Feb 14, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Management and Marketing

P.O. Box 70625
Phone: (423) 439-4422
225 Sam Wilson Hall
Web address: www.etsu.edu/cbat/mgmtmkt/

The Department of Management and Marketing includes a management program and a marketing program. The Management program offers study leading to the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Management. Management majors must select one of four concentrations: General Management Human Resources Management Legal Studies  or Logistics/Supply Chain Management . The Marketing program offers study leading to the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Marketing. Marketing majors must select one of three concentrations: Integrated Marketing Communications , Marketing Management  or Merchandising . Programs are designed to equip students with conceptual foundations and practical skills necessary for entry-level positions in both private and public-sector organizations.

Special Admission Requirements for (College of Business and Technology) B.B.A. Majors

Entering business students are classified as pre-business (PBUS) until the Special Admission Requirements, specified below, are met. At the beginning of the junior year (i.e., upon completion of 60 credits), each qualified pre-business student must select a specific business major within the College (e.g., accountancy, marketing) and apply for admission to that business major.

The special admission requirements for business undergraduate majors:

  1. Each student planning to pursue the B.B.A. degree in business must apply for admission to a business major upon completion of 60 credits. Students changing into the PBUS category from another major or transferring into ETSU from other institutions have until 75 credits or one calendar year from their major change/admission to complete the PBUS required courses. Application to a business major is a one-time event and occurs as part of the student’s advising session in the Business Advisement Center (room 316 Sam Wilson Hall) during the semester that the student expects to complete the pre-business coursework. The student must meet the following requirements to be accepted into a B.B.A. business major:
    1. The student must have attained a minimum overall grade point average of 2.5.
    2. The following English composition and mathematics courses of the General Education Requirements must have been successfully completed:

c.   The student must have completed and earned a grade of C (2.0) or better in each of the following business courses:

A student can repeat only two of these six courses each a single time in order to achieve a minimum course grade of C (2.0).  A student can repeat for a second time only one of these two courses previously repeated in order to achieve a minimum course grade of C (2.0).  All PBUS B.B.A. students must have completed these six (6) business classes with a minimum grade of C (2.0) in each and must have declared their business major before enrolling in 4000-level business classes.  Students who do not meet these requirements will be unable to declare a business major and/or to continue in the B.B.A. program. This policy holds for courses taken at ETSU or elsewhere once a student is admitted as or declares PBUS (pre-business) as a major at ETSU. Any student who does not meet these admission requirements will be notified of his/her denial of admission to the  B.B.A. program by the Business Advisement Office.  A student may appeal this denial but is allowed only one appeal of these admission requirements.  For the Appeal Form and details on due dates and other appeal requirements, students should consult the appeal process and guidelines for continuation in the pre-business program which are available at the Business Advisement Office (Sam Wilson Hall, room 316) or from the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs (Sam Wilson Hall, room 213).

  1. The applications to become business majors (i.e., the requests to change from PBUS to a business major) will be reviewed during the week after final grades are posted, and students will be notified of their status via email. Those students who are denied acceptance into a business major will be notified of their academic deficiency and be allowed to rectify the deficiency during the subsequent regular academic term. Since the PBUS classification ends after 75 credits, a student who fails to rectify the academic deficiency during the subsequent regular academic term must pursue a major other than the B.B.A. at East Tennessee State University.

Only in special cases will an application be considered past 75 credits of completed coursework; these cases are reviewed by the B.B.A. Admissions Committee. The College encourages and welcomes transfer students from other programs. In all instances, these students will be treated as special cases and an academic schedule will be proposed to each individual student that allows matriculation through the B.B.A. program in an appropriate manner. Progression standards are subject to change. Current standards are available in the Business Advisement Center (room 316 Sam Wilson Hall).

Appeals. Students who have been denied progression into a B.B.A. major may appeal to the Undergraduate Admissions Appeal Committee. Information on the appeal procedures may be obtained in the Undergraduate Programs Office (room 213 Sam Wilson Hall).

These admission standards apply to all entering ETSU students, to ETSU students seeking to change from a nonbusiness to a business major, to students seeking to transfer from other institutions, and to students readmitted to ETSU.

Additional information regarding admissions and retention policies, as well as career opportunities in business, may be obtained in Business Advisement Center (room 316 Sam Wilson Hall).

All business B.B.A. majors are required to complete the curriculum outlined below.

All business graduates must earn a minimum 2.0 overall GPA in all business core requirements and in all major program requirements, including work at ETSU and transfer work. At least 50 percent of the B.B.A. major program requirements for the B.B.A. degree must be earned at East Tennessee State University.

Seniors must successfully complete the Senior Business Exam (SBE) prior to beginning the capstone course MGMT 4910 Strategic Management . The SBE is administered at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Failure to successfully complete the SBE will result in the student being blocked from enrolling in MGMT 4910 for one semester until the SBE is offered again.