Oct 18, 2024  
2020-2021 Quillen College of Medicine 
2020-2021 Quillen College of Medicine [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Admission to the Quillen College of Medicine is based on a competitive application process and decided by the Admissions Committee. Utilizing the holistic review concept, the committee evaluates applicants on demonstrations of the traits, characteristics and abilities thought to be important in a physician, and with special attention to those who give evidence that they are likely to further the successful mission of the school. A diverse group of students is sought for each class who can function individually as well as part of an effective team. Diverse thinking, background, and cultural sensitivity to allow for a harmonious atmosphere in the class as well as the clinics are valued.

All decisions regarding admission to Quillen are made by the Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee is charged with and empowered to select all students for admission to the Quillen College of Medicine. Always keeping the university’s values in mind, the Admissions Committee endeavors to select for admission those applicants who are believed to be best qualified, with an emphasis on those who demonstrate a desire and propensity for primary care medicine and an interest in rural health. The committee is appointed by the Dean of Medicine and has responsibility in all matters regarding admission. The committee is composed of a diverse group of individuals which includes medical school faculty (both basic science and clinical), undergraduate faculty from ETSU and other institutions, residents, community members and students. The committee is charged with the responsibility of evaluating the applications received through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) and selecting students most qualified for and who will most benefit from the program of medical education, and those believed to have potential for furthering the mission of the college. The committee functions without outside influence and has sole responsibility for determining and implementing institutional application process and admissions policy. Applicants are evaluated according to prevailing committee policy and practice, and particular care is given to see that equal opportunity is afforded all applicants.

Applications received by AMCAS undergo an evaluation process determined by the Admissions Committee and designed to allow for the selection of those thought to be the best qualified for and to most benefit from this program of medical education. No weights or particular values are assigned any of the elements evaluated and each application moves through the process on action of the committee under a process determined by them. Any applicant will move forward in the process unless the committee determines the application not to be competitive at the next level.

Premedical Studies

Premedical preparation should be in an area chosen strictly according to the interest of the individual student. No specific major or minor course of undergraduate study for entering students is either required or suggested. A well-rounded undergraduate education is highly desirable, and students are encouraged to pursue an undergraduate program of their choosing.

In addition to acquiring specific knowledge, the premedical student should acquire certain basic skills and aptitudes such as the abilities to:

  • read with speed, comprehension, and retention;
  • understand concepts and draw logical conclusions;
  • adapt quickly to new and different circumstances;
  • communicate effectively in all circumstances.

Demonstrations and evidence of these abilities are sought throughout the admissions process. These skills and abilities are essential in becoming a high-quality practicing physician and a self-directed, lifelong learner.

Selection Criteria

The Admissions Committee evaluates applicants on the basis of demonstrated academic achievement, MCAT scores, letters of recommendation, pertinent extra-curricular work and research experience, evidence of non-scholastic accomplishments, and demonstrated motivation for the study and practice of medicine.

Criteria for admission are integrity, willingness and ability to assume responsibility, high scholastic achievement, maturity, intellectual curiosity, and sound motivation. Demonstration of compassion, altruism, and cultural sensitivity is highly valued.

Quillen College of Medicine emphasizes and continues its commitment to increasing the number of qualified physicians from currently underrepresented minority groups and from disadvantaged backgrounds. The school actively promotes and encourages applicants from these groups.

Eligibility for admission shall be determined without regard to age, sex, color, race, religion, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.

Technical Standards for Admission, Retention, and Graduation

Medical education requires that the accumulation of scientific knowledge be accompanied by the simultaneous acquisition of skills and professional attitudes and behavior. Medical school faculties have a responsibility to society to graduate the best possible physicians, and thus admission to medical school has been offered to those who present the highest qualifications for the study and practice of medicine.

Graduates of medical school must have the knowledge and skills to function in a broad variety of clinical situations and to render a wide spectrum of patient care. The Admissions Committee of the Quillen College of Medicine acknowledges Section 504 of the 1973 Vocational Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and asserts that the ability to meet certain essential technical standards with or without reasonable accommodations must be present in the prospective candidates. Disclosure of a disability is voluntary; however, applicants who want to request accommodations during the admissions process should contact the East Tennessee State University Office of Disability Services at (423) 439-8346. Medical students are advised the same.

A candidate for the M.D. degree must have aptitude, abilities, and skills in five areas: observation; communication; motor; conceptual, integrative and quantitative; and behavioral and social.  Technological compensation can be made for some disabilities in certain areas but a candidate should be able to perform in an independent manner. These qualities are continuously assessed by faculty throughout the educational program.

Candidates for the M.D. degree must have somatic sensation and the functional use of the senses of vision and hearing. Candidates’ diagnostic skills will also be lessened without the functional use of the senses of equilibrium, smell, and taste. Additionally, they must have sufficient exteroceptive sense (touch, pain, and temperature), sufficient proprioceptive sense (position, pressure, movement, stereognosis, vibratory) and sufficient motor function to permit them to carry out the activities described in the section above. They must be able consistently, quickly, and accurately to integrate all information received by whatever senses employed, and they must have the intellectual ability to learn, integrate, analyze, and synthesize data.

The Admissions Committee of East Tennessee State University Quillen College of Medicine will consider any applicant demonstrating the ability to perform or learn to perform the skills listed above. Students will be judged not only on their scholastic accomplishments, but also on their physical and emotional capacities to meet the full requirements of the school’s curriculum, as well as the foregoing technical standards and graduate as skilled and effective practitioners of medicine. Following admission, students are expected to maintain the ability to fulfill these technical standards throughout their time in the curriculum and through graduation.

Requirements for Admission

In concert with the changing environment of medical education in America, the MCAT requires significant background in the social and behavioral sciences in addition to the traditional background and building blocks of modern medical science. The Admissions Committee encourages applicants to stay abreast of changes which may affect them in their future pursuits and careers.

Quillen no longer requires the completion of any specific courses at the undergraduate level. Applicants are encouraged to pursue their own intellectual interests in completing a broadly based undergraduate education demonstrating scholastic rigor, analytic and critical thinking, an aptitude for understanding complex systems in human biology, and the ability to apply knowledge. Quillen welcomes applications from excellent students regardless of major or course of study. However, completion of a minimum of 90 semester hours of undergraduate courses at a regionally accredited U.S. college or university is required to be eligible for admission. Additionally, all applicants are required to submit scores from the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) from any administration within the previous two calendar years. Undergraduate GPA, strength of curriculum and scores on the MCAT will continue to be evaluated as important indicators of probable academic success. Competitive performance on the MCAT requires adequate preparation in the behavioral and social sciences, general biology, general and organic chemistry, biochemistry, algebraic and trigonometric quantitative skills, and physical science. Appropriate preparation is strongly advised and will be evaluated in the selection process. The ability to read and comprehend information at a rapid pace is of great value.

Applicants should demonstrate scientific curiosity and enthusiasm for life-long learning. The continuum of scientific discovery that impacts diagnostic and therapeutic practice requires that applicants have an adequate preparation in the pre-clinical sciences, particularly in biochemistry, bio-molecular mechanisms and genetics. In addition, the Admissions Committee looks for a broad educational foundation in the behavioral and social sciences, humanities, literature and the fine arts.

The committee also values extracurricular experiences that provide insight into altruism, community service, leadership endeavors and activities reflecting an understanding of human behavior, ethics and cultural awareness.

The Admissions Committee continually evaluates applicants based on the holistic principle of seeking persons who are well-rounded and give promise of success not only in the curriculum, but to an even greater degree, in the practice of the profession they seek to enter. Value is placed on demonstrations of academic ability, wise preparation, demonstrated promise of success on required standardized exams, motivation for and understanding of the study and practice of medicine and demonstrations of personal characteristics thought necessary in a “good doctor.”

Following the school’s mission in rural and primary care medicine, applicants are encouraged to know, through their own devices, the indicators most valued in selecting applicants to fulfill this mission. 

Computer Skills

Due to the ever-increasing presence of computers as tools in medicine, it is expected that applicants will demonstrate an ability to use them both in the academic and personal setting. For additional information please refer to Computer Requirements 

Advanced Placement or CLEP Credit

A student who has been awarded advanced placement credit, CLEP credit, or other nontraditional credit in required science courses by a regionally accredited college or university will have those credits honored provided such placement or credit has been followed by a more advanced course in the same discipline. 

Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)

In an effort to obtain predictive information on our applicants, all applicants are required to report scores from the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) by the close of the current application period. Acceptable scores may not be more than two years old. To meet this requirement, applicants to the 2020 entering class may submit competitive scores from any administration of the MCAT taken from January 2017 through September 2019.

Applicants are advised to prepare adequately and thoroughly for this examination and to structure an undergraduate curriculum that that will prepare them well for successfully writing this important examination. Applicants are encouraged to complete this examination early enough that if unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances preclude the applicant’s peak performance there would be time for a repeat prior to the application deadline. Scores earned after the close of the application period will not be considered.

Information regarding the MCAT may be obtained from the applicant’s premedical advisor or by contacting MCAT Testing at http://www.aamc.org/students/applying/mcat/.


The Admissions Committee makes every effort to consider each applicant using a whole-person concept based on the merits demonstrated by the individual qualifications. While seriously considering the quantitative aspects presented by an applicant, the committee also looks for many other important qualities, such as motivation and experience. Each application is examined for evidence of an applicant’s firsthand exposure to health care as an indication that the applicant is familiar with the realities of medicine as a career. The Admissions Committee seeks demonstrations that the applicant has made a serious and reasoned commitment to the attainment of goals commensurate with those of the institution and the profession. Those experiences demonstrating leadership, altruism, high achievement and dedication to service are particularly valued.


The Quillen College of Medicine is a participant in the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) and enrolls one new class in July of each year. All applicants are required to complete an AMCAS application, available online at http://www.aamc.org. The application should be carefully completed according to the instructions provided by AMCAS and all applicants are encouraged to be as thorough and accurate as possible in its completion. The AMCAS code number for the ETSU College of Medicine is TN 826. The completed application, transcripts, and application fee should be submitted directly to AMCAS between June 1 - November 15 of the year prior to which admission is sought. Applications submitted after the November 15 deadline will not be considered. A new application must be filed for each admission cycle.

Applications are accepted from both residents of the State of Tennessee and nonresidents who are U.S. citizens or hold a U.S. Permanent Resident Visa. Nonresidents should carefully assess their chances for admission before applying to this state-supported institution (see Nonresident Applicants).

Once the application is received at the Quillen College of Medicine, the applicant is notified by e-mail. E-mail is the primary form of communication with all applicants. Each application undergoes an initial screening and legal state of residence is determined in accordance with the Tennessee Board of Regents guidelines. The application is then submitted to the Admissions Committee for preliminary consideration.

Applicants no longer deemed competitive for a position in the entering class at any time will be notified immediately.

Residency Status

The residency status (in-state or out-of-state) is initially determined for all students upon receipt of their application through AMCAS. This determination is made in compliance with Regulations for Classifying Students In-state and Out-of-state for the Purpose of Paying College or University Fees and Tuition, as well as for Admission Purposes as amended and prepared by the Board of Regents of the State University and Community College System of Tennessee. (A copy of these regulations is available online or in the Admissions Office upon request.) As stipulated by these regulations, applicants or students have the burden of proving that they have established domicile in the state of Tennessee. Such persons are entitled to provide all evidence pertaining to this matter to the institution. The institution will consider evidence submitted to it concerning such claim of domicile, but will not treat any particular type or item of such evidence as conclusive until that domicile has or has not been established.

The Associate Dean for Admissions and Records of the Quillen College of Medicine shall be responsible for initially classifying students “in-state” or “out-of-state.” Students who believe their residency situation has changed should contact the Assistant Dean for Admissions and Records concerning the process of appeal. The Assistant Dean will make every effort on behalf of the student to see that the appeal is handled through established university channels as expediently as possible. Regulations are subject to change.

Nonresident Applicants

The Quillen College of Medicine is a state-supported school and provides a very heavy preference for state residents. Therefore, applications from persons other than residents of the State of Tennessee are not encouraged. Nonresidents should not apply.

Interested applicants from the contiguous Appalachian region who desire a career in primary care medicine and well-qualified active service military or honorably separated veterans of U. S. military service may largely disregard the previous statement.  Although still considered nonresidents, applicants from these groups demonstrating an interest in primary care medicine may be considered. Service members and qualified veterans will be considered as in-state applicants and will be classified as such upon enrollment for the purposes of tuition and fee payment. Please see our Veterans Welcome web pages for additional information on this classification status. 

Beginning in the 2020 application year, applicants who live within a 250-mile radius of the school and/or those who have completed a four-year degree or higher from a school located in Tennessee within the previous three (3) years may also be considered as an in-state resident for admissions purposes. Those in this category would pay tuition and fees as an out-of-state resident upon enrollment.

Residency status for admissions and fee payment purposes is determined at the time of application according to regulations established by the Tennessee Board of Regents. A copy of the guidelines for determining residency can be found at https://policies.tbr.edu/policies/policy-classifying-students-state-out-state-paying-college-or-university-fees-tuition. (Please note that the TBR policies for classification will be followed until further policy changes are setup by the ETSU Board of Trustees–subject to change.) For additional information, contact the Admissions Office.

Early Decision Program

The College of Medicine participates in the AMCAS Early Decision Program. Under the provisions of the program an applicant may initially apply to only one medical school. The application period for the Early Decision Program is June 1 - August 1 of the year prior to which admission is sought. Applicants participating in the Early Decision Program will be notified of the Admissions Committee’s decision by October 1. See the AMCAS website for details of this special program. Applicants considering Early Decision are strongly urged to consult with their pre-professional advisor and/or other knowledgeable professionals before proceeding. Applicants not accepted during the early decision process may be deferred for consideration with regular candidates or consideration could be terminated. Please note that both early decision and regular decision applicants are held to the same high standards of admission; early decision applicants are not given preference over regular applicants.

Supplementary Application Information

Following initial review of the application, the applicant may be requested to submit supplementary application information. All correspondence with applicants will be by e-mail. A web link will be provided to selected applicants to allow access to all necessary forms and instructions. The requested information includes additional personal information, recommendations/evaluations, and payment of a $50.00 supplementary application fee. This information, when requested, must be completed within 21 days of the date on which the applicant received the request.

Applicants should note that the committee no longer requires an evaluation from their pre-professional advisory committee, but recommends one if such a committee exists at the undergraduate institution. Institutions differ in the way they prepare pre-professional evaluations and if the applicant’s school/advisor prepares a standard set of credentials these will be accepted in lieu of a committee evaluation. Otherwise, an applicant may provide a minimum of three evaluations from faculty members, advisors, or others who are most familiar with the applicant’s academic abilities, leadership, problem-solving skills, altruism, communication skills, or ability to function as a member of a team. We seek information from those who can confidently comment on the foregoing.

Additional letters may also be submitted (such as from an employer, mentor or physician) but should be kept to a minimum and should provide information not otherwise available to the committee. All evaluations to the Quillen College of Medicine must be submitted via AMCAS’s centralized letter service which enables medical schools to receive all letters of recommendation/evaluation electronically. 

The Quillen supplemental application fee will be waived for all AAMC Fee Assistance Program (FAP) awardees, active-duty service personnel, and honorably separated veterans of the US military.

Situational Judgment Test

All applicants progressing to the secondary application stage are required to take the computer-based designated Situational Judgment Test (SJT) called CASPer™, and report scores to Quillen. 

CASPer™ (Computer-based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) is designed to evaluate core personal characteristics considered important for success in medical school and practice. It consists of a series of hypothetical, everyday situations presented through a variety of formats including text, animation or live-action video. Each situation relates to one or more personal characteristics. Examinees are asked how they would respond or behave in the situation portrayed. 

Advanced registration is required. Specific information about registering for CASPer™ is found at www.takecasper.com. There is a total fee of $20 which is not part of the QCOM application fee. It consists of a $12 test fee + a $12 distribution fee which is paid directly to the testing company upon registration. These fees are waived for applicants eligible for the AAMC-FAP. Additional score reports may be forwarded to other schools requiring CASPer™ for $12 each.

Early scheduling is advised and applicants should anticipate a four-week turnaround in score reporting. Applicants should schedule in sufficient time to allow for the reporting of results by the due date of their supplemental application information when requested. Scores from tests taken past the December 2020 test date will not be accepted. Consideration for interviews may or may not occur until these scores are officially reported to us depending on the perceived strength of the rest of the application.


NOTE: Due to current circumstances regarding the Pandemic, admissions interviews will be conducted virtually, continuing throughout the 2020/2021 application year and until further notice. The following information applies at this time (subject to change) with the exception of the information regarding the on-campus parts. Quillen intends to return to the on-campus and in-person interviews as soon as safely possible. Additional information will be posted on the Admissions web site as it becomes available.

After completion of the supplemental application, selected applicants are invited to visit Quillen for personal interviews with members of the Admissions Committee. Interviews are held by invitation only, and all related expenses are the sole responsibility of the applicant. Interview dates are scheduled directly with the applicant by the Admissions Office well in advance.

When the interview date is confirmed, information will be made available to the applicant regarding local overnight housing options. All accommodation arrangements are the responsibility of the applicant.

On the day of the interview, the applicant should expect to meet individually with two members of the Admissions Committee. Additionally, applicants will meet with admissions and financial services staff and with medical students conducting a luncheon tour of instructional and clinical facilities. Informal exposure to enrolled students is an important part of the day and applicants are urged to come prepared to ask questions.

Please note that not all applicants are interviewed and the invitation to interview does not guarantee or imply any specific action on the part of the Admissions Committee.

Information and instructions regarding virtual interviews will be provided to selected applicants. 

Advanced Standing Applications

Transfer applications to the Quillen College of Medicine are accepted from qualified students for admission to the second or third year of the curriculum on a space available basis. The selection of transfer students is rare and highly competitive. In order to qualify, an applicant must have met all requirements stated in this publication for a first-year applicant. In addition, applicants must have successfully completed a curriculum that is acceptable to the Admissions Committee and be in good standing with or eligible to return to their previous Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accredited medical school.

Preference for admission will be afforded to qualified residents of the State of Tennessee who are U.S. citizens, and to veterans of U.S. military service. Transfer applicants must have their scores from Step 1 of the USMLE officially reported to the College of Medicine, when available. In order to receive the M.D. degree from East Tennessee State University, a student must complete, at a minimum, the last two full years of study at this institution. Transfer students who are accepted are subject to all rules and regulations of the college and university.

Since transfer positions are only available on a limited basis, interested parties are urged to contact the Admissions Office concerning the availability of positions and deadlines for applications.

Class Reservation Deposit

Upon notification of acceptance to the Quillen College of Medicine, the applicant will be required to pay a $100 class reservation deposit fee. In keeping with the recommendations of the Association of American Medical Colleges, this fee is fully refundable if the class position is released prior to April 30. It is nonrefundable after that time. The deposit is applied to the student’s first semester tuition and fees upon enrollment.

Choose Your Medical School Admissions Protocols

The AAMC has implemented new Admissions Protocols for both applicants and schools. We have adjusted our policies and procedures to comply. All applicants are encouraged to carefully review and follow these Admissions Protocols. These new rules, policies and procedures help medical schools ensure they don’t over or under accept their class and that applicants have the highest opportunity for timely acceptance. 

All applicants holding acceptance to Quillen are expected to comply fully and professionally with all AAMC Admissions Protocols throughot the process beginning in February. They are also required to formally indicate their intention of enrolling at Quillen by selecting the “Commit to Enroll” selection through the AMCAS “Chose Your Medial School Tool” at a date not later than 21 days prior to the first day of orientation or other required attendance at Quillen. All will additionally be required to formally notify Quillen that they are in compliance with this protocol and that they have withdrawn all other applications, no matter what the status of that application, from all other allopathic, osteopathic and Texas medical schools for the current year. Those not in timely compliance with this policy may have their acceptance to Quillen immediately withdrawn and that class position offered to another applicant. 

Refund of Class Reservation Deposit

In accordance with the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) guidelines, the $100 class reservation deposit will be fully refunded with official notification from students wishing to relinquish their place in the entering class, provided that this notice is received in the Office of Student Affairs prior to April 30. No refund will be made for withdrawals received after April 30.

Deferred Matriculation

Accepted applicants may request deferred entrance into the College of Medicine for a period of one year. In order to request deferred matriculation, the applicant must forward a letter addressed to the Admissions Committee stating the request and explaining why a later admission is desired. The request will be approved provided it is received at least 30 days prior to the beginning of classes. Requests for deferred matriculation received less than 30 days before the beginning of classes will not be considered. Deferred applicants are required to apply as a deferred/delayed matriculant by August 1 in the following year.

Requirements for Entering Students

All entering students must obtain a physical examination following their acceptance and prior to matriculation to medical school. Entering students also must provide documentation proving immunity to Rubeola (measles), Mumps, Rubella (German measles), Polio, Varicella (chicken pox) and Hepatitis B. Evidence of immunity consists of a blood serum titer test. The results of the titer test must show the date of the test, the name and location of the lab, and a numeric value indicating the level of antibodies present. Students found not to be immune will be required to undergo additional vaccination and then be retested.  Documentation must be uploaded to myRecordTracker.

With documentation of the physical examination, entering students must also provide a copy of their immunization record showing that they have completed the primary vaccination series for Hepatitis B and Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus and that they have received a booster vaccination for Tetanus-Diphtheria within 10 years of the enrollment.  Documentation must be uploaded to myRecordTracker.

Finally, entering students are required to provide results of last (2) TSTs (PPDs) or (1) IGRA blood test regardless of prior BCG status. The documentation must include the results, date, and name and location of the facility where the results were read.  For any student whose Tuberculosis skin test is positive or If there is a history of a positive TST (PPD)>10mm or IGRA, a chest x-ray will be required.  The results of the chest x-ray along with recommendations must be submitted.  Any history of treatment for TB must be included with medications taken and the duration of treatment, as well as a date of the last annual TB symptom questionnaire.

All documentation must be uploaded to myRecordTracker by the specified deadline.  Students who fail to comply with all of these requirements will not be allowed to enroll and may have their offer of acceptance rescinded.

In addition, all entering students are required to have adequate health and accident and disability income insurance. Please see Insurance Requirements in the Policies and Procedures section of this document.

It is the responsibility of each student to maintain and update all medical documentation, trainings, and other requirements in myRecordTracker throughout their tenure at Quillen.

A complete set of official transcripts are required and must be submitted to the Office of Admissions. This is for each school noted on the application and any additional work completed since submission. We do not receive transcripts from AMCAS and they must be submitted separately. Also, transcripts must be submitted directly from the school. Transcripts marked, “Issued to student” or hand-delivered by the student will not fulfill this requirement. A transcript request form can be found in the document section of myRecordTracker

All entering students are expected to comply fully and professionally with all AAMC Admissions Protocols throughout the process beginning in February. They are also required to formally indicate their intention of enrolling at Quillen by selecting the “Commit to Enroll” selection through the AMCAS Choose Your Medical School Tool (CYMS) at a date not later than 21 days prior to the first day of orientation or other required attendance at Quillen. All will additionally be required to formally notify Quillen that they are in compliance with this protocol and that they have withdrawn all other applications, no matter what the status of that application, from all other allopathic, osteopathic, and Texas medical schools for the current year. Those not in timely compliance with this policy may have their acceptance to Quillen immediately withdrawn and that class position offered to another applicant.

Criminal Background Checks

Quillen College of Medicine is committed to providing the public with well-trained physicians who possess the traits of high moral character and standards. Due to legislative and accreditation requirements, many facilities now require people working in their settings to submit to a Criminal Background Check (CBC). These institutions may also require medical students to complete a CBC before participating in any educational/patient care activities at their sites. In addition, many states require physicians to have CBCs for medical licensure.

Therefore, all conditionally accepted applicants will be subject to a Criminal Background Check provided by the AAMC prior to matriculation and such further checks as deemed appropriate by the college in the future. The purpose of this policy is to help ensure a safe environment for patients, employees, fellow students, visitors, and the general public.

The initial CBC is without additional fee to the applicant.

The medical school application will include consent for the CBC. Conditionally accepted applicants are required to cooperate completely with the College, AAMC or other authorized/approved investigative agency in granting permission or authorization for the CBC to be completed in a timely manner. A letter from the college indicating a conditional acceptance will include notice of the requirement that a CBC be completed prior to enrollment. All acceptance offers to the college are contingent on the finding of acceptable results of this check.

In order to successfully complete the CBC evaluations, additional information may be required of the applicant. The fee for the CBC may be included with the class reservation deposit should the university incur a fee for this service. All applicants are required to accurately respond to any related questions in the AMCAS or Quillen applications about felony and misdemeanor convictions and the official check will be run according to AAMC policy prior to admission. Applicants or students who fail to answer these questions truthfully and completely shall be subject to the immediate termination of an application, dismissal from enrollment, or other disciplinary action as determined. Subsequent to the pre-matriculation CBC, all accepted and enrolled students are required to disclose any criminal charges or events within five (5) working days of their occurrence. Failure to notify the Associate Dean for Student Affairs of such events may result in immediate dismissal.

The CBC will include a record of all arrests and convictions. A listing of the information checked and evaluated in the CBC is included below and may change from time to time. If the CBC evaluation identifies issues that may preclude a student’s enrollment or participation in further academic activities, or relevant to training for or the practice of the profession of medicine, the case will be referred immediately to the Criminal Background Administrative and Drug Screen Committee (CBADSC) for evaluation and determination. The committee is comprised of the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs who will be responsible for making recommendations to the Dean in all such matters. The committee may require additional information from the applicant or student.

All reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that results of CBCs are kept confidential. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs shall review all CBCs. If adverse information deemed to be relevant to the applicant’s suitability as a medical student or physician is obtained through the CBC, the Associate Dean of Student Affairs will notify the applicant in writing and will refer the report to the committee. The committee will evaluate all information relative to the finding and make a recommendation regarding the individuals suitability for acceptance. The recommendation will be forwarded to the Dean of the College of Medicine for a final decision.

Reasonable efforts will be made to keep applicants and students informed of any changes in the policy. However, the College reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to amend, replace, and/or terminate this policy at any time.

The Quillen College of Medicine Criminal Background Investigation may include the following information:

Conviction and Conviction-Equivalent Adjudications can include, but are not limited to, the following criminal records dispositions: Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition, Adjudication withheld, Alford plea, Appealed, Article 894, Bail/bond forfeiture, Conditional Discharge, Conditional Dismissal, Conditional Diversion, Conditional Release, Consolidated for judgment, Covered by pled to charge, Default judgment, Deferred Adjudication, Deferred Sentence, Fine/costs paid, First offender program, Guilty, No contest, Nolo contendere, Plea in abeyance, Plea in absentia, Pled guilty, Prayer for judgment, Probation, Reduced, Supervision, Suspended execution of sentence, Suspended imposition of sentence, Work release program, and Sunshine Law. These disposition types are often, but not always, considered conviction and conviction-equivalent adjudications. Provider makes no assurances that the criminal dispositions included above are in fact convictions and/or conviction equivalents. End-user will consult competent legal counsel in the foregoing dispositions’ use for determining eligibility for medical school. 

Arrests without Final Adjudication can include, but are not limited to, the following criminal records dispositions: Adjourned, Case is pending, Continued, Extradited, Remanded,

Transferred, and Dispositions that are not available. These disposition types are often, but not always, considered pending further adjudication. Provider makes no assurances that the criminal dispositions included above are in act arrests without final adjudication. End-User will consult competent legal counsel in the foregoing dispositions’ use for determining eligibility for medical school.

Registration for Classes

Only regularly accepted and enrolled medical students in the Quillen College of Medicine are eligible to register for or enroll in any course, clerkship or curricular offering of the College. Students enrolled in the Quillen College of Medicine are registered for a pre-determined set of courses each semester by the Records section prior to the beginning of each term. Most courses during the basic science portion of the curriculum are offered once a year, and latitude within the curriculum is allowable only through special arrangement with the Associate Dean for Student or Academic Affairs.

All College of Medicine students are required to pay tuition, fees, and other obligations to the university during a designated period at the beginning of each term. Students are not allowed to attend classes or any curricular session until all fees are paid in full. A late registration fee will be charged to students who have not cleared their obligations by the designated date. Registration for the third and fourth year is accomplished through a schedule that must be arranged and agreed upon between the student and the Academic Affairs Office. Fee payment to the university is as described above and must be completed within the specified period. All students should check their ETSU Goldlink account prior to the beginning of each term for fee payment information.

Veterans Information

The Quillen College of Medicine was founded under the “Teague-Cranston Act” of 1974 (Public Law 92-541) which provided initial funding for five US medical schools, all in conjunction with a VA hospital.  Pursuant to the provisions of this law and by policy of our admissions committee, priority consideration for admission will be given to the application of any honorably separated veteran no matter where they currently reside or how long they have been out of service.  

In addition, under current Tennessee and federal legislation, the admissions committee will consider any veteran, falling under the tenets of this legislation, as an in-state resident for admissions, tuition and fee payment purposes given the service time and branch is indicated on the initial AMCAS application.  Proof of service and separation date will be necessary upon acceptance.

A new benefit for veterans will be offered beginning with the 2020 application cycle.  Under the VA Mission Act, Quillen has been approved as one of nine schools nationally to participate in a new pilot program, “Veterans Healing Veterans”.  This program allows for the two highest ranked veterans of an incoming class who meets the conditions for the program to be able to attend virtually cost free. Those selected will have their tuition paid, along with books, supplies and equipment, all expenses associated with two senior year electives at a VA hospital and a generous monthly stipend paid throughout their training here.  There is a 4-year repayment required at the end of training at a VA hospital and in an area of medicine needed by the VA.  For more information on this program see the Vets Welcome page and look for the section entitled “Veterans Healing Veterans Scholarship”. 

For additional veterans information, please refer to “Veterans Affairs and Educational Benefits” in the Student Services, Organizations and Activities section.

Reconsideration of Admissions Committee Decisions

The Admissions Committee makes every effort to consider all available information in making any admissions decision. It is the policy of the committee that it will not review or reconsider any admissions decision unless significant new information is brought to light which was not available at the time of the original decision. The Admissions Committee also solely reserves the right to determine the significance of any new information presented. Requests for reconsideration are rarely granted.