Mar 29, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Music Major, B.M. (Music Education: Instrumental/General Concentration)

Department Information

Department of Music
PO Box 70661
Phone (423) 439-4270
Web Address:

The Department of Music at East Tennessee State University was established in 1946 and is a fully accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music. The Department of Music also offers training in the Suzuki method for flute. Courses in this program meet certification guidelines of the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA).

Undergraduate instruction in the department leads to the Bachelor of Music (BM) or to the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. The Bachelor of Music concentrations (Jazz, Music Education, or Performance) prepare students for professional work or advanced study or for teaching music in the elementary and secondary schools. The concentrations in the Bachelor of Arts (Applied, Conducting, Contemporary Music Performance & Instruction, Marching Band, Music & Culture, Theory/Composition) focus on those who want to major in music but want neither to be a performer nor an educator. Some may want to choose other paths in music or simply want to get a music degree but work in areas outside of music that require a college education. The BA degree provides the opportunity to study music from a liberal arts perspective.

Admission Requirements
Any student seeking a major or minor in music at ETSU must first meet the general university admission requirements. Once that admission is granted, the student must audition for admission to the music degree program. Auditions are held on selected dates during the spring for dates, and by appointment (see the department web page,

The audition may be performed live or via videotape (if the student lives more than 250 miles from campus.) The audition, which is judged by faculty in the Department of Music, should demonstrate the student’s technique and musicianship.

If a student meets the audition requirements and is admitted to the program, an academic advisor will assist the student in determining courses to be taken. Students who do not meet the audition requirements may register for applied music and for ensembles and may audition again at a later date. It should be noted that the student’s academic progress will be seriously delayed if the music major is not declared by the sophomore year. Students electing the music minor must declare that minor prior to reaching 60 credits of coursework to ensure that the program can be completed in a timely manner.

It is recommended that students not successfully completing the theory entrance exam take music fundamentals prior to starting theory courses.

Transfer Students
Students transferring to East Tennessee State University from another college or university are required to take an audition. Student transcripts will be reviewed prior to acceptance into the Department of Music.

Students wishing more information regarding the Department of Music or wanting to be advised, can contact us at:
(423) 439-4270
or email us at
or visit

Degree Requirements: 120 credits

General Education 41-42 credits
Major Total Requirement 79 credits
     Major Core    (25 credits)
     Concentration    (54 credits)
     Piano Proficiency
     Sightreading Levels I & II
     Independent Musicianship
     Half Recital
     Program Notes
     Recital Attendance
TOTAL 120 credits

Suggested Four-Year Program of Study: MUSC-BM (MUEI)   

General Education Requirements  

These requirements include earning 41-42 credits in Communication, Humanities and Fine Arts, Social and Behavior Sciences, History, Natural Sciences and Mathematics categories.

Total Requirements for Music Major: 79 credits

Music Major Core Requirements: 25 credits

Music Education Instrumental/General Concentration: 54 credits

No Minor Required but Recommended

A minor is not required for this degree, however the Secondary Education minor or Master of Arts in Teaching is required for certification by the State of Tennessee.

Piano Proficiency

Sightreading Levels I & II

Independent Musicianship

Half Recital

Program Notes

Recital Attendance

Additional Information

Click here to view Degree and Graduation Requirements  for all ETSU students.

CSCI 1100  or Proficiency Exam: Must be completed to meet Bachelor’s Degree Requirements.

Most minors range from 18-24 credits. Those few minors with more than 24 credits may affect the number of free electives allowed.

See the Music Department  page for detailed information on half recital, full recital, piano proficiency, recital attendance, and other program requirements.

Licensure Certification: Students interested in pursuing a teacher licensure program for certification should contact the advisor in the Office of Student Services, 321 Warf-Pickel Hall, College of Education. Students will major in the subject they wish to teach and minor in Secondary Education.