Feb 18, 2025
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Professional Studies Major, B.S.P.S. (Information Technology Concentration)
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General Program Information
Box 70659 Phone: (423) 439-4223 916 W. Maple St. The web-based Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies (B.S.P.S.) is especially designed to meet the needs of those with limited access to higher education; typically, adult students whose work, place of residence, family obligations, or other confinements have made attendance difficult in traditional on-campus courses. The B.S.P.S. program is most suitable for adults who have completed an associate degree, or, at minimum, some college credit. Students must complete a concentration in either information technology or organizational leadership. The information technology concentration provides students with knowledge of the management information systems field and prepares them to work in most information systems departments in business, industry, or government. The organizational leadership concentration provides students with the opportunity to learn and develop management and communication skills applicable to work in management areas. Students may obtain the degree entirely through online courses or through a combination of traditional classroom and online courses. Students who have previously earned a four-year degree are not eligible to enroll in the B.S.P.S. program. Due to the unique nature of the B.S.P.S. degree, students may not double major. Admission Requirements - Students apply to ETSU and must meet ETSU general admission requirements.
- Upon acceptance to ETSU, students complete an admissions interview with a B.S.P.S. advisor. The interview may be completed over the telephone or through some other electronic means. The purpose of the interview is to determine whether the B.S.P.S. is the best program for the student, or if the student would be better served by another degree program.
- Students must complete the Cross-Disciplinary Studies application.
- The B.S.P.S. advisor recommends admission or denial to the department chair, Division of Cross-Disciplinary Studies.
- The department chair accepts or denies admission.
Information Technology Concentration
TBR General Education Requirements: 41-42 Credit Hours
Information Technology Concentration: 21 Credit Hours
Computer Languages: 3 Credit Hours
Management of Information Systems Overview: 3 Credit Hours
Files/Operating Systems: 3 Credit Hours
- CS 305 - Programming Languages (3 credits) or
- INFS 3700 - Intro. to Systems Analysis and Design (3 credits)
Database Management: 3 Credit Hours
Network Design and Management: 3 Credit Hours
Software - Analysis and Design: 3 Credit Hours
Additional graduation requirements:
Proficiency intensives Professional Core
The professional core is a total of 21 hours. The student chooses one course from each of the following five areas: Area One: Administration and Supervision: 3 Credit Hours
Area Two: Organizational Systems: 3 Credit Hours
Area Three: Teamwork and Organizational Relationships: 3 Credit Hours
Area Four: Statistical Methods: 3 Credit Hours
Area Five: International Context: 3 Credit Hours
Area Six: Written Communications: 6 Credit Hours
The student chooses two courses from Area Six: Guided Electives: 37 Credit Hours
The maximum total of electives is 37 hours. Total Credit Hours: 120 Credit Hours
A total of 120 credit hours are required. The Prior Learning/Experiential Learning Portfolio
The prior learning portfolio is an option available only to B.G.S., B.S.I.S., and B.S.P.S. students that allows them the opportunity to earn credit for their college-level learning that has taken place outside the traditional college classroom. In consultation with the advisor, students prepare a prior learning portfolio. The finished portfolio is submitted to the advisor to appraise form and content. Final approval is made by the appropriate departmental faculty. Credit may only be awarded for prior learning that directly equates to specific ETSU courses. If a student transfers from the B.G.S., B.S.I.S., and B.S.P.S. to another major, hours earned through the prior-learning portfolio cannot be applied to the new major. No more than 25 percent of the degree may be earned through the prior learning portfolio process. In a 120-semester-hour program, this limit is 30 credit hours. Credit earned through the prior learning portfolio is ungraded and does not affect the student’s grade point average. Portfolio credit does count as ETSU residence credit. |
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