Special Education Program Information
Arnold Nyarambi, Ph.D., Program Coordinator
310 Warf-Pickel Hall
Box 70548
Phone: (423) 439-7607
email: nyarambi@etsu.edu
Cathy Galyon-Keramidas, Ed.D., Chair
423 Warf-Pickel Hall
Box 70548
(423) 439-7673
email: galyonkerami@etsu.edu
Faculty: Cynthia Chambers; James Fox; Kathy Greer; Tina Hudson; Cathy Keramidas; Min Kim; Lori Marks; Pamela Mims; Arnold Nyarambi; John Wheeler.
The Bachelor of Science degree in special education (SPED) leads to initial teaching license in special education. Concentrations are offered in modified (high-incidence disabilities) and comprehensive (low-incidence disabilities) special education. The modified and comprehensive special education concentrations prepare teacher candidates to serve public school students in grades K-12 with varying disabilities across the continuum of educational environments.
In addition to initial licensure at the baccalaureate level, post-baccalaureate programs are provided for adding a special education endorsement to existing education licenses. Licensure areas in modified, comprehensive, and Early Childhood special education are available at this level.
Special education licensure programs in Tennessee are non-categorical covering intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, orthopedic impairments and emotional disturbance. Students planning to teach in those states requiring categorical certification should meet with their advisor(s) to plan their programs according to the certification/licensure requirements of those states.
General Education Requirements: 41 Credit Hours
Listed below are the categories and courses specified under East Tennessee State University Board of Trustees General Education Requirements. Note that certain courses are required for this degree, specific to this major. Thus, these courses will satisfy both a General Education requirement AND a requirement of this major. (Other majors may require different General Education courses.) Where specific courses are required for this major, only those courses are listed under the category. If there are no specific major requirements for a category, all course options appear.
Humanities and Fine Arts
9 credits, consisting of 3 credits of literature, 3 credits of fine arts, and 3 credits of humanities electives.