Oct 06, 2024  
2019-2020 Gatton College of Pharmacy 
2019-2020 Gatton College of Pharmacy [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Doctor of Pharmacy Degree Program


Degree Offered

Gatton College of Pharmacy offers the Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm.D.). The Pharm.D. degree * is intended to prepare pharmacists who will be able to:

  • provide patient-centered care, through the ability to:
    • design, implement, monitor, evaluate, and adjust pharmacy care plans that are patient-specific; address health literacy, cultural diversity, and behavioral psychosocial issues; and are evidence-based
    • manage a successful patient-centered practice (including establishing, marketing, and being compensated for medication therapy management and patient care services rendered)
  • provide population-based care, through the ability to develop and implement population-specific, evidence-based disease management programs and protocols based upon analysis of epidemiologic and pharmacoeconomic data, medication-use criteria, medication use review, and risk-reduction strategies
  • manage human, physical, medical, informational, and technological resources, through the ability to ensure efficient, cost-effective use of these resources in the provision of patient care
  • manage medication use systems, through the ability to apply patient- and population-specific data, quality improvement strategies, medication safety and error reduction programs, and research processes to minimize drug misadventures and optimize patient outcomes; to participate in the development of drug use and health policy; and to help design pharmacy benefits
  • promote the availability of effective health and disease prevention services and health policy through the ability to apply population-specific data, quality improvement strategies, informatics, and research processes to identify and solve public health problems and to help develop health policy

* Accreditation Standards and Key Elements for the Professional Program in Pharmacy Leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy Degree. Adopted January 25, 2015. Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. 

DiRected Educational Aspirations and Markers of Success (DREAMS)

Adopted by the Faculty Council on November 27, 2012

Consistent with the above, the Gatton College of Pharmacy curriculum prepares graduates to demonstrate the following professional competencies and outcomes, which emphasize good science,** self-directed lifelong learning,† and individualized training. Graduates are expected to apply learning to both the present practice of pharmacy and the advancement of the profession, serving as leaders and agents of change.1 To this end, faculty members aspire to develop graduates that:

1. Display a mastery of fundamental knowledge and skills1

1.1. Demonstrate knowledge of and accept responsibility for knowledge of commonly used medications, formulations and drug products.1
1.2. Apply principles of biomedical, pharmaceutical, social/behavioral/administrative, and clinical sciences to critically solve problems.1,5
1.3. Utilize pharmaceutical and pharmacokinetics mathematics to perform accurate medication calculations.1
1.4. Retrieve, analyze, and interpret the literature.1,2,3,5
1.5. Evaluate the quality of basic science and clinical research evidence to appropriately apply study results to practice decisions.1
1.6. Demonstrate competency in informatics and emerging technologies.1,5
1.7. Compound drugs in appropriate dosage forms using appropriate safety measures.5
1.8. Identify physicochemical properties that affect drug solubility, stability, and pharmacokinetics.
1.9. Predict drug action based on physiological and biochemical concepts.

2. Demonstrate professional attitudes and values1

2.1. Carry out duties in accordance with legal, ethical, social, cultural, economic, and professional guidelines.1,2,3,5
2.2. Work with individuals of other health professions to maintain a climate of mutual respect and shared values.4
2.3. Use the knowledge of one’s own role and those of other professions.4
2.4. Communicate with patients, families, communities, and other health professionals.1,2,4,5
2.5. Apply relationship‐building values and the principles of team dynamics.4
2.6. Maintain professional competence by identifying and analyzing emerging issues, products, and services.1,2,4, 5
2.7. Reflect critically on personal skills and actions to make improvements, as necessary.3
2.8. Accept and respond to constructive feedback.3

3. Provide excellent patient‐centered care1

3.1. Identify and assess subjective and objective patient data to define health and medication related problems.1,3,5
3.2. Design, implement, monitor, evaluate, and adjust pharmacy care plans that are patient-specific and evidence‐based.1,2,3,5
3.3. Provide patient care in cooperation with patients and other healthcare providers as part of an interprofessional health care team.1,2,3,4,5
3.4. Addresses health literacy, cultural diversity, and behavioral psychosocial issues when communicating with patients and when designing, evaluating, or modifying therapeutic plans.1,5
3.5. Counsel patients, caregivers, and other health care providers regarding care plans.1,5
3.6. Demonstrate accurate and appropriate documentation of pharmacy care activities.3,5
3.7. Apply knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to manage a successful patient‐centered practice.1,5

4. Promote health improvement, wellness, and disease prevention1,3

4.1. Identify and mitigate public health problems.1,3,5
4.2. Interpret epidemiologic data relevant to specific diseases and their management.3,5
4.3. Interpret economic data relevant to treatment of disease.3
4.4. Develop and implement population‐specific, evidence‐based disease management programs and protocols.1,2,5

5. Effectively manage health care resources1,3

5.1. Address the unique needs of rural and underserved communities.5
5.2. Manage and use human, physical, financial, informational and technological resources in the provision of patient care.1,2,5
5.3. Provide high‐quality, cost‐effective healthcare.3
5.4. Provide, assess, and coordinate safe, accurate, and time‐sensitive medication distribution.1,2,3,5
5.5. Identify and use risk reduction strategies to minimize medication errors. 2,3,5
5.6. Assist patients and care givers to obtain their medications and related parapharmaceuticals in an affordable manner that meets their health care needs.1
5.7. Interpret and apply drug use policy and health policy.1,2,3,5

** Good science implies having the following characteristics: evidence‐based, logical, convincing, explanatory, honest, testable, and systematic1
† Lifelong learning entails continuously building upon existing knowledge and skills throughout one’s lifetime
1 Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. Accreditation Standards and Guidelines for the Professional Program in Pharmacy Leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy Degree Version 2.0. 2011.
2 American Association of College of Pharmacy. Center for the Advancement of Pharmaceutical Education Educational Outcomes. 2004.
3 American Association of College of Pharmacy. Graduation Survey: Professional Competencies - Outcomes. 2011.
4 Interprofessional Education Collaborative. Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. 2011.
5 Gatton College of Pharmacy. Student Learning Outcome Expectations for the Doctor of Pharmacy Program. 2008.

Degree Requirements

The Doctor of Pharmacy degree is conferred by East Tennessee State University upon certification by the faculty that the student has successfully completed all requirements. All required courses, practice experiences, and elective courses applied towards the degree must be completed with a minimum passing grade of C. The student must complete the entirety of the of the curriculum within six successive academic years from initial enrollment. This time limit may be extended for interruption by military service where enrollment is resumed immediately upon release from service. Other exceptions to the time limit may be granted by the Dean for extenuating circumstances.

In addition to completing the prescribed curriculum and meeting the scholarship requirements of the program, students must have satisfied all financial obligations to the College or University in order to qualify for graduation and receipt of the degree. 

This bulletin presents the offerings and requirements in effect at the time of publication, but is no guarantee that they will not be changed or revoked. However, adequate and reasonable notice will be given to students affected by any changes. This bulletin is not intended to state contractual terms and does not constitute a contract between the student and ETSU or Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy.

Curriculum Structure

The curriculum structure for Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy can be found at: www.etsu.edu/pharmacy/academic_programs/curriculum.php

Elective Courses

Students are required to complete four elective courses (totaling at least eight credit hours) with a minimum passing grade prior to beginning Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. Only approved courses may be used to fulfill this requirement. External research/internship experiences may be utilized to meet requirements if approved by the Curriculum Committee.

Students are expected to enroll in electives as sequenced in the curriculum outline; however, requests for enrolling in electives out of sequence may be made. Students can enroll in only one elective in any one term unless expressly permitted to enroll in more. Such variations require approval by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA) and are considered on a case-by-case basis. Students may complete additional electives in excess of the requirements with written permission; however, these courses become part of the student’s academic record and grades will be calculated in the student’s GPA. Students should refer to the GCOP Student Handbook for complete information about scheduling electives.

Professional Experience Program (PEP)

Students participate in required Pharmacy Practice Experiences (PPEs) during all four years of the curriculum. Experiential education has two components, Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE). Both types of experiences are designed to give pharmacy students real world experience inside a pharmacy or pharmaceutical lab. A student will rotate through a number of experiences in order to become familiar with and understand the many different facets of the pharmacy field. The number of rotations and the scheduling of rotations vary based on student’s academic year. Participation in experiential education courses requires students to be in compliance with all immunization, and background check requirements, as well as any site specific requirements.

Students should refer to the Appendix of the Student Handbook for policies and procedures governing the experiential education program. The Handbook can be found on the web at http://www.etsu.edu/pharmacy/documents/student_handbook_rev_8-7-17.pdf.

Articulated Joint Degree Programs

Pharm.D./Master of Business Administration degrees

Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy students can simultaneously pursue an MBA degree from the College of Business and Technology while completing the Pharm.D. degree. The program is designed to provide students with a broader perspective on business that will strengthen a graduate’s ability to engage in pharmacy management within a variety of health care settings. The joint degree program is structured such that students can complete both degrees within a four-year period of time (general curriculum structure below). Students complete MBA courses at specified points in the Pharm.D. curriculum and during the summer following the second and third years of pharmacy school.

Year One

  • All Pharm.D. Coursework
  • Apply for admission to MBA program                                                       

Year Two

  • Pharm.D. coursework
  • 5 MBA classes (accelerated format); 2 count as Pharm.D. electives

Year Three

  • Pharm.D. coursework
  • 4 MBA classes (accelerated format); 2 count as Pharm.D. electives

Year Four

  • Pharm.D. Advanced Practice Experiences


Pharm.D./Master of Public Health degrees

Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy students can simultaneously pursue an MPH degree from the College of Public Health while completing the Pharm.D. degree. The program is designed to provide students a broad perspective that could help solve health problems on a large scale and is an excellent choice for students interested in careers in public health leadership. Students enroll in MPH courses at specified points in the Pharm.D. curriculum (general curriculum structure below). During the fourth year of the joint degree program, students will devote one full year of study as an MPH student within the College of Public Health before returning for their fifth and final year at the College of Pharmacy.

Year One

  • All Pharm.D. coursework
  • Apply for admission to MPH program

Year Two

  • Pharm.D. coursework
  • 1 core MPH class each semester; (count as Pharm.D. elective)

Summer after Year Two

2 core MPH classes

Year Three

  • Pharm.D. coursework
  • 1 core MPH class each semester; (count as Pharm.D. elective)
  • 2 APPE rotations in May & June after Year Three

Year Four

  • No Pharm.D. Coursework
  • All MPH coursework in concentration (21 hours)

Year Five

Complete remaining Pharm.D. clinical rotations & MPH fieldwork

Contact the Office of Academic Affairs (423-439-6334 or copaa@etsu.edu) for information about the admission process and requirements for the joint degree programs.