Feb 11, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Teacher Education, M.A.T. (K-12 Education Concentration)

General Program Information

Megan Krupa, Program Coordinator
409 Warf-Pickel Hall
Box 70684
(423) 439-7605
Fax: (423) 439-8362
e-mail: krupam@etsu.edu

Faculty: Stacey Fisher, Karin Keith, Megan Krupa, Renee Lyons, Lori Meier, Renee Moran, Ryan Nivens, Jamie Price, Laura Robertson, Chih-Che Tai, Natalia Ward, LaShay Wood.

The Teacher Education for the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degree is designed for students who wish to apply for initial teacher licensure and have obtained a bachelor’s degree in a field other than education. The TEML Middle Grades (6-8) prepares teacher candidates to teach in a 6th grade through 8th grade classroom in two of the four disciplines with one being mathematics or science.

Upon admission to the MAT program, transcripts will be analyzed to determine which content courses completed as a part of the undergraduate program will apply toward licensure, and if any additional courses must be taken during the TEML program. If candidates do not have a suitable undergraduate major in a licensure area, it is possible that additional undergraduate coursework will need to be taken in order to meet the licensure requirements set by the state.

Any student wishing to transfer in applicable graduate credit must follow graduate school regulations. However, no credit will be granted for graduate coursework taken more than five years ago. All applicants must take and pass all required licensure tests before student teaching.

Program Admission Policy

Applicants who meet the following criteria may be admitted unconditionally. Those who do not meet the criteria may be admitted conditionally with provisions for deficiencies to be met as stipulated by the program faculty and approved by the Associate Dean of Educator Preparation.

  1. Completion of all requirements for admission to the Graduate School.
  2. Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution
  3. A minimum overall GPA of 2.75 from a completed baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate degree program or a GPA of 3.0 in the most recent sixty credit hours earn at a regionally accredited institution.

Formal admission to Teacher Education through the Teacher Admission Board Interview occurs prior to admission to the MAT degree.

Teacher Education, M.A.T. Degree Requirements: 36-39 credits

Core Requirements 12 credits
Concentration 11 credits
Discipline Specific Content 3-6 credits
Field Experience 10 credits
TOTAL 36-39 credits

Discipline Specific Content Methods: 3-6 credits

Additional Information

The initial Tennessee teacher’s license will be issued only to those applicants who have completed a teacher preparation program in a Tennessee higher education institution approved by the Tennessee State Board of Education for the preparation of teachers in the area of licensure sought. In select instances, upon successful petition to the Program Coordinator and the Deans of the Clemmer College and the School of Graduate Studies, the student who has completed all other program requirements may be able to modify the professional semester requirements in order to complete the degree. Candidates for these substitutions must have their admission to ETSU’s Transitional Licensure Program verified by the Transitional Licensure Coordinator before commencing the petition process. It is understood that the MAT candidate who is permitted to modify the professional semester requirements will not seek licensure through East Tennessee State University based upon completion of this degree and that licensure issues will be resolved through the district in which the student is employed.

If the initial license is not obtained following completion of the approved program, requirements in effect at the time of application must be satisfied. In all cases, current state licensure requirements must be met regardless of when the student enters the program.

A person who holds a Tennessee Teachers Professional License may add teaching area endorsements by completing teacher education programs after the original license has been issued. Such programs include the addition of a secondary endorsement to an elementary license or the addition of an elementary endorsement to a secondary license. A person who holds a Tennessee Teaching License and wishes to add an endorsement in another teaching area should contact the certification analyst, room 321, Warf-Pickel Hall.

All applicants for a teaching license in Tennessee must submit satisfactory scores on the PRAXIS II. Applicants should request that a copy of their test scores be sent to:

East Tennessee State University
Recipient Code #1198

Request current information about Tennessee test requirements at the Office of Education Student Services, Room 321, Warf-Pickel Hall.

*IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ETSU STUDENTS SEEKING SCHOOL LICENSURE: Tennessee Teaching or other School Licensure/Endorsement requires an application made directly to the Certification Officer, Residency Office in the Clemmer College. Application should not be made until all relevant coursework, degrees, and qualifying test scores are completed. A complete set of transcripts from all colleges or universities attended will be required for the application. Students must have their test results reported to East Tennessee State University, Recipient Code 1198, by the testing company. Every effort will be made to send students up to date application forms and instruction near the end of their final semester. However, if you do not receive this information by the end of your program, you will need to contact: Dr. Sara Beth Hitt, Director of Residency and Field Experiences, Clemmer College, Phone: 423-439-4200; email:hittsb@etsu.edu