Jan 16, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Advising and Registration


Academic Advisement


  Future Students   GoldLink
  Advisement Required   Schedule Builder
  How to Find Your Advisor   Degree Works
  Advisor and Student Responsibilities   Programs A to Z
  Advisement Appointments   Registration Guide
Procedures   Registration Forms and Procedures
  How to Change Your Major or Minor   Adding or Dropping a Course   
  Early Semester Progress Report (Mid-term Grades)   Full-time Status  
  Graduation Process   Withdrawing from ETSU  
Resources   Incomplete Grades
  Advisement Resource Center (ARC)   Overloads - Class Load
  Learning Support Program   Registration Forms
      Academic Probation and Suspension Policies  
      Policies and Procedures    

Academic Advisement: Policies and Procedures

Definition: Advisement at ETSU is a continuous interactive process between an advisor and student which facilitates the development and achievement of the student’s overall goals. Advisement is a distinct part of a student’s educational experience, provided by ETSU as a service. Advisors routinely contact students regarding academic alerts which instructors submit, mid-term grades, course scheduling and progress toward degree providing information, recommendations and referrals.

Responsibility Shared: A successful relationship between an advisor and student depends upon shared responsibility. The advisor and student responsibilities are outlined in the Academic Advisement Responsibilities guide. Advisors and others at ETSU provide mentoring, advice, referrals, and information to help students make wise, informed decisions. The relationship students develop with their advisor is important to their success at ETSU. Students should consult with their advisor each semester and especially before making decisions that may affect their academic progress and success. Discussions with the advisor may include: understanding degree requirements, dropping a class, withdrawing from ETSU, selecting courses, and exploring career options. Students are ultimately responsible for their academic decisions, including course selection, meeting prerequisites, and adhering to policies, procedures and deadlines at ETSU. Additional resources and information available on the Undergraduate Student Advisement website.

Future Students (Transfers and Freshmen):

During the summer, new students, both freshmen and transfer, and their guests are invited to the campus to share in an orientation to university life and to register early for fall semester classes. The orientation program is so important to a successful start that it is mandatory if you live within a 250-mile radius of campus. At orientation, students will be introduced to campus, attend interest sessions, meet with an academic advisor and leave campus with their class schedules completed. Students entering ETSU summer or spring semesters will also have an opportunity to attend an orientation.

For more information see the New Student and Family website.

Current ETSU Students:

Spring registration for returning ETSU students begins in early November. Summer and fall registration begins in early April. Students should be advised well before registration begins.

Advisement Required For Most Students:

Advisors are a personal link between the student and the university. All students have a major advisor and should confer with their advisor each semester and when questions arise. In fact, ETSU requires most students consult with an advisor before registering for the next term. Students will have an advisement hold each semester that will prevent registration until the student has consulted with his/her major advisor.  Mandatory advisement ensures timely and accurate course registration and helps keep students on track to graduation.

The following students must be advised and will have an advisement hold that will prevent registration before they are able to register each semester:

  • Students who have less than 60 earned credits

  • First-term-at-ETSU transfer students are required to meet with an advisor prior to registration for their first and second term of enrollment.

  • Readmitted students are required to meet with an advisor prior to registration their first term back at ETSU.

  • Students who have not declared a major, have chosen an Academic Focus Area, or who have Learning Support Writing or Reading requirements are required to see an advisor in the University Advisement Center located in the ARC located on the 2nd level of the D. P. Culp Center (423-439-5244).
    *Note: Students who only have Math Learning Support requirements will be advised by their major advisor.

    • Learning Support Program has been established at ETSU to help students who may need additional support to be successful in college level courses. The Learning Support Program offers students support with essential skills in Mathematics, English (writing components), and reading comprehension. The Learning Support Program is housed in the University Advisement Center located in the Advisement Resources Career Center. For more information, or for answers to questions, contact the University Advisement Center. Phone: 423-439-5244.

  • These guidelines are the minimum advisement requirements. Many colleges and departments may have additional advisement requirements. Students should consult with their academic department or advisor to determine their advisement requirements.

How to Find Your Advisor:

Students who have declared a major should see an advisor in that major. A quick reference Advisor Contact List is available online. Having trouble finding your advisor? Contact the ARC at 423-439-8650, arc@etsu.edu, or 2nd level of D.P. Culp Center for advisement referrals and assistance.

Additional Advisement Opportunities and Requirements:

Some students may have multiple advisors (major, minor, program, licensure) who will provide advisement in these areas. Students taking classes in Kingsport may contact the Kingsport Center for advisement information (423-392-8000). Other advisement or support areas include:

Transfer Students

Transfer students often have questions and concerns that are unique to transfer students. Some of these are addressed below. Additional resources and assistance available through Adult Commuter and Transfer Services and Transfer Articulation. The following resources will also be helpful in a smooth transfer to ETSU.

  • ETSU Transfer Guide
  • Students may request a General Education Evaluation.
  • Transfer students who do not transfer in college-level English or Math courses will be required to take a placement test in that subject area.
  • Major or minor course substitutions: contact your major advisor or department for information.

Advisement Appointments - How to Be Prepared

  • Review your Degree Works audit in GoldLink.
  • Be aware of and ask questions about the following graduation requirements:
    • Admissions Requirements for Program (if applicable)
    • General Education Requirements: a common set of course requirements that all students must meet, regardless of their major or career goals. The purpose of general education is to help students acquire a broad foundation of skills and knowledge that will be useful in their personal, professional and civic lives. Some general education courses are specific to your major or minor. Discuss requirements with your advisor.  Transfer students may request a General Education Evaluation if they believe a transfer course is equivalent to an ETSU general education course requirement.
    • CSCI 1100 or Proficiency Requirement
    • Major Requirements
    • Minor Requirements (if required)
    • Concentration Requirements (if applicable)
    • Licensure Requirements for Teaching (if applicable)
    • College of Arts and Sciences degree options and requirements (if applicable)

How to Change Your Major or Minor: if you decide to change your major, minor or concentration, you do so through the academic department in the new area. Before selecting a new major, minor, or concentration, it is very important to select what best fits your interests, skills, and goals. Review your prospective choices with the advisor in this program and review requirements in the Programs A to Z guide in this catalog or use the What If Program in Degree Works (available in GoldLink.) The advisor or department will assist you in completing a undergraduate change of major form.  Students should keep their major, minor and concentration up-to-date to ensure accuracy of Degree Works audit.

Graduation Process: all students should file their Intent to Graduate when they are within two semesters of graduating. Students will also be required to complete major and minor sheets. If students file their intent early, they should have at least two semesters to complete any overlooked coursework or requirements. Students who do not file their intent on time, may delay their anticipated graduation. The Graduation Office coordinates the graduation checks, processes and ceremonies. Additional information/forms is available on the Graduation Office website.

Early Semester Progress Reports (mid-term grades) are used as an early indicator of academic progress in undergraduate level courses. Early Semester Progress Reports are available to undergraduate students in GoldLink around the 8th week of the fall and spring semesters. If the grades are unsatisfactory, students should use these grades to start conversations with their instructors, their academic advisor and to seek tutoring and other campus resources to improve their grades.

Academic Probation and Suspension Policies: available under Policies and Procedures

Advisement Information Resources

  • Advisement Resource Career Center (ARC) is a one-stop shop for many advisement, career and campus referrals. It’s also a great place to get accurate information on advisement, career exploration, campus information and campus referrals. The ARC is located on the 2nd Level of the D. P. Culp Center or you may call 423-439-8650. arc@etsu.edu
  • Office of Undergraduate Student Advisement-This office is the home of ETSU’s Director of University Advisement who also serves as the Designee for Academic Affairs for student appeals and concerns. The office provides campus training for Banner (GoldLink and Internet Native Banner), advisor training, coordinates the Need Help web site, coordinates advisement at new student orientations, and serves as a referral source for advisors, faculty, staff and students.
  • Academic Calendar for Students is a list of important dates by term including holidays and deadline dates.
  • GoldLink is the ETSU portal that offers a single sign on to D2L, Self-Service Banner, and other ETSU Banner services. Self-Service Banner (SSB) is a web-based system that allows you to access your personal and academic information from any computer that can display web pages. SSB is accessible through the GoldLink portal or can be accessed from this location. Students can login to register for classes, print class schedule, accept financial aid awards, pay fees, view transfer evaluation, academic transcript and much more.

Graduation Office

The Graduation Office coordinates the graduation processes and ceremonies. Students should file an intent to graduate when they have are within two semesters of graduation. Additional information is available on the Graduation Office website.


Returning Students: spring class registration for returning ETSU students begins in early November. Summer and fall registration begins in early April. Students should be advised well before registration begins and will register thru GoldLink using the tools identified below.

Future Students
During the summer, new students, both freshmen and transfer, and their guests are invited to the campus to share in an orientation to university life and to register early for fall semester classes. The orientation program is so important to a successful start that it is mandatory if you live within a 250-mile radius of campus. At orientation, students will be introduced to campus, attend interest sessions, meet with an academic advisor and leave campus with their class schedules completed. Students entering ETSU summer or spring semesters will also have an opportunity to attend an orientation.  For more information see the New Student and Family website.


Registration process:

Most students will be required to meet with an academic advisor to review course selection for the upcoming semester.  Students will register using GoldLink when registration begins if all registration holds have been removed.

  • GoldLink is the ETSU portal that offers a single sign on to D2L, Self-Service Banner, and other ETSU Banner services. Students can login to register for classes, print class schedule, accept financial aid awards, pay fees, view transfer evaluation, academic transcript and much more.
  • Schedule Builder -  is a simple interface that provides you with the ability to generate schedules for your classes in mere seconds! Compare up to 4 schedules at a time! “Lock in” your first choice professor and regenerate for a new set of schedules. Send the schedule back to your Registration Cart until your registration time.  Check it out in GoldLink under your “My Student Info” tab and experience Innovative Schedule Building!
  • Degree Works is an academic advising and degree auditing tool that helps advisors and students successful navigate curriculum requirement.  Degree Works uses the established curriculum to give students updated information of courses taken or transferred, grades received and courses needed to complete their degree(s) requirements. Degree Works also provide students with the ability to plan for future terms or the entire length of the program with the use of the “Plan” function. The “What-if” scenarios is another feature that allow students to experiment with changing majors or degree plans.
  • Programs A to Z - available in online catalog.  Provides a detailed overview of majors, minor and concentration requirements.
  • Registration HelpLine, 102 Burgin Dossett Hall or 423-439-5584 (M-F, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm EST).

Registration: Policies, Procedures and Resources

Guide to Registering - step-by-step quick reference guide for registration process

  1. Before registering
  • Check your registration status a few weeks before registration begins. Registration status displays holds, advisement holds, first available registration time, hours earned, academic status, etc.
  • How to check registration status
    • Login to GoldLink portal
    • Choose the “My Student Info” tab
    • In the “Registration Tools” box, choose “Registration Status”
  • Pay fees/parking tickets online in GoldLink or contact appropriate offices for more information or to clear holds. Most holds will also have a reason listed for the hold. Visit website for list of hold types and who to contact.
  • Get advised. How to find my advisor?
  • Plan your class schedule for the next term. Use Look Up Classes option in GoldLink to create your class schedule. Use these resources to learn how to register.
  1. Registering for classes
  • Register online using GoldLink or
  • Register in person at 102 Burgin Dossett Hall or call
  • Registration Helpline: 423-439-5584 (M-F from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, EST) for help.
  1.  Completing registration
  • Accept financial aid and confirm attendance in GoldLink.
  • Pay fees on GoldLink.
  • Complete all schedule changes before the first day of class to prevent additional fees.
  • Review schedule changes with your academic advisor or verify course choices noted in your program of study.
  • If you decide not to attend ETSU, you must drop your courses on GoldLink or through Office of Registrar, 101 or 102 Burgin Dossett Hall. NEVER rely on being purged due to non-payment. Students are responsible for verifying all schedule changes on GoldLink.
  1. Just prior to the first day of classes
    ♦ Print your class schedule again because course locations (buildings and room #s) may change.