Feb 18, 2025  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Educational Leadership, Ed.S. (Teacher Leadership Concentration)

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General Program Information

Graduate School Contact:

Cindy Hill; hillcc@etsu.edu; 423-439-6590

Hal Knight, Ph.D., Dean of the Clemmer College of Education

319 Warf-Pickel Hall
Box 70685
(423) 439-7616
e-mail: knighth@etsu.edu

Pam Scott, Ed.D., Department Chair

506 Warf-Pickel Hall
Box 70550
(423) 439-7618
e-mail: scottp@etsu.edu

Janna Scarborough, Ph.D., Graduate Coordinator, Counselor Leadership

301A Warf-Pickel Hall
Box 70548
(423) 439-4191
e-mail: scarboro@etsu.edu

Virginia Foley, Ed.D., Graduate Coordinator, Teacher Leadership

502 Warf-Pickel Hall
Box 70550
(423) 439-7615
e-mail: foleyv@etsu.edu

Eric Glover, Ed.D., Graduate Coordinator, Administrative Endorsement

501B Warf-Pickel Hall
Box 70550
(423) 439-7566
e-mail: glovere@etsu.edu

Jim Lampley, Ed.D., Graduate Coordinator, Postsecondary and Private Sector Leadership

504 Warf-Pickel Hall
Box 70550
(423) 439-7619
e-mail: lampley@etsu.edu

William Flora, Ed.D., Graduate Coordinator, School Leadership

524 Warf-Pickel Hall
Box 70550
(423) 439-7617
e-mail: floraw@etsu.edu


Bethany Flora; William Flora; Virginia Foley; Catherine H. Glascock; Don Good; Hal Knight; Eric Glover; James Lampley; Jasmine Renner; Pam Scott; Terry Tollefson.

The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis has as its primary purpose the graduate preparation of individuals who will serve as educational leaders in K-12 schools, community/technical colleges, four-year colleges and universities, and other organizations/agencies that offer educational programs and services. Programs in the department are approved by the Tennessee Department of Education. Programs leading to licensure are also approved by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). Student programs are individually designed to develop educational leaders through the study and practical application of educational foundations, theory, research, and field work.

Three degree programs are offered in the department, each of which has a unique emphasis: (1) doctor of education degree (Ed.D.) involving advanced study in educational leadership that culminates in the completion of a doctoral dissertation in the field of educational leadership, (2) specialist in education degree (Ed. S.) that provides advanced preparation in educational leadership, and (3) master’s degree (M. Ed.) program in educational leadership.

Specialist in Education (Educational Leadership)

Program Admission Requirements

The Department of Education Leadership and Policy Analysis offers four (4) concentrations leading to the Specialist in Education Degree (Ed.S.): administrative endorsement, counselor leadership, school  system leadership, and teacher leadership. The administrative endorsement concentration leads to beginning administrator license. The school system leadership concentration is designed primarily for  practitioners who already possess administrative license and desire to work in central office positions in public schools. The teacher leadership concentration is designed to meet the needs of practicing teachers in the public schools who have a desire to develop a greater understanding of the teaching-learning process and the role of teacher leaders in schools. The counselor leadership concentration is designed to provide advanced education in counseling, consultation,and leadership for counseling and education professionals. Applications for admission to the School of Graduate Studies and to the Ed.S. program may be obtained by contacting the office of the School of Graduate Studies. All students must submit a résumé as part of their application. Those applying to the Administrative Endorsement or Teacher Leadership concentration must also submit a copy of their teaching certificate(s).

Transfers From Other Institutions—Students must earn a minimum of 31 credit-hours above the master’s degree to become eligible for the awarding of the specialist degree. Nine (9) semester credits of  appropriate graduate credit earned after completion of the master’s degree from an accredited institution may be used in an Ed.S. program, if recommended by the student’s graduate committee and approved by the registrar, program coordinator, and the deans of the College of Education and School of Graduate Studies.

Screening—Potential students will be notified of screening times. The screening process consists of an evaluation of each student in terms of selected criteria for admission. Each criterion has been assigned a numerical value. The total of these values equals a possible 85 points. (The admission process for the Counselor Leadership concentration is conducted through the counseling program.)

1. Writing Skills 10 points
2. Scholarship (Graduate Level) 15 points
3. Speaking Skills 10 points
4. Evidence of Leadership (to date) 10 points
5. Estimated Leadership Potential 10 points
6. Employment Record 10 points
7. Four Letters of Recommendation 20 points

Potential students seeking the Ed.S. in the Administrative Endorsement concentration must demonstrate the ability to achieve Tennessee standards for Administrative Endorsement.

Concentration Requirements

A comprehensive examination is required of all students (except those in the Counselor Leadership Concentration) completing the Ed.S. program. Upon completion of the screening process, the departmental committee will make a recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies.

Field Experience — Field-based experiences will be required in a number of courses. Students enrolled in the Ed.S. program will be required to complete a major field project that results in a culminating experience such as the completion and presentation of an action research project, an evaluation project, or an in-depth study of a contemporary issue or practice in education. The Specialist Seminar (ELPA 6220 ) will provide a framework for the culminating experience. This seminar should not be taken before at least 24 semester credits have been completed in the Ed.S. program.

Evaluation — The evaluation of an advanced graduate student is a function of instructors and a graduate committee. The latter has full authority for program planning and the evaluation of written and/or oral final comprehensive examinations, provided that all university and departmental requirements have been met. Graduate committees will consider the student’s professional purposes and needs, progress in terms of individually planned programs, writing and speaking ability, general competence, apparent propensity for their intended profession, and state certification requirements. To be cleared for the award of the Educational Specialist degree, a student must be recommended by the graduate committee, whose chair will report to the deans of the College of Education and of the Graduate School, and the program coordinator that the student has fulfilled the requirements of the program.

Time Limits—Credit received beyond the master’s degree and more than five (5) years prior to the awarding of the Ed.S. degree will not be accepted as part of the Ed.S. degree requirements.

Residency—One (1) semester or one (1) full summer of full-time residency is required. The student will, with the approval of the chair of the advisory committee, register for no less than six (6) semester credits of regular coursework during the residency period.

Degree Requirements—The basic requirement for an Ed.S. degree is a planned and approved program of coursework and other experiences, for which credit is awarded beyond the master’s degree. The student must complete a minimum 31 credit-hours beyond the master’s degree. Students must take coursework and prove competence in one of the four (4) concentrations. The credits indicated in each area of study, evaluation of the student’s competence and work may be prescribed beyond these requirements.

Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) Program

With Administrative Endorsement, Counselor Leadership, School System Leadership, and Teacher Leadership Concentrations

Total Core Hours: 7 Credit Hours

Teacher Leadership Concentration Requirements

Must include seven (7) credits from the teacher leadership core, twelve (12) credits from the teacher leadership area, nine (9) credits from the teaching and learning specialization and three (3)-credits from the content area specialization.

Leadership Core: 7 Credit Hours


Teaching and Learning Specialization: 9 Credit Hours


Content Area Specialization: 3 Credit Hours

Courses are taken in the student’s area of teaching specialty (e.g., Early Childhood Education, Math Education, Science Education, or in the disciplines).

Total Hours Required: 31 Credit Hours


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