2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Notification of Changes
April 2020
- Rural Health, Graduate Certificate coordinator updated from Mary Littleton to Deborah Slawson.
- Data Analytics, Graduate Certificate new certificate entered effective Fall 2020.
- Esports Management, Graduate Certificate new certificate entered effective Fall 2020.
- Heritage Interpretation and Museum Studies, Graduate Certificate new certificate entered effective Fall 2020.
June 2020
- ACCT 5905: Course credits, catalog description and total credits repeatable updated effective Summer 2020.
- Epidemiology, Graduate Certificate & Public Health, MPH (Epidemiology Concentration): Articulation agreement updated effective Summer 2020.
- Public Health, Graduate Certificate: Articulation agreement updated effective Summer 2020.
- Educational Leadership, Ed.S. (Administration Endorsement Concentration): Admission Policy updated effective 2020-2021 academic year.
- Educational Leadership, M.Ed. (School Administration and Leadership Concentration): Admission Policy updated effective 2020-2021 academic year.
- Psychology, M.A./Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology Concentration): Admission Policy updated effective 2020-2021 academic year.
- Psychology, M.A./Ph.D. (Experimental Psychology Concentration): Admission Policy updated effective 2020-2021 academic year.
- Public Health, M.P.H. (Biostatistics, Community Health, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, and Public Health Administration Concentrations): Admission Policy updated effective 2020-2021 academic year.
- CUAI 5517: Prerequisite, corequisite, and catalog description update effective Fall 2020.
- NRSE 5503: Prerequisite and catalog description update effective Fall 2020.
- Biostatistics, Graduate Certificate coordinator updated from Claudia Kozinetz to Mildred Maisonet.
- Epidemiology, Graduate Certificate coordinator updated from Claudia Kozinetz to Mildred Maisonet.
- Reinforcing Education Through Artistic Learning, Graduate Certificate inactivated effective Summer 2020.
- MALS 5500, REAL 5100, 5200, 5300, and 5400: Inactivated Summer 2020.
- Nursing, Post-MSN Nursing Education, Graduate Certificate: Inactivated Fall 2020.
July 2020
- NMST 5000: Inactivated effective Summer 2020.
- NMST 5100: Inactivated effective Summer 2020.
- NMST 5950: Inactivated effective Summer 2020.
- NMST 5019: Inactivated effective Summer 2020.
- NMST 5029: Inactivated effective Summer 2020.
- NMST 5039: Inactivated effective Summer 2020.
- NMST 5990: Inactivated effective Summer 2020.
- NRSE 5267: Inactivated effective Summer 2020.
- BADM 5140: Catalog description updated effective Fall 2020.
- History, MA coordinator updated from Brian Maxson to Dinah Mayo-Bobee.
- Liberal Studies, M.A.L.S. (Applied Theatre Pedagogy Concentration) inactivated effective Summer 2020.
- Technology, M.S. degree name changed to Engineering Technology, M.S. effective Fall 2020.
- Nursing, Forensic Nursing, Graduate Certificate: New certificate effective Fall 2020.
- Nursing, Forensic Nursing, Graduate Certificate: Admissions requirement “2. Completion of two years of clinical experience as a registered nurse” removed with approval by Academic Affairs, Graduate School Dean effective Fall 2020.
August 2020
- Audiology, Au.D.: Admissions policy edit effective 2020-21 academic year.
- Audiology, Au.D.: Department chair updated from Dr. Louw to Dr. Sirmon-Taylor.
- Speech-Language Pathology, M.S.: Department chair updated from Dr. Louw to Dr. Sirmon-Taylor.
- Sport Management, M.S.: Program Coordinator updated from Natalie Smith to Charles Jones.
- Nursing, Post-D.N.P. Adult/Gerontological Nurse Practitioner, Graduate Certificate*: Graduate Coorindator updated from Deborah Dumphey to Myra Carew.
- Nursing, M.S.N. (Family Nurse Practitioner Concentration): Graduate Coorindator updated from Deborah Dumphey to Myra Carew.
- Liberal Studies, M.A.L.S. (All Concentrations): Graduate Coordinator updated from Marie Tedesco to Jill Leroy-Frazier.
- Archival Studies, Graduate Certificate: Graduate Coordinator updated from Marie Tedesco to Julie Fox-Horton.
September 2020
- Educational Leadership, M.Ed. (Student Personnel Leadership Concentration): Minor edits to Admissions Policy as approved by Interim Associate Provost for Academic Initiatives.
- School of Graduate Studies and School of Continuing Studies and Academic Outreach changed to College of Graduate and Continuing Studies.
October 2020
- ECED 7950: Catalog description and prerequisites update effective Spring 2021.
- SOAA 5357 (ANTH 5357): Rubric and catalog description updated effective Spring 2021.
- Global Sport Leadership, Ed.D.: Admissions policy edit effective 2020-21 academic year.
- Liberal Studies, M.A.L.S. (all concentrations): Admissions policy edit effective 2020-21 academic year.
- Public Health, M.P.H. (Public Health Administration Concentration) removed from catalog and updated with Health Administration, M.H.A. as approved by the Academic Program Modification proposal.
- ENGL 5077: Course title and catalog description updated effective Spring 2021.
- PSYC 5210: Removed prerequisite and updated catalog description effective Spring 2021.
- PSYC 5801: Removed corequisite effective Spring 2021.
- Rural Health, Graduate Certificate: Revised Articulation Agreement effective Spring 2021.
- Clinical Nutrition, MS: Admissions policy effective 2020-21 academic year.
- Clinical Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Studies, Graduate Certificate: Program name updated to Clinical Addiction Counseling Studies, Graduate Studies effective Spring 2021.
- Business Administration, MBA (Health Care Marketing Concentration): New concentration effective Spring 2021.
- Public Health, M.P.H. (Public Health Administration Concentration): Inactivated from catalog and Health Administration, M.H.A. added effective Spring 2021.
November 2020
- Nursing, M.S.N. (Family Nurse Practitioner Concentration): Program Coordinator updated from Myra Carew to Christine Mullins.
- Nursing, D.N.P. (Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Concentration): Program Coordinator updated from Jean Hemphill to Christine Mullins.
- Nursing, Post-D.N.P. Adult/Gerontological Nurse Practitioner, Graduate Certificate: Program Coordinator updated from Jean Hemphill to Christine Mullins.
- Global Sport Leadership, Ed.D.: Updated application link to correct application system.
- SOWK 5347: New course effective Spring 2021.
December 2020
- Instructional Design, Graduate Certificate: Graduate Coordinator updated from Lori Marks to Alison Barton.
- Special Education: Early Childhood Special Education, Graduate Certificate: Graduate Coordinator updated from Lori Marks to John Wheeler.
- Special Education: High Incidence Disabilities, Graduate Certificate: Graduate Coordinator updated from Lori Marks to John Wheeler.
- Special Education: Low Incidence Disabilities, Graduate Certificate: Graduate Coordinator updated from Lori Marks to John Wheeler.
- CSCI 5030: Course number updated to CSCI 5050.
- CSCI 5710: Course title and catalog description updated effective Spring 2021.
January 2021
- Physical Therapy, DPT department chair updated from Dr. King to Dr. Snodgrass.
- HSMP 5525: Prerequistes and catalog description updated effective Spring 2021.
- Counseling, M.A. (College Counseling/Student Affairs Concentration): Program inactivated effective Spring 2021.
- Counseling, M.A. (Couples and Family Counseling Concentration): Program inactivated effective Spring 2021.
- Teacher Education, M.A.T. (Middle Grades Education 6-8 Concentration) and (Secondary Education 6-12 and PreK-12 Concentration): Graduate Coordinator updated from Aimee Govett to Ryan Nivens.
- BIOM 6800: Prerequisite and catalog description updated effective Spring 2021.
- Admissions information updated to include special permissions for Spring 2021 through Summer 2022 applicants and Duolingo English Test score submission.
- SALM 5307: New course effective Spring 2021.
- SALM 5317: New course effective Spring 2021.
February 2021
- NSCI 6300: Prerequisites updated effective Spring 2021.
- SOCI 5650: New Course effective Spring 2021.
- AVST 5312: Prerequisites and catalog description updated effective Summer 2021.
- SPED 5587: Added Co-req of SPED 5710 as approved on orignial CPS proposal effective Fall 2013.
- PHYT 6304: Prerequisites, catalog description, and course credits updated effective Summer 2021.
- Public Health, DrPH (all concentrations): The DrPH Operations committee extended the application period in SOPHAS. The date of March 1 was removed from the Admissions Policy section and updated to “by the deadline.”
- Community Leaership, Graduate Certificate: Graduate Coordinator updated from Deborah Harley-McClaskey to Lisa Dunkley.