Feb 09, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Policies and Procedures

ETSU policies are located at the following website: https://www.etsu.edu/policies/

Academic Policies and Procedures




Other Policies


Safety and Security


Personal Information

Student Conduct and Rights

Academic Probation Policy

To remain in good standing, a graduate student (degree or non-degree), must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better on all graduate work attempted. In order to graduate, students must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average overall, and on the program of study. When the cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0, the graduate student will be placed on academic probation. If the student does not achieve a 3.0 cumulative grade point average at the conclusion of one probationary semester, the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and appropriate college/departmental/program officials will determine whether the student should be dismissed from graduate study at East Tennessee State University or continued on probation. No student will be allowed more than two probationary semesters, whether consecutive or cumulative. At the end of a second probationary semester a student whose cumulative grade point average is still below 3.0 will be dismissed from graduate study. Students whose performance results in a GPA so far below 3.0 as to make it mathematically impossible to attain an overall GPA of 3.0 after one semester may be subject to dismissal without a probationary term. A student will be removed from probationary status upon attaining a cumulative 3.0 grade point average. When an “I” grade converts to an “F” after one calendar year, the GPA is adjusted retroactively; consequently, a student may be subject to dismissal without a probationary term.

Withdrawal from the University

Students may withdraw from all classes through the published last day to withdraw for a term. Withdrawals from the university from the beginning of the third week onwards will be recorded with a grade of ‘W.’ (During the summer session or other shortened terms, this schedule is adjusted appropriately to fit the condensed time frame.) All requests for withdrawal from the university must be received in the Office of the Registrar no later than the close of business hours two days before the last day of classes of any academic term. Students will not be permitted to withdraw from the university after that date.

Final Grade Reports and Appeals

Grade reports are available through GoldLink to all students who complete registration each term. Academic departments are required to retain grade documentation for a period of one year. Specific student concerns regarding academic records, other than the Grade Appeal process described below, must be addressed within one academic year from the date of posting of grades for the term in question.

Residency Requirements

The residency requirement is primarily to provide doctoral students with significant time for sustained participation with peers and faculty members in scholarly and creative activities. Each doctoral degree program specifies how these residency requirements can be fulfilled. Non-doctoral graduate degree students may be required to complete one or more semesters of full-time study as determined by the degree program. Students should consult program requirements for details on specific residency requirements.


Students may be dismissed from the School of Graduate Studies for such reasons as academic misconduct, failure to meet conditions of admission, failure to meet a requirement of the program, or for exceeding the allowed number of probationary semesters.


Students who have been dismissed from the School of Graduate Studies for academic reasons may address a written request for reinstatement to the chair of their department of major. The request should include reasons why the reinstatement should be considered.

The department will review the request for reinstatement and make recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate School. If the request is denied at the departmental level, the student may then direct a written appeal to the Dean of the Graduate School, and a final decision will be made in accordance with policies established by the Graduate Council.

Adding A Course

A course(s) may be added through GoldLink during the first week of classes without special permission, unless the course has reached the established maximum enrollment. To add any class that has reached the enrollment maximum requires a departmental permit. After the first week of classes, students must obtain special permission from the department in order to add any class. After census, the Late Add process begins which requires students to obtain permission from: the instructor of the course, the department chair of the course, the dean of Graduate Studies, and the Registrar’s office to add a course(s). Permission during the Late Add process is only granted with extenuating circumstances. 

Late Add Form

Dropping a Course

Students may drop classes from their schedule from the start of registration for the term through Census day, please see the academic calendar for Census for your part of term. 

Classes dropped prior to Census, as noted on the academic calendar for the part of term in which the class meets, will not appear on the student’s permanent record. 

Requests to drop classes can be completed from within GoldLink using Add or Drop Classes under Registration Tools on the Student menu. Classes must be dropped no later than the close of business on Census for the part of term in which the class meets, please see the academic calendar for Census.

Late Drop a Course

After the last day to drop a course with a ‘W’ grade without dean’s permission as noted on the academic calendar for the part of term in which the class meets, students may drop courses only when they can demonstrate verifiable, extenuating circumstances beyond their control, such as illness or accidental injury. Poor performance in a course is not an extenuating circumstance.

Students seeking permission to late drop a course must present a petition to the dean of the college or school in which they were majoring at the beginning of the term. Students who have not yet declared majors will present petitions to the University Advisement Center. If a late drop is approved, the student will receive a grade of W (Withdrawal) or WF (Withdrawn-Failing), to be determined by the dean.

Auditing Courses

Students are permitted to enroll in regular university courses as auditors. Registration fees are the same for audit as for credit. Regular attendance is required. Audit enrollment will not be considered part of the minimum credits required for full-time enrollment. Audit enrollment will be counted in determining overloads.

After the published “Last Day to Add a Course” students may not change their enrollment status in a course from credit to audit or from audit or credit. Instructors may administratively drop auditors for unsatisfactory class attendance.

Change of Field of Study

Students seeking to change their field of graduate study from one program to another must formally apply to the new graduate program. The student is responsible for ensuring that all admissions materials required by the new program are on file in the School of Graduate Studies prior to any program deadlines. Students must resign from the program in which they are currently enrolled prior to accepting admission into the new program. Students seeking to change concentrations within a program may do so by completing a Change of Program of Study form, which can be obtained from the School of Graduate Studies.

Class Attendance

It is expected that students will attend class regularly and provide the faculty with a reason for any absence. Failure to attend class regularly can affect students’ grades and financial aid. East Tennessee State University does not specify a fixed number of class absences as university-wide policy, but each department within the university has the right to set a maximum number of absences (including absences due to university activities and illnesses) permitted during an academic term. Departmental class absence policy is subject to approval by the dean of the school/college. At the beginning of the course each faculty member must provide a written statement governing attendance policy (including laboratory/clinical sessions where applicable) for the course so that all students may be fully informed of their attendance responsibilities, including penalties that may be imposed for failing to meet these responsibilities. If a student is not in attendance during the class meeting in which the class attendance policy is discussed it is the student’s responsibility to ascertain the policy in that class.

Classification of Courses by Level

Enrollment in the 5000, 6000, and 7000 series is limited to graduate students. Undergraduate students may not enroll in courses numbered higher than one year above their current classification unless the undergraduate student meets an exception. (Please see Advanced Admission for Undergraduates for more information.) At least 70 percent of all courses taken in  a master’s program must be in the 5000 series; at least one-half of all courses taken on the doctoral level must be in the 6000 and 7000 series.


Every student is required to enroll at the time and in the manner prescribed by the registrar. All charges for the ensuing semester must be paid, or otherwise provided for, before registration is completed.

Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Enrollment (5xx7 and 5956 Courses)

In some curricula, master’s level students may enroll in 5xx7 and 5956 courses which are co-listed with 4xx7 and 4956 undergraduate courses. A student who has taken the 4xx7 or 4956 course for undergraduate credit cannot repeat the course for graduate credit. Graduate students enrolled in 5xx7 and 5956 courses shall be required to do specified work over and above that required of undergraduate students enrolled in companion 4xx7 and 4956 courses.

Specialist degree students may not enroll for 5xx7 and 5956 courses (except for 5957 “Topic in” courses); they must choose courses from the regular graduate-only series of 5000 and 6000 level courses, with at least one-half of all courses being at the 6000 level.

Doctoral students may not enroll for 5xx7 and 5956 courses (except for 5957 “Topic in” courses); they must choose from the regular graduate-only series of 5000, 6000, and 7000 courses, with at least one-half of all courses being at the 6000 and 7000 levels.

Limitation on 5xx7 and 5956 Courses

No more than 30 percent of all courses taken in any program may come from the 5xx7 / 5956 series. Some doctoral programs disallow 5xx7 and 5956 courses.

Independent Studies, Problems, and Workshops

Students who wish to pursue individual studies, problems, or workshops of special interest may enroll for these courses provided that the topic for study has been defined and approved by the professor and the student’s advisor. Under no circumstances should registration for independent studies, problems, or workshop courses be used to attend a course with a different number or title at any level of course classification.

Limitations on Independent Studies, Problems, and Workshops - No more than 30 percent of the semester credits for a graduate degree program may be taken in independent studies, problems, or workshops or in any combination of these types of courses.

Continuous Enrollment

Students who wish to use support services of the university (computer, library, laboratories, studios, etc.) and/or require faculty guidance for studies, research, or preparation of a prospectus and are not enrolled for coursework, thesis, or dissertation must be registered for the appropriate non-degree credit course (5990, 6990, 7990) in Readings and Research each term university support or facilities are being used, including summer term. Students who have previously registered for thesis, dissertation, and/or readings and research must be continuously registered for a minimum of one graduate credit hour every subsequent semester, including summer, until completion of the degree.

Readings and Research cannot count toward degree requirements.

Candidates for a master’s degree with a thesis option must continue to register each semester (minimum of one credit) from the time of the initial registration for 5960-Thesis until the thesis is accepted by the School of Graduate Studies. (Individual programs may require minimum enrollments of up to 3 graduate credits.) No less than three credit hours nor more than six credit hours of thesis may be applied toward the master’s degree.

Candidates for doctoral degrees must continue to register each semester from the time of the initial registration for 7960-Dissertation until the dissertation is accepted by the School of Graduate Studies. (Individual programs may require minimum enrollments of up to 3 graduate credits.) No less than 12 hours nor more than 21 hours of dissertation credit may be applied toward the doctoral degree.

A student must be enrolled for a minimum of one graduate credit hour during the term of graduation, with one exception: a student who does not meet the deadlines for completing degree requirements, including thesis/dissertation defense and orals, but does complete all requirements, including approval of the thesis/dissertation by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, before the first day of classes for the following semester, will not be required to register for the term in which the degree is awarded.

Experiential Learning Credit

No graduate credit can be awarded for experiential learning that occurs prior to admission into a graduate program and which has not been under the supervision of the institution.

Extension and Correspondence

All work completed at any approved ETSU site is residential and not extension credit. No correspondence work can be applied to any graduate program at East Tennessee State University.

Grade Appeal Process 

  1. Basis for Appeal  
            1.1 A student may appeal a course grade if the student has evidence that the grade was assigned in a malicious, capricious, erroneous, or arbitrary manner. The following steps provide a guideline for the appeals process. All persons concerned with this process should make every attempt to adhere to the time schedule outlined in the following description of the appeals process. No appeal will be initiated more than one year following the date the grade was assigned.
  2. Appeal to the Faculty Member for Review of the Assigned Grade  
    2.1 Within 21 calendar days after the beginning of the next term, excluding summer school, the student should discuss the assigned grade with the faculty member. If it is found that the assigned grade is incorrect in the judgment of the faculty member, he/she will initiate the appropriate change. If the change is made at this point, the matter is concluded.
    2.2 If the faculty member is no longer with the university, the student should confer with the departmental chairperson who will then make every effort to receive written input concerning the matter from the former faculty member. If it is not possible to receive information from the former faculty member regarding the grade, then the student may appeal the grade as described below and the departmental chairperson will represent the interests of the faculty member who issued the grade.
  3. Appeal to the Department Chairperson  
    3.1  If the question of the assigned grade cannot be resolved between the student and the faculty member, the student may appeal in writing to the chairperson of the department in which the course was taught. The written appeal to the departmental chairperson must be made by the end of the fourth week of the term. The student should include all known information relating to the appeal with the written appeal. After receiving such an appeal, in writing, from the student, the chairperson shall review with the faculty member the substance of the student’s appeal and seek to determine its validity.
    3.2 If the chairperson determines that the assigned grade is in his/her judgment, inappropriate, the chairperson should recommend to the faculty member that the grade be changed. The faculty member may or may not concur with the chairperson’s recommendation.
    3.3 The chairperson will notify the student in writing, within 14 calendar days of the appeal, whether or not the assigned grade will be changed by the faculty member. If the grade is changed to the student’s satisfaction, the matter is concluded. If the grade will not be changed, the chairperson will also advise the student of the right of appeal to the Dean of Graduate Studies.
    3.4 If the grade will not be changed, copies of all written communication mentioned above should be sent by the chairperson to the Dean of Graduate Studies as described below.
  4. Appeal to the Dean of Graduate Studies  
    4.1 In the case of all graduate students (including those graduate students enrolled in the M.S.-Ph.D. program in Biomedical Sciences within the College of Medicine), the appeal shall be directed to the Dean of the Graduate School. If the dean, the student, and the faculty member are unable to resolve the appeal informally, the dean shall convene an ad hoc committee, comprised of three members of the graduate council (or other graduate faculty members) and three graduate students, all of whom shall have voting privileges. This committee shall elect a chairperson and hold a hearing concerning the appeal. At this hearing all material relevant to the appeal shall be presented by the student, faculty member, the department chairperson, dean of the college in which the course was taught, the Dean of the Graduate School, and any others who may be called to assist the committee.
  5. Appeals Process Following Committee Review  
    5.1 Within 21 calendar days of its constitution, the committee will submit to the Dean of Graduate Studies a written report containing a recommendation for a specific course of action regarding the student’s appeal. The dean will, in turn, review the committee’s recommendation and reasoning. The Dean of Graduate Studies may also confer with any of the parties involved. After consideration of all appropriate information, the dean shall accept, reject, or modify the recommendation. The dean shall notify the student, the faculty member, the chairperson of the appeals committee, the departmental chairperson, and the appropriate individuals of his/her opinion concerning the appeal. The dean shall forward his/her decision to the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Vice President for Health Affairs who will hold the documentation for 21 calendar days, at the end of which time he/she will notify the Registrar of the disposition of the student’s grade, if it is to be changed.
    5.2 A written appeal of the decision of the dean may be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Vice President for Health Affairs within 14 calendar days from the time the dean reports his/her decision to the appropriate individuals.
    5.3 The Vice President for Academic Affairs/Vice President for Health Affairs will then review the dean’s report and the other grade appeal documentation and endorse the dean’s decision, reject the decision, or modify the decision. The Vice President for Academic Affairs/Vice President for Health Affairs shall then notify the student, the dean, the faculty member, the chairperson of the appeal committee, the departmental chairperson, and the appropriate individuals of his/her opinion concerning the appeal.
    5.4 In the absence of further appeal, the opinion rendered by the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Vice President for Health Affairs becomes final. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will wait 21 calendar days, at the end of which time he/she will notify the Registrar of the disposition of the student’s grade, if it is to be changed.
  6. Appeal to the President  
    6.1 If either the student or faculty member believes that due process* has not been afforded, a written appeal may be made to the President; otherwise, the decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Vice President for Health Affairs is final. Such an appeal, based on denial of due process and specifically identifying the failure of the process, must be initiated in writing within 14 calendar days from the time the dean reports his/her decision to the appropriate individuals.
    * The right to have your concerns reviewed by an impartial third party.  

Independent Studies, Problems, and Workshops - Students who wish to pursue individual studies, problems, or workshops of special interest may enroll for these courses provided that the topic for study has been defined and approved by the professor and the student’s advisor. Under no circumstances should registration for independent studies, problems, or workshop courses be used to attend a course with a different number or title at any level of course classification.


Grades given in the School of Graduate Studies carry the following meaning and quality points:



Quality Points per Hour

  A Clear Excellence 4.0
  A-   3.7
  B+   3.3
  B Satisfactory Performance 3.0
  B-   2.7
  C+   2.3
  C Minimum Passing Grade 2.0
  F Failed 0
  S Satisfactory 0
  SP Satisfactory Progress 0
  U Unsatisfactory 0
  W Withdrawal 0
  WF Withdrawal Failing 0
  AU Audit 0
  I Incomplete 0
  NR Not Reported 0

To remain in good standing, a graduate student (degree or non-degree), must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better on all graduate work attempted. In order to graduate, students must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average overall, and on the program of study. When the cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0, the graduate student will be placed on academic probation. If the student does not achieve a 3.0 cumulative grade point average at the conclusion of one probationary semester, the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and appropriate college/departmental/program officials will determine whether the student should be dismissed from graduate study at East Tennessee State University or continued on probation. No student will be allowed more than two probationary semesters, whether consecutive or cumulative. At the end of a second probationary semester a student whose cumulative grade point average is still below 3.0 will be dismissed from graduate study. Students whose performance results in a GPA so far below 3.0 as to make it mathematically impossible to attain an overall GPA of 3.0 after one semester may be subject to dismissal without a probationary term. A student will be removed from probationary status upon attaining a cumulative 3.0 grade point average. When an “I” grade converts to an “F” after one calendar year, the GPA is adjusted retroactively; consequently, a student may be subject to dismissal without a probationary term.

How to Compute a Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is computed as follows:
Step 1: Grade Points earned in a course x Course credit hours = Grade points for course
Step 2: Sum of grade points for all graded courses = Total grade points
Step 3: Total grade points divided by all credit hours attempted = GPA

Incomplete Grades 

A grade of “I” (incomplete) indicates that a student was passing the course at the end of the semester, but due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, was unable to complete the course requirement. It also indicates that the student has received consent from the instructor to complete the work for which an “I” is assigned. The “I” grade cannot be used to allow a student to do additional work to raise a deficient grade or to repeat a course. An “I” grade must be removed no later than one calendar year from the time the grade is awarded. Time extension requests for removal of “I” grades must be submitted to and approved by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies before the allotted time expires. An “I” grade not removed under the guidelines noted above will be converted to an “F.” When an “I” grade converts to an “F” after one calendar year, the GPA is adjusted retroactively; consequently, a student may be subject to dismissal without a probationary term. A student cannot withdraw from or drop a course after a grade of “I” has been assigned or after one year has elapsed. To remove an “I” grade, the student must complete the work independently and must not register for the course a second time or attend the same course at a later time in order to complete the course requirements.

Repeating a Course

If a student chooses to repeat a course, all grades earned are computed in the grade point average. The grade earned on the repeat does not replace the original.

“S”, “SP”, and “U” Grades

The letter grades of “S” (Satisfactory Completion), “SP” (Satisfactory Progress), and “U” (Unsatisfactory) are given for Readings and Research, Capstone Projects, Thesis, and Dissertation. A grade of “S” carries graduate credit and indicates satisfactory completion of the course. Each program must specify the number of hours required for Thesis/Dissertation. Degree completion requires an “S” on the most recent hours associated with Thesis/Dissertation or Readings and Research. “SP” indicates progress toward project or research completion, but carries no credit. This grade does not affect the student’s GPA. Students who receive an “SP” must, in subsequent semesters (including summer), enroll in additional hours of Thesis/Dissertations or Readings and Research until the requirements are completed. The “U” grade carries no credit and indicates unsatisfactory progress toward research or project completion. Students who receive a “U” must enroll for the course the following semester, including summer. The “U’ is equivalent to an “F”. The first “U” does not affect the GPA, however, all subsequent “U” grades will convert to an “F” and will be figured into the GPA.

Grade Reports and Appeals

Grade reports are available through GoldLink to all students who complete registration each term. Academic departments are required to retain grade documentation for a period of one year. Specific student concerns regarding academic records, other than the Grade Appeal process described in the Student Handbook (Spectrum), must be addressed within one academic year from the date of posting of grades for the term in question.

Graduate Course Load

The full-time course load for graduate students is nine graduate credit hours. Graduate course loads in excess of 15 credits require approval of the departmental chair and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.

Graduate Student Classification

  • Master’s Candidate (MS): A student who has been formally accepted to graduate school for the purpose of pursuing a master’s degree.
  • Specialist in Education Candidate (SED): A student who has been formally admitted to graduate school and the college of education for the purpose of pursing a specialist degree.
  • Doctoral Student, Early Stage (DE): A student formally admitted to a doctoral graduate program of study whose major academic endeavor consists of formal coursework directed toward fulfilling requirements for a doctorate.
  • Doctoral Candidate, Late Stage (DL): A doctoral graduate student who has passed the doctoral qualifying examination and whose principal academic endeavor consists of work toward completion of the doctoral  dissertation.
  • Postdoctoral Student (PD): A student who has an awarded doctoral degree and is engaged in advanced academic study or specialty training beyond the doctoral degree
  • Visiting Graduate Student (SPG): A formally enrolled graduate student, from another institution, whose coursework will be transferred back to the student’s home institution.
  • Graduate Non-Degree: A post-baccalaureate student who is not pursuing a graduate degree, is not a post-doctoral student, and is enrolled in graduate courses.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

All research involving human subjects must be approved by the East Tennessee State University Institutional Review Board prior to initiation of the research. IRB approval is necessary to protect the rights of human subjects involved in physical, psychological, or social research. Following approval of the proposed research by the review board, the subject involved must be informed of the study and consent to participate. The application forms for research involving human subjects and review of such research projects are available in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, 103 Earnest House.

Misrepresentation of Academic Credentials

It is a Class A misdemeanor to misrepresent academic credentials. A person commits the offense of misrepresentation of academic credentials who, knowing that the statement is false and with the intent to secure employment at or admission to an institution of higher education in Tennessee, represents, orally or in writing that such person:

  1. Has successfully completed the required coursework for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas from an accredited institution of higher education;
  2. Has successfully completed the required coursework for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas from a particular institution of higher education; or
  3. Has successfully completed the required coursework for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas in a particular field or specialty from an accredited institution of higher education.

Time Limits

    Graduate Certificate 4-6 years Specialist Degree 5 years
  Master’s Degree 6 years Doctoral Degree 7 years*
      *(5 years for persons previously awarded an Ed.S.)

Time for completion of the degree is counted from the date of registration for the first course applied toward the degree requirements, including transfer work.

 Timetable for Graduate Study


Required Action

Date of Completion



Application for admission to the School of Graduate Studies. (Public Health applicants will make their initial applications to https:/www.sophas.org. Physical Therapy applicants will make their initial application to https://www.ptcas.org/ApplicationInstructions/)


See application information: https://www.etsu.edu/gradschool/applynow.php



Test Scores
GMAT (M.B.A. and M.Acc. Students)
GRE (if required by department)


TOEFL/IELTS/GMAT/GRE/PTE Academic scores should be submitted with the TOEFL/PTE Academic or IELTS (International students).



Consultation with departmental advisor.


Before registration and at least once per term.



Transfer of graduate credits earned at other institutions or postgraduate credits earned at ETSU.


Please check with your graduate coordinator (advisor).



Preliminary and qualifying examination.


Check with advisor for requirements and dates.



File application for candidacy (Doctoral programs only), Degree Works, Program of Study (for 2nd Master’s degree, and Accelerated Degrees, and committee forms with the School of Graduate Studies. 


Master Degree Students: Following completion of 9-12 hours in the major with a 3.0 average and no later than the semester prior to the final semester of study. Doctoral Degree Students: Consult the appropriate section of the catalog.



Apply for Graduation.


Apply for Graduation by the following dates:

For Spring Graduation: September 1st.
For Fall Graduation: March 1st.
For Summer Graduation: March 1st.



Final examination and/or defense of thesis of dissertation.


During the last semester of study and by the date specified in the Academic Calendar.



Submit copies of thesis or dissertation to the Dean of Graduate Studies.


By the date specified in the Academic Calendar.



Pay microfilm fee.


By the date specified in the Academic Calendar.



Receive Dean approval of thesis or dissertation.


By the date specified in the Academic Calendar.


Note: Most forms for the required steps outlined above are available on the Internet at https://www.etsu.edu/gradschool/forms.php and in the School of Graduate Studies office, Burgin Dossett Hall, Suite 309, Johnson City, Tennessee.

Transfer of Credit

  1. Students may petition the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies (Application for Transfer of Graduate Credits) for the transfer of a maximum of nine (9) semester credits of graduate credit earned from ETSU or other regionally accredited U.S. and approved international institutions, if grades of “B” (or equivalent) or higher were earned (“B-” grades do not transfer.) In order to qualify for transfer, requested courses will be evaluated with respect to content, learning outcomes, and credits. Students may be required to submit documentation (e.g., syllabus) prior to transfer credit being approved. ETSU coursework solely is used to compute the grade point average; non-ETSU transfer work is not computed in the GPA.
  2. All non-ETSU transfer credit must be completed prior to the term of graduation so that the transfer process can be completed in a timely manner early in the graduation term. Transfer of credit may not be initiated after the graduation intent deadline, and official transcripts must be received by the midpoint of the graduation term.
  3. The degree program time limit (matriculation limit) will begin with the registration date of the first course applied to the degree requirements, including transferred courses. Credit earned prior to the degree time limitations specified in this catalog will not be approved for transfer and transfer credit cannot be revalidated if it later exceeds the matriculation limits.
  4. Credit cannot be transferred from a completed degree program into a current degree program. Extension or continuing education hours will not be transferred for credit. In general, credit earned at international institutions cannot be transferred, and petitions to transfer international credit are reviewed only if accompanied by a professional course-by-course evaluation.
  5. When credit is transferred into a graduate certificate program, the School of Graduate Studies rules for transfer of credit will apply. Students who have taken non-degree coursework at ETSU or other universities may petition to transfer up to nine (9) credits into a graduate certificate, but in all cases students must take at least 50% of the certificate program coursework or at least six credits of coursework (whichever is greater) at ETSU in order to complete certificate requirements. Some graduate certificates have specific rules about transfer of credit, and so the graduate certificate curriculum in the catalog should be consulted. Students currently enrolled in a master’s program or doctoral program may not be enrolled in a certificate that duplicates their work in a master’s or doctoral program concentration. general, credit earned at international institutions cannot be transferred, and petitions to transfer international credit are reviewed only if accompanied by a professional course-by-course evaluation.

Directory Information

ETSU may release other “directory information. Other “directory information” is defined as: enrollment status, dates of attendance, classification, previous institution(s) attended, awards, honors (includes Dean’s List), degrees conferred (including dates), and sports participation information.

If students prefer not to have these items released, they may fill out a form to prevent disclosure of this data. This form is available at the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted no later than the last day to add a course for the Fall term. A new form for non-disclosure must be completed each academic year. A form submitted the last term a student enrolls will remain in effect until the student re-enrolls.

Other records offices in the university may have other definitions of directory information. Please check the Pharmacy or Medicine web sites for specific information as to their definitions.

Department of Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety is responsible for campus security. The public safety office is located at the main entrance of the campus on University Parkway. The department is open 365 days per year and utilizes public safety officers to patrol campus by automobile and on foot 24 hours per day. A 24-hour dispatch service is also maintained.

Access to Campus

The campus and facilities of ETSU are governed by the East Tennessee State University Board of Trustees (BOT) and are restricted to students, faculty, staff, guests, and invitees of the university, except when part or all of the campus, its buildings or facilities, are open to the general public for a designated time and purpose.

All persons on campus are subject to all rules and regulations of the university and the BOT which are applicable to the conduct of students on campus, and to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. In addition, all persons who operate motor vehicles on campus agree by such operation to be subject to university and BOT rules, regulations, policies, and procedures on traffic and parking.

All persons on campus must provide adequate identification upon request to appropriate officials and security personnel of the university. Personnel and students of the university who refuse to provide such identification may be subject to disciplinary action, and other persons who refuse to provide such identification will be requested to leave the campus, and if they refuse, may be subject to lawful removal and prosecution.

Crime Reporting

The Department of Public Safety provides a crime prevention program entitled “Be Alert, Be Aware.” Through this program, students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to report any criminal or suspicious activity and are made aware of the need for each person to be responsible for his/her own security and the security of others. When a person files a complaint or applies for assistance, all pertinent information is obtained and is officially documented in an incident report. All incident reports are maintained on file in the public safety office. Reports are acted upon in a judicious manner consistent with departmental procedure. When criminal incidents occur that require multijurisdictional investigation, all applicable agencies are notified. Public safety officers have a close working relationship with the Johnson City Police Department, the Washington County Sheriff’s Department, federal agencies, and the First Judicial District Drug Task Force. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation receive monthly statistics from the Department of Public Safety concerning crimes on campus.

Criminal Actions

Police emergencies, fire emergencies, and requests for ambulance service can be reported by telephoning 439-4480 or 911; by using the direct emergency telephones placed across campus; or in person by stopping by the public safety office. Police non-emergencies can be reported by telephoning (423) 439-6900.

Enforcement Authority

Public safety officers are commissioned pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated, 49-7-118. Commissioned public safety officers have all of the police powers necessary to enforce all state laws as well as rules and regulations of the BOT. They are also certified firemen and are first responders to any on-campus fire emergencies. Public safety officers may exercise their authority on all property or facilities owned, leased, or operated by the BOT and the university including any public roads or rights of way which are contiguous to or within the perimeter of such facilities or property.

The Johnson City Police Department furnishes the Department of Public Safety information concerning all offenses which occur off-campus at fraternity and sorority houses. The Department of Public Safety coordinates with the Johnson City Fire Department concerning all campus fires.

Pedestrian Safety

The Department of Public Safety wishes to remind students and staff that bicycles, skate boards, scooters, and other similar vehicles or toys which are used on campus sidewalks or public through-fares must be operated in such a manner so as not to jeopardize the safety and well-being of pedestrians. The use of bicycles and other specified play vehicles is governed by state law. Violations of applicable statutes constitute a Class C misdemeanor.

Residence Hall Access

Students residing in the residence halls are required to follow the Student Housing Rules, Residence Hall Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions (Residence Hall Student Handbook).

All residence halls with the exception of Buc Ridge, Buc Village, and Davis Apartments, which have outside doors, are secured 24 hours per day. Access is gained through main entrance doors equipped with a card reader which uses the student’s ID card to unlock the door.

The Department of Public Safety and the Office of Housing and Residence Life operate night patrol each night in the vicinity of the residence hall and residence hall parking lots. These individuals are not police officers but are equipped with two-way radios and have a uniform. Duties include checking for propped doors, checking locked doors, watching for any unusual event, and checking parking lots around the residence halls.

For additional information concerning safety on campus, contact the Department of Public Safety, (423) 439-6900, the Office of Student Affairs, (423) 439-4210, or the Office of Human Resources, (423) 439-4457.

Security and Maintenance of Campus Facilities

The Department of Public Safety conducts a survey of outdoor lighting several times a year. In the months of July and December buildings on the main campus and university buildings located on Veterans Administration property are surveyed for hazardous conditions. Monthly fire extinguisher inspections are performed in all buildings owned or leased by the university. In addition, public safety officers routinely report all hazardous, unsafe and potentially unsafe conditions found to exist on campus.

Security Information Report

ETSU Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (AS&FSR)

The East Tennessee State University strives to provide a safe and secure environment for the campus community. In order for individuals to make informed decisions about their personal safety, ETSU makes available to current and prospective students and employees the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. This annual publication includes information on crime reporting procedures, policies, safety tips, prevention programs, and fire and crime statistics for the last three years. The report is available online at The Department of Public Safety website, where it can be downloaded for viewing or printing. Hard copies may also be obtained via US mail at no cost by calling Public Safety at (423) 439-6900, by writing to ETSU Dept. of Public Safety, Box 70646, Johnson City, TN 37614, or by emailing orrj@etsu.edu.

For additional information concerning safety at ETSU, contact Public Safety, (423) 439-6900, Office of Student Affairs, (423) 439-4210, or Office of Human Resources, (423) 439-4457.


Abandoned Personal Property

All property, not otherwise covered by Tennessee Law, that is held by East Tennessee State University in its ordinary course of business, and which has remained unclaimed for more than one year, is presumed abandoned. If you have lost personal property on campus, please contact the University Center at (423) 439-4286.

Under Tennessee law, the holder of presumed abandoned property must collect, hold and maintain such property in protective temporary custody until it is transferred to the State Treasurer. A “holder” includes any person in possession of abandoned or unclaimed property, or property that is held in the course of the holder’s business that has remained unclaimed by the owner for more than one year.

East Tennessee State University must file a verified report with the State Treasurer on or before May 1 of each year which lists the presumed abandoned property in its possession since December 31 of the previous year.
If the holder has an address presumed to be accurate, and the property is worth $50 or more, the holder must send written notice to the apparent owner at his/her last known address, informing him/her that holder is in possession of the property within 120 days of filing the report with the State Treasurer.

Tangible property should be held by the holder while the Treasurer reviews the report for 120 days after the report is received. When the report is filed, any unclaimed funds or intangible property reported must be delivered to the State Treasurer, including all interest and dividends due on the day the property is paid or delivered. Tangible property must be delivered within 120 days following submission of the report, unless the holder has received notification to the contrary from the Treasurer.

Once the Treasurer receives the abandoned property, the former holder of such property is relieved of all liability to the extent of the value of the property so delivered. The Treasurer then takes steps to notify the apparent property owners of their possible ownership rights. This property is still presumed abandoned, but remains in the protective custody of the Treasurer. Subsequent claims to the property are directed to the treasurer.

Animals on Campus

This policy applies to animals classified as “pets” and “service animals” but does not apply to animals used for research purposes.

This policy does not apply to the living quarters and support buildings that are assigned to university employees as a part of their employment contract.

Owners of animals permitted on campus are responsible for ensuring that their animal’s wastes are properly removed from the grounds and disposed of in the trash or sanitary sewer. Modifications or exceptions will be made for persons with disabilities who are unable to comply with this requirement.

Pet Animals

No pets or animals of any nature shall be permitted in any university facility including residence facilities, provided that, if authorized in writing by the institution, fish in aquariums of a designated size may be allowed.

Requests for the use of animals for educational purposes, other than research or special events, i.e., cat and dog shows, etc., should be requested through the sponsor’s chain-of-authority to the Health and Safety Office.

Wild, except for indigenous populations, or exotic animals are forbidden on campus except by special permission of the Health and Safety Office and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.

Service Animals

To provide equal opportunity to disabled individuals to obtain employment, education, and services from the university, it is the policy of East Tennessee State University to allow and encourage disabled people to use service animals, subject to the conditions stated below.

The term “service animal” includes any animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Typical tasks include guiding people with vision impairments, alerting individuals with hearing impairments, pulling a wheelchair, or retrieving items. A service animal may be a dog, monkey, or other animal.

A service animal is permitted in all classrooms, offices, hallways, dormitories, eating facilities, museums, theaters, sports areas, auditoriums, and other sites on campus, provided that:

  1. The animal is in a harness or kept on a leash. However, service animals kept in good control by a disabled person need not be in a harness or on a leash when in a disabled student’s own housing facility or at an employee’s own work station. Other exceptions to this policy are made on a case by case basis.
  2. The animal is adequately controlled so as to present no undue noise or disruption to others.
  3. The animal creates no danger of infection, transmission of disease, or other health problems to people. (Note: A well-controlled service animal creates no more of a health risk than a person, so it should be allowed in any areas as humans without special clothing or extensive hygiene requirements).
  4. If a service animal is used by a person living in a university dormitory and an assigned roommate objects to the presence of the animal, the university may reassign either the disabled person or the roommate, at the University’s option, to another room.

The university may, but is not required to, demand that a person desiring to use a service animal on the premises of East Tennessee State University provide reasonable proof that the individual is legally disabled and that the service animal is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability.

The university and university employees or agents assume no responsibility for controlling, keeping, feeding, or otherwise caring for any service animal. The university and its employees assume no legal responsibilities for any injury or damage caused by a service animal.

Job applicants and employees of the university shall not be discriminated against in any aspect of employment because of an individual’s use of a service animal in conformance with this policy. Allowing the use of a service animal shall, in most cases, be a reasonable accommodation that allows an applicant or employee to qualify for the job in question. However, if the use of the service animal substantially interferes with the performance of essential job tasks, the accommodation may be re-evaluated.

No employee, agent, representative, student, or other person affiliated with East Tennessee State University shall discriminate against an individual because of the use of a service animal in conformance with the requirements of this policy. No disabled person shall be prevented from entering, remaining, or using facilities of this university because of the use of a service animal, unless such use is not in conformance to the requirements of this policy.

Contact the Health & Safety Office for additional information.

Fee Refunds

Students who are removed from university housing for disciplinary reasons or are suspended or expelled from the university are not eligible for a refund of housing fees or university tuition/fees.

Inclement Weather

The policy on closing the university due to inclement weather states that ETSU and its branch campuses will normally remain open during bad weather. The president of the university, under extreme conditions, may choose to officially close or suspend selected activities of the university or branch campuses. The decision to close the university or to cancel some or all classes will be made and announced as soon as possible to accommodate students who must commute. An official statement of closing will be broadcast over several area radio and television stations. 

Students are to attend classes unless otherwise notified by local media. If a student cannot attend class, the student is to contact the appropriate instructor(s) if possible. If not, the student must contact the instructor(s) immediately upon returning to the campus to negotiate an excused class absence and make up any missed work. If a student is stranded on campus due to inclement weather, facilities are available in university residence halls for an overnight stay. Students should report to the campus security building on the east side of campus.

Students Terminated from University Employment

Part-time university employment provides students with an opportunity to earn extra income while learning about personal responsibility and professionalism in the work place. Consistent with this educational objective, and the university’s commitment to treat people with dignity and respect, students who are employed by ETSU on the Federal Work Study program, Academic Performance Scholarship Program or the Regular Student Work Study Program and are terminated for cause have the right to appeal the decision to the next higher level of authority in the administrative hierarchy.

If the student appeals the decision the following procedures will be observed:

  1. The student shall be advised of the reasons for their termination.
  2. The student shall have the right to present a written appeal or to appeal in person to the next higher authority.
  3. The student shall be advised in writing of the outcome of the appeal.


Drug-Free Campus

This policy applies to all East Tennessee State University (ETSU) employees, including faculty, and students in compliance with the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. 701, East Tennessee State University. seq.) and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (20 U.S.C. 3171, East Tennessee State University. seq.). Moreover, this policy supersedes the Drug-Free Workplace policy promulgated March 13, 1989.

  1. Policy

It is the policy of this university that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, use of alcohol and illicit drugs on the ETSU campus in the workplace (on or off campus), on property owned or controlled by ETSU, or as part of any activity of ETSU is strictly prohibited. All employees and students are subject to applicable federal, state and local laws related to this matter. Additionally, any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.

  1. Legal Sanctions

Various federal, state and local statutes make it unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, sell or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver or sell, controlled substances. The penalty imposed depends upon many factors which include the type and amount of controlled substance involved, the number of prior offenses, if any, whether death or serious bodily injury resulted from the use of such substance, and whether any other crimes were committed in connection with the use of the controlled substance. Possible maximum penalties for a first-time violation include imprisonment for any period of time up to a term of life imprisonment; a fine of up to $4,000,000 if an individual; supervised release; any combination of the above; or all three. These sanctions are doubled when the offense involves either: 1.) distribution or possession at or near a school or college campus or, 2.) distribution to persons under 21 years of age. Repeat offenders may be punished to a greater extent as provided by statute. Further, a civil penalty of up to $10,000 may be assessed for simple possession of “personal use amounts” of certain specified substances under federal law. Under state law, the offense of possession or casual exchange is punishable of a Class A misdemeanor; if there is an exchange between a minor and an adult at least two years the minor’s senior, and the adult knew that the person was a minor, the offense is classified a felony as provided in T.C.A. 39-17-417. (21 U.S.C. 801, East Tennessee State University. seq.; T.C.A. 39-17417)

It is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) to buy, possess, transport unless in the course of his employment), or consume alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer. Such offenses are classified as Class A misdemeanors punishable by imprisonment for not more than 11 months, 29 days, or a fine of not more than $2,500, or both. (T.C.A. 1-3-113, 57-5-301) It is further an offense to provide alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of twenty-one (21), such offense being classified as a Class A misdemeanor (T.C.A. 39-15-404). The offense of public intoxication is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of not more than 30 days or a fine of not more than $50, or both. (T.C.A. 39-17-310)

  1. Institutional/School Sanctions

East Tennessee State University will impose the appropriate sanctions on any employee or student who fails to comply with the terms of this policy.
Possible disciplinary sanctions for failure to comply with the terms of this policy may include one or more of the following depending on the severity of the offense:

  1. expulsion;
  2. suspension;
  3. mandatory participation in, and satisfactory completion of a drug/alcohol abuse program, or rehabilitation program;
  4. referral for prosecution;
  5. probation;
  6. restriction of privileges;
  7. educational project;
  8. assessment of volunteer work hours;
  9. refferal to the University Counseling Center;
  10. written warning;
  11. reprimand.


  1. Health Risks Associated with the Use of Illicit Drugs and the Abuse of Alcohol

There are many health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol including organic damage; impairment of brain activity, digestion, and blood circulation; impairment of physiological processes and mental functioning; and, physical and psychological dependence. Such use during pregnancy may cause spontaneous abortion, various birth defects or fetal alcohol syndrome. Additionally, the illicit use of drugs increases the risk of contracting hepatitis, AIDS and other infections. If used excessively, the use of alcohol or drugs singularly or in certain combinations may cause death.

  1. Available Drug and Alcohol Counseling, Treatment, Rehabilitation Programs, and Employee Assistance Programs

The university and local community provide a variety of educational programs and services to respond to the problems associated with alcohol and drug abuse. The Substance Abuse Educational Program (SAEP) at East Tennessee State University is designed to serve university students by providing information related to alcohol awareness and chemical dependency. The Counseling Center offers several educational programs which seek to involve university student organizations.

Immunization Requirements

Failure to submit the appropriate documentation could prevent a student from completing the class registration process or could limit the number of credits in which a student is able to enroll. The State of Tennessee requires all students to meet the following immunization requirements:

  1. All enrolling students will be required to provide health information that, at a minimum, establishes the student’s compliance with rules promulgated by the Tennessee Department of Health regarding requirements for immunization against certain diseases prior to attendance and compliance with the latest standards for immunization for meningococcal disease as set forth by the recommended immunization schedule issued by the Center for Disease Control Advisory Committee on Immunization practices.
  2. Prior to full-time enrollment, the student must provide documentation of receipt of required immunizations or provide positive quantitative laboratory serology reports.
  3. New, incoming students who live in on-campus student housing must comply with the latest standards for immunization for meningococcal disease as set forth by the recommended immunization schedule issued by the Center for Disease Control Advisory Committee on  Immunization Practices.
  4. Admission to some programs may have additional requirements.
  5. Exemptions:
    1. Information regarding immunizations will be posted on the Student Health Services website: https://www.etsu.edu/nursing/universityhealth/

Delivery of Services to International Students

ETSU adheres to all United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Department of Homeland Security, and Department of State regulations in the admission, enrollment, and readmission of all international, non-immigrant applicants.

  1. Students enrolled pursuant to an F visa must have and maintain medical and hospitalization insurance as a condition of initial and continued enrollment at the institution.
  2. In addition, the following procedures have been established:
    1. In the letter of admission, in the I-20, and in the IAP-66, all international, nonimmigrant students will be informed of this requirement, of the extent of coverage required, which may vary slightly from year to year, and of the approximate cost to obtain the coverage.
    2. All international, nonimmigrant students will be required to enroll in the Student Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan. The only exception to this requirement will be international, nonimmigrant students who have a scholarship that includes the purchase of an insurance policy on their behalf. This policy must meet or exceed the level of coverage provided to participants in the Student Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan.
    3. Students will be covered for twelve months. Exception to this rule will be made in the case of international students who abandon their F status, by leaving the U.S., by changing to another nonimmigrant status, or by adjusting status to that of an immigrant.
    4. Students under Practical Training will not be required to purchase the coverage. Students under Practical Training, however, may purchase the coverage during the period of training.
    5. Once the insurance premium is paid, there will be no refunds.

Campus Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy

Effective August 11, 2008, ETSU is a Tobacco-Free Campus, with smoking and all other tobacco usage permitted only in private vehicles. This policy applies to all university buildings/grounds; ETSU-affiliated off-campus locations and clinics; any buildings owned, leased or rented by ETSU in all other areas; and ETSU facilities located on the campus of the James H. Quillen Veterans Affairs Medical Center at Mountain Home. Tobacco use is also prohibited in all state vehicles. This tobacco-free policy is in effect 24 hours a day year-round.

For purposes of this policy, “tobacco use” means, but is not limited to, the personal use of any tobacco product, whether intended to be lit or not, which shall include smoking tobacco or other substances that are lit and smoked, as well as the use of an electronic cigarette or any other device intended to simulate smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco, including snuff; chewing tobacco; smokeless pouches; any form of loose-leaf, smokeless tobacco; and the use of unlit cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco. The policy can be viewed at https://www.etsu.edu/humanres/relations/ppp53.php

The university promotes a healthy, sanitary environment free from tobacco smoke and tobacco-related debris. The ETSU community acknowledges that long-term health hazards may accrue to people who use tobacco products or who are subjected to second-hand smoke. The failure to address the use of tobacco products on campus would constitute a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Vocational Rehabilitation Act and Tennessee law.

Understanding the addictive nature of tobacco products, ETSU will make every effort to assist those who may wish to stop using tobacco. The university offers current information about available resources via https://www.etsu.edu/humanres/smokingcessationresources.htm.

It is the responsibility of all members of the ETSU community to comply with this Tobacco-Free Campus Policy. Violations of the policy will be dealt with in a manner that is consistent with university procedures. There shall be no reprisals against anyone reporting violations of this policy.

Enforcement Policy

  1. Violations to the tobacco free policy, particularly reoccurring violations, are to be reported to Public Safety, 439-4480.
  2. Any violator of the policy who refuses to comply or who becomes abusive toward the responsible party will be handled by Public Safety.
  3. Violations will be forwarded to Human Resources for employee incidents or Student Affairs for student incidents. The individual department will handle the progressive discipline for repeat violators. Visitor violations will be forwarded to Public Safety and contractor violations to the Facilities Office.
  4.  Student violators are subject to progressive discipline for repeat violations.

(Revised 2013, Reviewed on 3/16/16)

Personal Information

Electronic Mail

Email is an integral part of the academic process in which confidential information about ETSU students is often transmitted, including evaluations, grades, and financial information. Faculty, staff, and students must recognize that although there is an expectation of privacy, unencrypted email is not a secure means of transmitting information. While this policy does not prohibit student information from being transmitted by email, caution must be exercised regarding the content of messages.

ETSU provides each student, faculty, and staff member with an official university-assigned email account. All official university communications will be sent to the university email address. Faculty, staff, and students may assume that official ETSU email is a valid communication mechanism. Therefore, the university has the right to send communications to students, faculty, and staff via email and the right to expect that those communications are received and read in a timely fashion. Although students may choose to forward university email to an external email account, he or she is responsible for all information, including attachments.

Approved: Information Technology Governance Council
Reviewed: February 2017

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the university receives a request for access.
    Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The university official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the university official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
    Students may ask the university to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the university official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the university decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the university will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
    One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the university has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
    A school official has a legitimate interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
    Upon request, the university discloses education records, without consent, to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
    Personally identifiable information may also be released without the prior written consent of the student under one or more of the conditions listed below:
    1. Upon request the university will disclose the final results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the university against a student who is an alleged perpetrator of any crime of violence (as that term is defined in section 16 of Title 18, United States Code) or a non-forcible sex offense, if the university determines as a result of disciplinary proceeding that the student committed a violation of the institution’s rules or policies with respect to such crime or offense. The information shall include only the name of the student, the violations committed, and any sanction imposed by the university on the student. The university may include the name of any other student such as a victim or witness, only with the written consent of that student. The university will notify victims of sexual assault of the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding against the alleged perpetrator.
    2. The university will notify the alleged victim of any crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense) (or if the victim is deceased, as a result of such crime or offense, to the next of kin) of the final results of any institutional disciplinary proceeding conducted against the alleged student perpetrator.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by East Tennessee State University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20202-4605.

Parental Notification

The university will notify a parent or legal guardian of a student who is younger than 21 and is found guilty of a university disciplinary violation governing the use or possession of alcohol or drugs. Notification will occur when the university alcohol or drug offense is in violation of any federal, state, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the institution, except as prohibited by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Safety and Security 

Sex Offender Registration

The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act and the Tennessee College and University Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2002 require that whenever a sex offender becomes employed, enrolls as a student, or volunteers at an institution of higher education in the state of Tennessee, he or she must complete or update the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) sexual offender registration/monitoring form and deliver it to TBI headquarters in Nashville. As defined in section 40-39-102 of the Tennessee Code, a “sexual offender” means a person who is, or has been, convicted in this state of committing a sexual offense or who is, or has been, convicted in another state or another country, or who is or has been convicted in a federal or military court, of committing an act which would have constituted a sexual offense if it had been committed in this state. A “sexual offender” means the commission of acts including but not limited to aggravated and statutory rape, sexual battery, sexual exploitation of a minor, aggravated prostitution, and kidnapping.Both acts designate certain information concerning a registered sexual offender as public information and therefore amend and supersede the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other federal and state laws that previously prohibited the disclosure of such personal information. Since the laws require the publication of information pertaining to sexual offenders employed, enrolled or volunteering at an educational institution, said publication does not constitute grounds for a grievance or complaint under institutional policies or procedures.

Responding to Hate Crimes and Bias-Related Incidents

Statement of Policy:
East Tennessee State University seeks to provide students, staff and faculty members with a safe and secure learning environment, free of crime and/or violations motivated by discrimination, sexual and other bias-related harassment. ETSU’s Institutional Policy Statement (0240-3-2-.01) specifically addresses student behavioral expectations: University students are citizens of the state, local, and national governments, and of the academic community, and are, therefore, expected to conduct themselves as law-abiding members of each community at all times. Violation of university policy may subject the student to disciplinary action by the institution whether or not such conduct is simultaneously violative of state, local, or national laws.

  1. Definition of Terms:
    1. Hate Crime

Hate crime, as defined by the U.S. Department of Justice, is one which in whole or part is motivated by the offender’s bias toward the targeted person’s status. Hate crimes are intended to hurt and intimidate individuals, because they are perceived to be different with respect to their race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender or disability. These acts of hatred can leave lasting emotional impressions upon their targets as well as upon the entire university community. Hate crimes are by definition Bias-Related Incidents.

  1. Bias-Related Incidents

Bias-related incidents are those that constitute an expression of hostility against the person or property of another because of the targeted person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age or disability and yet are not criminal acts. ETSU’s Policy On Sexual, Racial, and Other Harassment defines bias-related incidents “as any person’s conduct which unreasonably interferes with an employee’s or student’s status or performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment.”

  1. University Response:

To report a hate crime or other criminal activity on the ETSU campus:

The Department of Public Safety is open 365 days a year and utilizes Public Safety officers to patrol the campus 24 hours per day. A 24-hour emergency dispatch service is also maintained. Criminal actions, police emergencies, fire emergencies, and requests for ambulance service should be reported by telephoning 911, using the direct emergency telephones placed across campus, or by stopping by the Public Safety Office. Police non-emergencies should be reported by telephoning (423) 439-4480. When a person seeks assistance or files a complaint, all pertinent information is obtained and is documented in an Incident Report. Incident Reports are maintained on file in the public safety office.

Student Conduct and Rights

Honor Code

East Tennessee State University is committed to developing the intellect and ethical behavior of its students. Students found to be in violation of policies on plagiarism, cheating, and/or fabrication will be held accountable for their actions. Any knowledge of academic misconduct should be reported. Students are expected to act with honesty, integrity, and civility in all matters.

Honor Pledge

By becoming a member of the campus community, students agree to live by the standards of the honor code and thereby pledge the following: “I pledge to act with honesty, integrity, and civility in all matters.”

Honor Code and Pledge as revised and adopted February 16, 2012.

 Complaint Policy and Procedures for Students

East Tennessee State University is committed to respecting all members of the university community and providing fair treatment regarding complaints by students. The objective of the Student Complaint Policy and Procedure is to ensure that concerns and complaints of undergraduate or graduate students are addressed fairly and are resolved promptly. Complaints usually involve actions affecting students that are alleged to be unjust, inequitable, or create unnecessary hardship. A student may pursue this complaint procedure if he or she believes a problem is not governed by other complaint or appeal procedures at the university. (Refer to Selected Appeal Policies.) The Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy have their own student complaint policies; complaints should be directed to appropriate personnel as identified by those colleges.

East Tennessee State University seeks to provide students, staff and faculty members with a safe and secure learning environment, free of crime and or violations motivated by discrimination, sexual and other bias-related harassment.  There are two important complaint policies not governed by the Student Complaint Policy and Procedure; Sexual, Racial, and Other Harassment and Hate Crimes and Bias-Related Incidents.  These types of complaints should be filed with the Chief Equity Compliance Officer or, when a charge is by one student against another student, with the Dean of Students according to the procedures described in those policies.


When a concern occurs, the student is encouraged to discuss it with the appropriate faculty member or administrator.  Often a resolution or an answer can be attained informally.  If an informal approach is neither successful nor advisable, the student should use the Student Complaint Policy and Procedure.  The procedure for filing student complaints governed by this policy is as follows:

Step 1:
To submit a complaint, a student must complete the official Student Complaint Form and send it via email attachment, within ten working days of the date of the initiating event, to the chair or director most directly involved (if the complaint is directed against the chair or director, it should be referred to the dean of the college or next level administrator). The chair or director will attempt to determine the validity of the complaint and, in the case of a valid complaint, seek resolution including administrative action. He or she will communicate his or her decision on the Student Complaint Form and make every effort to do so within ten working days from the conclusion of this process.

Step 2:
If a student wishes to appeal the decision made in Step 1, he or she must submit the Student Complaint Appeal Form A and the completed Student Complaint Form via email attachments to the appropriate dean or administrator within ten working days from the date of the decision. Undergraduate students submit the materials to the dean of the college where the issue(s) arose and graduate students submit to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. In the case of a complaint involving a director, the student submits materials to the next level administrator.

The student will be invited to discuss the complaint with that individual who will attempt to determine the validity of the complaint and, in the case of a valid complaint, seek resolution, including possible administrative action. He or she will communicate his or her decision on Student Complaint Appeal Form A and make every effort to inform the student within ten working days of the conclusion of the appeal.

Step 3:
If the student believes that he or she has not been afforded due process, the student must submit Student Complaint Appeal Form B together with Student Complaint Appeal Form A and the Student Complaint Form via email attachments to the vice president of the university division in which the complaint occurred within ten working days from the date of the decision. The vice president will make the final determination about the matter and communicate his or her decision on Student Complaint Appeal Form B and make every reasonable effort to submit his or her decision to the student within ten working days from the conclusion of this appeal. The determination will include reasons for the decision and direct a remedy, if any, to the student complaint.


A record of all complaints and their resolution will be documented at each level of the review process by the appropriate administrator. Revised March 2009

Other Complaints

Complaint Resolution Policies and Procedures for Non-Tennessee Resident Students in State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement States, commonly known as SARA.

Student complaints relating to consumer protection laws that involve distance learning education offered under the terms and conditions of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), must first be filed with the institution to seek resolution.

Complainants not satisfied with the outcome of the Institution’s internal process may appeal, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (https://www.tn.gov/thec/bureaus/student-aid-and-compliance/postsecondary-state-authorization/request-for-complaint-review.html).

For purposes of this process, a complaint shall be defined as a formal assertion in writing that the terms of SARA or the laws, standards or regulations incorporated by the SARA Policies and Standards (https://www.nc-sara.org/content/sara-manual) have been violated by the institution operating under the terms of SARA.

For a list of SARA member States, please visit the NC-SARA website (https://nc-sara.org/sara-states-institutions). Students residing in non-SARA states should consult their respective State of residence for further instruction for filing a complaint.

Students or prospective students who wish to file a complaint related to accreditation or regarding violations of state law not resolved at the institution may submit a Student Complaint Form by going on line and filing out the form electronically. Under Tennessee’s open records law, all or parts of complaints will generally be available for review upon request from a member of the public.

ETSU students or prospective students attending the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center in Abingdon, Virginia who wish to file a complaint related to accreditation or regarding violations of Virginia state law not resolved at ETSU may submit a student complaint to https://www.schev.edu/index/students-and-parents/resources/student-complaints

ETSU students or prospective students attending the Lenoir-Rhyne University Center for Graduate Studies in Asheville, North Carolina who wish to file a complaint related to accreditation or regarding violations of North Carolina state law not resolved at ETSU may submit a student complaint form to https://www.northcarolina.edu/sites/default/files/documents/student_complaint_form.pdf.

Complaints regarding accreditation should follow the ETSU Complaint Policy and Procedure for Students outlined above.

Complaints regarding accreditation can also be made by contacting the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia
30033-4097, telephone: 404-679-4500 (https://www.sacscoc.org).

State Law Violations
Complaints of Fraud, Waste, or Abuse may be made to ETSU.

The ETSU process for reporting fraud, waste or abuse is available at https://www.etsu.edu/intaudit/report-fwa.php.

Complaints of fraud, waste or abuse may be made by calling the Tennessee Comptroller’s Hotline for Fraud, Waste and Abuse at 1-800-232-5454.

Student Disciplinary Policies

Part 1   Institution Policy Statement
Part 2   Disciplinary Offenses
Part 3   Academic and Classroom Misconduct
Part 4   Disciplinary Sanctions
Part 5   Disciplinary Procedures


    1. Students enrolled in postsecondary educational institutions are citizens of their civic communities as well as the academic community. As such they are expected to conduct themselves as law-abiding members of each community at all times. Admission to an institution of postsecondary education carries with it special privileges and imposes special responsibilities apart from those rights and duties enjoyed by non-students. In recognition of the special relationship that exists between the institution and the academic community which it seeks to serve, the ETSU Board of Trustees has authorized the presidents of the institution to take such action as may be necessary to maintain campus conditions and preserve the integrity of the institution and its educational environment.
    2. Pursuant to this authorization and in fulfillment of its duties to provide a secure and stimulating atmosphere in which individual and academic pursuits may flourish, the University has developed rules, which are intended to govern student conduct. The institution may expand on these regulations, subject to Board approval. Following are East Tennessee State University’s (“ETSU” or “the University”) policies. In addition, students are subject to all federal, state and local laws and ordinances. If a student’s violation of such laws or ordinances also adversely affects the institution’s pursuit of its educational objectives, the institutions may enforce their own regulations regardless of the status or outcome of any external proceedings instituted by other civil or criminal authorities.
    3. For the purpose of these regulations, a “student” shall mean any person who is admitted and/or registered for study at the University for any academic period. This shall include any period of time following admission and/or registration, but preceding the start of classes for any academic period. It will also include any period which follows the end of an academic period through the last day for registration for the succeeding academic period, and during any period while the student is under suspension from the institution. Finally, “student” shall also include any person subject to a period of suspension or removal from campus as a sanction which results from a finding of a violation of the regulations governing student conduct. Students are responsible for compliance with the Rules of Student Conduct and with similar institutional policies at all times.
    4. Disciplinary action may be taken against a student for violation of the regulations which occur on institutionally owned, leased or otherwise controlled property, while participating in international or distance learning programs, and off campus, when the conduct impairs, interferes with, or obstructs any institutional activity or the mission, processes, and functions of the institution. Institutions may enforce their own regulations regardless of the status or outcome of any external proceedings instituted in any other forum, including any civil or criminal proceeding.
    5. These regulations, and related material incorporated herein by reference, are applicable to student organizations as well as individual students. Student organizations are subject to discipline for the conduct and actions of individual members of the organization while acting in their capacity as members of, or while attending or participating in any activity of, the organization.
    6. Confidentiality of Discipline Process. Subject to the exceptions provided pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), 20 USC 1232g and/or the Tennessee Open Records Act, TCA § 10-7-504(a)(4), a student’s disciplinary files are considered “educational records” and are confidential within the meaning of those Acts.
    1. Institutional disciplinary measures shall be imposed, through appropriate due process procedures, for conduct which adversely affects the institution’s pursuit of its educational objectives, which violates or shows a disregard for the rights of other members of the academic community, or which endangers property or persons on property owned or controlled by an institution.
    2. ETSU has adopted the following non-exclusive list providing notice of offenses for which both individuals and organizations may be subject to disciplinary action:
      1. Conduct Dangerous to Self or Others. Causing physical harm to any person (including oneself); endangering the health or safety of any person (including oneself); engaging in conduct that causes a reasonable person to fear harm to his/her health or safety; or making an oral or written statement that an objectively reasonable person hearing or reading the statement would interpret as a serious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals.
      2. Hazing. Hazing, as defined in TCA § 49-7-123(a)(1), means any intentional or reckless act, on or off the property, of any higher education institution by an individual acting alone, or with others, which is directed against any other person(s) that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of that person(s), or which induces or coerces a person(s) to endanger such person(s) mental or physical health or safety. Hazing does not include customary athletic events or similar contests or competitions, and is limited to those actions taken and situations created in connection with initiation into or affiliation with any organization;
      3. Disorderly Conduct. Any individual or group behavior which is abusive, obscene, lewd, indecent, violent, excessively noisy, disorderly, or which unreasonably disturbs institutional functions, operations, classrooms, other groups or individuals;
      4. Obstruction of or Interference with institutional activities or facilities. Any intentional interference with or obstruction of any institutional, program, event, or facility including the following:
        1. Any unauthorized occupancy of institution or institutionally controlled facilities or blockage of access to or from such facilities,
        2. Interference with the right of any institution member or other authorized person to gain access to any activity, program, event or facilities sponsored or controlled by an institution,
        3. Any obstruction or delay of a campus security officer, public safety officer, police officer, firefighter, EMT, or any official of an institution, or failure to comply with any emergency directive issued by such person in the performance of his or her duty;
      5. Misuse of or Damage to Property. Any act of misuse, vandalism, malicious or unwarranted damage or destruction, defacing, disfiguring or unauthorized use of property belonging to another including, but not limited to, any personal property, fire alarms, fire equipment, elevators, telephones, institution keys, library materials and/or safety devices;
      6. Theft, Misappropriation, or Unauthorized Sale of Property;
      7. Misuse of Documents or Identification Cards. Any forgery, alteration of or unauthorized use of institutional documents, forms, records or identification cards, including the giving of any false information, or withholding of necessary information, in connection with a student’s admission, enrollment or status in the institution;
      8. Firearms and Other Dangerous Weapons. Any possession of or use of firearms, dangerous weapons of any kind, or replica/toy guns, e.g. BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, water guns, cap guns, toy knives or other items that simulate firearms or dangerous weapons;
      9. Explosives, Fireworks, and Flammable Materials.
      10. Alcoholic Beverages. The use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages on institution owned or controlled property. This offense includes the violation of any local ordinance, state, or federal law concerning alcoholic beverages, on or off institution owned or controlled property, including but not limited to where an affiliated group or organization has alcoholic beverages present and available for consumption;
      11. Drugs. The unlawful possession or use of any drug or controlled substance (including, but not limited to, any stimulant, depressant, narcotic or hallucinogenic drug, or marijuana), sale or distribution of any such drug or controlled substance. This offense includes the violation of any local ordinance, state, or federal law concerning the unlawful possession or use of drugs and the misuse of legally prescribed or “over the counter” drugs on or off institution owned or controlled property;
      12. Drug Paraphernalia. The use or possession of equipment, products or materials that are used or intended for use in manufacturing, growing, using or distributing any drug or controlled substance. This offense includes the violation of any local ordinance, state, or federal law concerning the unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia, on or off institution owned or controlled property;
      13. Public Intoxication. Appearing on institution owned or controlled property or at an institutional sponsored event while under the influence of a controlled substance or of any other intoxicating substance;
      14. Gambling. Unlawful gambling in any form;
      15. Financial Irresponsibility. Failure to meet financial responsibilities to the institution promptly including, but not limited to, knowingly passing a worthless check or money order in payment to the institution or to a member of the institution community acting in an official capacity;
      16. Unacceptable Conduct in Disciplinary Proceedings. Any conduct at any stage of an institutional disciplinary proceeding or investigation that is contemptuous, disrespectful, threatening, or disorderly, including false complaints, testimony or other evidence, and attempts to influence the impartiality of a member of a judicial body, verbal or physical harassment or intimidation of a judicial board member, complainant, respondent or witness;
      17. Failure to Cooperate with Institutional Officials. Failure to comply with directions of institutional officials acting in the performance of their duties;
      18. Violation of General Rules and Regulations. Any violation of the general rules and regulations of the institution as published in an official institutional publication, including the intentional failure to perform any required action or the intentional performance of any prohibited action;
      19. Attempts, Aiding and Abetting. Any attempt to commit any of the offenses listed under this section or the aiding or abetting of the commission of any of the offenses listed under this section (an attempt to commit an offense is defined as the intention to commit the offense coupled with the taking of some action toward its commission). Being present during the planning or commission of any offense listed under this section will be considered as aiding and abetting. Students who anticipate or observe an offense must remove themselves from the situation and are required to report the offense to the institution;
      20. Violations of State or Federal Laws. Any violation of state or federal laws or regulations proscribing conduct or establishing offenses, which laws and regulations are incorporated herein by reference;
      21. Violation of Imposed Disciplinary Sanctions. Intentional or unintentional violation of a disciplinary sanction officially imposed by an institution official or a constituted body of the institution;
      22. Sexual Battery or Rape. Committing any act of sexual battery or rape as defined by state law; May include any sexual act or penetration which is accompanied by threat, coercion, use of restraint or force, or any sexual act where the respondent knows, or should have known, that the victim was unable or incapable of giving consent.
      23. Sexual Misconduct. An offense including acts of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and/or stalking as defined in East Tennessee State University’s Student Sexual Misconduct Policy. All matters involving allegations of sexual misconduct will be governed by the procedures set forth in East Tennessee State University’s Student Sexual Misconduct Policy.
      24. Harassment or Retaliation. Any act by an individual or group against another person or group in violation of ETSU policies, as well as federal and/or state laws prohibiting discrimination, including, but not limited to, East Tennessee State University’s Student Sexual Misconduct Policy;
      25. Academic Misconduct. Plagiarism, cheating, fabrication. For purposes of this section the following definitions apply:
        1. Plagiarism. The adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, statements, images, or works of another person as one’s own without proper attribution,
        2. Cheating. Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or aids in any academic exercise or test/examination. The term academic exercise includes all forms of work submitted for credit or hours,
        3. Fabrication. Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
      26. Unauthorized Duplication or Possession of Keys. Making, causing to be made or the possession of any key for an institutional facility without proper authorization;
      27. Litter. Dispersing litter in any form onto the grounds or facilities of the campus;
      28. Pornography. Public display of literature, films, pictures or other materials which an average person applying contemporary community standards would find, (1) taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest, (2) depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and (3) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value;
      29. Abuse of Computer Resources and Facilities. Misusing and/or abusing campus computer resources including, but not limited to the following:
        1. Use of another person’s identification to gain access to institutional computer resources,
        2. Use of institutional computer resources and facilities to violate copyright laws, including, but not limited to, the act of unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using institutional information technology systems,
        3. Unauthorized access to a computer or network file, including but not limited to, altering, using, reading, copying, or deleting the file,
        4. Unauthorized transfer of a computer or network file,
        5. Use of computing resources and facilities in a manner that interferes with normal operation of the institutional computing system,
        6. Use of computing resources and facilities that violate ETSU policy or state or federal law,
        7. Violation of any published information technology resources policy,
        8. Unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing;
      30. Unauthorized Access to Institutional Facilities and/or Grounds. Any unauthorized access and/or occupancy of institutional facilities and grounds is prohibited, including, but not limited to, gaining access to facilities and grounds that are closed to the public, being present in areas of campus that are open to limited guests only, being present in academic buildings after hours without permission, and being present in buildings when the student has no legitimate reason to be present;
      31. Providing False Information. Giving any false information to, or withholding necessary information from, any institutional official acting in the performance of his/her duties in connection with a student’s admission, enrollment, or status in the institution;
      32. Unauthorized Surveillance. Making or causing to be made unauthorized video or photographic images of a person in a location in which that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the prior effective consent of the individual, or in the case of a minor, without the prior effective consent of the minor’s parent or guardian. This includes, but is not limited to, taking video or photographic images in shower/locker rooms, residence hall rooms, and men’s or women’s restrooms, and storing, sharing, and/or distributing of such unauthorized images by any means;
      33. Tobacco/Smoking Violations. Violation of any institutional smoking or other tobacco use rules or policies.
    3. Disciplinary action may be taken against a student for violations of the foregoing regulations which occur at or in association with enrollment at the institution governed for any academic period. Each student shall be responsible for his/her conduct from the time of application for admission through the actual awarding of a degree including periods prior to or between semesters. Conduct occurring while a student is registered or enrolled at the institution, but not discovered until after the awarding of a degree is actionable under these provisions and may result in the retroactive application of a disciplinary sanction. Should a student withdraw from the institution with disciplinary action or academic misconduct action pending, the student’s record may be encumbered by the appropriate institutional office until the proceedings have been concluded.
    1. The instructor has the primary responsibility for maintenance of academic integrity and controlling classroom behavior, and can order the temporary removal or exclusion from the classroom of any student engaged in disruptive conduct or conduct that violates the general rules and regulations of the institution for each class session during which the conduct occurs. Extended or permanent exclusion from the classroom, beyond the session in which the conduct occurred, or further disciplinary action can be effected only through appropriate procedures of the institution.
    2. Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Students guilty of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly, through participation or assistance, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the class. In addition to other possible disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed through the university’s academic misconduct policy as a result of academic misconduct, the instructor has the authority to assign an “F” or a zero (“0”) for the exercise or examination, or to assign an “F” in the course.
    3. Students may appeal a grade assignment associated with a finding of academic misconduct, as distinct from a student disciplinary sanction, through the university’s academic misconduct procedure. Courses may not be dropped pending the final resolution of an allegation of academic misconduct. (See Part 5 Disciplinary Procedures, Paragraph F. Academic Misconduct Procedures).
    4. Disruptive behavior in the classroom may be defined as, but not limited to, behavior that obstructs or disrupts the learning environment (e.g., offensive language, harassment of students and professors, repeated outbursts from a student which disrupt the flow of instruction or prevent concentration on the subject taught, failure to cooperate in maintaining classroom decorum, etc.), text messaging, and the continued use of any electronic or other noise or light emitting device which disturbs others (e.g., disturbing noises from cell phones, lap-top computers, tablets, games, headphones, earbuds, etc.).
    5. Class attendance and punctuality requirements are established by the faculty in the printed syllabus for each course. Students are expected to attend classes regularly and on time and are responsible for giving explanations/rationale for absences and lateness directly to the faculty member for each course in which they are enrolled. In cases where student absences are the result of emergency circumstances (e.g., death in the family, a student’s serious injury or incapacitating illness), for which students are unable to make immediate contact with faculty, the student may contact the Office of Student Affairs for assistance in providing such immediate notification to faculty. However, the student remains responsible for verifying the emergency circumstances to faculty and for discussing arrangements with faculty for completion of coursework requirements. Both give guidance and clarification to both students and faculty on matters of classroom conduct and attendance requirements.
    1. Upon a determination that a student or student organization has violated any of the disciplinary offenses set forth in these regulations, institutional disciplinary policies, or the general policies of the institution, disciplinary sanctions may be imposed, either singly or in combination, by the appropriate institution officials.
    2. Definition of Sanctions:
      1. Restitution. Restitution may be required in situations which involve destruction, damage, or loss of property, or unreimbursed medical expenses resulting from physical injury. When restitution is required, the student or student organization is obligated by the appropriate judicial authority to compensate a party or parties for a loss suffered as a result of disciplinary violation(s). Any such payment in restitution shall be limited to actual cost of repair, replacement or financial loss;
      2. Warning. The appropriate institutional official may notify the student or student organization that continuation or repetition of specified conduct may be cause for other disciplinary action;
      3. Reprimand. A written or verbal reprimand or censure may be given to any student or student organization whose conduct violates any part of these regulations and provides notice that any further violation(s) may result in more serious penalties;
      4. Service to the Institution or Community. A student, or student organization, may be required to donate a specified number of service hours to the institution performing reasonable tasks for an appropriate institution office, official(s), or the local community. The service required shall be commensurate to the offense (e.g., service for maintenance staff for defacing institutional property);
      5. Specified Educational/Counseling Program. A student or student organization may be required to participate in specified educational or counseling program(s) relevant to the offense, or to prepare a project or report concerning a relevant topic. This may include but is not limited to a mandated visit to the University Counseling Center for an initial evaluation and documented follow through on any prescribed treatment program;
      6. Apology. A student or student organization may be required to apologize to an affected party, either verbally or in writing, for the behavior related to a disciplinary offense;
      7. Fines. Penalties in the form of fines may be imposed against a student or student organization whenever the appropriate institutional authority deems appropriate. The sanction of fines may be imposed in addition to other forms of disciplinary sanctions. Failure to pay fines may result in further disciplinary action. All funds from fines for violation of university drug and/or alcohol policies will be used to support the university’s alcohol and drug education and awareness programs.
      8. Restriction. A restriction upon a student’s or student organization’s privileges for a period of time may be imposed. This restriction may include, for example, denial of the ability to represent the institution at any event, ability to participate in institution sponsored travel, use of facilities, parking privileges, participation in extracurricular activities or restriction of organizational privileges;
      9. Probation. Continued enrollment of a student or recognition of a student organization on probation may be conditioned upon adherence to these regulations. Any student or organization placed on probation will be notified in writing of the terms and length of the probation. Probation may include restrictions upon extracurricular activities, or any other appropriate special condition(s). Any conduct in further violation of these regulations while on probationary status or the failure to comply with the terms of the probationary period may result in the imposition of further disciplinary action;
      10. Suspension. Suspension is the separation of a student or student organization from the institution for a specified period of time. Suspension may be accompanied by special conditions for readmission or recognition;
      11. Expulsion. Expulsion entails a permanent separation from the institution. The imposition of this sanction is a permanent bar to the student’s admission, or a student organization’s recognition to the institution. A student or organization that has been expelled may not enter institution property or facilities without obtaining prior approval from an appropriate campus official with knowledge of the expulsion directive;
      12. Delay and/or Denial of Degree Award. During the period disciplinary charges are pending against a student, the university may deny and/or delay issuance of a degree. Further, the university may refuse to issue a degree to a student who is serving a suspension or has been expelled from the university;
      13. Revocation of Admission, Degree, or Credential;
      14. Housing Probation. Continued residence in campus or student housing may be conditioned upon adherence to these regulations as well as institutional housing regulations. Any resident placed on housing probation will be notified in writing of the terms and length of the probation. Probation may include restrictions upon the activities of the resident, including any other appropriate special condition(s);
      15. Housing Suspension and Forfeiture. A resident suspended from housing may not reside, visit, or make any use whatsoever of a housing facility or participate in any housing activity during the period for which the sanction is in effect. A suspended resident shall be required to forfeit housing fees (including any unused portion thereof and the Housing Deposit). A suspended resident must vacate the housing unit. Housing suspension shall remain a part of the student resident’s disciplinary record.
      16. Any alternate sanction deemed necessary and appropriate to address the misconduct at issue;
      17. Interim Suspension. As a general rule, the status of a student or student organization accused of violation of these regulations should not be altered until a final determination has been made in regard to the charges. However, interim suspension, pending the completion of disciplinary procedures, may be imposed upon a finding by the appropriate institutional official that the continued presence of the accused on campus constitutes an immediate threat to the physical safety and well-being of the accused, any other member of the institution its guests, property, or substantial disruption of classroom or other campus activities. In any case of interim suspension, the student, or student organization, shall be given an opportunity at the time of the decision, or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible, to contest the suspension.
      18. Student Organization Suspension. In the event that a student organization is suspended from the University, the organization may not, during the term of the suspension, engage in or sponsor any activity or program, and may not hold meetings nor recruit members; engage in social functions of any type; use university buildings, facilities, property, and equipment; use university resources, services, or funds; participate or attempt to participate as an organization in any University event; or co-sponsor or participate as an organization in another registered/recognized organization’s activities. Suspension may be accompanied by special conditions for readmission or recognition.
    3. The president of East Tennessee State University is authorized, at his or her discretion, to intervene in order to negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution to any disciplinary proceeding, or, subsequently, to convert any sanction imposed to a lesser sanction, or to rescind any previous sanction, in appropriate cases.
    1. General: In the implementation of regulations pertaining to discipline and conduct of students, the University shall insure the constitutional rights of students by affording a system of constitutionally and legally sound procedures which provide the protection of due process of law. In furtherance of this mandate, East Tennessee State University has established the following policies setting forth the disciplinary procedures for the institution.
    2. UAPA: All cases which may result in: (a) suspension or expulsion of a student, or student organization, from the institution, for disciplinary reasons or (b) revocation of registration of a student organization, are subject to the contested case provisions of the Tennessee Uniform Administrative Procedures Act (UAPA), TCA § 9-8-01 et seq., and shall be processed in accord with the Uniform Contested Case procedures unless the student or organization, after receiving written notice, waives those procedures and elects to have the case disposed of in accord with institutional procedures or waives all right to contest the case under any procedure. These procedures shall be described in the institution’s policy.
    3. Institutional Procedures: For matters not subject to the requirements of UAPA, or matters in which a student has waived his/her right to a UAPA hearing, East Tennessee State University has established the following procedures to address complaints of student or student organization misconduct.
      1. Determination of Procedure to be Used
        1. A disciplinary case involving violations of university regulations or infringements upon student rights may be reviewed under Institutional Administrative Procedures or may be referred to the appropriate judicial board for review under Institutional Judicial Procedures, as determined by the appropriate university official.
        2. The university official who shall determine who shall hear a case and whether an alleged violation of university regulations shall be processed under the Institutional Administrative Procedures or the Institutional Judicial Procedures is as follows:
          1. The Director of Housing or designee, where the alleged violation is of the regulations of the Residence Hall Association (RHA).
          2. The Associate Dean of Students or designee, where the alleged violation of university regulations are other than those of the RHA.
        3. Determinations of which procedures shall be utilized for processing an alleged violation of university regulations shall be at the discretion of the appropriate university official; provided, however, the relationship between the hearing officer and the accused student must be one which is free from duress or coercion, and is a relationship which is objective and conducive to the purpose of an administrative hearing.
        4. If a student chooses to admit to a violation of law or university regulations, the student may request that the sanction be imposed by the appropriate university official. At this hearing, the student may present witnesses and other evidence relevant to the offense that may mitigate the disciplinary sanction in the student’s favor.
      2. Description of Institutional Administrative Procedures
        1. The university official hearing each case, in cases held under Institutional Administrative Procedures, shall be as follows:
          1. The Director of Housing, Associate Director of Housing, Area Coordinators, or Apartment Managers, or designee where the alleged violation is of the Residence Hall Association (RHA).
          2. The Dean of Students or designee where the alleged violation is of university regulations other than those of the RHA.
        2. Due process procedures shall be observed in all administrative hearings under Institutional Administrative Procedures.
        3. Appeals Under Institutional Administrative Procedures (See Part V Disciplinary Procedures, Paragraph C. Institutional Procedures, Subpart 4. Appeals)
          1. Cases heard by the Director of Housing or designee may be appealed to the Dean of Students or designee.
          2. Cases heard by the Dean of Students or designee may be appealed to the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee.
      3. Description of Institutional Judicial Procedures
        1. Purpose of the Judiciary. The purpose of Institutional Judicial Procedures shall be to provide fair and just treatment in cases involving either violation of university regulations or infringements upon students’ rights, and to take appropriate measures for those found guilty.
        2. Due process procedures shall be observed in all hearings under Institutional Judicial Procedures
        3. Components of the Judiciary. The Judiciary of East Tennessee State University shall consist of the following components:
          1. The University Judicial Committee shall be the highest court authorized by the university president.
          2. The Student Court shall be the next highest court within the student judicial system.
          3. The Residence Hall Association (RHA), Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC), Panhellenic Council (PC), and the Pan-Hellenic Council (PHC) Judicial Boards shall each be lower courts within the student judicial system.
      4. Appeals
        1. All cases may be appealed by the student or organization in question to the next higher judicial authority in accordance with the Appeal Procedures provided below.
        2. Appeals for decisions of the University Judicial Board will be reviewed by the Vice President for Student Affairs. The decision of the Vice President for Student Affairs is final.
        3. Appeal Procedures
          1. If the accused desires to appeal, a statement of reasons for appealing must be forwarded to the Dean of Students (or designated college official for academic misconduct cases). This statement must be filed within three (3) days following receipt by the accused of a copy of the decision being appealed.
          2. The statement of reasons for appeal will be forwarded to the appropriate appeal board or officer, which will have 15 business days to review the case and render a decision.
          3. Appeals are not new disciplinary hearings; they are a review of the existing case. It is not the function of the appeals process to permit a rehearing of the factual issues presented to the adjudicating body, but rather to ensure that the disciplinary procedures have been implemented fairly and consistently with these rules.
          4. Grounds for Appeal. The appeal must specify grounds which would justify consideration. The written appeal must contain the substantive proof upon which the appellant is basing the appeal. Appeals that do not include the specific information that substantiates the appeal will be immediately denied. General dissatisfaction with the outcome of the decision shall not be accorded as a basis for consideration of an appeal. An appeal may be filed based on one of the following conditions:
            1. an error in procedural due process by the body of original jurisdiction which prejudiced the disciplined student to the extent that he/she was denied a fundamentally fair hearing as a result of the error; or
            2. the emergence of new evidence which could not have been previously discovered by the exercise of due diligence and which, had it been presented at the initial hearing, would have substantially affected the original decision of the adjudicating body; or
            3. the respondent feels that the assigned sanctions are unduly harsh.
          5. Appeals which do not allege sufficient grounds shall be denied consideration and dismissed. Appeals which do allege sufficient grounds will be accepted for consideration and forwarded to the appellate body. The appellate body may, at its own discretion, permit written or oral statements from the concerned parties at the time the appeal is considered.
          6. The appeal board or officer, upon reviewing the case, will have several options. The original decision may be affirmed or reversed. In cases where the original action is inappropriate as a result of issues involved in the appeal, the appeal board or officer may revert the case back to the original board or hearing officer, modify the original action, or hold a completely new hearing
          7. The appeal board or officer will notify the accused of the outcome of the appeal in writing within fifteen (15) business days.
        4. Special Provisions Applicable to Both Institutional Administrative Procedures and Institutional Judicial Procedures
          1. Failure to Appear. If the accused student fails to appear at the scheduled hearing or provide adequate notice of excuse, the hearing officer or court may:
          2. Reset a formal hearing of the case for the next scheduled meeting.
          3. Dispose of the case in whatever manner it deems just based upon available information
    4. Institutional Judicial Hearings: Composition and Selection of the Courts.
      1. The composition of the University Judiciary Courts shall be as follows:
        1. The University Judicial Committee shall be composed of the Assistant Dean of Students or designee, President of the Student Government Association (SGA) or designee, Chief Justice of SGA, an Associate Justice, and three of the faculty members appointed to serve by the Vice President for Student Affairs. Alternates may be appointed. Members are appointed to renewable one year terms. Quorum is 2/3 of the composition of the court. Each member shall have (1) vote. Members may continue to serve until such time as their replacements are appointed or elected and receive all required training.
        2. The Student Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and seven (7) Associate Justices, one of whom shall be designated to serve as the alternate Chief Justice. Alternates may be appointed. Each member shall be appointed by the SGA president and confirmed by a majority of the Student Senate present and voting. Members are appointed to renewable one year terms. Quorum is 2/3 of the composition of the court. Each justice shall have (1) vote, with the Chief Justice voting only to break a tie. Alternate Justices may be appointed. Members may continue to serve until such time as their replacements are appointed or elected and receive all required training.
        3. The Residence Hall Association Judicial Board shall be composed of five members appointed by the Director of Housing after being confirmed by a majority of the Residence Hall Association present and voting. Alternates may be appointed. Members are appointed to renewable one year terms. At least three members must be present to have quorum. Each member shall have (1) vote.  Alternate Justices may be appointed. Members may continue to serve until such time as their replacements are appointed or elected and receive all required training.
        4. The Inter-Fraternity Council Judicial Board shall be composed of one representative from each member organization. The Executive Vice-President of IFC shall chair the Committee. Members are appointed to renewable one year terms. Alternates may be appointed. Quorum is 2/3 of the composition of the court. Each member shall have (1) vote, with the Chair voting only to break a tie.
        5. The Panhellenic Council (PC) Judicial Board shall be composed of one representative from each member organization. The Executive Vice-President of the PC shall chair the Committee. The Vice-President for Internal Communication shall serve as Vice-Chair. Members are appointed to renewable one year terms. Alternates may be appointed. Quorum is 2/3 of the composition of the court. Each member shall have (1) vote.
        6. The Pan-Hellenic Council (PHC) Judiciary Committee shall be composed of the president from each member organization. The Vice-President of the PHC shall chair the Committee. Members are appointed to renewable one year terms. Alternates may be appointed. Quorum is 2/3 of the composition of the court. Each member shall have (1) vote, with the Chair voting only to break a tie.
        7. Board members will receive annual training on the student conduct system process, due process, and the hearing of cases.  Additionally Student Court and University Judicial Committee members will receive specialized annual training related to hearing Sexual Misconduct cases.
      2. Powers and Limitations. The relative powers of the components of the Judiciary are as follows:
        1. The University Judicial Committee shall exercise the highest judicial authority on campus, next to that of the Vice President for Student Affairs and the University President or his/her designee. This committee’s authority shall include the right to suspend or expel a student.
        2. The next highest judicial authority shall be vested in the Student Court. All sanctions, with the exception of suspension and expulsion, are available to the Student Court. The Student Court shall have the power to request any member of the student body, a representative from any campus organization, or any faculty member or administrator to appear before the court, provided that the subpoena/request is issued in writing at least five (5) days prior to the appearance.
        3. The Residence Hall Association, the Inter-Fraternity, Panhellenic, and the Pan-Hellenic Judicial Boards shall provide, through their respective constitutions, the powers and limitations of their respective judicial boards, all of which shall be subordinate to the Student Court
      3. Operation of the Courts. All cases that enter the University Judiciary shall be administered through the appropriate channel:
        1. Any member of the university community may file a complaint against any student for misconduct. Complaints shall be submitted in writing and directed to the Dean of Students. A complaint should be submitted as soon as possible after the event takes place, preferably within ten (10) days of the alleged misconduct.
          1. Violations of official university regulations other than regulations of the RHA, IFC, the PC’s, or General Policies on Student Organizations shall be reported directly to the Dean of Students, who shall either direct that the case be reviewed under the Institutional Administrative Procedures or referred to the appropriate judicial board.
          2. Violations of the internal standards of the RHA, the IFC, or PC’s shall be reported to the authorities designated in their respective constitutions. Violations of General Policies on Student Organizations shall be reported to the Director of Student Activities.
          3. The RHA authorities shall report the case to the Housing office, where the Director of Housing or designee shall either direct that the case be reviewed under the Institutional Administrative Procedures or referred to the Residence Hall Judicial Board.
          4. The IFC, PC, and PHC authorities shall report the case to the Director of Student Activities who shall refer the case to the Dean of Students who will either direct that the case be reviewed under the Institutional Administrative Procedures or referred to the Inter-Fraternity Judicial Board, the Panhellenic Judicial Board, or the Pan-Hellenic Judicial Committee.
          5. Violations of the Student Government Constitution or Code of Laws shall be reported to the Student Government Vice President, who shall refer the case to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students shall direct that the case be heard by the Student Court.
        2. All judicial decisions must be reported in writing to the Dean of Students within two (2) class days from such time as the decision has been reached.
        3. Due process procedures shall be observed in all hearings under Institutional Judicial Procedures.
        4. The circumstances surrounding all cases handled by the University Judiciary shall be confidential
        5. The official records of all cases shall be maintained by the Student Affairs office.
        6. All official correspondence concerning the decision of a judicial board, court, or committee shall be by the Dean of Students or designee, except in cases involving interpretation of the Student Government Constitution or Code of Laws. The Chief Justice of the Student Court shall make written report of the decision and the circumstances surrounding it, taking care to exclude any information of a personal nature, to the Attorney General of the SGA.
        7. All hearings by the judicial boards, court, or committee shall be held in closed session unless otherwise requested by the defendant.
        8. All subsequent meetings concerning readmission of students or reinstatement of organizational charters shall be initiated through the  Dean of Students Office or designee.
      4. Jurisdiction of the Courts
        1. Each judicial board or court may serve as a court of original jurisdiction
          1. The University Judicial Committee shall hear those cases involving a student who is accused of violating general university regulations, and if found guilty, may be subject to suspension or expulsion from the institution, who have waived their right to a hearing pursuant to UAPA procedures. The Committee shall also hear other cases deemed appropriate by the Dean of Students.
          2. The Student Court shall have original jurisdiction in those cases involving alleged violations of general university regulations which do not warrant suspension or expulsion. The Student Court shall also hear those cases involving alleged violations of the Student Government Constitution or Code of Laws, and any other cases deemed appropriate by the Dean of Students.
          3. The Residence Hall Judicial Board shall have the original jurisdiction in cases involving violation of Housing regulations, standards established by its constitution, and any other cases referred to it by the Director of Housing.
          4. The IFC, the PC, or PHC Judicial Boards shall have the original jurisdiction only in cases involving violations of regulations specified in their own Constitution and By-Laws.
    5. Minimum Requirements of Due Process for Institutional Hearings: Students subject to any disciplinary sanction are entitled to a due process hearing unless that right is waived by the student after receiving written notice of the available procedures. For matters not subject to the requirements of UAPA, or matters in which a student has waived his/her right to a UAPA, East Tennessee State University has established the following guidelines and rights to address complaints of student or student organization misconduct.
      1. Hearing Guidelines
        1. At least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the hearing the accused student is entitled to written notification of the time, date, and place of the hearing and of his rights as outlined below.
        2. At least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the hearing the accused student is entitled to a written statement of the charges in sufficient detail as to enable the student to prepare a case, including how the alleged violation came to the attention of the university.
        3. All administrative hearings and hearings of judicial bodies will be closed, except to the accused, his/her advisor, the complainant, his/her advisor, the members of the appropriate judicial board/committee, or individual administrator assigned to the case. Witnesses may also appear upon request of the members of the appropriate judicial board/committee, or individual administrator assigned to the case, the accused, or the complainant.
        4. In hearings involving more than one accused student, the chairperson of the judicial body or individual administrator assigned to the case, in his or her discretion, may permit the hearings concerning each student to be conducted separately
        5. In cases heard by a judicial board, the accused student or complainant may challenge the ability of a judicial member to render an impartial judgment and may request the member’s removal at that time. The judicial board will rule on the request. If any members of a judicial board feel that their relationship with either the case or the individuals involved would affect their ability to render an impartial judgment, they may disqualify themselves
        6. The complainant and the accused have the right to be assisted by any advisor they choose, at their own expense. The advisor may be an attorney. The accused is responsible for presenting his or her own case and advisors are not permitted to speak or to participate directly in any hearing before a judicial body.
        7. The university, the accused, the complainant and the judicial body shall all have the privilege of presenting witnesses, subject to the right of questioning by the judicial body
        8. Pertinent records, exhibits and written statements may be accepted as evidence for consideration by a judicial body at the discretion of the chairperson
        9. The accused student and the complainant are entitled to ask questions of the hearing officer, of the judicial board, and of any witnesses called before the administrative or judicial hearing.
        10. Hearings shall proceed in the following order:
          1. Reading of the charges
          2. The student’s denial or admission of the charges
          3. Presentation of evidence by the university and questions by the student charged and/or the hearing body
          4. Presentation of evidence by the student charged and questions by the university and/or the hearing body, and
          5. Closing statement by both parties
        11. After the hearing, the judicial body shall determine (by majority vote if the judicial body consists of more than one person) whether the student has violated each section of the Student Code of Conduct which the student is charged with violating.
        12. The judicial body’s determination shall be made on the basis of the “preponderance of the evidence”, meaning, whether it is “more likely than not” that the accused student violated the Student Code of Conduct.
        13. The student shall be notified in writing of the decision of the hearing body/authority within five (5) days of the hearing or the judicial body’s decision. Every attempt will be made to verbally notify the student of the decision prior to the five (5)-day period. In cases involving alleged sexual assault and/or sexual misconduct, both the accused and accuser shall be notified in writing within five (5) days of the judicial body’s decision.
        14. There shall be a single record, such as minutes or a tape recording, of all hearings before a judicial body. The record shall be the property of the university.
        15. Any question of interpretation regarding the Student Code of Conduct shall be referred to the Vice President for Student Affairs or the Dean of Students
        16. The student shall be advised of the method and time limitations for appeal, if any is applicable
      2. Victim’s Rights
        1. Some actions that violate the university regulations involve victimization of one or more students by another student(s). This behavior may include acts of theft or damage to property, physical violence, and other acts that endanger the safety of others in the university community. If a student has filed a complaint and is identified as a victim, that student is entitled to certain rights during the disciplinary process.
        2. If a charge is filed with the appropriate judicial official, it is important to remember that the accused student is being charged with violating a university rule or regulation. Although a victim’s input may be sought during the disciplinary process, the ultimate disposition of the case rests with the university. If a victim withdraws his or her complaint during the course of the disciplinary proceeding, the university reserves the right to proceed with the case on the basis of evidence other than the testimony of the victim.
        3. During the course of a disciplinary proceeding, victims have the following rights:
          1. During the course of a disciplinary proceeding, victims have the following rights:
          2. To submit a written account of the alleged incident.
          3. To be advised of the date, time and location of the disciplinary hearing, and to request rescheduling of the hearing for good cause.
          4. To be accompanied by an advisor of the victim’s choosing during the hearing process, although the advisor will not be permitted to speak for the victim during the hearing.
          5. To testify as a witness during the hearing.
          6. To decline to testify, with knowledge that such action could result in dismissal of the university’s charges for lack of evidence.
          7. To submit a written impact statement to the hearing panel for consideration during the sanctioning phase of the disciplinary process
      3. All matters involving allegations of impermissible discrimination, harassment (including, but not limited to, sexual violence or misconduct), or retaliation will be governed by the procedures outlined in Student Sexual Misconduct Policy and/or an institutional policy that reflects the requirements of that Guideline. In cases involving alleged sexual assault and/or misconduct, both the accuser and the accused shall be entitled the following:
        1. a pre-hearing meeting in which rights, procedures, and process are reviewed.
        2. the same opportunity to have others present during a disciplinary proceeding
        3. to be informed of the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding involving allegations of sexual assault and/or sexual misconduct,
        4. to be informed at least 2 business days in advance of the judicial board members or hearing officer who will hear a case and of any witnesses who are being called
        5. that the judicial board members or hearing officer has received sexual assault/misconduct adjudication training
        6. the accuser will have the same right to appeal (if any) as those afforded the accused
        7. the accuser will also be notified when the complaint is delivered to the accused

Academic misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action. Any act of dishonesty in academic work constitutes academic misconduct. Penalties for academic misconduct, beginning with the first offense, will vary with the seriousness of the offense and may include, but are not limited to: a grade of “F” on the work in question, a grade of “F” of the course, reprimand, probation, suspension, and/or expulsion. For a second academic misconduct offense the penalty may be permanent expulsion from the University. Allegations of academic misconduct will be handled pursuant to the procedures described below as distinct from other student disciplinary matters. In any cases where suspension or expulsion are possible sanctions, the student shall be entitled to the option of having a UAPA hearing (detailed in Part 6 Disciplinary Procedures, Paragraph (2) UAPA) and shall be given at least five (5) days in which to choose the UAPA or the formal hearing process.

  1. Administration of Discipline Procedures
    1. Charges of academic misconduct may be brought by members of the faculty, staff, or student body.
    2. For undergraduate and graduate students, cases in which an instructor, or other individual, determines that a student has committed an act of academic misconduct, the matter will be reported in writing to both the student and to the dean of the school or college in which the alleged misconduct occurred. Cases of alleged academic misconduct involving graduate students (including those enrolled in the Ph.D. program in Biomedical Sciences within the College of Medicine) will be reported to the Dean of the Graduate School. Alleged violations of students at the Quillen College of Medicine (COM) or the Gatton College of Pharmacy (COP) will be adjudicated through the respective college procedure: the Student Honor System as detailed in the COM Student Handbook and the Academic Misconduct section of the COP Student Handbook.
    3. The dean of the school or college in which the alleged misconduct occurred or their designee will investigate the report of misconduct and will obtain all information pertinent to the investigation. After having made this investigation, the official will arrange a conference with the student against whom the allegations of misconduct have been made. At this conference the student will be informed, in writing, of the allegations.
    4. The student will not be subjected to any form of pressure to coerce admission of guilt or information about his/her conduct or that of others after gathering all the facts of the case
    5. Based on the investigation of the reported misconduct, including any information provided by the accused student, the official shall determine whether the allegations have been substantiated. In cases where the charges are substantiated, the official shall determine an appropriate sanction, and attempt to resolve the matter without initiating a formal disciplinary hearing. Potential sanctions may include any penalty up to, but not including, suspension or expulsion from the institution.
    6. The student may accept the proposed resolution of the matter or elect to have a formal hearing. In the event the student elects to waive the hearing and accept the suggested punishment the official shall prepare a waiver of hearing for the student’s signature.
  2. Formal Hearing Procedures

For undergraduate and graduate students, the student will be informed, in writing, of the time and place of the hearing, as well as the specific allegations. The student also will be advised of the structure and procedure for the hearing, the range of possible punishment, and his/her right to be accompanied by an advisor. Such notice should be given at least seven (7) days in advance of the hearing. The dean or designee will designate three (3) faculty members and three (3) students, from a standing college or school committee on academic misconduct to hear the charges. The standing committee shall be appointed by the Dean of each school or college for one year and shall consist of a minimum of eight (8) members, four (4) faculty members and four (4) students). Neither the individual bringing the charges, nor the dean or his/her agent shall be members of the hearing committee.

  1. Both the accused and the accuser shall be entitled to be present throughout the hearing, until the hearing committee goes into executive session.
  2. At the hearing, it shall be the responsibility of the dean or designee to be present and to coordinate the presentation of evidence relevant to the alleged misconduct.
  3. The student will bear the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence.
  4. The student may be accompanied by an advisor.
  5. The student shall be given an opportunity to testify and present evidence and witnesses relevant to the charges and penalties involved and to cross-examine any witnesses. In no case will the committee consider statements against the student unless he/she has been advised of their contents and the names of those who made them and given opportunity to rebut any unfavorable inferences which might be drawn from them. The student may decline to testify, with knowledge that silence may be considered as evidence.
  6. The committee is not bound by strict rules of evidence. Determinations as to the admissibility of evidence in the hearings rest solely in the discretion of the committee.
  7. The disciplinary hearing shall be private, unless otherwise requested by the student, in writing, and a record of it shall be made.
  8. After all evidence has been presented; members of the committee will meet in executive session to deliberate on the charges. The committee’s decision and recommendation shall be based on a majority vote of the six committee members, all of whom must be present at the hearing.
  9. Upon a finding against the student, the committee shall recommend such penalty as deemed appropriate.
  10. If the committee recommends expulsion or suspension and the dean concurs, the approval of the vice president for academic affairs must be obtained. The dean then advises the student of the dean’s decision and of the student’s right to appeal to the president.
  1. Appeals

Appeal from a finding of guilt of academic misconduct and the imposition of a sanction for the offense may be taken to the president of the university. (See Part V Disciplinary Procedures, Paragraph C. Institutional Procedures, Subpart 4. Appeals)

  1. Interim Suspension Hearings: Hearings conducted with regard to interim suspensions imposed pending the outcome of a disciplinary investigation or proceeding shall be conducted consistent with the minimum requirements of due process applicable to an institutional hearing, taking into account the need for a timely hearing. The evidence presented at the hearing shall be limited to that which is relevant to the basis asserted for imposition of the interim suspension.
  2. The president of East Tennessee State University is authorized, at his or her discretion, to intervene in order to negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution to any disciplinary proceeding, or, subsequently, to convert any finding or sanction imposed to a lesser finding or sanction, or to rescind any previous finding or sanction, in appropriate cases.

Misrepresentation of Academic Credentials

It is a Class A misdemeanor to misrepresent academic credentials. A person commits the offense of misrepresentation of academic credentials who, knowing that the statement is false and with the intent to secure employment at or admission to an institution of higher education in Tennessee, represents, orally or in writing that such person:

  1. Has successfully completed the required coursework for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas from an accredited institution of higher education;
  2. Has successfully completed the required coursework for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas from a particular institution of higher education; or
  3. Has successfully completed the required coursework for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas in a particular field or specialty from an accredited institution of higher education.

Plagiarism Policy

Henry Campbell Black defines plagiarism as “The act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts of passages of his writing, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind” (Black’s Law Dictionary, West Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1968, p. 1308). In other words, plagiarism involves using someone else’s words or ideas without giving proper credit to the original author. Even if one does not copy the words exactly or even if one copies only a small part of someone else’s work, one must cite the name of the original author and provide a reference to that person’s work (e.g., title of work, year of publication, and name of publisher) using a format based on the publication manual of a nationally recognized scholarly association, such as the American Psychological Association or the Modern Language Association. One should enclose an exact quotation in quotation marks or indent the quotation, depending upon the style manual used. A page number or numbers must be cited for each quoted passage. Even if one does not use an author’s exact words, if one uses an author’s ideas one must provide documentation to give credit to the author. These standards apply to print and non-print media and include the Internet.