2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media
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ETSU Box 70552
Johnson City, TN 37614
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Email: johnsonk@etsu.edu
The Department of Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media administers four separate and distinct undergraduate Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree programs: Engineering Technology, Digital Media, Interior Design, and Surveying and Mapping Science. In addition, a minor is available in Technology and Digital Media. Engineering Technology offers a common core of classes along with six individual concentrations: biomedical engineering technology , construction engineering technology , electronics engineering technology , industrial engineering technology , manufacturing engineering technology , and product development engineering technology . Digital Media offers a core and three separate concentrations: digital animation , digital game design , and digital visualization . The Interior Design curriculum offers preparation for entry-level positions in residential and contract design firms, sales, design consulting, computer-aided design, and other related design areas. The Surveying and Mapping curriculum has a core curriculum and guided electives which are selected with your advisor.
Programs |
Concentrations |
Engineering Technology |
Biomedical Engineering Technology |
Construction Engineering Technology |
Electronics Engineering Technology |
Industrial Engineering Technology |
Manufacturing Engineering Technology |
Product Development Engineering Technology |
Interior Design |
Digital Media |
Digital Animation |
Digital Game Design |
Digital Visualization |
Surveying and Mapping Science |
The Construction, Electronics, and Manufacturing programs are accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of ABET, www.abet.org.
The Surveying programs are accredited by the Applied Science Accreditation Commission (ASAC) of ABET, www.abet.org.
Graduate Study
The Department of Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media offers a master of science degree.
A minor in Technology and a minor in Digital Media are available to students who wish to acquire technical knowledge and skills. Students are required to meet with the corresponding academic advisor with the Department of Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media to declare their minor and to receive guidance in selecting their courses.
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