Women’s Studies Minor Program Information
Department of Literature and Language
P.O. Box 70262
Phone: (423) 439-4125
Web address: www.etsu.edu/cas/litlang/wsp
Director: Dr. Phyllis Thompson
email: thompsop@etsu.edu
Women’s Studies offers students an interdisciplinary education that examines social processes, history, culture, politics, health, media, and justice as they relate to women. This program of study promotes an increased awareness of gender issues and highlights the relationships between race, class, and gender. Courses are designed to help students develop philosophical and historical perspectives on gender, to appreciate women’s contributions to the arts, sciences, and humanities, and to make informed choices as individuals and professionals.
Women’s studies graduates are prepared to take leadership roles, particularly in positions that require training in women’s and diversity issues. Fields such as criminal justice, politics, health care, teaching, social work, communications, and activism all call for the knowledge and skills students attain through coursework in women’s studies. In any chosen career, women’s studies graduates serve as a progressive voice for change and equality.