Feb 09, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Selected Appeal Policies

Selected East Tennessee State University Student Appeal Policies (Abridged)


  1.  Academic Misconduct Appeal - Any act of dishonesty in academic work constitutes academic misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action. This includes plagiarism, the changing or falsifying of any academic documents or materials, cheating, and the giving or receiving of unauthorized aid in tests, examinations, or other assigned school work. Charges of academic misconduct may be brought by members of the faculty, staff or student body. The administration of discipline for academic misconduct is in accordance with procedures specified in the Academic Misconduct Policy. Appeal from a finding of guilt of academic misconduct and imposition of a sanction for the offense may be taken to the president of the university. A written notice of appeal must be submitted by the student to the university president within five days after being notified of the dean’s decision on the case. The appeal must consist of a signed statement elaborating the respects in which the student considers the decision wrong.
  2. Academic Performance Scholarship (APS) Appeal - The Academic Performance Scholarship Program for Tennessee residents awards academic scholarships to entering freshmen and transfer students for the fall semester each year. Students pursuing a second undergraduate degree and currently enrolled students are not eligible. Selection is competitive and awards are made to the students based on academic performance. Students who fail to meet the credit hour or GPA requirement to retain the scholarship may file a written appeal with the APS Appeal Committee in the Office of Financial Aid. Documentation of extenuating circumstances is required. APS recipients in the Department of Music may file a written appeal with the Chair of the Music Department. Appeals may be granted under verifiable, extenuating circumstances which are beyond the control of the student. These circumstances include, but are not limited to: illness, accidental injury, or illness or death of an immediate family member. Poor performance in class should not be considered an extenuating circumstance.
  3. Academic Suspension - Where extenuating circumstances are established as primary factors relating to low grades, an undergraduate student may petition to waive or end the period of suspension. Upon receipt of the written petition, a current academic transcript, and any supporting documents, a preliminary decision will be made whether there are satisfactory extenuating circumstances to warrant a formal appeal hearing. If a hearing is granted, the student will be notified of the time and place of the appeal hearing before the Academic Status Appeals Committee. If the hearing is declined, the student may contact the academic dean in the college in which they are majoring for a review of the decision.
  4. Disciplinary Appeal - Regulations govern student and student organization conduct. Violation of these regulations may subject a student or organization to disciplinary sanction. Cases may be appealed by the student or organization to the next higher judicial authority in accordance with specified appeal procedures. The right to appeal to the next judicial authority shall be afforded only to the accused. Final university appeal shall be to the University President or his designee.
  5. Financial Aid Professional Judgment Appeal - Students can submit a written appeal form to his or her financial aid counselor to adjust the cost of attendance or information used to calculate the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) on the Student Aid Report (SAR) to take into account special circumstances. These circumstances could include the family’s unusual medical expenses, tuition expenses, travel expenses, or unemployment. The financial aid counselor must have compelling reasons to use professional judgment on the student’s SAR to make adjustments because of special circumstances. The student and/or parent/spouse will have to provide adequate documentation to support any adjustments. The financial aid counselor’s decision as to whether a student has special circumstances is final and cannot be appealed to the U.S. Department of Education.
  6. Grade Appeal - A student may appeal a course grade using the Grade Appeal Process if the student has evidence that the grade was assigned in a malicious, capricious, erroneous, or arbitrary manner. Specific steps provide a guideline for the appeals process. No appeal will be initiated more than one year following the date the grade was assigned.
  7. Refund Appeal - Students contesting the refund policy may file an appeal using the Refund/Student Withdrawal Appeals Form. It is the student’s responsibility to provide a written statement or other documentation substantiating reasons for the appeal. Withdrawals or reductions in course load due to personal illness/injury require a statement from a licensed medical physician stating withdrawal was necessary due to health of student; death in the immediate family can be verified with a copy of the obituary. Other reasons must be supported by written documentation. Students should file a refund appeal request within one academic year from the last day of the term with verifiable documentation of extenuating circumstances. Student concerns regarding fees will only be addressed within 18 months from the date when grades were assigned for the term in question.
  8. Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal - Federal regulations require that all student financial aid recipients make satisfactory academic progress toward achieving a degree. Progress is measured by the student’s cumulative grade point average and percentage of credits earned in relation to those attempted and the length of the academic program. For an appeal use the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form and provide a summary that explains why you did not meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. The verifiable extenuating circumstances must be reasons beyond your control, such as illness, accidental injury, or death of an immediate family member. Poor performance in class is not considered an extenuating circumstance. Please include actions you have taken to ensure future academic success. Documentation must be provided; please include all documentation you wish to be considered by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. The Committee will not review an appeal until all the requested information is submitted.
  9. Student Worker Termination Appeal - Part-time university employment provides students with an opportunity to earn extra income while learning about personal responsibility and professionalism in the work place. Consistent with this educational objective and the university’s commitment to treat people with dignity and respect, a student that has been employed by ETSU on the Federal Work Study program, Academic Performance Scholarship Program or Regular Student Work Study Program who is terminated for cause must be informed of the reason for the termination. The student has the right to appeal the termination. The appeal should be submitted in writing to the supervisor of the individual that terminated the student’s employment. The supervisor who receives the appeal will advise the student in writing of the outcome of the appeal.
  10. Tennessee Education Lottery Appeal - Students who lose their Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship may file an appeal with the Institution Review Panel (IRP) in accordance with policies set forth by the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC Chapter 1640-1-19) and Tennessee State Law (T.C.A. §§ 49-4-901 through 49-4-928). Students may not appeal GPA requirements for initial or continuing eligibility, score requirements (ACT, SAT, HSE), limit on years of enrollment, income limit for a need-based supplemental award or their residency status. Students may appeal the loss of their scholarship based on change of enrollment status and failure to meet timely or continuous enrollment standards. The appeal form may also be used to request a personal leave of absence. The ETSU Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Appeal Form should be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid with appropriate documentation. Decisions by the IRP are made within two weeks of receipt of a complete appeal packet. Students may appeal the decision of the IRP to TSAC.
  11. Unexcused Absence Appeal - At the beginning of the course each faculty member must provide a written statement governing attendance policy for the course so that all students will be fully informed of their attendance responsibilities including penalties which may be imposed for failing to meet these responsibilities. If the student has evidence that a faculty member has not excused an absence which should have been excused within the guidelines of the Class Attendance Policy, the student can appeal the decision of the faculty member to the chairperson of the department and/or dean of the college or school in which the course was offered.