Sep 14, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Clemmer College of Education and Human Development

P.O. Box 70685
Phone: (423) 439-7626
Web address:

Accredited by: Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preperation (CAEP); Tennessee Department of Education (TDE), Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Ed. Programs (CACREP), the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

The Clemmer College of Education and Human Development includes the departments of Curriculum and Instruction; Early Childhood Education; Educational Foundations and Special Education; Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, and Sport, and the School of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies. For a listing of majors, degrees, and concentrations, see the Degrees and Graduation Requirements section and subsection Majors, Degrees, and Concentrations.

The Clemmer College of Education and Human Development also includes the Quillen Chair of Excellence in Education as well as three centers: the Center for Community College Leadership, the Center of Excellence for Early Childhood Learning and Development, and the Center of Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education.

Non-teaching Programs

In addition to those majors and concentrations leading to teacher licensure, Clemmer College of Education and Human Development offers additional majors and concentrations that do not have a teaching focus. Undergraduate degrees are awarded in programs related to Early Care and Education (Department of Early Childhood Education); Interdisciplinary Studies and Applied Science (Cross-Disciplinary Studies Department)  Advisement for these degrees is provided by the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Office of Student Success and by faculty in the respective departments.

Add-on Endorsements

In addition to the above programs for initial licensure, the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development offers “add-on” endorsements in many of the areas listed above. In order to be eligible for an “add-on” endorsement an appropriate initial teaching license must be verified. Consult the certification coordinator via the Office of Educator Preparation and/or  for information about specific programs.

Graduate Programs

Clemmer College of Education and Human Development also offers extensive graduate work, including school licensing programs in reading, library media, and administration in addition to those already listed. Non-licensing programs in archival studies, interdisciplinary studies, community leadership, and professional studies. Consult the Graduate Catalog or contact the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Office of Student Services for more details.

Educator Preparation at ETSU

The Clemmer College of Education and Human Development is the unit at ETSU responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing all teacher preparation programs leading to initial or advanced licensure preparation of public school teachers or school service personnel; providing professional services as requested by schools in the service area of the university; providing or assisting in the provision of appropriate in-service and professional development activities as requested; and planning and conducting research and development studies growing out of needs identified in academic programs or in the public schools. The university is approved to offer courses appropriate for initial teacher licensure, renewal of teaching licenses, and planned added endorsements. Policies of the Tennessee State Board of Education and of East Tennessee State University must be followed in completing programs leading to the university’s recommendation for educator licensure.

The teacher preparation programs are guided by a teacher education conceptual framework that ensures teacher preparation graduates possess the personal and professional qualities that enable them to take leadership roles and work constructively within schools and agencies to create learning communities that foster the growth and development of all learners. The ten dimensions of the teacher education conceptual framework are: reflective practice, social responsibility, collaboration, caring, diversity, life-long learning, general knowledge, content knowledge, professional knowledge, and leadership.

Title II Report Information

As required by Title II of the federal Higher Education Act, East Tennessee State University reports the results of candidate performance on state licensing examinations. This information is reported to the state in an Institutional Report that is submitted annually.

The Title II report can be accessed at

Educator Preparation in Clemmer College of Education and Human Development

Students wishing to pursue a course of study leading to educator licensure in early childhood education, elementary education, physical education, special education or secondary education may declare the major/minor at any time. When declared, the student is admitted into the teacher licensure program after they have met the 2.75 Major GPA, test requirements mandated by the state, and background check requirement. The licensure candidate then proceeds through the established program of study meeting the detailed progression requirements (noted below) in order to proceed. Failure to meet the established progression requirements will prevent a student from moving forward toward completing the degree/licensure. Students will be advised throughout their programs of study by an advisor in the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Office of Student Services or a faculty mentor in collaboration with the department of the major/minor.

Graduation Requirements

Undergraduate students in teacher licensure programs must maintain a minimum Major GPA of 2.75 to graduate.

Secondary Education Minor

Students who want to teach a subject usually taught in secondary schools declare and pursue a major in that subject area (i.e., English, biology, history, etc.) and can satisfy the licensure requirements through the secondary education minor. When declared, the student is admitted into the teacher licensure program after meeting the 2.75 Major GPA, test requirements mandated by the state, and background check requirement. The teacher candidate then proceeds through the established program of study meeting the detailed progression requirements (noted below) in order to proceed. Advising for students in the secondary education minor is provided by both the content major advisor and by the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Office of Student Service’s advisor/the assigned faculty mentor of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. All students should check with both of their advisors frequently to make sure they are completing the appropriate requirements for their chosen program of study.

Transfer Students

Students entering a Clemmer College of Education and Human Development program who plan to transfer credit(s) from another institution should schedule an appointment with an advisor early in the ETSU admissions process. Advisors may be available at local community college campuses to discuss course equivalencies and details regarding course selection and integration into the teacher education progression. Some programs offer transfer pathways that can streamline this process. Official evaluation of transfer credit is completed by the ETSU Office of Admissions. All transfer students must complete an ETSU approved background check, including a fingerprint, as they enter the teacher licensure program in the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development. 

Teacher Education Progression Requirements

Teacher licensure majors (or secondary education minors) must meet progression requirements to be formally admitted into the teacher licensure program and subsequently move into their Residency II semester. As a student moves through the established program of study, the specific requirements must be met in order to progress through a Clemmer College of Education and Human Development teacher licensure program. Students must be admitted into Teacher Education prior to entering Residency II. All students seeking an initial teaching license will be notified during advising about the requirements to proceed through the program.

Requirements for Admission to Teacher Education licensure program:

  1. Major GPA of 2.75 or higher
  2. Passage of a security background check by TBI and submission of the TBI waiver and ETSU Authorization for Background Check form to the Office of Educator Preparation-Field Experiences and Residency.
  3. Submitted test scores meeting one of the following required scores: ACT: 21 or SAT: Reading and Math combined score of 1080 or PRAXIS CORE: Reading 156, Math 150, Writing 162
    1. After at least two test attempts, an appeal of the required minimum scores on an admission assessment may be requested from the Office of Educator Preparation with one of the following scores:
      • Minimum ACT composite score of 19-20, or
      • Minimum SAT combined score of 1050-1079.

The advisors within Clemmer College of Education and Human Development’s Office of Student Success and the faculty mentors in each department will work with all students to structure their coursework in order to support a smooth progression through these established criteria.

Due to the nature of teacher licensure regulations, the university reserves the right to change the requirements in educator preparation programs at any time when necessary to meet current state licensure or accreditation standards.

Requirements for Entry into Pre-Residency:

To be eligible for Pre-Residency, teacher candidates must meet the following criteria and progression requirements:

  1. Grade of B- or higher in EDFN 2400 (or equivalent course)
  2. Completion of the online Residency Application by the published deadline.

Requirements for Entry into Residency II:

To be eligible for Residency II, teacher candidates must meet the following criteria and progression requirements:

  1. Obtain admission into Teacher Education
  2. Grade of C (2.0) or higher in major, concentration, and Secondary Education Teacher Preparation minor (if applicable) courses.
  3. Passing grade in CSCI 1100 (or satisfactory completion on the proficiency test)
  4. Completion of all coursework required for licensure/degree with a minimum Major GPA of 2.75.
  5. Passage of a security background check remains on file in the Office of Educator Preparation.
  6. Obtain professional liability insurance.
  7. Meet or exceed the state-mandated test scores on required Praxis: Specialty Area Content Assessments or National Evaluation Series (NES) exam, specific to the licensure area prior to beginning Residency II.

A student who has attempted to satisfy the Praxis/NES Specialty Area Assessment requirements and has not yet met the required scores can submit a Residency II Praxis Waiver Request. Students intending to submit this form must consult their faculty mentor regarding eligibility.

Note: The mandated tests and minimum scores are subject to change according to Tennessee State Board of Education policy.

All requirements for progression through the teacher licensure program must have been completed before enrolling in Residency II. All incompletes, unsuccessful attempts at a course, and other gaps in the program of study must be fulfilled prior to entering Residency II. Prior to registering for Residency II, students must declare the content areas in which they seek recommendation for licensure. The guidance of the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development faculty mentor is crucial to ensure a positive residency experience. ETSU will not recommend initial endorsement for areas that have not been declared prior to application for student teaching/residency. Per state policy (5.504) teacher candidates may be approved to take one course during Residency II in exceptional cases. Exceptional cases are approved to candidates that have a successful record within their program of study and have demonstrated in their Educator Disposition Assessment that they can manage the load of Residency II and an additional course. Candidates submit a request for approval to the Associate Dean of Educator Preparation.

Applications for the Residency II program are submitted electronically to the Office of Educator Preparation by the published deadlines. Applications will be processed according to the filing date. Students who delay in completing requirements or who delay in applying for Residency II will be considered for placement on a space-available basis only.

Applicants have the opportunity to indicate preference for placement in the locations with which Clemmer College of Education and Human Development has an established memorandum of understanding in the semester concerned; however, the university reserves the right to exercise its best judgment in final determination of student placement based on student performance, teaching situations available, the number of applicants for a specific instructional area, and personal hardships.

Questions regarding these policies may be referred to the Associate Dean of Educator Preparation.


The initial Tennessee teacher’s license will be issued only to those applicants who have completed an approved teacher education program and met all testing requirements as determined by the state of Tennessee Department of Education. All those seeking a job embedded licensure and Clinical Practice Permit should contact the staff in the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development’s Office of Educator Preparation in order to clarify the program of study and licensure requirements.

If the initial license is not obtained following completion of the approved program, requirements in effect at the time of application must be satisfied before licensure is recommended. In all cases, current state licensure requirements, including mandated licensure exams, must be met regardless of when the student enters the program.

All applicants for a teaching license in Tennessee must submit satisfactory scores on the specified Praxis/NES test(s) and the edTPA. Applicants should ensure that a copy of their test scores is sent from the testing company to:

East Tennessee State University
Recipient Code #1198


Tennessee Department of Education
Recipient Codes #8190

Current information regarding the communication of scores and score requirement is available at:

Following completion of Residency II, ETSU teacher licensure students will receive specific instructions about proceeding with the application for Tennessee licensure. All ETSU teacher licensure students must submit the required documentation to the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development certification coordinator who is the primary point of contact regarding application forms and instructions. The certification coordinator can be contacted through the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Office of Student Services.

For information about managing and maintaining your license, go to

Below is a list of the teacher education areas in which ETSU has undergraduate teacher licensure programs available:

Biology 6-12
Chemistry 6-12
Early Childhood Education PreK-3
Earth Science 6-12
Economics 6-12
Elementary Education K-5
English 6-12
French 6-12
Geography 6-12
German 6-12
Government 6-12
History 6-12
Instrumental General Music K-12
Mathematics 6-12
Physical Education K-12
Physics 6-12
School Social Worker PreK-12
Spanish 6-12
Special Ed. Comprehensive K-12
Special Ed. Interventionist K-8/6-12 (dual license)
Special Ed. Preschool/ECE PreK-3
Theatre K-12
Visual Arts K-12
Vocal General Music K-12