Department Information
Department of Engineering, Engineering Technology and Surveying
P.O. Box 70552
213 Wilson Wallis Hall
Phone: (423) 439-7822
Fax-Admin: (423) 439-7830
Fax-Faculty: (423) 439-7750
Web address:
Dr. Keith Johnson, Dept Chair
The Department of Engineering, Engineering Technology, and Surveying, a unit of the College of Business and Technology [CBAT], is one of the largest and most academically diverse units of East Tennessee State University. The Department offers undergraduate degree programs in numerous concentrations, undergraduate minors in two areas, and graduate degree programs in three concentrations. The Engineering Technology program is accredited through ABET. Additionally, there are many majors and/or programs that are available through the Academic Common Market allowing out-of-state students to enroll at ETSU at in-state tuition rates.
The department’s administrative and faculty offices are housed in Wilson-Wallis Hall.
Work done for an Associate Degree will not substitute for 4xxx level work.
The Surveying and Mapping curriculum has a core curriculum and guided electives.
The Surveying and Mapping Science program is accredited by the Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission (ANSAC) of ABET (
It is designed to meet the following objectives and outcomes. Within two to four years, graduates of the program will:
- be prepared to successfully complete the NCEES Principles and Practices exam as evidenced by an overall pass rate that meets or exceeds the national average;
- seek progressive experience and increased professional opportunities as evidenced by 70% of our responding graduates reporting employment in the surveying profession, a related profession, or enrollment in graduate school;
- be active in the state and national organizations that represent their profession as evidenced by 50% of our graduates joining such an organization within 2-4 years;
- strive for leadership roles in the local, state, and national organizations that represent their profession, as evidenced by 5% of our graduates holding office as a committee chair or officer, or serving on a university surveying advisory committee;
- contribute to the continuing success of the ETSU program and the profession, as evidenced by 25% of responding graduates contributing to the program or profession.
Students at graduation will have:
- an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and applied sciences;
- an ability to design experiments and conduct experiments as well as analyze data and interpret data;
- an ability to formulate or design a system, process, or program to meet desired needs;
- an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams;
- an ability to identify and solve applied science problems;
- an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
- an ability to communicate effectively;
- the broad education necessary to understand the impact of solutions in a global and societal context;
- a recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning;
- a knowledge of contemporary issues;
- an ability to use the techniques, skills, modern scientific and technical tools necessary for professional practice;
and graduates shall also be:
- able to function
- as a professional
- as an effective member of a project team and
- in a dynamic (changing) environment;
- technically competent and able to adapt to the work environment
- “technically competent” means that the graduates have knowledge of and exposure to basic surveying field equipment and a general understanding of surveying laws
Students in Surveying and Mapping Science pursue coursework leading to professional land surveying practice. Core courses include plane, geodetic, and boundary surveying. By taking a core of 74 credits in surveying related courses, students are well-prepared for future licensing and professional-level positions with surveying and engineering firms, government service, utility companies, and related industries.
Transfer Policy
All non-technology coursework such as English, mathematics, and science is evaluated for transfer by an analyst in the Office of Admissions. All technology coursework submitted for transfer will be analyzed by the department chair or the appropriate program coordinator. The following criteria apply:
- Coursework must have been taken at a regionally accredited two- or four-year institution.
- Coursework must be equivalent to an ETSU course; if not, it will count as elective credit.
- Only coursework for which a grade of C (2.0) or higher was earned will be accepted for transfer credit for courses in English, mathematics, science, and technology.
- No associate degree coursework will be accepted for Engineering Technology coursework at the 4xxx level.
Upon admission, the transfer student may consult the corresponding academic advisor for an agreement listing the coursework that must be successfully completed by the student.
Students contemplating the transfer of their technology-based associate degree should read the policy statement regarding transfer student admissions elsewhere in this catalog and confer with the corresponding academic advisor with the Department of Engineering, Engineering Technology, and Surveying.
Degree Requirements: 128 credits
General Education | 41-42 credits |
Major Total Requirement | 86 credits |
Major Core | (74 credits) |
Advisor Approved Electives | (12 credits) |
TOTAL | 128 credits |
Suggested Four-Year Program of Study: SUVM-BS
General Education Requirements
These requirements include earning 41-42 credits in Communication, Humanities and Fine Arts, Social and Behavior Sciences, History, Natural Sciences and Mathematics categories.
Major Specific courses listed in the General Education Requirements: