Oct 09, 2024  
2024-2025 Gatton College of Pharmacy 
2024-2025 Gatton College of Pharmacy

Student Services and Resources

Office of Student Affairs

The Office of Student Affairs coordinates a number of services for students, including academic advising, financial aid, and assistance with personal issues. The office also provides support for the College’s student organizations and coordinates special events and programming for students. Information about pertinent services and programs is detailed below. Student Affairs is located in Room 212, Building 7 on the James H. Quillen VA Medical Center and may be reached at (423) 439-6338.

Academic and Personal Resources

Faculty Mentors:  Pharmacy students are assigned a faculty mentor upon matriculation. This individual serves as a student’s primary academic advisor for the full four years unless a student requests a change in advisor. The role of the mentor is to serve as a resource. Mentors maintain an open door policy and exist to offer guidance in such matters as surviving in pharmacy school, geographic orientation, accessing resources to address personal issues and other issues as necessary. Ideally, the relationship will develop into one in which the student will seek out the advisor for advice and counsel. Students are encouraged to have regular contact with their mentor by e-mail, phone or in person.

Counseling Services:  Confidential personal counseling for situational and psychological problems are available through the university and the college.  The University Counseling Center located in the D.P Culp Student Center serves as the primary counseling service for students; however, counseling services are also provided by the Community Counseling Clinic operated by the Department of Human Development and Learning.  Additionally, the Behavioral Health and Wellnesss Clinic operated by the Department of Psychology provides mental health services on a sliding fee basis.  Recognizing students’ need for greater flexibility and accessiblity of assistance, Gatton College of Pharmacy contracts with a local community psychologist to provide counseling services specifically for pharmacy students.  More information on these services can be found on the Student Handbook.


Peer Tutoring:  Student are encouraged to take advantage of Academic Success Services provided by the Office of Academic Affairs. Peer tutoring is a service offered through the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA). Students experiencing academic difficulty should seek assistance from faculty, the academic success specialist and peer tutoring. Information about peer tutoring is provided during orientation, through emails, flyers and signs, as well as classroom visits made by tutors to encourage students to attend.

Peer tutors are students with strong content-specific academic skills who are identified through an application process that includes faculty references and transcript review. Peer tutors receive regular on-going training in facilitation and best practices for tutoring and instruction. Tutoring services are provided at accessible times and within a dedicated space in the College of Pharmacy building. Students seeking tutoring are encouraged to make appointments through an online scheduler but are also welcome to walk-in. Both individual and group tutoring services are available. Peer tutoring appointments can be made online using the link available on the Academic Success webpage.


Peer tutoring is a service offered through the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA). Students experiencing academic difficulty should first seek assistance from faculty; however, peer tutoring can be arranged to provide students with an additional source of assistance to facilitate learning and mastery of the academic material. Students seeking a tutor should contact OAA.

Library Resources

The Charles C. Sherrod Library is the central university library in the heart of the main campus. This state-of-the-art facility is a great place to study and do research. Filled with natural light, it has comfortable seating, a 24-hour study room, lots of network connections, laptop computers for checkout to students, used paperbacks for leisure reading, and a friendly and helpful library staff to assist you. A medical library which serves the Division of Health Sciences is located in Building 4 on the VA campus. Students and faculty have full electronic access to journals and texts regardless of whether they are on-campus or off-site. The two libraries currently have over 10,800 full-text electronic titles of which nearly 4,000 are health-related. All electronic texts and journals are available from remote as well as on-campus sites.

The libraries share a single Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) of library materials and databases. Holdings of the Johnson City Medical Center are included in the OPAC. There is an agreement through the Sherrod Library to share all library holdings and database subscriptions with all university-affiliated personnel. Anyone with an ETSU e-mail address may access this information through the Medical Library World Wide Web portal. The portal offers faculty, staff, and students the opportunity to personalize the Library web page for their own most efficient use. Users may contribute to the content of the page, which enable them to share useful web sites and other resources with their colleagues.

A consortium, which includes the Medical Library, Mountain States Health Alliance in Johnson City and the Wellmont Health Systems in Bristol/Kingsport, enables faculty, staff, and students of all three institutions to share MD Consult, a full-text peer-reviewed online database of textbooks and journals. The Medical Library is also a member of a state-wide resource-sharing group called TennShare. Members of the TennShare may access the following publications

  • Science Direct, one of the world’s largest providers of scientific, technical, and medical literature;
  • Interscience, the John Wiley & Sons electronic database access to full-text journals;
  • StatRefl, full-text medical and drug information for healthcare professionals available online, on CD-ROM and PDA; and
  • Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL) that gives member libraries access to 16 electronic databases.

As a member of the Consortium of Southern Biomedical Libraries (CONBLS) the Medical Library provides and receives interlibrary loan services from member institutions at no charge. The Medical Library is a member of the National Library of Medicine’s Regional Library System. This affiliation gives the users (both on campus and in remote locations) access to the Loansome Doc system to enable them to order articles from MEDLINE. ETSU is also a member of the OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., through which the university has access to more than 49 million cataloging records created by libraries around the world.

Study rooms in the Medical Library are available for use during regular library hours.

ID Card and College of Pharmacy Name Badge

All students admitted to the Gatton College of Pharmacy are expected to obtain an ETSU Student ID card and a Gatton College of Pharmacy ID name badge. Cards and badges are available during Orientation or any time after registering for classes. Lost, stolen, misplaced or abused cards may be replaced at a cost to the student at the Campus ID Services Office (www.etsu.edu/students/idservices/).

The ID card provides students with access to university facilities and services, and can be used to create a debit account called ID BUC$ which may be used to pay for a variety of university services including many vending machines. The ID card is also used to access the College of Pharmacy building outside normal business hours. Students are expected to wear their College name badge at all times and are required to do so while at experiential education sites.

Student Engagement and Leadership Opportunities

Class Officers

Each class of students elects officers on an annual basis.  In addition to providing general leadership for the class, the officers serve as the official representatives of the class to the administration of the College. Elections are conducted under the general guidance of the Office of Student Affairs.

College Committees

Student pharmacists are provided numerous opportunities to participate in the operation and leadership of the College through inclusion in the College’s committee structure. Standing committees that include student membership are: the Admissions Committee, Assessment Committee, Curriculum Committee, Dean’s Student Advisory Committee, Emergency Preparedness Committee, Personal and Professional Development Committee, Library Committee, Student Organization Coordinating Committee, Student Life and Wellness Committee, and the Technology Committee. Complete descriptions of the above committees are found in the Gatton College of Pharmacy Student Handbook.

Student Organizations

The Gatton College of Pharmacy encourages students to become involved in professional organizations and fraternities. The following represents the organizations and fraternities that exist within the College.

Descriptions of these organizations as well as information about establishing additional student organizations can be found in the Gatton College of Pharmacy Student Handbook.

University Resources

Athletic Events

East Tennessee State University is a member of the NCAA Division I Southern Conference and fields teams in men’s baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, tennis, soccer, and track and field. The women participate in basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, track and field and volleyball. Full-time students are admitted free with a valid student ID to all university sponsored athletic events. One additional companion ticket may be purchased at a discounted rate for all men’s basketball games. For information on ticket prices for non-students, please contact the Athletic Ticket Office located on the west side of the Mini-Dome. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The phone number is 439-5371. Complete information and schedules for the ETSU teams are available on the ETSU athletics website (www.etsubucs.com).


The University Bookstore is located in the D.P. Culp Center. You may reach the store by phone at (423) 439-4436. A branch of the bookstore is also located on Walnut Street adjacent to campus.

Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation offers a wide variety of physical activities and recreational sports for the entire ETSU community - students, faculty, and staff. Programs are offered in five areas: fitness, intramurals, non-credit instruction, outdoor adventure, and sports clubs. The Center for Physical Activity (CPA) serves as the foundation for these programs.  The CPA contains an indoor climbing wall, weight room, aerobic/martial arts studio, indoor swimming pool, three basketball courts, two racquetball courts, 1/8th mile track, locker rooms, and equipment rental center. Campus Recreation also offers a personal training service that includes a weight room orientation, fitness testing, exercise prescription, and supervised workouts.

To obtain more information on Campus Recreation’s program and services and hours of operation, call (423) 439-7980, or visit the website (www.etsu.edu/students/campusrec).

Counseling Center

The University Counseling Center provides an array of counseling and mental health services to ETSU students, including personal counseling, career counseling and assessment, educational programming, psychiatric services, and consultative services. The staff is comprised of psychologists, an outreach coordinator, psychiatric residents, graduate assistants, and support staff. The Center is also responsible for the Campus Alcohol and Other Drug Program and the Campus Advocates Against Sexual Violence Program. Career services are provided through the Peer Career Center, located in the Advisement, Resources, and Career (ARC) Center. Counseling services are confidential and free to all ETSU students. For more information about these services, contact the main number (423) 439-4841 or contact the Peer Career Center (423) 439-8651 or the website (www.etsu.edu/students/counseling).

In addition to the University Counseling Center, Gatton College of Pharmacy contracts with a local psychologist to provide counseling services for student pharmacists to provide greater flexibility for students to access help. Respecting the students’ need for privacy, every effort is made to protect the confidentiality needed for an effective therapeutic relationship. No information related to student counseling is kept other than in the counselor’s patient files. In a further attempt to protect student information, pharmacy student files are not kept with files of other patients seen by the provider. Counseling hours are flexible. Appointments are made by contacting the psychologist directly at (423) 915-6675.

Computing Resources

Information Technology Services maintains a computer lab in Sherrod Library for use by students. Additional labs that are maintained by specific departments, including the Medical Library on the VA campus, are located throughout the campus. The lab provides students with access to a variety of software. When not in use as classrooms, computer labs are available for walk-in use by any registered student.

All students are provided with Internet access and an e-mail address that will be active for the duration of their stay at ETSU. Students are able to register for elective classes and pay fees online via Goldlink on ETSU’s web page.  Information on the full array of computer resources is located at http://www.etsu.edu/helpdesk/.

Disability Services

In compliance with federal regulations outlined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, East Tennessee State University makes accommodations, course substitutions, and other academic adjustments when necessary to ensure equal access for students with disabilities. While all students with disabilities are protected from discrimination, some students may not be eligible for all of the services coordinated by Disability Services. Classroom and testing accommodations are made on an individual case-by-case basis. Students who wish may request an accommodation or academic adjustment because of a disability by completing the intake process with Disability Services self-identity.

During the intake process, Disability Services informs students of procedures surrounding the accommodation process, student responsibilities, as well as ETSU responsibilities. Eligibility for classroom and testing accommodations and other support services coordinated by Disability Services is based on the review of student’s documentation of disability.

Intake applications are not complete until Disability Services has received and reviewed current documentation of disability. Individualized education plans (IEP) cannot be used as documentation; however, information included in an IEP may be helpful when identifying the services a student may utilize while at ETSU.

In order to establish eligibility, the documentation provided should follow the established guidelines and include:

  • Statement of diagnosis, date of most recent evaluation, and when available, date of original diagnosis by an impartial professional,
  • Description of diagnostic criteria and/or diagnostic tests used,
  • Description of the current impact of the disability in an academic environment,
  • Credentials of the diagnosing professional,
  • Documentation of attention deficit disorders should be no more than three years old, and
  • Documentation of learning disabilities should be no more than five years old with results based on an adult measurement scale.

The diagnosing professional must have specific training and expertise in a field related to the type of disability being diagnosed. For example, a psychologist, psychiatrist, or educational examiner must make a learning disability diagnosis. Documentation not including the information outlined above or from a professional whose credentials are not generally indicative of expertise in the specific disability being diagnosed cannot be used to establish eligibility for services. ETSU does not provide any type of learning disabilities evaluations; however, Disability Services maintains a list of professionals in private practice that can evaluate learning disabilities.

Disability Services is located on the Third Floor of the Nell Dossett Residence Hall, (423) 439-8346, (voice/tdd) (423) 218-1225 (fax) (423) 439-8489 or the website (www.etsu.edu/students/ds).

Housing and Residence Life

Student pharmacists who want to live on campus will probably find the following residences more conducive for professional studies. Buccaneer Ridge has fully furnished efficiencies, 2 and 4 bedroom units. Detailed information on university housing, including costs, is available on the website (www.etsu.edu/students/housing).

Buccaneer Ridge Apartments
Efficiency, two and four single occupancy bedroom apartment units are available. Each apartment contains a furnished living area, single bedrooms with double bed, closet, desk, and chest of drawers; kitchen facilities, including full-sized refrigerator, stove, microwave, and garbage disposal; washer and dryer; patio or balcony; and two bathrooms. Each bedroom is provided with an alarm system; telephone, cable TV and data jack; and individual locks. Residents enjoy a clubhouse with copier and fax availability; lounging pool; volleyball and basketball courts; exercise room; access gate; and individual leases with no connection fees.

Application Procedure
An application for housing may be obtained by contacting the Department of Housing and Residence Life. Detailed information about on-campus housing may be obtained by contacting the Department of Housing and Residence Life at (423) 439-4446 or on the website (www.etsu.edu/students/housing). Housing in the Johnson City area is plentiful. Information about off-campus housing is available at the Adult, Commuter, and Transfer Services website (www.etsu.edu/students/acts/students/offcampushousing.php).

International Programs and Services

The International Programs and Services Office (www.etsu.edu/honors/international) located on the first floor of Yoakley Hall, serves the international community of visiting international students and scholars from more than 60 countries who attend or visit ETSU. Programming, advising, immigration paperwork, community outreach and the Friendship Family Program are among the many services offered by the office.

Public Safety

The Public Safety Building is located at the entrance of the university on University Parkway and has personnel on duty 24 hours a day for assistance. The emergency telephone number is 911. The public safety staff is composed of 21 state-certified sworn police officers who are also trained firefighters. Public safety is a full-service police department encompassing traffic and parking enforcement, uniformed patrol, criminal investigations, and crime prevention education. Public Safety also provides these services: an escort service, engravers, booster cables, and battery booster packs. The non-emergency telephone number is (423) 439-4480. The number for the administrative offices is (423) 439-6900.

Student Government Association

The ETSU Student Government Association (SGA) strives to represent the opinions of the students on every aspect of campus academic and extracurricular life. Its members work closely with students, faculty, and administration to provide advice and information and a strong voice in the governance of the university. The SGA office is located in the SORC on the Second Floor of the Basler CPA, phone (423) 439-8337.

Student Health Services

The Student Health Clinic is part of the College of Nursing Faculty Practice Network. Clinic services are available to all enrolled students. The professional staff includes nurse practitioners, physicians, registered nurses, and a health educator. Services include: Management of acute, episodic illnesses and injuries, Referrals for assistance in managing chronic disorders, Immunizations, Women’s health program and assistance with family planning, Men’s health program, Allergy clinic for those receiving allergy injections, Patient education programs on a variety of topics. The Student Health Clinic is located in room 160 Nicks Hall. Please call (423) 439-4225 for further information.

The Dental Hygiene Clinic offers comprehensive preventive therapeutic procedures such as scaling and polishing teeth, pit and fissure sealants, nutritional counseling, periodontal therapy, patient education and exposing and developing radiographs. All treatment is performed, for a modest fee, by dental hygiene students under the supervision of the licensed dentist and dental hygiene faculty. Services are open to all students, university employees, and the general public. Appointments may be obtained by contacting the Dental Hygiene Clinic at 439-4514 in Lamb Hall, room 71.

The Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic, a component of the Department of Communicative Disorders, provides professional speech-language pathology and audiology services to students, faculty, and the general public. The service is provided by speech-language pathology and audiology graduate students under the direct supervision of licensed Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists. The areas of service include speech and hearing evaluation, hearing aid evaluation, and treatment of speech and hearing disorders through therapy. Intervention may be available for deficits in articulation, phonology, language, voice, and fluency. The clinic is located in Room 204 of Lamb Hall. Please call (423) 439-4355 for appointments or information.

University Center, D.P. Culp

The D.P. Culp University Center is a modern architecturally designed student center conveniently located in the heart of campus. The specific purpose of the Culp University Center is to serve students as an integral part of their educational life. The Culp University Center provides a wide variety of services, entertainment, and social activities for the campus community. The Culp University Center houses the main cafeteria and several fast-food restaurants, the bookstore, the post office, a mini-market, a computer lab, a variety of administrative offices, meeting rooms and conference facilities, a ballroom, and an auditorium/theater.