S., 1975 and Ph.D., 1982, University of Michigan.

Edwards, Joellen B. (1989) Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1979, Ohio University;
M.S.N., 1982, West Virginia University;
Ph.D., 1988, Ohio University.

Freeman, Charlene H. (2007) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1976 and M.S.N., 2006, East Tennessee State University.

Garrett, Linda H. (2002) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S., 1986, M.S.N., 1999, and Ph.D., 2005, East Tennessee State University.

Ghaffari, Masoud (2002) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.Sc., 1978, Institute of Paramedical Sciences;
M.Ed., 1996, Cleveland State University;
M.S.N./B.S.N., 1999, University of Akron;
Ph.D., 2001, Cleveland State University.

Glenn, Loyd Lee (1992) Professor - Nursing

B.A., 1974, University of California;
Ph.D., 1979, Stanford University.

Goins, Larry W. (2008) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1990, Tennessee Technological University;
M.S.N., 1994, Andrews University;
Ed.D., 2007, Argosy University - Atlanta.

Granberry, Nancy C. (2005) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S., 1981, University of South Alabama;
M.S., 1986, Florida International University;
M.S.N., 1991, Troy State University;
N.D., 2004, Rush University.

Greenwell, Audry M. (2004), Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1981, Spalding University;
M.S.N., 2003, University of North Carolina–Charlotte.

Grover, Susan M. (1979) Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1969, Alfred University;
M.S.N., 1979, University of Rochester;
Ph.D., 1993, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Hayes, Patricia A. (1999) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1981, Grand View College;
M.S., 1985, University of Minnesota;
Ph.D., 1997, Georgia State University.

Hossler, Susan M. (2001) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1989, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.N., 1997, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Hunter, Rebecca D. (2004) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1976, and M.S.N., 1985, University of Tennessee-Memphis.

Jackson, Frances A. (2000) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.A., 1972, Vanderbilt University;
B.S.N., 1990, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.N., 2000, University of Virginia.

Kaplan, Amy I. (2004) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.A., 1964 and M.A., 1966, New York University;
B.S.N., 1991, Wilmington College;
M.S.N., 1994, East Tennessee State University.

Lauzon, Catherine M. (2007) Instructor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1996 and M.S.N., 1998, Florida International University.

Loury, Sharon D. (2008) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N. and M.S.N., 1994, California State University - Los Angeles;
Ph.D., 2003, University of Virginia.

Magee, Debra (2008) Instructor - Nursing

B.S.N., 2002, Virginia Commonwealth University;
M.S.N., 2006, Mountain State University.

Marrs, Jo-Ann S. (2002) Professor - Nursing

B.S., 1972, M.S., 1977, M.S.N., 1987, and Ed.D., 1985, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Martin, Kathy L. (2007) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1976, University of Central Arkansas;
M.S.N., 1977, University of Alabama, Birmingham;
Ph.D., 1995, Vanderbilt University.

McConnell, Peggy R. (1974) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1970, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.N., 1971, Emory University.

McCook, Judy G. (1997) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1976, Medical College of Georgia;
M.S.N., 1979, University of Alabama, Birmingham.
Ph.D., 2002, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

McNeer, Gina S. (2005) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1999 and M.S.N., 2002, East Tennessee State University.

Merriman, Carolyn S. (1985) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1979, University of Evansville;
M.S.N., 1983, Texas Woman’s University.

Moore, Patricia A. (2004) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1997, East Tennessee State University;
M.SN., 2001, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Nehring, Wendy M. (2009) Professor - Dean, College of Nursing 
  Family/Community Nursing

B.S.N., 1979, Illinois Wesleyan University School of Nursing;
M.S., 1983, University of Wisconsin - Madison;
Ph.D., 1989, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Pearson, Tamera L. (2004) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1985, Southern College;
M.S.N., 1990, Vanderbilt University;
Ph.D., 1997, University of Southern Carolina.

Rayman, Kathleen M. (1999) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1978, University of Pittsburgh;
M.S.N., 1987 and Ph.D., 1994, University of Virginia.

Rice, Judith A. (1997) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S., 1988, B.S.N., 1994 and M.S.N., 1996, East Tennessee State University.

Sell, Kimberly A. (2005) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1989, Auburn University;
M.S.N., 1999, University of Phoenix.

Schreiner, Terri E. (2001) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1984, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.N., 2000, University of North Carolina, Charlotte.

Stewart-Glen, Jennifer D. (2004) Assistant Professor -  Nursing

B.S.N., 1977, Radford University;
M.S.N., 2000, George Washington University.

Swango-Wilson, Amy L. (2008) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1978, Berea College;
M.S.N., 1983, University of Kentucky;
Ph.D., 2007, Walden University.

Trumbley, Sharon G. (1993) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1971, Columbia University;
M.S.N., 1977, Boston College.

Ume-Nwagbo, Pearl N. (1997) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1981, A&T State University;
M.S.N., 1994 and Ph.D., 2008, East Tennessee State University.

Vanhook, Patricia M. (2007) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1991, M.S.N., 1994, and Ph.D., 2007, East Tennessee State University.

Vertein, Daren W. (2007) Instructor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1995, University of Wisconsin, Madison;
M.S.N., 2006, Concordia University.

Wachs, Joy E. (1993) Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1976 and M.S., 1980, University of Wisconsin;
Ph.D., 1986, University of Illinois-Chicago.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2000.

Walls, Jennie L. (1993) Associate Professor -  Nursing

B.S.N., 1972, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.N., 1976, University of Tennessee-Memphis.

Wexler, Teressa M. (2005) Instructor - Nursing

B.S.N., 2004, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.N., 2006, University of Phoenix.

College of Pharmacy


Brown, Stacey D. (2007) Assistant Professor - Pharmaceutical Sciences

B.S., 1998, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga;
Ph.D., 2002, University of Georgia, College of Pharmacy.

Calhoun, Larry D. (2005) Professor - Pharmacy Practice 
  Dean, College of Pharmacy

B.S., 1972 and Pharm.D., 1973, University of Tennessee - Memphis.

Collins, Charles C. (2006) Professor - Pharmaceutical Sciences 
  Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, College of Pharmacy

B.S., 1977 and Ph.D., 1984, West Virginia University.

Creekmore, Jr., Freddy M. (2007) Associate Professor - Vice Chair, Pharmacy Practice

B.S., 1989 and Pharm.D., 1990, University of Kentucky, College of Pharmacy.

Creekmore, Kathryn A. (2007) Assistant Professor - Pharmacy Practice

B.S., 1989 and Pharm.D., 1990, University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy.

Dumond, Julie B. (2007) Assistant Professor - Pharmacy Practice

B.S., 2000, Michigan State University;
Pharm.D., 2004, University of Michigan.

Garcia, Loni T. (2006) Associate Dean - Student Affairs, College of Pharmacy

B.S., 1978 and M.S., 1984, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Harirforoosh, Saeidreza (2007) Assistant Professor - Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharm.D., 1991, Tehran University;
Ph.D., 2005, University of Alberta.

Henry, Robin M. (2007) Director - Experiential Education

M.B.A., 1997, East Tennessee State University;
Pharm.D., 1991, Mercer University Southern School of Pharmacy.

Hess, Jr., Richard A., (2007) Assistant Professor - Pharmacy Practice

B.S., 1992, University of South Florida;
Pharm.D., 1998, Mercer University Southern School of Pharmacy.

Hurley, David L. (2007) Associate Professor - Vice Chair, Pharmaceutical Sciences

B.S., 1979, Guilford College;
M.S., 1982 and Ph.D., 1986, Pennsylvania State University.

Lugo, Ralph A. (2006) Professor - Chair, Pharmacy Practice

B..S., 1988, Rutgers University;
Pharm.D., 1991, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Odle, Brian L. (2007) Assistant Professor - Pharmacy Practice

B.S., 1990, Middle Tennessee State University;
Pharm.D., 1994, University of Tennessee - Memphis.

Panus, Peter C. (2007) Associate Professor - Pharmaceutical Sciences

B.A., 1979, Huntingdon College;
B.S., 1981, B.S., 1994. and Ph.D., 1985, University of South Alabama.

Ramsauer, Victoria Palau (2007) Assistant Professor - Pharmaceutical Sciences

B.A., 1979, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana;
Ph.D., 1999, Florida International University.

Roane, David S. (2006) Professor - Chair, Pharmaceutical Sciences

B.A., 1979, Drake University;
B.S., 1984, Louisiana Tech University;
Ph.D., 1987, Louisiana State University Medical Center.

Stewart, David W. (2007) Assistant Professor - Pharmacy Practice

Pharm.D., 2003, Campbell University School of Pharmacy.

College of Public Health



 Alamian, Arsham (2011) Assistant Professor - Biostatistics/Epidemiology

B.S., 2000, McGill University, Montreal;
M.S., 2004, Laval University, Quebec;
Ph.D., 2010, University of Montreal.

Baker, Mary Kate “Katie” (2013) Assistant Professor - Community and Behavioral Health

B.S., 2007, Furman University;
MPH, 2009, University of Alabama at Birmingham;
DrPH, 2013. East Tennessee State University.

Bishop, Wilsie S. (1978) Professor - Health Services Administration
   Vice President for Health Affairs and  
   University Chief Operating Officer

B.S.N., 1970, Medical College of Virginia;
M.S.Ed., 1976, University of Southern California;
M.S.N., 1978, Virginia Commonwealth University;
D.P.A., 1989, University of Southern California.

Bowers, Julie L. (1993) Assistant Professor - Health Sciences

B.S., 1984, East Tennessee State University;
M.S., 1987, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Brown, Patrick (2011) Assistant Professor - Health Sciences

B.S., 1998, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga;
Ph.D., 2003, University of Georgia.

Chakraborty, Ranjan N. (2001) Associate Professor - Chair, Health Sciences

B.S., 1979, Gujarat University;
M.S., 1981, University of Baroda;
Ph.D., 1993, Sardar Patel University.

Forsman, Allan D. (1998) Associate Professor - Health Sciences

B.S., 1984, University of North Dakota;
M.S., 1988 and Ph.D., 1991, University of North Dakota School of Medicine.

Hillhouse, Joel (1990) Professor - Community Health

B.S., 1981, Valparaiso University;
Ph.D., 1989, State University of New York - Albany.

Khoury, Amal J. (2007) Professor - Interim Chair, Health Services Administration

B.S., 1991 and M.P.H., 1993, American University of Beirut;
Ph.D., 1998, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Lampson, Bert C. (1998) Associate Professor - Health Sciences

B.S., 1977, Delaware Valley College;
M.S., 1981 and Ph.D., 1986, University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Medicine.

Littleton, Mary Ann (2002) Associate Professor - Community Health

B.A., 1985, University of California-Santa Cruz;
Ph.D., 2001, University of Alabama-Birmingham.

Liu, Xuefeng (2008) Assistant Professor - Biostatistics/Epidemiology

M.S., 1993, Yangzhou University, China;
M.S., 2002 and Ph.D., 2006, University of Florida.

Maier, Kurt J. (2000) Associate Professor - Chair, Environmental Health

B.A., 1978, University of California-Berkley;
M.S., 1982, California State-Hayward;
Ph.D., 1990, University of California-Davis.

Mamudu, Hadii M. (2009) Assistant Professor - Health Services Administration

B.A., 1997, University of Ghana;
M.P.A., 2001, Indiana University of Pennsylvania;
M.A., 2004 and Ph.D., 2005, West Virginia University.

Martin, Brian C. (1996) Assistant Professor - Health Services Administration

B.S., 1988, M.B.A., 1993, and Ph.D., 1966, University of South Carolina.

McKamey, Michael I. (2007) Instructor - Biostatistics/Epidemiology

B.A., 1981 and 1982, University of Tennessee - Knoxville;
M.Ed., Milligan College.

Metts, Tricia (2006) Assistant Professor - Environmental Health

B.S., 1989 and M.S., 1991, University of Wisconsin;
Ph.D., 2004, University of Michigan.

Mustain, Eric L. (1990) Associate Professor - Health Sciences

B.A., 1974, University of Missouri-Columbia;
Ph.D., 1984, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.

Onyango, Edward (2009) Assistant Professor - Health Sciences

B.S., 1987 and M.S., 1992, University of Nairobi, Kenya;
Ph.D., 2004, Purdue University.

Otukonyong, Effiong (2009) Assistant Professor - Health Sciences

B.S., 1983, University of Port-Harcourt;
MSC., 1990, University of Ibadan, Nigeria;
Ph.D., 2011, Kochi Medical School, Kochi (Japan).

Pack, Rob (2008) Professor - Associate Dean, College of Public Health
Interim Chair, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

B.S., 1991, University of Alabama, Birmingham;
M.P.H., 1994 and Ph.D., 1998, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health.

Pendley, Robin (2012) Assistant Professor - Health Services Management and Policy

B.S., 2005, North Carolina State University;
M.P.H., 2008, East Carolina University;
Ph.D., 2012, University of Kentucky.

Peterson, Jonathan (2012) Assistant Professor - Health Sciences

B.S., 2000, Messiah College, Grantham, PA;
M.S., 2003, University of Delaware;
Ph.D., 2008, West Virginia University, School of Medicine.

Powers, C. Laraine (1995) Associate Professor - Health Sciences

B.S., 1983-Memphis State University;
M.S., 1987, University of Tennessee-Knoxville;
Ph.D., 1994, University of Tennessee-Memphis.

Pritchett, Christopher (2010) Assistant Professor - Health Sciences

B.S., 1994, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA;
M.S., 1998, The George Washington University;
Ph.D., 2003, University of Maryland.

Rowe, Aimee (2008) Instructor - Community Health

B.S., 1999 and M.P.H., 2001, East Tennessee State University.

Scheuerman, Phillip R. (1986) Professor - Chair, Environmental Health

B.S., 1975, M.S., 1978, and Ph.D., 1984, University of Florida.

Silver, Kenneth Z. (2003) Associate Professor - Environmental Health

B.S., 1982, University of Massachusetts-Amherst;
M.S., 1990, Harvard University;
D.Sc., 2003, Boston University.

Slawson, Deborah (2007) Assistant Professor - Community Health

B.S., 1988 and M.S., 1990, Memphis State University;
Ph.D., 1999, University of Memphis.

Southerland, Jodi (2013) Instructor - Community Health

B.A., Lee University, 2002;
M.A., Biola University, 2003;
DrPH, 2012, East Tennessee State University.

Stoots, J. Michael (1998) Assistant Professor - Community Health

B.S., 1987 and M.P.H., 1990, East Tennessee State University;
Ed.D., 2001, University of Tennessee.

Wang, Kesheng (2008) Assistant Professor - Biostatistics/Epidemiology

B.S., 1989, Henan Normal University, China;
M.S., 1992, China Agricultural University;
Ph.D., 2006, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto.

Wang, Liang (2011) Assistant Professor - Biostatistics/Epidemiology

B.S., 2008 and MPH, 2010, East Tennessee State University.

Williams, Burl R. Jr. (1994) Associate Professor - Health Sciences

B.S., 1969, Northeastern State College;
M.S., 1972, Kent State University;
Ph.D., 1991, University of Montana.

Wykoff, Randolph F. (2006) Professor - Dean, College of Public Health

B.S., 1977, B.A., 1977, M.P.H.-T.M., 1981, and M.D., 1981, Tulane University.

Zheng, Shimin (2010) Assistant Professor - Biostatistics/Epidemiology

M.S., 1990, Fudan University, Shanghai, China;
M.S., 2001, University of Alabama at Birmingham;
Ph.D., 2003, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Biostatistics);
M.S., 2005, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Mathematics).


University Libraries


Adebonojo, Leslie (2008) Assistant Professor - Undergraduate Student Services Librarian

B.A., 1974, University of Rochester;
M.S.L.S., 1975, Case Western Reserve University;
M.Ed., 2008, East Tennessee State University.

Arnold, Amy (2008) Assistant Professor - Graduate Programs Librarian

B.A., 1995, East Tennessee State University;
M.L.I.S., 1998, Florida State University.

Campbell, Kathy (2001) Assistant Professor - Information/Reference Librarian

B.A., 1976, University of South Carolina;
M.S.L.S., 1979, University of Tennessee.

Ellis, Mark (1988) Assistant Professor - Head of Reference

B.A., 1976, Wake Forest University;
M.A., 1978 and Ph.D., 1984, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign;
M.S.L.S., 1985, University of Kentucky.

Flanigan, Jean Culp (1977) Professor

B.S., 1964 and M.S., 1973, Auburn University;
Ed.D., 1979, East Tennessee State University.

Hensley, Kelly (1996) Professor - Interlibrary Loan

B.A., 1988 and M.S.L.S., 1989, University of Kentucky.

Jones, Marie F. (2000) Associate Professor - Assistant Dean

B.A., 1986, Capital University;
M.L.S., 1990, Kent State;
Ed.D., 2008, East Tennessee State University.

Libby, Katherine A. (1995) Associate Professor - Catalog Librarian

B.A., 1984, Knox College;
M.L.I.S., 1991, University of Texas-Austin.

O’Brien, Deborah (1998) Associate Professor - Resource Services Librarian

B.S., 1982, Kent State University;
M.L.S., 1993, University of South Florida.

Shuttle, Jerry F. (2000) Associate Professor - Resource Services Librarian

B.S., 1969 and M.A., 1974 East Tennessee State University;
M.B.A., 1980, Indiana University;
M.L.I.S., 1997, University of Tennessee.

Szarejko, Celia (1991) Professor - Systems Librarian

B.A., 1977, Cornell University;
M.L.S., 1981, Syracuse University;
M.B.A., 1988, University of Maryland.

Tolley-Stokes, Rebecca (2000) Associate Professor - Reference Librarian

B.S., 1994, East Tennessee State University;
M.L.I.S., 1996, University of North Carolina-Greensboro;
M.A., 2005, East Tennessee State University.

Faculty Emeritus


Adebonojo, Festus O. (1988) Professor - Pediatrics

B.S., 1956 and M.D., 1960, Yale University.

Anderson, James L. (2002) Assistant Professor -  Chair, Biostatistics/Epidemiology

B.S., 1974, Walla Walla College;
M.D., 1977 and M.P.H., 1989, Loma Linda University;
Ph.D., 2002, University of Texas.

Bailey, Roger C. (1973) Professor - Psychology

B.A., 1964, Concord College;
M.A., 1966, West Virginia University;
Ph.D., 1973, Oklahoma State University.

Baxter, Colin F. (1971) Professor - History

B.S., 1961, East Tennessee State University;
M.A., 1963 and Ph.D., 1965, University of Georgia.
Distinguished Faculty Award, 1995.

Bishop, Creg S. (1977) Professor - Environmental Health Associate

B.S.E.H., 1969 and M.S.E.H., 1973, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1977, University of Kansas.

Blaustein, Richard J. (1970) Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

B.A., 1966, Brooklyn College;
M.A., 1969 and Ph.D., 1975, Indiana University.

Braswell, Michael C. (1977) Professor - Criminal Justice and Criminology

B.A., 1969, Mercer University;
M.A., 1970, West Georgia College;
Ed.S., 1973, University of Georgia;
Ph.D., 1975, University of Southern Mississippi.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2003.

Brown, Stephen E. (1979) Professor - Criminal Justice and Criminology

B.A., 1973 and M.S., 1975, Eastern Kentucky University;
Ph.D., 1979, University of Maryland.

Brown, Wesley C. (1980) Professor - Human Development and Learning

B.A., 1969, Florida State University;
M.A. 1971, University of South Florida;
Ph.D., 1975, Kent State University.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 1991 and 1994.

Burnley, Cynthia S. (1969) Associate Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

B.S., 1968, Tennessee Technological University;
M.A., 1970 and Ph.D., 1979, University of Tennessee.

Coogan, Philip S. (1978) Professor - Pathology

M.D., 1962, St. Louis University School of Medicine.

Coutinho, Martha J. (1995) Professor - Teaching and Learning
  Mentors Faculty Research

B.A., 1974 and M.A., 1976, University of Colorado;
Ph.D., 1981, University of Connecticut.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 1999.

Daigneault, Ernest A. (1977) Professor - Pharmacology

B.S., 1952, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy;
M.S., 1954, University of Missouri, Kansas City;
Ph.D., 1957, University of Tennessee-Memphis.

Douglas, John E. (1980) Professor - Internal Medicine

B.A., 1959, Oberlin College;
M.D., 1963, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Day, Ronnie M. (1968) Professor - History

B.A., 1963, Cumberland College;
M.A., 1965 and Ph.D., 1971, Texas Christian University.

Gardberg, Leonard J. (2000) Assistant Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1960 and M.D., 1977, University of Illinois.

Gotterbarn, Donald W. (1990) Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.A., 1964, Hofstra University;
M.A., 1970 and Ph.D., 1971, University of Rochester.

Hammond, Judith A. (1975) Professor - Sociology and Anthropology

A.A., 1970, St. Petersburg Junior College;
B.S., 1972, M.A., 1973 and Ph.D., 1975, Florida State University.

Herd, J. Kenneth (1978) Professor - Pediatrics

B.S., 1950, Rutgers University;
M.D., 1954, Cornell University Medical College.

Hilliard, Jerry L. (1984) Professor - Communication

B.A., 1962 and M.A., 1969, Kent State University;
Ph.D., 1978, University of Tennessee.

Huang, Janice (1995) Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

A.B., 1963, Brown University;
M.A. 1965 and Ph.D., 1992, University of Illinois.

Huang, Thomas T. (1971) Professor - Chemistry

B.S., 1961, National Taiwan University;
M.A., 1964, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1969, University of Illinois.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 1988.

Hurd, Mary G. (1966) Associate Professor - English

B.S., 1962 and M.A., 1965, East Tennessee State University.

Isbell, Rebecca T. (1975) Professor - Teaching and Learning
 Ph.D. Program Recruitment and Teaching

B.S., 1964, University of Tennessee;
M.A., 1973, East Tennessee State University;
Ed.D., 1979, University of Tennessee.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 1994.

Jablonski, T. Henry, Jr. (1966) Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1961, Maryville College;
M.A., 1965, George Peabody College for Teachers;
M.P.H., 1966, University of North Carolina.

Kasmai, Hamid S. (1987) Professor - Chemistry

B.S., 1961, Teacher’s College, Tehran, Iran;
Ph.D., 1969, University of Wisconsin.

Kerley, Linda J. (1981) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S., 1964 and M.A., 1965, Appalachian State University;
B.S.N., 1978, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.N., 1983, University of North Carolina-Greensboro;
Ph.D., 1993, University of Texas-Austin.

Kerley, Lyndell M. (1967) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1964 and M.A., 1965, Appalachian State University;
Ph.D., 1977, University of Tennessee.

King, Marjorie S. (1993) Associate Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1970, Duquesne University;
M.N.Ed., 1976, University of Pittsburgh;
Ed.D., 1998, East Tennessee State University.

Koehler, Anne (1990) Assistant Professor - English

B.A., 1963, East Tennessee State University;
M.A., 1966, Georgetown University.

Lawson, Linda M. (1987) Professor - Mathematics and Statistics

B.S., 1964, M.S., 1969, and Ph.D., 1973, University of Tennessee.

Logan, David G. (1979) Professor - Art and Design

B.S., 1963, University of Wisconsin;
M.A., 1967, University of Illinois;
M.F.A., 1968, University of Wisconsin.

Lowry, Lois W. (1999) Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1955, Cornell University;
M.N., 1977, University of Florida;
D.N.Sc., 1987, University of Pennsylvania.

MacKay, Louise (1993) Associate Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

B.A., 1957, Transylvania University, Lexington Kentucky;
M.A., 1969 and Ph.D., 1983, George Peabody College for Teachers, Vanderbilt University.

McKinstry, Sam W. (1974) Associate Professor - Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration

B.A., 1962, Westminster College;
M.A., 1969 and Ph.D., 1974, University of Missouri - Columbia.

Melendez, Jane E. (2000) Professor - Curriculum and Instruction

B.S., 1961, Eastern Michigan University;
M.S., 1981 and Ph.D., 1991, Indiana University.

Mills, James C. (1971) Professor - Art and Design

A.A., 1960, Spartanburg Methodist College;
B.A., 1963, Berea College;
M.A.T., 1964, Oberlin College;
Ph.D., 1972, University of Kansas.

Mooney, James J. (1970) Professor - Communication

A.B.J., 1969 and M.A., 1970, University of Georgia;
Ph.D., 1984, University of Tennessee.

Moynihan, Patricia C. (1991) Professor - Surgery

B.S., 1959, University of Southern Mississippi;
M.D., 1965, University of Mississippi School of Medicine.

Nelson, Diane (1968) Professor - Biological Sciences

B.S., 1966, M.S., 1968, and Ph.D., 1973, University of Tennessee.

Odom, James L. (1971) Professor - History

B.A., 1963, Birmingham Southern College;
M.A., 1965 and Ph.D., 1968, University of Georgia.
Distinguished Faculty Award, 1997.

Page, Melvin E. (1987) Professor - History

B.A., 1966, American University;
M.A., 1968, Howard University;
Ph.D., 1977, Michigan State University.

Peplies, Robert W. (1966) Professor - Geosciences

B.S., 1956 and M.A., 1960, Northern Illinois University;
Ph.D., 1965, University of Georgia.

Phillips, Laurelle B. (2000) Associate Professor - Human Development and Learning

B.A., 1964, Emory University;
M.Ed., 1992, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1999, University of Tennessee.

Pleasant, James C. (1966) Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1958 and M.A., 1960, East Carolina University;
Ph.D., 1965, University of South Carolina.

Ramsey, Priscilla W. (1990) Professor - Adult Nursing

B.S., 1976 and M.S., 1979, Clemson University;
Ph.D., 1990, University of Virginia.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award. 2003.

Rasch, Ellen M. (1978) Professor - Anatomy and Cell Biology

Ph.B., 1945, B.S., 1947, M.S., 1948 and Ph.D., 1950, The University of Chicago.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 1989.

Ridgeway, Nathan A. (1979) Professor - Internal Medicine

B.S., 1953, Furman University;
M.D., 1957, Duke University School of Medicine.

Riser, Robert Richard (1977) Professor - Computer and Information Sciences

B.S., 1961, Tusculum College;
M.S., 1965, Stevens Institute of Technology.

Roberts, Charles (1990) Professor - Communication

B.A., 1965, Davidson College;
M.A., 1967 and Ph.D., 1980, Temple University.

Royalty, Dale M. (1971) Associate Professor - History

B.A., 1964, Kenyon College;
M.A., 1967 and Ph.D., 1971, University of Kentucky.

Rushing, Clarence A., Jr. (1969) Associate Professor - History

B.A., 1963 and M.A., 1965, Tennessee Technological University.

Seymour, Rosalee J. (1993) Associate Professor - Professional Roles/Mental Health Nursing

B.S.N., 1971, West Chester University;
M.S., 1980 and Ed.D., 1991, University of Delaware.

Sherrill, Anne (1982) Professor - English

B.A., 1960 and M.A., 1969, University of Texas-Austin;
Ph.D., 1981, University of Iowa.

Sinensky, Michael (1995) Professor - Chair, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  Adjunct Faculty, Internal Medicine

B.A., 1966, Columbia College;
Ph.D., 1972, Harvard University.

Smith, J. Kelly (1979) Professor - Internal Medicine

B.A., 1957, Cornell University;
M.D., 1960, Cornell University Medical College.

Stanley, Isabel Bonnyman (1983) Professor - English

B.A., 1977 and M.A., 1982, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1990, University of Tennessee.

Tober-Meyer, Brunhilde K. (1978) Associate Professor - Physiology

D.V.M., 1964, Tieraerztliche Hochschule, Hannover, Germany;
M.S., 1973, State University of New York- Buffalo.

Tollefson, Terry (1993) Professor - Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

A.B., 1961, University of Michigan;
M.B.A., 1963, Michigan State University;
Ph.D., 1975, University of Michigan.

Tottle, Jack (1994) Associate Professor - Appalachian Studies

B.A., 1963, Dartmouth College.

Turkett, Shirley M. (1983) Assistant Professor - Nursing

B.S.N., 1955, Texas Christian University;
M.A., 1974, East Tennessee State University;
M.S.N., 1983, University of Tennessee.

Wilson, Jim L. (1995) Professor - Chair, Family Medicine

A.B., 1966, Washington University, St. Louis;
M.D., 1970, University of Missouri.

Wolfe, Margaret Ripley (1969) Professor - History

B.S., 1967 and M.A., 1969, East Tennessee State University;
Ph.D., 1974, University of Kentucky.
ETSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 1977.
ETSU Foundation Research Award, 1979.

Woodruff, Michael L. (1979) Professor - Anatomy and Cell Biology

B.A., 1969, University of Michigan;
M.S., 1971 and Ph.D., 1973, University of Florida.
ETSU Foundation Research Award, 1990.

Zinser, Otto (1970) Professor - Psychology

B.S., 1964, Trinity College;
M.A., 1968 and Ph.D., 1970, Texas Christian University.

Administrative Officers

President Brian Noland, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Bert C. Bach, Ph.D.
University Chief Operating Officer and Vice President for Health Affairs Wilsie S. Bishop, D.P.A.
Vice President for Finance and Administration David D. Collins, Ed.D., CPA
Vice President for University Advancement Pamela S. Ritter, M.S.

Academic Deans

College of Arts and Sciences Gordon K. Anderson, Ph.D.
College of Business and Technology Dennis Depew, Ph.D.
College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences Don Samples, Ed.D.
School of Continuing Studies and Academic Outreach Rick E. Osborn, Ph.D.
Claudius G. Clemmer College of Education Terence Hicks, Ph.D.
Honors College Judith Slagle, Ph.D.
School of Graduate Studies Cecilia A. McIntosh, Ph.D.
James H. Quillen College of Medicine Robert T. Means, M.D.
College of Nursing Wendy M. Nehring, Ph.D.
Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy Larry D. Calhoun, Pharm.D.
College of Public Health Randy F. Wykoff, M.D.

Chairs of Excellence - Chairholders

Cecile Cox Quillen Chair of Medicine in Geriatrics and Gerontology Ronald C. Hamdy, M.D.
AFG Industries Chair of Excellence in Business and Technology Andrew J. Czuchry, Ph.D.
Allen and Ruth Harris Chair of Excellence in Business Allan D. Spritzer, Ph.D.
Carroll H. Long Chair of Surgical Research Race L. Kao, Ph.D.
Paul Dishner Chair of Excellence in Medicine K. Krishnan, M.D.
James H. Quillen Chair of Excellence in Teaching and Learning Mark Musick, Ph.D.
Wayne G. Basler Chair of Excellence for the Integration of the Arts, Rhetoric, and Science John Bowers (Fall 1996)
  Dr. Gustavo Perez Firmat (Fall 1997)
  Patrick Cronin (Spring 1999)
  Lisa Alther (Fall 1999)
  Dr. George Gale (Fall 2000)
  Dr. Anne LaBastille (Fall 2001)
  Dr. John Shelton Reed (Fall 2002)
  John Blake, Jr. (Spring 2004)
  Mel Chin (Fall 2004)
  Dr. Martin Hendry (2005)
  Dr. George Kampis (Spring 2007)
  Ivan Peterson (Spring 2008)
  Dr. Phillip Rhodes (Fall 2009)
  Dr. Molly Faries (Fall 2010)
  Dr. Jennings Bryant (Fall 2011)
  Dr. Thomas Schmickl (Fall 2012)
  Mary Jane Jacob (Fall 2013/Spring 2014)

The Tennessee Board of Regents

Bill Haslam, Governor of Tennessee, Chairman Nashville
Gregory Duckett, Vice Chair Memphis
John Farris Memphis
Darrell S. Freeman Nashville
Tom Griscom Chattanooga
Kevin Huffman, Commissioner of Education Nashville
Ashley Humphrey, Student Regent Lakesite
Julius Johnson, Commissioner of Agriculture Nashville
Jonas Kisber, Jr. Jackson
Fran F. Marcum Tullahoma
J. Parker Smith Kingsport
Richard G. Rhoda, Executive Director, Tennessee Higher Education Commission Nashville
Howard W. Roddy Chattanooga
Emily J. Reynolds Nashville
John D. Stites, II Cookeville
Robert P. Thomas Nashville
Danni B. Varlan Knoxville
Deanna Wallace, Faculty Regent Waverly