Feb 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Academic Policies and Procedures

Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures

ETSU policies are located at the following website: https://www.etsu.edu/policies/

Admission Policies
International Students
Classification of Courses and Students
Enrollment Policies
Graduate Student Retention Standards
Graduate Degree and Certificate Requirements
Graduate Fresh Start
Graduate Timetable
Grading Policy
Grade Appeal Policy




Student Conduct and Rights
Personal Information and Records
Other Information

Admission Policies

Graduate Admissions for Degree-Seeking Students Policy

This policy applies only to prospective students who are applying as a part-time or full-time degree-seeking graduate student. The Graduate School will consider a prospective student’s completed application and required supporting documentation for admission as a degree-seeking graduate student to East Tennessee State University (ETSU). The program will make an admission recommendation to the Dean of the Graduate School. The Dean of the Graduate School will make the final decision. Applicants will receive a written notice of decision through the application portal. Students offered admission will need to accept or decline the offer in the portal. An offer of admission will include the program and start term to which a student is admitted. Applicants who are denied admission are welcome to revise their application materials and apply to the same or different program.

Please click here to read the Admissions Policy for Degree Seeking Students.

Change of Field of Study

Students seeking to change from one graduate program to another must formally apply to the new graduate program.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Graduate Admissions for Non-Degree Seeking Students Policy

The Graduate School will consider a prospective student’s completed application and required supporting documentation for admission as a non-degree seeking graduate student to East Tennessee State University (ETSU) and will issue a written Notice of Decision. ETSU has two categories of non-degree seeking students: Visiting Graduate Student and Graduate Non-Degree Seeking Student. ETSU may charge a one-time non-refundable application fee. Please click here to read the complete policy for graduate admissions for non-degree seeking students.

Graduate School Admissions Classification Policy

The purpose of this policy is to detail the graduate admission classifications that may be offered to prospective students.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Graduate School Transfer and/or Acceptance of Graduate Credit Policy

The Dean of the Graduate School must approve all transfers of graduate credit.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Program Policy

High performing undergraduate students may complete both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees at an accelerated pace. Students may apply as many as twelve (12) credits of graduate level coursework toward both of their degrees. Please click here to read the complete policy.

Deferral of Admission to Graduate Program Policy

The purpose of the policy is to allow students admitted to the ETSU School of Graduate Studies to request deferment of admission to a future term.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Graduate School Admissions Appeal Policy

This policy specifies the appeals process if a prospective student is denied graduate admission to East Tennessee State University.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

International Students and Scholars- Insurance and Other Requirements

ETSU adheres to all United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Department of Homeland Security, and Department of State regulations in the admission, enrollment, and readmission of all international, non-immigrant applicants.

  1. Students enrolled pursuant to an F visa must have and maintain medical and hospitalization insurance as a condition of initial and continued enrollment at the institution.
  2. In addition, the following procedures have been established:
    • In the letter of admission, in the I-20, and in the IAP-66, all international, non-immigrant students will be informed of this requirement, of the extent of coverage required, which may vary slightly from year to year, and of the approximate cost to obtain the coverage.
    • All international, non-immigrant students will be required to enroll in the Student Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan. The only exception to this requirement will be international, non-immigrant students who have a scholarship that includes the purchase of an insurance policy on their behalf. This policy must meet or exceed the level of coverage provided to participants in the Student Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan.
    • Students will be covered for twelve months. Exception to this rule will be made in the case of international students who abandon their F status, by leaving the U.S., by changing to another non-immigrant status, or by adjusting status to that of an immigrant.
    • Students under Practical Training will not be required to purchase the coverage. Students under Practical Training, however, may purchase the coverage during the period of training.
    • Once the insurance premium is paid, there will be no refunds.
  3. Academic Support and Other Student Services
    • Orientation: ETSU will provide an orientation program that specifically addresses the particular needs of international students.
    • Student Privacy: The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits institutions to comply with information requests from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau (ICE) in order to comply with the requirements of the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS)

For more information please visit ETSU International, email international@etsu.edu, or call 1-423-439-6699.

Classification of Courses and Students

Master’s Candidate (MS): A student who has been formally accepted to graduate school for the purpose of pursuing a master’s degree.
Specialist in Education Candidate (SED): A student who has been formally admitted to graduate school and the Clemmer College for the purpose of pursing a specialist degree.
Doctoral Student, Early Stage (DE): A student formally admitted to a doctoral graduate program of study whose major academic endeavor consists of formal coursework directed toward fulfilling requirements for a doctorate.
Doctoral Candidate, Late Stage (DL): A doctoral graduate student who has passed the doctoral qualifying examination and whose principal academic endeavor consists of work toward completion of the doctoral dissertation.
Postdoctoral Student (PD): A student who has an awarded doctoral degree and is engaged in advanced academic study or specialty training beyond the doctoral degree.
Visiting Graduate Student (SPG): A formally enrolled graduate student from another institution whose coursework will be transferred back to the student’s home institution.
Graduate Non-Degree: A post-baccalaureate student who is not pursuing a graduate degree, is not a post-doctoral student, and is enrolled in graduate courses.

Limitation on 5xx7 and 5956 Courses

No more than 30 percent of all courses taken in any program may come from the 5xx7 / 5956 series. Some doctoral programs disallow 5xx7 and 5956 courses

Classification of Courses by Level

Enrollment in the 5000, 6000, and 7000 series is limited to graduate students. Please click here to read the complete Enrollment policy.

For  more information on course numbering guidelines visit the Curriculum Innovation Center.

Enrollment Policy

Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Enrollment (5xx7 and 5956 courses)

In some curricula, students may enroll in 5xx7 and 5956 courses which are co-listed with 4xx7 and 4956 undergraduate courses. A student who has taken the 4xx7 or 4956 courses for undergraduate credit cannot repeat the course for graduate credit. Graduate students enrolled in 5xx7 and 5956 courses shall be required to complete specific work over and above that required of undergraduate students enrolled in companion 4xx7 and 4956 courses. Please click here to read the complete policy.

Graduate Full-Time Course Load

Enrollment Status requirements for graduate students in both traditional and Accelerated Programs with Compressed Terms are approved by Graduate Council and published on the ETSU Graduate School website. Graduate course loads in excess of sixteen (16) credits require approval of the department chair and the Dean of the Graduate School. Please click here to read the complete policy.

Independent Studies, Problems, and Workshops

Students who wish to pursue independent studies, problems, or workshops of special interest may enroll for these courses provided that the topic for study has been defined and approved by the professor and the student’s advisor.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Experiential Learning Credit

No graduate credit can be awarded for experiential learning that occurs prior to admission into a graduate program and which has not been under the supervision of the institution. Please click here to read the complete policy

Extension and Correspondence

All work completed at any approved ETSU site is residential and not extension credit. No correspondence work can be applied to any graduate program at ETSU. Please click here to read the complete policy.

Adding a Course 

A course(s) may be added through GoldLink during the first week of classes without special permission, unless the course has reached the established maximum enrollment. To add any class that has reached the enrollment maximum requires a departmental permit. After the first week of classes, students must obtain special permission from the department in order to add any class. After census, the Late Add process begins which requires students to obtain permission from: the instructor of the course, the department chair of the course, the college dean of the student’s major, and the Registrar’s office to add a course(s). Permission during the Late Add process is only granted with extenuating circumstances. 

Adding a Course During Late Add or with Enrollment Limit

A course(s) may be added through the late registration/late add period without special permission, unless the course has reached the established maximum enrollment.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Dropping a Course

During the First Eight Calendar Weeks: A course(s) may be dropped during the first eight (8) calendar weeks of a regular semester pursuant to Registrar’s policies.

After the First Eight Calendar Weeks: After the eighth week a student may not drop a course, except where verifiable extenuating circumstances can be documented pursuant to the Registrar’s policies.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Auditing Courses

A student may audit a graduate course pursuant to the Registrar’s policies.

Classification of Courses by Level

Enrollment in the 5000, 6000, and 7000 series is limited to graduate students. Please click here to read the complete Enrollment policy.

Continuous Enrollment

Students who will be using Support Services and/or require faculty guidance for studies, research, or preparation of a prospectus while not enrolled in coursework, thesis, or dissertation must be registered for the appropriate non-degree Readings and Research credit during each term, including a summer term.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Leave of Absence

A graduate student may experience circumstances that make taking a Leave of Absence (LOA) from their program necessary. Please click here to read the complete policy.

Undergraduates Taking Graduate Courses

An undergraduate senior who needs to complete nine (9) credits or fewer to graduate may enroll in graduate courses.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Matriculation Limits

This policy specifies the time period in which course work can be applied to a graduate degree or certificate program and the process for revalidation of expired course work. Please click here to read the complete policy.

Articulation Agreements and Dual Degree for Certificates

  1. Articulation agreements are required for completed certificate if these credits are to be applied to a degree.
  2. If a program plans to use College of Medicine or College of Pharmacy courses to count in the certificate, an articulation agreement is needed that specifies which courses from COM or COP could count.
  3. A certificate taken concurrently with a degree program does not require an articulation agreement. This will follow the same procedure used for dual degree 

Note: Students in a degree program may apply courses from a certificate program taken concurrently with the degree program to fulfill advisor approved electives within the degree with the approval of their program advisor. Students only need to be admitted to the certificate program if they wish to earn a certificate; if they do wish to earn a certificate, they must be admitted to the certificate program prior to the application for graduation.

Click here to read the complete policy for Dual Graduate Degree Program Admission.


Graduate Student Retention Standards Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide the retention standards for graduate students. Please click here to read the complete policy.

Academic Good Standing

To remain in academic good standing, a graduate student (degree or non-degree seeking) must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better on all graduate work attempted. Click here to read the complete policy.

Academic Probation

When a student’s cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0, the Dean of the Graduate School will, after consultation with the program, place the student on academic probation. Click here to read the complete policy.


Students may be dismissed from the Graduate School for academic or research misconduct, serious professional misconduct or ethical violations, failure to meet conditions of admission, failure to meet a requirement of the program, or for exceeding the allowed number of probationary semesters.  Please click here to read the complete policy.


Students who have been dismissed from the Graduate School for academic reasons and wish to be reinstated must send a written request for reinstatement to the chair of the department or program. The request must include the reasons why reinstatement should be considered.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Incomplete Grades

A grade of “I” (incomplete) indicates that a student was passing the course at the end of the semester, but due to circumstances beyond the student’s control,was unable to complete the course requirement. Click here to read the complete policy.

Class Attendance

All students are required to follow the ETSU Attendance Policy, as well as department and college attendance policies. Click here to read the complete policy.

Graduate Degree and Certificate Requirements

This policy provides requirements for earning a graduate certificate or degree from ETSU.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Residency Requirements

The residency requirement is primarily to provide doctoral students with significant time for sustained participation with peers and faculty members in scholarly and creative activities.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Culminating Experience

Each graduate program will have a culminating experience that students will need to complete successfully in order to graduate. These culminating experiences vary by program such as writing a thesis, dissertation or capstone project, preparing a professional portfolio, passing a comprehensive exam among other options. Students should consult with their program coordinator about the culminating experience option(s) for their program.

Overall GPA Requirement

All graduate students must have a 3.0 GPA overall and in the program of study in order to graduate. Students must file an Intent to Graduate following the dates on the Academic Calendar. Details about all graduation requirements can be found here. Please click here to read the complete policy.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

All research involving human subjects must be approved by the East Tennessee State University Institutional Review Board prior to initiation of the research. IRB approval is necessary to protect the rights of human subjects involved in physical, psychological, or social research. Following approval of the proposed research by the review board, the subject involved must be informed of the study and consent to participate. The application forms for research involving human subjects and review of such research projects are available in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, 103 Earnest House.

Graduate School Academic Fresh Start Policy

A former ETSU graduate student who previously had a poor academic performance at ETSU such that they would be unable to achieve academic good standing at ETSU in the desired program even if upon returning they earned grades of B or higher in the first semester may be eligible for admission into a new graduate program or for readmission into the student’s previous graduate program under the Graduate Academic Fresh Start Program. A student may only be granted one (1) Graduate Academic Fresh Start.  Please click here to read the complete policy and requirements.

Timetable for Graduate Study


Required Action

Date of Completion



Application for admission to the School of Graduate Studies. (Public Health applicants will make their initial applications to https:/www.sophas.org. Physical Therapy applicants will make their initial application to https://www.ptcas.org/ApplicationInstructions/)


See application information: https://www.etsu.edu/gradschool/applynow.php



Test Scores
GMAT (M.B.A. and M.Acc. Students)
GRE (if required by department)


TOEFL/IELTS/GMAT/GRE/PTE Academic scores should be submitted with the TOEFL/PTE Academic or IELTS (International students).



Consultation with departmental advisor.


Before registration and at least once per term.



Transfer of graduate credits earned at other institutions or postgraduate credits earned at ETSU.


Please check with your graduate coordinator (advisor).



Preliminary and qualifying examination.


Check with advisor for requirements and dates.



File application for candidacy (Doctoral programs only), Degree Works, Program of Study (for 2nd Master’s degree, and Accelerated Degrees, and committee forms with the School of Graduate Studies. 


Master Degree Students: Following completion of 9-12 hours in the major with a 3.0 average and no later than the semester prior to the final semester of study. Doctoral Degree Students: Consult the appropriate section of the catalog.



Apply for Graduation.


Apply for Graduation by the following dates:

For Spring Graduation: September 1st.
For Fall Graduation: March 1st.
For Summer Graduation: March 1st.



Final examination and/or defense of thesis of dissertation.


During the last semester of study and by the date specified in the Academic Calendar.



Submit copies of thesis or dissertation to the Dean of Graduate Studies.


By the date specified in the Academic Calendar.



Pay microfilm fee.


By the date specified in the Academic Calendar.



Receive Dean approval of thesis or dissertation.


By the date specified in the Academic Calendar.


Note: Most forms for the required steps outlined above are available on the Internet at https://www.etsu.edu/gradschool/forms.php and in the School of Graduate Studies office, Burgin Dossett Hall, Suite 309, Johnson City, Tennessee.

Grading Policy

The purpose of the policy is to define the credits and grades that are included in the calculation of the graduate grade point average (Graduate GPA).  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Final Grade Meaning Quality Points
A Clear Excellence 4.0
A-   3.7
B+   3.3
B Satisfactory Performance 3.0
B-   2.7
C+   2.3
C Minimum Passing Grade 2.0
F   0

Repeating a Course

If a student repeats a course, all grades earned in that course are calculated in the Graduate GPA. Any additional grades earned when a course is repeated will not replace the original grade earned. Please click here to read the complete policy.

Final Grades Reports and Appeals

Grade reports are available through GoldLink to all students who complete registration each term. Academic departments are required to retain grade documentation for a period of one year. Specific student concerns regarding academic records, other than the Grade Appeal process described below, must be addressed within one academic year from the date of posting of grades for the term in question.

Retention of Transcripts 

Transcripts are retained permanently per RDA Number 11358. The minimum retention period for records is contained in TBR Guideline G-070. Notwithstanding the state retention period, should such periods conflict with federal law, the period of longer retention shall apply.

Grade Appeal Policy

A student may file an appeal of a course grade or comprehensive exam grade. The student must follow the procedures of this policy for an appeal to be considered at each level of review. The student has the burden of proof in a grade appeal proceeding. Click here to read the complete policy.

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define expectations for class attendance and provide guidelines for make-up exams and coursework necessitated by excused absences.  Click here to read the complete policy.

Class Absence Authorization for Student Participation in a University-Sponsored Activity forms can be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs.

Withdrawal from Term Policy

This policy specifies how an undergraduate or graduate student withdraws from all courses and the university during a particular term. If a student wishes to withdraw from one course or a limited number of courses and will continue to be enrolled in a term, they should refer to the Withdrawal from Course Policy. Please click here to read the complete policy.

Withdrawals from Courses Policy

This policy specifies how an undergraduate or graduate student withdraws from a course(s) during a term.  A student who wishes to withdraw from all courses for a given term should follow the process in the Withdrawal from Term Policy.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Inclement Weather

East Tennessee State University will generally remain open during periods of inclement weather. Click here to read the complete policy.

Inclement Weather Policy for Students in Online Courses

This policy provides guidance for students taking ETSU online courses in the event of inclement weather causing emergency University closure or schedule changes.  Please click here to read the complete policy.

Student Conduct and Rights

Honor Code 

East Tennessee State University is committed to developing the intellect and ethical behavior of its students. Students found to be in violation of policies on plagiarism, cheating, and/or fabrication will be held accountable for their actions. Any knowledge of academic misconduct should be reported. Students are expected to act with honesty, integrity, and civility in all matters.

Honor Pledge 

By becoming a member of the campus community, students agree to live by the standards of the honor code and thereby pledge the following: “I pledge to act with honesty, integrity, and civility in all matters.”

Honor Code and Pledge as revised and adopted February 16, 2012

Academic Integrity and Misconduct

The Academic Integrity and Misconduct policy outlines the rights and responsibilities of the student, the instructor, the Dean/Designee, and other members of the campus community in matters of academic integrity and misconduct.  Click here to read the complete policy.

Complaint Policy and Procedures for Students

East Tennessee State University is committed to respecting all members of the university community and providing fair treatment regarding complaints by students. The objective of the Student Complaint Policy and Procedure is to ensure that concerns and complaints of undergraduate or graduate students are addressed fairly and are resolved promptly. Complaints usually involve actions affecting students that are alleged to be unjust, inequitable, or create unnecessary hardship. A student may pursue this complaint procedure if he or she believes a problem is not governed by other complaint or appeal procedures at the university. (Refer to Selected Appeal Policies.) The Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy have their own student complaint policies; complaints should be directed to appropriate personnel as identified by those colleges.

East Tennessee State University seeks to provide students, staff and faculty members with a safe and secure learning environment, free of crime and or violations motivated by discrimination, sexual and other bias-related harassment. There are two important complaint policies not governed by the Student Complaint Policy and Procedure; Sexual, Racial, and Other Harassment and Hate Crimes and Bias-Related Incidents. These types of complaints should be filed with the Chief Equity Compliance Officer or, when a charge is by one student against another student, with the Dean of Students according to the procedures described in those policies. Direct complaints or concerns be made to the Office of Equity and Diversity, 205 Burgin Dossett Hall, (423) 439-4444.

Other Complaints

Complaints Handled by the Office of Equity and Diversityy

East Tennessee State University seeks to provide students, staff and faculty members with a safe and secure learning environment, free of crime and or violations motivated by discrimination, sexual and other bias-related harassment. There are two important complaint policies not governed by the Student Complaint Procedure; Sexual, Racial, and Other Harassment and Hate Crimes and Bias-Related Incidents. These types of complaints should be filed with the Chief Equity Compliance Officer or, when a charge is by one student against another student, with the Dean of Students according to the procedures described in those policies. Direct complaints or concerns be made to the Office of Equity and Diversity, 205 Burgin Dossett Hall, (423) 439-4444.

Complaint Resolution Policies and Procedures for Non-Tennessee Resident Students in State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement States, commonly known as SARA.

Student complaints relating to consumer protection laws that involve distance learning education offered under the terms and conditions of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), must first be filed with the institution to seek resolution.

Complainants not satisfied with the outcome of the Institution’s internal process may appeal, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (https://www.tn.gov/thec/bureaus/student-aid-and-compliance/postsecondary-state-authorization/request-for-complaint-review.html).

For purposes of this process, a complaint shall be defined as a formal assertion in writing that the terms of SARA or the laws, standards or regulations incorporated by the SARA Policies and Standards (https://www.nc-sara.org/content/sara-manual) have been violated by the institution operating under the terms of SARA.

For a list of SARA member States, please visit the NC-SARA website (https://nc-sara.org/sara-states-institutions). Students residing in non-SARA states should consult their respective State of residence for further instruction for filing a complaint.

Students or prospective students who wish to file a complaint related to accreditation or regarding violations of state law not resolved at the institution may submit a Student Complaint Form by going on line and filing out the form electronically. Under Tennessee’s open records law, all or parts of complaints will generally be available for review upon request from a member of the public.

ETSU students or prospective students attending the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center in Abingdon, Virginia who wish to file a complaint related to accreditation or regarding violations of Virginia state law not resolved at ETSU may submit a student complaint to https://www.schev.edu/index/students-and-parents/resources/student-complaints.

ETSU students or prospective students attending the Lenoir-Rhyne University Center for Graduate Studies in Asheville, North Carolina who wish to file a complaint related to accreditation or regarding violations of North Carolina state law not resolved at ETSU may submit a student complaint form to https://www.northcarolina.edu/sites/default/files/documents/student_complaint_form.pdf.


Complaints regarding accreditation should follow the ETSU Complaint Procedure for Students outlined above.

Complaints regarding accreditation can also be made by contacting the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia
30033-4097, telephone: 404-679-4500 (https://www.sacscoc.org).

State Law Violations

Complaints of Fraud, Waste, or Abuse may be made to ETSU.

The ETSU process for reporting fraud, waste or abuse is available at https://www.etsu.edu/intaudit/report-fwa.php.

Complaints of fraud, waste or abuse may be made by calling the Tennessee Comptroller’s Hotline for Fraud, Waste and Abuse at 1-800-232-5454.

General Policy on Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions

The ETSU Board of Trustees authorizes the University to take such action as may be necessary to maintain campus conditions and preserve the integrity of the institution and its educational environment. Institutional policies on this subject shall be subject to prior review and approval by University Counsel and Student Affairs.  Click here to read the complete policy.

Misrepresentation of Academic Credentials 

It is a Class A misdemeanor to misrepresent academic credentials. A person commits the offense of misrepresentation of academic credentials who, knowing that the statement is false and with the intent to secure employment at or admission to an institution of higher education in Tennessee, represents, orally or in writing that such person:

  1. Has successfully completed the required coursework for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas from an accredited institution of higher education;
  2. Has successfully completed the required coursework for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas from a particular institution of higher education; or
  3. Has successfully completed the required coursework for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas in a particular field or specialty from an accredited institution of higher education.

Personal Information and Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records.  Click here to read about FERPA. The purpose of this policy is the establishment of policy to protect the confidentiality of records for students of East Tennessee State University. Click here to read the policy.

Directory Information Procedures 

ETSU may release other “directory information. Other “directory information” is defined as: enrollment status, dates of attendance, classification, previous institution(s) attended, awards, honors (includes Dean’s List), degrees conferred (including dates), and sports participation information.

If students prefer not to have these items released, they may fill out a form to prevent disclosure of this data. This form is available at the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted no later than the last day to add a course for the Fall term. A new form for non-disclosure must be completed each academic year. A form submitted the last term a student enrolls will remain in effect until the student re-enrolls.

Other records offices in the university may have other definitions of directory information. Please check the Pharmacy or Medicine web sites for specific information as to their definitions.

Electronic Mail

This policy is intended to provide a process for official communication between East Tennessee State University (ETSU) faculty and staff with students. Faculty and staff are required to use the official ETSU assigned email address to communicate with ETSU students. Students are also required to use the official ETSU assigned email address to communicate with faculty and staff to ensure communication is with the person to whom the email account is assigned.

Email is an integral part of the academic process in which confidential information about ETSU students is often transmitted, including evaluations, grades, and financial information. Faculty, staff, and students must recognize that although there is an expectation of privacy, unencrypted email is not a secure means of transmitting information. While this policy does not prohibit student information from being transmitted by email, caution must be exercised regarding the content of messages.

ETSU provides each student, faculty, and staff member with an official university-assigned email account. All official university communications will be sent to the university email address. Faculty, staff, and students may assume that official ETSU email is a valid communication mechanism. Therefore, the university has the right to send communications to students, faculty, and staff via email and the right to expect that those communications are received and read in a timely fashion. Although students may choose to forward university email to an external email account, he or she is responsible for all information, including attachments.

Approved: Information Technology Governance Council
Reviewed: February 201

Other Information

Medical and Health

Students are responsible to provide personal medical insurance for themselves in the event of an illness or personal injury while attending the university. Students who do not have coverage under a family insurance policy or who want additional insurance information, please visit the ETSU Student Health Services website.

Substantive Change Policy

Please view the Substantive Change policy at this link https://www.etsu.edu/policies/academic/substantive-change.php.