Dec 08, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Suggested Four-Year Program of Study: ETSU-TTU BSE

FRESHMAN YEAR (32 credits)
Fall Semester Credits Spring Semester Credits
ENGL 1010 - Critical Reading and Expository Writing   3 ENGL 1020 - Critical Thinking and Argumentation   3
MATH 1910 - Calculus I   4 MATH 1920 - Calculus II   4
CHEM 1110 - General Chemistry Lecture I   4 CHEM 1120 - General Chemistry Lecture II   4
CHEM 1111 - General Chemistry Laboratory I   0 CHEM 1121 - General Chemistry Laboratory II   0
ENGR 1110 - Engineering Graphics   2 ENGR 1120 - Programming for Engineers   2
Humanities or Fine Arts Course* 3 Humanities or Fine Arts Course* 3
ENGR 1020 - Connections to Engineering and Technology  * 1    
Fall Total 16 Spring Total 16


SOPHOMORE YEAR (34 credits)
Fall Semester Credits Spring Semester Credits
MATH 2110 - Calculus III   4 MATH 2120 - Differential Equations   3
PHYS 2110 - Technical Physics I-Calculus Based   5 PHYS 2120 - Technical Physics II-Calculus Based   5
CEE 2110 - Statics   3 COMM 2025 - Fundamentals of Communication   3
ENGR 3710 - Principles of Engineering Economy   2 ME 2330 - Dynamics   3
Literature Course* 3 MATH 2010 - Linear Algebra   3
Fall Total 17 Spring Total 17


JUNIOR YEAR (34 credits)
Fall Semester Credits Spring Semester Credits
ECE 2050 - Circuits and Electronics I    4 ME 3720 - Fluid Mechanics   3
ENGR 3120 - Solid Modeling   3 ME 3010 - Materials and Processes in Manufacturing   3
CEE 3110 - Mechanics of Materials   3 ECE 2140 - Introduction to Digital Systems   4
ME 3210 - Thermodynamics I   3 ME 3023 - Measurements in Mechanical Systems   3
Social & Behavioral Science Course 3 ENGR 3720 - Principles of Engineering Statistics    2
    Social & Behavioral Science Course 3
Fall Total 16 Spring Total 18


SENIOR YEAR (28 credits)
Fall Semester Credits Spring Semester Credits
ENGR 4950 - Senior Design I   3 ENGR 4960 - Senior Design II   3
ENGR 4900 - Engineering Design, Professionalism, and Ethics   3 ENGR 3020 - Numerical Methods  3
ENGR 4510 - Engineering Management   3 Technical Electives (see approved list) 6
ENGR 4750 - Mechanical Engineering Lab   1    
Technical Electives (see approved list) 6    
Fall Total 16 Spring Total 12

*See ETSU Catalog for acceptable General Education courses in these areas. ENGR 1020 is recommended for all freshman BSE majors. Major courses (ENGR, ECE, CEE, ME, and technical electives) should be taken through ETSU/TTU to satisfy program residency requirements. For more information, contact ETSU academic advisor Ben Sherrill