Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Graduate Catalog 
2010-2011 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • SOCI 5444 - Applied Data Analysis for the Social Sciences

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: Undergraduate statistics or permission of instructor. This is a computer-intensive course designed to teach students basic skills in quantitative data analysis. Through an applied approach to data analysis and statistics, students will gain practical experience in: using a comprehensive statistical software package, selecting and applying statistical techniques, and interpreting and formally writing the results. (variable)

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  • SOCI 5620 - Sociology of Age and the Life Course

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. This seminar is designed as a survey of theoretical and methodological issues as well as substantive research in the area of aging and life course studies. Issues to be addressed pertain to all of the adult life span. (variable)

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  • SOCI 5850 - Supervised Internship

    (1-6 credits)
    Prerequisites: Permission of internship coordinator. Planned and supervised professional assignments in public and private organizations, business, and/or industry. Internship placement and supervision will be established in consultation with the student’s advisory committee. (variable)

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  • SOCI 5957 - Special Topics in Sociology/ Anthropology

    (1-6 credits)
    Prerequisites: Dependent on subject matter. Selected topics of current interest in sociology. Offered upon sufficient demand for specific subject matter. May be repeated for different topics. Consultation with the instructor is recommended before enrollment. (variable)

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  • SOCI 5989 - Internship/Cooperative Education

    (1-3 credits)
    Students must clear arrangements for this course through the Cooperative Education Office prior to registration. Businesses, industries, and government agencies provide opportunities for planned and supervised work assignments. Students may alternate between periods (usually two semesters) of full-time study and employment with a cooperative education employer. Credit received carries full academic value, and students may receive compensation as full-time employees. (every semester)

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  • SOCI 5990 - Readings and Research

    (1-3 credits)
    Students who are not enrolled in other coursework but require the use of university facilities and/or faculty guidance for studies, research, or preparation of a prospectus MUST enroll for Readings and Research. Variable credits (1-3) of Readings and Research may also be used, as approved by student’s advisory committee in conjunction with other coursework, to document such activities as development of research and scholarly skills that would not be appropriately covered by other types of independent study. Readings and Research credits do not count toward degree requirements. Grading of Readings and Research will be either satisfactory completion (S), satisfactory progress (SP), or unsatisfactory (U).

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  • SOCI 5999 - Internship/Cooperative Education

    (1-3 credits)
    Students must clear arrangements for this course through the Cooperative Education Office prior to registration. Businesses, industries, and government agencies provide opportunities for planned and supervised work assignments. Students may alternate between periods (usually two semesters) of full-time study and employment with a cooperative education employer. Credit received carries full academic value, and students may receive compensation as full-time employees. (every semester)

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Sociology and Anthropology

  • SOAA 5627 - Ethnographic Fieldwork Techniques

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: Sociology 1020 or permission of instructor. An introduction to the information gathering techniques and strategies employed by modern anthropologists, folklorists and qualitative sociologists, including interviewing, recording, photography, transcription, and analysis of fieldwork. Practical applications and contemporary social and cultural situations also stressed. (spring)

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  • SOAA 5820 - Skills in Applied Sociology and Anthropology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. An examination of how sociologists and anthropologists apply their theoretical knowledge and research skills, including formulation, implementation, and evaluation of programs designed to solve human problems. (variable)

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  • SOAA 5907 - The Foodways of Appalachia

    (3 credits)
    Traditional and developing food cultures of the Mountain South. Topics include: the historical roots of Appalachian cookery; food and class in Appalachia; Native American and African influences on mountain cuisine; immigrant cooking in the mountains; the rituals of the mountain table; the products of the land and larder; traditional food preservation techniques and beliefs; and the emergence and viability of sustainable agriculture and aquaculture.

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  • SPAN 5127 - Introduction to the Spanish-Speaking Community

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2020 or equivalent. This is a community-based course which provides students with the knowledge and skills to effectively interact with members of Spanish speaking communities in both social and professional contexts. This course teaches cultural competence and diversity through an interdisciplinary approach involving students and faculty in the promotion of cordial, supportive, and meaningful relationships between Spanish-speaking and English-speaking community members. Students complete substantial field experience in Spanish speaking communities.

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  • SPAN 5137 - Translation and Community Outreach

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: SPAN 3113. Basic translation skills are taught with a focus on health care or legal translation during alternate years. Students prepare written translation exercises that are discussed and corrected in class. This class includes a ten (10) hour service-learning requirement.

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  • SPAN 5147 - Interpretation and Community Outreach

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: SPAN 3113. The basic interpretation skills of sight translation, consecutive, and simultaneous interpretation are taught with a focus on health care and legal interpretation during alternate years. Students prepare oral interpretation exercises that are presented and critiqued in class. This class includes a ten (10) hour service-learning requirement.

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Special Education

  • SPED 5001 - Critical Issues in Special Education

    (3 credits)
    This weekly three credits of lecture are intended to coordinate and integrate information from corresponding student reading of research with lectures that identify historically significant events and the current issues that confront the field of special education. The intent is to provide students with experiences in the identification of program and service issues, societal issues, and policy issues in response to the process of delivering special education efforts to persons with disabilities. Students will identify those professional issues that are of immediate concern, through trend and meta analysis, demographic descriptions and statistical demography projects. Students will convert a major issue into research questions. Students will attempt a pilot effort to test the tenability of research questions, reporting their results to their peer audience for critical review. (spring)

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  • SPED 5010 - Introduction to Young Special Needs Children and Their Families

    (3 credits)
    This course will cover the various characteristics of young special needs children and their families, across and within classifications. Particular emphasis will focus on how these traits impact on the child’s developmental rate, abilities, and sequence. Some intervention strategies will be covered. A nine credit field experience in an early childhood program will be required.

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  • SPED 5030 - Intervention with Developmentally Delayed Preschoolers

    (4 credits)
    This course will examine developmental considerations and intervention strategies to promote optimal development of developmentally delayed and at risk children from ages three to 6 years. Public law 94-142, IDEIA and subsequent amendments, various service delivery models, intervention techniques and procedures, curriculum and individualized educational programs will be explored. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of the interdisciplinary team, integration and inclusion. Fifteen credits of field experience in preschool programs will be required.

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  • SPED 5040 - Intervention with Developmentally Delayed Infants and Toddlers

    (4 credits)
    This course will examine intervention strategies to promote optimal development for developmentally delayed and at risk children birth to age 3. Public law 99 457, various service delivery models, intervention techniques and procedures, curriculum and individualized family service programs will be explored. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of the primary caretaker as major change agent for the child. Fifteen credits of field experience in infancy/toddler program will be required.

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  • SPED 5050 - Assessment of Young Children

    (3 credits)
    This course is designed to develop student’s familiarity with a wide variety of assessment techniques and instruments. Students are required to learn and practice administration of selected instruments. Instruments used by students include some curriculum-based instruments, observation and data collection methods, evaluations of preschool and infant/toddler environments, family interviewing techniques. Students complete several screening and assessment projects that help them to gain these skills. In addition, issues related to the assessment of young children, children with disabilities and children from different cultural backgrounds are discussed.

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  • SPED 5060 - Professional Seminar in Early Intervention

    (1 credit)
    This course is a compilation of two-credit seminars on different current issues in early childhood special education. Each presentation is done by a different professor with interests in the specific issue to be covered. Professors participating come from a variety of different fields related to early childhood special education. Different professors may require readings or short projects.

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  • SPED 5237 - Educating Persons with Learning Disabilities

    (3 credits)
    This course addresses the process of assessing, designing, and delivering instruction to students with learning disabilities. Philosophical and practical perspectives will be integrated into a supportive framework of best practices that encompasses both diagnosis and intervention. The latest research findings and most current practices in identifying and providing instruction to students with learning disabilities are incorporated. In addition, students are presented with information regarding specific academic and social areas needed for instruction.

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  • SPED 5347 - Vocational Preparation for Individuals with Disabilities

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: SPED 3320. The course is designed to provide the student with skills to implement a transition program for school to career and daily living for individuals with disabilities, regardless of category of disability and age considerations. Areas covered include vocational/career assessment, design and implementation of programs utilizing family, agencies, and the business and industrial community.

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  • SPED 5365 - Integrating Functional Skills into the Curriculum

    (3 credits)
    This course is designed to provide the theoretical and research basis for curriculum approaches and strategies that will enable the student to design, implement, and monitor functional and age-appropriate programs for children and youth with moderate and severe disabilities in both school and community-based settings. Course content is to include domestic living, community mobility and social instruction, and advocacy to accommodate a viable transition toward independent adult living. (fall)

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  • SPED 5410 - Preclinical Experience: Behavior Management

    (1 credit)
    Corequisites: SPED 5725 . Preclinical experience in special education is a supervised opportunity for students to gain experience in the classroom and other settings which provide direct instruction to children and youth with disabilities. The student will work with the classroom teacher to target classroom behavior problems and develop, implement, and evaluate the effects of interventions for that behavior. Students will also implement a functional analysis project for a specific child’s behavior. (spring)

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  • SPED 5427 - Educating Persons who are Gifted

    (3 credits)
    This course provides an in-depth examination of the special needs of children who are gifted and talented. Topics also include definitions and characteristics of gifted and talented, content modifications for the gifted, and information processing strategies.

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  • SPED 5445 - Incorporating Assistive Technology into the Curriculum

    (3 credits)
    This course provides an in-depth examination of assistive technology for individuals with disabilities as it relates to teaching and learning in special education. Emphasis will be placed upon the research basis for using assistive technology with students with special needs. Students will learn avenues to monitor new developments within the field. New applications of existing and developing technology will be explored. Laboratory work with microcomputer technology will be required. (fall)

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  • SPED 5477 - Special Education Assessment

    (3 credits)
    This is a lecture-based course covering both formal, informal, curriculum based diagnostic and assessment instruments. Their usefulness and non-usefulness will be covered. Students will have experience in the administration and scoring of at least one nationally norm-referenced test. Students will complete one case study. (spring)

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  • SPED 5487 - Collaboration with Families, Agencies and Schools

    (3 credits)
    This course is designed to introduce students to the principles, problems and procedures of working in collaboration with parents of individuals with disabilities as well as with agencies and professional organizations involved in the delivery of services to persons with disabilities. The course provides an overview of different approaches, current issues, and problems involved in working in collaboration with families and multiple agencies. Emphasis is placed on serving as a member of a professional team, interviewing and consulting with teachers and parents, and providing leadership in instruction and instructional adaptation. (spring)

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  • SPED 5497 - Curriculum in Special Education

    (3 credits)
    This course provides information on effective curriculum and instructional approaches used to help students with mild disabilities achieve mastery and proficiency in academic skills. Research based approaches to teaching students with mild disabilities in the areas of reading, content area instruction, and study skills will be covered. (spring)

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  • SPED 5500 - History, Issues and Trends in Educating Exceptional Learners

    (3 credits)
    This course supports the goals of the College of Education and the Special Education Program by preparing educators to become leaders in the special education. This course assists students in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to function well as an educator in a changing and diverse society; and understanding of learners and learning processes; a knowledge of professional, ethical, and legal issues affecting educators; and the human relations skills needed to work effectively with individuals with disabilities in both professional and community roles. (fall, spring)

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  • SPED 5560 - Advanced Practicum in Special Education

    (3 credits)
    Trainees enrolled in SPED 5560 spend ninety (90) hours, in a supervised practicum experience working with children who have disabilities. Each student has a university practicum supervisor and is placed in a setting with an onsite supervisor identified. Settings for trainees vary with the student’s interests and could include preschool special education classes, early intervention programs, local school system special education or integrated classrooms, or transitional settings. This course is used for those electing a NON-CERTIFICATION option. (fall, spring)

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  • SPED 5627 - Educating Persons with Mental Retardation

    (3 credits)
    This course discusses a variety of topics related to the field of mental retardation. Specific topics include the following: types, nature, and causes of mental retardation; characteristics of persons with mental retardation; assessment and identification procedures; and instructional strategies relating to the education of persons with mental retardation. Field experience is required.

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  • SPED 5700 - Instructional Techniques for the Inclusive Classroom

    (3 credits)
    This course is designed to provide the student with skills needed to interpret curriculum guidelines and develop goals and objectives for students with disabilities of all grade levels to function in the least restrictive environment. Emphasis will be placed upon research proven strategies and teaching techniques appropriate for the inclusive classroom. Students will develop the ability to implement strategies and teaching techniques based upon empirical research. In addition, students will develop the ability to select and adapt strategies and materials appropriate to learning styles of students with disabilities or students identified as being at risk for future learning problems. Research-based approaches to teaching mathematics and written and oral language will be covered. (fall)

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  • SPED 5725 - Management Strategies for Severe Behaviors

    (3 credits)
    Corequisites: SPED 5410 : Preclinical Experience: Behavior Management. This course will provide students with the research and theoretical basis of applied behavior analysis. Students will be instructed in management strategies related to persons with disabilities who demonstrate severe challenging behaviors. Emphasis will be given to functional assessment to enable students to complete a functional behavioral assessment of a student or adult with a challenging behavior. This course will include instruction in ecological assessment, databased decision making, and instructional strategies that can be used to develop interventions for children and youth with severe behavior disorders. (spring)

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  • SPED 5750 - Transition to Adult Life and the World of Work

    (3 credits)
    This course is designed to provide the student with the legal, theoretical and research basis for transition programs. Students will develop skills to implement secondary programs for youths and young adults with mild, moderate, or severe disabilities to ensure successful transitions to adult life roles, including vocational, daily living, community, and social-personal. Topics to be covered include: characteristics and needs of youths with disabilities; laws and the historical basis for services; individualized transition planning and services; vocational, academic, and career planning and assessments, career and vocational education; job experiences; employability skills; family involvement; student advocacy and self-determination, collaboration with adult agencies and businesses; post-secondary education and training; and special topics, such as inclusive and community-based programs. (fall)

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  • SPED 5757 - Curriculum-Based Assessment

    (3 credits)
    This course is designed to help students acquire assessment skills needed to make instructional decisions, monitor progress and promote successful participation in the general education and special education curricula. Classroom-based methods of curriculum, learning, performance, and behavioral assessments will be presented; including data collection, designing and implementing interventions making curricular adaptations, and using data to make instructional decisions. (fall)

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  • SPED 5825 - Preclinical Experience in Curriculum

    (1 credit)
    Preclinical experience in special education is a supervised opportunity for students to gain experience in the classroom and other settings which provide direct instruction to children and youth with disabilities. Curriculum instructional strategies and effective practices will be practiced. Thirty hours of fieldwork is required. (spring)

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  • SPED 5850 - Clinical Experience in Special Education

    (6 credits)
    Clinical Experience in Special Education is a prearranged, supervised student teaching experience in a special education setting for one semester for 6 semester hours of credit, leading to licensure in modified and/or comprehensive special education. Over the course of the semester, the students will increase their roles in the classroom, culminating in assuming the role and responsibilities of a fully functioning special educator. Written plans, journal and students teaching portfolio will be developed and maintained. Placements will be made within a 45-minute radiusof ETSU main campus. (fall, spring)

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  • SPCH 5377 - Health Communications

    (3 credits)
    A study of the interpersonal, group, organizational, and public communication processes that shape beliefs, decisions and behavior regarding health, sickness, and health care. The course examines the attitudes and actions of many participants in health communication, including citizens, health professionals, and those engaged in public debate about health care issues. (Students cannot receive credit for both SPCH 5377 and PUBH 5377 .)

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  • SPCH 5380 - Sexual Health Communication

    (3 credits)
    This course examines the role of communication in promoting, maintaining, and hindering sexual health. It is a study of how interpersonal, organizational, and public communication impact sexual health, as well as how sexual health issues impact the dimensions of communication. This course examines both academic and public discourse affecting attitudes and actions.

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  • SPCH 5990 - Readings and Research

    (1-3 credits)
    Students who are not enrolled in other coursework but require the use of university facilities and/or faculty guidance for studies, research, or preparation of a prospectus MUST enroll for Readings and Research. Variable credits (1-3) of Readings and Research may also be used, as approved by student’s advisory committee in conjunction with other coursework, to document such activities as development of research and scholarly skills that would not be appropriately covered by other types of independent study. Readings and Research credits do not count toward degree requirements. Grading of Readings and Research will be either satisfactory completion (S), satisfactory progress (SP), or unsatisfactory (U).

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Sport and Leisure Management

  • SALM 5107 - Alpine Tower Leadership

    (3 credits)
    This course utilizes the Alpine Tower Complex as a unique educational modality for developing teamwork, trust, cooperation, communication, and respect for others in a problem-solving environment. In addition, students will also develop leadership skills necessary to facilitate the personal growth of others through educational experiences using the Alpine Tower Complex. Emphasis will also be given to the day-to-day management, operation, and maintenance of the Alpine Tower Complex and similar ropes course operations. This course will include service-learning experiences involving group leadership on the Alpine Tower Complex. (fall)

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  • SALM 5117 - Outdoor Leadership

    (3 credits)
    This course is based on the student contract format and will provide students an opportunity to complete a course of study involving specialized outdoor leadership development with outdoor leadership organizations such as the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), Outward Bound (OB), and Wilderness Education Association (WEA). The course will be a minimum of three (3) weeks in length including pre-field experience project completion and assessments. Specific course requirements will be established on an individual basis and the course grade assigned according to the established contract.

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  • SALM 5127 - Rocky Mountain Experience

    (3 credits)
    This is a service-learning course that involves extensive travel and work in selected national parks in the Rocky Mountain region. During the course students will develop outdoor living skills, leadership skills in an outdoor environment; skills relative to trail and campsite construction and basic park maintenance; knowledge of the flora, fauna, and geological features of national parks visited; and knowledge of the impact of governmental policies on the management and operation of national parks. This course will involve extensive tent camping and travel as part of a group experience.

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  • SALM 5137 - Wilderness Education Association Stewardship Program

    (3 credits)
    [Based on the Wilderness Education Association (WEA) 18 point curriculum.] This course is a field-based experience designed to develop principles of wilderness ethics, land stewardship, effective group dynamics, and technical travel skills sufficient to move a group through the wilderness safely, enjoyably, and with a minimum of environmental and social impact.

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  • SALM 5215 - Sport in Society

    (3 credits)
    This course provides an introduction to the study of sport and its relationship to society and other social institutions. Topics will be analyzed in such a manner that they promote systematic, issue-related thinking among students emphasis of this course is on the current relationships between sport and society. (fall, odd years)

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  • SALM 5220 - Issues in Sport Management

    (3 credits)
    The purpose of this course is to provide a forum for the discussion of current issues affecting the field of Sport Management. The primary thrust of the course will be directed toward the modern day duties and responsibilities of a sport manager. Course content will vary with the evolution of the field of Sport Management. (fall)

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  • SALM 5225 - Planning and Operating Facilities in Physical Education, Fitness and Sports

    (3 credits)
    A study of the principles related to the planning and operation of facilities for physical education, fitness, and sport activities. Emphasis is given to facility development, funding sources, and the maintenance and daily operation of these facilities. (spring, even years)

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  • SALM 5230 - Legal Issues in Physical Education and Sport

    (3 credits)
    This course is designed to introduce and familiarize students with basic knowledge of the legal system and legal issues prevalent in physical education, athletics, and recreational activities. Major focus of the course is on understanding the concept of negligence, where and how negligence occurs and identifying ways in which negligent acts can be reduced or eliminated. Other topics relating to the scope of legal issues will be addressed. These topics will include Title IX of the Education Amendments Act, violence in sport, product liability, drug testing, and transportation issues. (fall)

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  • SALM 5231 - Motorsport Operations

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: Graduate Student Status. This course is designed to examine the administrative tasks of the modern motorsport professional and acquaint students with various strategies to ensure success in these tasks. Topics of study will include scheduling, delegating authority, decision-making, constructing and administering budgets, motivating and evaluating personnel, understanding motorsport governing bodies, and developing an understanding and appreciation of diversity issues related to the motorsport industry. (spring, even years)

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  • SALM 5232 - Sport Communication and Media Relations

    (3 credits)
    This course will provide a framework for understanding the connection between the informational and commercial sides of sport information management. Emphasis will be placed on allowing sport managers to acquire and refine effective ways of communicating, both internally and externally, with all their constituencies. (fall)

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  • SALM 5233 - Public Relations and Mass Media in Motorsports

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: Graduate Student Status. This course will provide a framework for understanding the connection between the informational and commercial sides of motorsport information management. Emphasis will be placed on allowing students interested in motorsport management to acquire and refine effective ways of communicating, both internally and externally, with their constituencies. (fall, odd years)

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  • SALM 5240 - Risk Management and Assessment in Sports

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: SALM 5230 . This course is designed to help the physical education teacher, principal, superintendent, fitness center director and sport management team initiate an active program of risk and liability assessment/management that will help ensure the safety of participants and spectators at sporting events and participants in physical activity. Students will learn to assess various sport/fitness/ physical activity environments to identify potential risks. (spring, odd years)

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